Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1337: Gobi network, matrix heritage

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

Diansheng Ersheng sat in 233 and planned, Li Mozun hurriedly returned to the 597 Gobi, surrounded by a dedicated young brother, to greet the arrival of an important `` noble guest '' in the transmission building.

"Is your Excellency the Victor Lord introduced by Blood Tree Majesty?" A white robes, handsome and extraordinary "human race" monk, just stepped out of the teleportation array, then his eyes lit up and he looked at Li Mo Say in a positive tone.

Seeing the coming person, there is no abyss in the mana, obviously an ordinary human outside the abyss, and the strength fluctuation is very low, the weak one B. Such a rooster human, so alone, walking through the abyss, is certainly not a small one to rely on!

The flatterers who followed behind Li Mo wondered what the identity of this human being was? Can the Lord Lord meet in person?

Upon hearing the inquiry, King Victor did not make up his mind, sincerely saying: "Welcome Mr. Pale" to come to 597, help me! "

"The lord is polite. The business is the business. Since I have received the money, I will definitely get things done properly and will not make the customer feel a little dissatisfied." I am not familiar with you, but I am very professional. Answered seriously.

Li Mo laughed and heard, a group of ‘young people are very eye-catching, I appreciate you! The gangster style.

The two had no conversation, and they heard the fart party confused, secretly guessing what big action the boss has? And it has something to do with this outland human race!

Li Mo turned his head at this time, looking at the house owners who were attached to him, secretly casting his heart magic, and bewitchingly said: "The one beside me is the 'Pale Lord' of the famous abyss, the general manager of the emerging online trading platform 'Land of the Moon' Designer! This time, Mr. Wan was invited to come to 597 to create a '597 month reading township' for us. Joining this platform, we will network with the high level of the whole abyss and become a 'eye of the moon' customer, enjoying professional cross Plane logistics channels, high-efficiency plane trade, sell all the "devil factors" throughout the abyss! Reduce transportation costs, lower sales costs, p2p raise prices, make a fortune together, and consolidate and strengthen the "Blood Factor Avenue", Strive to be an abyss demon family! "

Hearing Li Mo's cakes, these newly-fed middle and lower-class clan forces were all tumultuous. They turned out to be technical. It is no wonder that dish B is still so high-profile.

They were both excited for the upcoming great situation and moved by the big boss ’s efforts. They burst into tears and screamed: "Lord Lord Benevolence!", "Righteousness!" ! "," Long live Victor Lord! "," Long live the old fairy, long live the long live! "

During this period of greedy incarnation, it seems to be acting in a low-key manner. It is better to make several big news in a row. But in fact, the pale days were booming. With the secret support of the deity, he has received a lot of single business in succession, changing from a fledgling to a slightly thin name.

Since the completion of the first '998 Moon Reading Shenwei Township', the 'Pale Network Technology' with good quality and low price has been favored by the mysterious organization 'Moon Eye Business Alliance', and has been employed in more than 20 high-level unowned masters. Carry out the 'Monthly Reading Township Plan'. Invested by the Eye of the Moon, the Pale Lord provides 'technical support' and 'processing solutions'.

In cooperation again and again, the abyssal forces gradually understood the attitude of the 'eye of the moon'. The other party only wants to expand its business to the abyss, so it chooses to make mad profits and cedes ‘Yuedu Township’ at all levels, which makes the local forces satisfied. As a result, the influence of the “eye of the moon” expanded rapidly, and more and more parties actively contacted the “eye of the moon” and wanted to join the “month reading township plan”.

As a bond of cooperation between the two sides, ‘Pale’ took over a single business and received a lot of remuneration. It gradually gained fame in the abyss, core technology was gradually recognized, and its skills were also rapidly improved.

This time, in order to report the gratitude of the encounter, under the introduction of a big client, "Blood Tree Lord", he came to 597 to take over the new project. For the unknown 597 floors, a ‘Yuedu Shenwei Township’ was built.

(Pale: I am not familiar with the native boss Victor, and it is all on the face of Blood Tree Maharaja.)

Taking ‘Pale’ into his ‘radiation cave sky’, Li Mo unloaded his disguise and looked at the incarnation with doubt: “Huh? How come this time there ’s only a‘ Moon Phase Picture Book ’?”

The paleness of Advent 597 is not a deity but a cheap body of the moon phase painting. Moreover, Pale did not make it intentionally, but only maintained the level of ‘Tao’, and his strength was sparse.

It's no wonder that the group of demonic leaders were shocked. This level of merchandise was put in their caves, and they were not even suitable for miscellaneous tasks. Even Li Mo took over personally, and knowledge really changed fate!

"I now take over more than ten projects at the same time, hundreds of thousands of disaster coins in a minute, and the business is busy. How can the deity come to this backcountry in person? If he really came, it left flaws and was suspected." Pale face Kan explained that none of the clients he is currently in contact with are more powerful than Victor.

Li Mo knows that he loves the stupidity of dazzling, he does not take it seriously, but instead senses the pale upstart mentality at the same time, is also very proud of himself, and has a small sense of superiority in entrepreneurial success.

"I haven't heard that you're shit, you get a treasure, you materialize the domain, and you want the group to study it. Are you using the brand-new" data road tire "? Share the information with me."

Li Mo opened his eyes and observed that inside the body of the Moon Jian, there is no 'Shu Moon and True Spirit', but a group of green figures of 'data road tires', which is somewhat similar to the sky blue 'data magic species' he developed. similar. Today's ‘Pale’, the ‘Pale Demon Web’ that inherited the white first, now has a strange encounter, and has completely embarked on its own line, moving away from the deity.

"It's also luck to say that the fallen King Kong who is entrenched in the abyss is also interested in" Yuedu Township ". One of the" Divine King Kong "hired me to build the" Yuedu Township "on his private plane and take a matrix matrix. 'Pay.' Pale said excitedly.

"Really the matrix core of the" Matrix "? Can this thing be combined with my" Taiyin Demon "?"

"I can't be wrong! Although I haven't thoroughly refined it, I have interpreted most of it, and it is undoubtedly! The guy has generously given me not only a 'matrix matrix', but also a 30 square kilometer crystal wall real estate, a piece of New York The debris, the base wreckage of the matrix, and many scrapped mechanical squid production lines, as well as human cloning equipment, are more than enough to cultivate the 'world egg'. Unfortunately, my avatar is too poor to store too much information, and the specific information is waiting for me to refine After the conversion is complete, I will share it with you. "Pale Doppelganger, a pair of thieves who found the big bargain.

During the speech, he delivered a data compression package to the deity. After the big group interpretation, let Li Mo know a little secret:

Pale obtained is one of the "sub-cores" of the Matrix, similar high-level mothers, but there are only ten in North America, ruling hundreds of millions of human flesh batteries. This piece of real estate is authentic, with no magical changes in the earth technology, and the gold content is not high, but it is better than the rich "outside source" and the unique "rooster soul network technology" of the matrix.

The original "Matrix" is also within Cybertron Machinery's territory, and is the most qualified to impact the data-side gods of the "Twelve Lord Gods". Unfortunately, during the testimony, they were destroyed by a robbery. Red Queen also had a similar experience in the past, but she killed decisively, swallowed up her sister 'White Queen' in time, and successfully managed to go against the sky, and was still exiled to the Old Star World.

After the "Matrix" was destroyed by the mechanical realm, its main body was divided by the whip, and the crystal wall property carried from the "Matrix" was also divided. One of the largest inheritances was acquired at a high price by the old Star World's self-satisfied demon master. He re-registered the "matrix technology" and integrated it into his demon path.

What the Pale Lord obtained was only a small legacy divided before the fallen King Kong switched to the abyss. Because it is not used at all, it is simply used as waste, and used to pass the 'Pale Lord'. On the contrary, it is anomalously suitable for the "half-data half-hearted demons", and the paleness of "calculating the testimony".

(Pale Lord and Li Momo are completely stepping on the bodies of ‘Red Queen Her Sister’ and ‘Matrix’! ”

After reading this piece of information, Li Mo couldn't help saying: "What a fate!"

Now that he has accumulated it, he no longer intends to bully the ‘Dreaming Master’. As a result, he picked up one of the matrix mothers and forced himself to continue talking about the cottage!

"I suddenly felt that this" Soul Matrix System "is also very close to Xiaodianyin!"

"Uh um, I think so too!" Pale nodded in agreement.

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