Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1390: Contemplation of the innate Mithril Hand

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Li Bai galloped on horses while distracted from researching and trying out his 'Mithril Hand'.

This arm has been morphing for the first time. This is the first time he has used it. He is unskilled and finds his Mithril Vein, which is very different from the records of Niu Dao Ren.

Niu Duan first transformed the liver's mitral silver to develop a controllable 'mitral silver qi', then transformed the body and strengthened the innate meridians into the 'mitral silver meridians'. , Storage room, reaction room, conduct Tao research.

However, Li Bai couldn't actively refine it, so he detonated passively, and his entire arm was completely 'mitralized'. White picking 72 semi-finished Mithril Acupuncture points, only need to be processed by yourself. The Mithril Vein is not transformed from the orthodox meridian, it is a brand-new meridian that ‘trick hole’ burns his ‘internal force, vitality’ and re-grows.

It can be said that his arm mutates passively, forming a "congenital-small Zhoutian" parallel to its own "twelve normal-acquired large Zhoutian". The acupoint on the right arm is shared by both systems. However, the ‘space’ of Mithril Qiao Point is only used by Mithril Vein, and Da Zhoutian cannot enjoy the extra blessing of internal power reserve.

Even so, he is very satisfied, it is simply the perfect ‘growable scientific research integrated plug-in’! The only thing missing is that his own strength is too poor to match this arm.

In addition, his own computing power is limited. Compared with Niu Dao Dao Ren, he still lacks a "made of gold disc" as a server!


After clarifying the key to the "Mithril Vein", Li Bai suddenly strangled to find a hidden and quiet place, trying to weaken the three kinds of "innate qi" rushing in the Mithril Vein, trying to isolate them.

Three different auras, two from "Hun Tian Bao Jian", the quality is extremely pure, with unlimited potential. The "innate magic energy" after Master Song's violent run-off was also unpredictable and very strange. At the moment, the two ‘unhealthy attacks’ are still hard to resist, and the origin is extraordinary!

Ordinary martial artists, if these three true qi are incorporated into the body, it will inevitably cause fierce conflict. His own internal strength is not an opponent of the three BT true spirits at all. For the specific misfortune, you can refer to Linghu Chong after being lucky by Tao Gu Six Immortals. Even if the innate master stubbornly eats three real qi, it will take some time to recuperate.

However, they are like trapped beasts in Li Bai's Mithril Vein, unable to break through the **** of the Mithril Meridian, which does not affect the twelve normals. Can only use Xiao Zhoutian as the battlefield to fight frantically. ‘Meixia Dang’ teamed up with ‘Bi Bingxue’ to fight another isolated ‘magic energy’.

If you let the three true qis be consumed, not only the entire Mithril Vein will fall into chaos and will not work properly. Li Bai's fate of the "innate magic Dao Qi" will also be destroyed in advance, losing an important research material, how can this be tolerated?

But he was not badly injured, so he borrowed this ‘different true energy’ from Song Tao ’s hands!

So Li Bai used his whiteboard to stimulate the three acupoints in his palm. It seems to operate the laboratory from the outside, and turn on a certain function. Afterwards, the three Mithril Qiao points continuously absorbed the true qi that escaped from the Mithril Vein.

Swallowed by the ‘Qiao Cave’, the three real qi have shrunk by half, without the previous ferocious madness, and no more chaos. Those dissipated true qi were also used to open three small prisons of Qiao points.

Li Bai once again injected the internal force of the whiteboard into the Mithril vein. To win by quantity, the three inferior congenital instincts are forced into the jail point to be jailed, sealed, locked, isolated and suppressed.

Feeling the regaining control of the "Mithril Vein", the palm has three true points of "Extreme Cold, Hot, and Treacherous". He understands that he can not only observe and analyze the attribute changes of the three true qis internally; he can also perceive and capture the "general qi" between the rest of the world, and merge with the internal force in the Mithril Vein to process it in Xiaozhou A mess of 'innate innocence'.

Capturing the vitality of the fire system is the innate true energy of fire, while capturing other vitality is a different product. This kind of ordinary innate true qi is more like experimental material than fighting it, which is used to study the variety of heaven and earth vitality and the change of true qi attributes.

After suppressing the xenophobia, the Mithril Vein returned to normal.

"This is the innate feeling? It's cool, it's exhausting energy and fatigue."

Suddenly, the hand of Mithril was suddenly covered with a layer of ‘hot’ qi, and he slapped it on the tree trunk, igniting a flame directly, leaving a burnt five-finger print, and the wood crackling.

This is a kind of ordinary quality "fire congenital innocence", which is far from Kou Zhong's "Meixia Dang-Huo Yun Jin". Moreover, Li Bai has no moves, only covers the palm attack with true energy, does not involve any meridian operation, and the power is equally ordinary. (With the corresponding strokes, the effect is better, such as "Wood Burning Knife")

Even so, his mood is very good. Because he experienced the taste of 'innate' in advance.

It is a pity that this "innate conscience" can only be used in the small week of the right arm, and cannot enter the big week. And there is no ‘innate heart method’ support, just a one-time consumable that is forcibly synthesized by internal force.

If he has a "Mithril Vein Xiaozhou Tiangong Method" developed for his right arm. You can synthesize a ‘congenital true qi’ for quotation, and then open up a pseudo-dantian field to establish a true qi cycle. (No longer a transformation of one's own internal strength)

However, all mindsets in this world are designed for ‘people’, and the core is either Xiadantian or Zhongdantian. There has never been a design for the ‘arm’. After all, no one has ever seen a special case where the arm can separate from the human body.

"That is to say, in the next step, I should create an inner power mentality for" Xiao Zhou Tian Mi Yin Vein. "Even if it is just the most common power method, the energy source will continue to produce" innate true energy ". 72 secrets, you have three times the reserves of Dantian, you only need to learn a hand, and this hand of Mithril is the three innate strong! "

Li Bai was pleasantly surprised, this arm is more powerful than expected. If he studies three different auras, can't he reverse the two "Hun Tian Bao Jian" and one devil's inner power? It's a little exciting to think about it!

If every secret is regarded as a pseudo Dantian. Just seal all the tricks at the same time, and then open one of them to build a set of mental operation system; then switch to another pseudo-dantian, modify the power line, it is another mental system. That is to say, at the maximum limit, this arm can perform 72 exercises with different attributes?

The probability of this conjecture is 100%, but it is equally nonsense. The computational power and control requirements behind this are too high, and it is difficult for him to do so.

The biggest use of this arm should be used to develop and experiment with different exercises, perform experimental live deductions, and make up for deficiencies. Be a professional mind developer?

Looking at the Mithril hand that gradually healed the wound under the stimulation of innate ingenuity, Li Bai nodded with satisfaction: "It's worthy of being the secret of the magical family of Niu Dao! A variety of different attributes are inspiring and unpredictable. Diao Yi B! "

Afterwards, he turned his horse again, distracted while thinking.

It is imperative to add a palm, boxing, or **** method to match your ‘Mithril Hand’. This arm can lift him to the height of the 'innate warrior' in a very short time. In the face of Shuanglong, Song Shidao, and Fu Jun's son of luck again, who has mastered the "congenital true qi", he also has the capital of confrontation.

In addition, one should try to create a ‘right-handed internal skill’. This is actually not difficult, just intercept the right arm part of the complete internal work and turn it into a small weekly cycle. However, this ‘inner skill’ must not be the grade of “Huan Yuan Jue”.

Then, the research and analysis of the true qi of "Hun Tian Bao Jian" is a top priority, and the top priority! If you can come up with a copycat version of "Hun Tian Bao Jian", it will be enough for you.

Finally, with this "Mithril Plugin", we must also find ways to enhance the quality of our "whiteboard internal force". Tian Luo poison body is very harsh and can not be matched with other attributes. But Mithril hands can capture countless heaven and earth vigor, there is always a suitable for Tian Luo poison body, by that time, his internal strength quality can also be strengthened, and the speed of getting through the twelve serious will be faster!

After entering Xingyang, Li Bai's mind was full of whimsy, and he couldn't wait to return to the 'Qinglian lay house'. He rented a room and began to practice retreat.

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