Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1394: Make up the sky vs three must

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Li Bai received two cheats, and his emotions were particularly high. I just realized that this was the most beautiful deal he had made since his debut, even if he started with the second soldier.

The value of ‘March of Disintegration’ is far more than two volumes of cheats, but he paid a demon beast and two volumes of gold medals, almost equivalent exchange. But this business is different. He personally planned, only paying acting and sweat, he consolidated the signboard twice, kept fighting to accumulate combat experience, and harvested two martial arts. It was cost-effective!

Li Shimin once again retained, in addition to discussing the end of the task, he also plans to continue to renew the contract and cooperate with Li Bai again.

The news of ‘Yanggong Treasury’ Li Bai just mentioned it casually. His job was only responsible for the ‘account book’, and the pot was dumped to Yu Culture and it was finished. But the sudden appearance of "Shuanglong + Luosha Nu" disrupted Li Er's original deployment, so I wanted to hire Li Bai again to join forces to kill Ssangyong, capture Luosha Nu, and force the treasure house to fall.

Li Bai is unconcerned about this. If he has a chance, he would n’t mind falling into the rocks and picking up cheap things, not to mention that he is also interested in the ‘treasury’. However, he did not directly agree with Li Er, because both Ssangyong and Song Shidao concealed the mysterious cards, and he was unwilling to die with these lucky sons for the task.

After learning of Li Bai's attitude, Li Er was also relieved. As long as he is willing to stand on his side, he will not overly demand. Yu Wenhua is currently entangled with Ssangyong. When "Lei" completes his mission, he will inevitably be involved in the "treasury" storm, thus becoming his help.

When Li Bai said goodbye, he met Li Jing with his hands on his back and stood under the tree enjoying the flowers. Because of his kind reminder, Li Jing owed him a favor, so he had a good attitude and nodded slightly at him.

"Brother Yao, I have no other hobbies and I am only interested in martial arts. I saw the two young men a few days ago with extraordinary moves and admired the name of" three musts. " "

Li Baigang eats the true spirit of Ssangyong and has no way to study. At this moment, I see the original creator of the genuine "Three Points Return to the Air", of course, I don't want to miss it.

According to Li Shimin, Li Jing has perfected the three martial arts and stepped into the congenital. According to his inference, if the three martial arts are perfectly integrated to create the three-point unity, endless life, and **** of the world, "Three Points Return to the Yuan", breakthrough master is just around the corner.

At this time, maybe you can get a glimpse of the "three points return to the original"? Although the three-point Guiyuan does not match his own number, it is the accumulation of the path of martial arts. In the future, when climbing the guru, an essential reserve of knowledge. I have n’t heard of that innate, who can break through the master with just one martial art behind closed doors.

Li Jing nodded and held out a hand, said lightly: "Please!"

The two assassins and one are the staff, there is no intersection, the only thing in common is martial arts. In addition, Li Jing is already a congenital strongman. He has a lot of knowledge and experience. He is not afraid of the challenge of a second-rate warrior, but has a strong interest in the martial arts of Butiange.

Immediately, the two quickly met in the courtyard, Li Bai attacked Li Jingshou.

Because it is a discussion and exchange, both sides have reservations. Li Bai does not have a weapon, and Li Jing is more relaxed, suppressing his strength to the same level, and switching the three forces of the same origin with the same roots.

The two acted as ghosts and ghosts, and the moves were fierce and concise, leaving no room for them, and the moves went straight to the point, and they died. The other figure is like a gust of wind, the palms of both hands change freely, the cloud and frost winds are mixed, the Tianshuang boxing brings the unpredictability of the row of palms, and the palm method also contains the sky frost.


After dozens of strokes, Li Jing has adapted to Li Bai ’s style, and has also figured out the number of make-up pavilions. The line flew high, then kicked from the top down. The strength is not light and heavy, and the wind is turbulent enough to blow Li Bai to the end and end this struggle.

However, beyond his expectations, Li Bai suddenly raised his right arm for a block, and a great force broke out in his arm, his feet rooted firmly on the ground. Instead of pushing him back, Li Jingfei was shocked and moved backwards.

Natural power? wrong! The strength of the opponent's right arm has completely exceeded the limits of his body, and it is by no means acquired! Could it be some kind of secret? Body training? Or is the blood of the beast smeared and engraved with the tattoos of Wu Dao?

Li Jing's thoughts are changing rapidly, and Li Bai has already flew into the air. He used both hands to knives, fierce and fierce, bursting his strength, drawing a vacuum blade, perfectly blending the "Nandou Aoyi" and "Butian assassination", and went straight to the chest with a sharp howl. Pierce the deboning bone with one hand and point to the heart, tear with one hand and cut through the laparotomy.

Li Jing was in a critical situation, and Tianshuang left the cloud in his right hand. He shot it with a double heart, striking the vacuum blade made by Li Bai with his free hand, and then burst out a large amount of cloud frost mist. The figure of the other party suddenly disappeared.

At the moment of the confrontation, Li Bai's right foot suddenly jumped, and his arms were raised high and spread out. Immediately, his arms were cut frantically, and the countless vacuum air blades were chopped from the top to the bottom, and turned into a snare net to swallow him.

Li Jing was helpless, gave up continuing to suppress his strength, raised his hands and frosted the air, and the virtual clouds were staggered, slamming out of the mountains and the sea, collapsing the vertical down attacks, and then ignited the mixed energy of the heaven and earth visions, and the momentum continued. Li Bai up.

Li Bai didn't panic and hurriedly, his right hand flicked out and the 'Mithril Vein' broke out. I recalled the cheats I read and recite just now, forcibly running the impoverished dragon palm with Xiao Zhoutian's mysterious silver veins. I saw him fall down, his breath was full of vitality, and the air rubbing the air made an undetectable dragon chant, and then collided violently. With the help of a huge recoil force, the figure was once again lifted up and flew.

In the end, he stretched his arms and arrogantly crossed an arc, first as a master Kang jumped off the floor, then as a gymnast landed gorgeously.

The relaxed five fingers clenched violently, making a crackling bone. Li Bai quietly captured, sealed, and suppressed the three distinct innate instincts, then stood up and patted the dust.

"Concession!" When Li Jing looked at him again, there was a subtle change in his attitude, which he paid more attention to.

Although the opponent's internal strength is only second-rate, no matter the physical strength, exquisite moves and intuitive experience, it is not worse than first-class. Even the right arm showed several times the strength comparable to innate. In addition to its weak internal strength, it is not inferior to the first-rate masters, and even mentally or unintentionally can pose a certain threat to Jiu Tian's innate.

"Brother Yao was really well-deserved, and the younger brother's defeat was convinced." Li Bai's right arm was painful and numb, and he casually praised two sentences.

His ability to fight together is still too reluctant to fight against innate fairness. The road of assassins attacking, backstabbing, and killing blackhands really suits you!

With a few words of greeting, Li Bai walked away with the newly harvested "three innate ingenuity".

Li Shimin also appeared beside Li Jing: "Brother Li, how is this person's martial art?"

"The Wulu route is extremely aggressive and vaguely embarrassing, but it has great potential to tap and is far from reaching its limit. The other party's internal force is a short board. If it can find a suitable internal power, its strength will increase sharply." Li Jing just now Analysis of the news.

"It's just as valuable!" Li Er was also very satisfied. The assassin's head was eye-catching and he was very optimistic. Now the strength is far from reaching its limit, and it has huge investment value.

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