Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1710: The contest is open, looking forward to sincerity.

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

The long-lost mirror space of Kobe City is still a doomed scene of decay and desolation. This time, there is no simultaneous live broadcast of the parallel universe, and it does not even alarm the residents of this city.

When the space door opened slowly, the seven contestants + one accompanying runner did not ride the vehicle, but took a tidy pace and re-entered this long-lost space.

Listening to the howling, screaming, and warning sounds from the zombies and monsters in the distance, the eight of them looked indifferent, keeping a distance from each other, standing in line, waiting for the ruler to blow the whistle of the game.

At this moment, a small earthy figure, twisting his body cheerfully again, struggling to round off his two calves, riding a 5-year-old 'children's simple wooden lion small three-wheel' fast, the car's There is also a rope tied to the back, tied to the neck of the nuclear dinosaur cub.

The itchy little earth revisited the place, and soon rushed across the starting line, rubbing Shilang again into the mirror city.


Familiar place, familiar formula, familiar taste, a fast licking eater flicked his thick and long tongue, screamed and rushed towards the small earth.

The small earth, struggling with its head and struggling to push the wheel, raised its head and looked at the monster she was attracted to. The courageous little face resisted the fear. Tears rolled around her eyes and shouted, "Little pineapple, bit it!"

"Aoao ..." The nuclear dinosaur tethered to the small three-wheeled lion heard the words and stood still, shaking his two short hands violently, imitating the silverback gorilla tapping on his chest, and then his mouth spouted a "nuclear halitosis storm."

A cylindrical radiant halitosis shock wave flashed, completely evaporating the head of the licker, and penetrating the body straight, leaving a semi-circular flesh and blood debris, twitching on the ground.


The little earth of Dahoudoubao cheered, wiped away the tears that were scared out of the corners of the eyes, and skillfully flicked a "three-wheel drift", proudly shaking the top of the head with dull hair, twisting and twisting to accelerate the U-turn, with the pet small pineapple Ride outside.


The scene of deja vu filled the hearts of the eight contestants with nostalgia and emotion, and the past calendar is in the sight. It seems that it happened just yesterday, and it is still fresh! (Well, in fact, it happened on the day before yesterday, and the only thing that can be forgotten is the goldfish.)

After Little Earth showed the sense of presence, Ruler, who brought his soul BGM, appeared in the spirit pollution accompaniment of "Spicy Girl ~ Fankel ...".

With the rhythm of music entering its climax, it has been a long time since the ruler of B was installed on the spot, ignoring all the outside world, and began to indulge in his own world.

Just like the night at night, taking a shower in the bathroom alone, the snake twists its waist, intoxicating and ecstatic swaying under the shower ... The mouth is chanting a magical melody: "I! I'm hooked ~ doorway Old man. Roar! Go together ~ Help old E to pluck hair. Roar! ... Billy's mother X ~ X ~ X ~! '

After the end of a vigorous dance, the scene was silent, and even the zombies not far away stopped their feet, shocked to cast their eyes in fear. As if questioning the ruler, who on earth is the real zombie? !

At this moment, the candidates finally recalled the fear that had once been dominated by Captain Genji.

"Okay, don't talk too much nonsense, let us swing the sculls!"

After satisfying the special psychological needs of ‘performing personality’, getting crazy, being crazy, and becoming the focus of attention on the spot, ruler gradually returned to normal and began to explain the rules of this round of competition.

details as follows:

First, each player initially has three ordinary footballs, which are stored in a private space. After entering the battlefield, you must take out a soccer ball and keep it in the "dribbling state" to be considered as a normal move.

If you do n’t keep the ‘dribbling, passing state’ privately, or if your football is kicked by an external force, and you do n’t take out the new ball in time for replacement, you will be assessed as a foul. If you accumulate ten fouls, you will be disqualified!

Secondly, it is not allowed to attack by any means other than ‘kick shot’ throughout the game. Once found, it will be considered a foul. Of course, if the player uses his own ability to integrate the personal power system into the "shooting" action, no matter how exaggerated you are, the "Infernal Warrior Explosive Heat Cannon" is allowed.

One thing you should pay special attention to, do not touch the football with both hands, otherwise you will find one foul and record three fouls!

Again, the three footballs that the players bring are all standard footballs (whiteboard footballs) in sporting goods stores. This is not only your fighting tool, but also a mobile prop that everyone rushes to. Please love it!

Their durability is very skinny for mortals, but it is very fragile for players who possess extraordinary powers. This is a test. Are the players superb in their strength control and skills? If you want to kill and play all the football, you will fall into a passive state where you can't move.

In addition, all monsters in the killing field have been forcibly modified, passively infused and mastered the ‘Liu rogue football mystery’ of different genres. A few elite monsters even have their own exclusive ‘football’. (There is a certain chance to appear: Enchanted Football, Dark Gold Football, Epic Football)

When the monster faces the player, it does not directly attack, but in the form of ‘ball friends’, it performs a series of ‘little mang football’ sao operations that combine the attack and the ball skills. (Note: The monster has the ‘infinite right to foul’.)

When players face these monsters with different skills, they must use the normal operations allowed by the football game to **** the football and kill the demon ... Once the foul is committed, it will be recorded and will be retired ten times in total.

Finally, a player can hold up to five soccer **** at the same time. Once all footballs are worn out and there is no time to add new ones, they can only wander in place within a ten-meter diameter, waiting for monsters with exclusive footballs to come forward and touch the porcelain.

If a player with a 0-ball wandering state is surrounded by monsters without football, he will lose the opportunity to resist and can only avoid the attack by walking. Because any attack that breaks away from football is regarded as a foul ... And monsters with unlimited legitimate foul power can completely kill players according to the rules of the game.


"The above are the rules of this‘ Killing Football Demag Contest ', do you have any questions? "

"I have! Can I summon the demon to assist in the battle?" Asked Luvia, who has the top fighting demon 'Zombie Tyrannosaurus'.

"I said that this round of competition mainly tests your comprehensive qualities, mainly you, and you can make full use of all abilities. But there is one thing to note, your messenger can't exist alone from his own. Those who master 'fit , The ability to increase the 'enchants, are allowed to use; and the simple summon beast is not allowed to appear. How to grasp the specific scale? Please feel for yourself, the examination room is covered with special rules, once your behavior exceeds the moment, the corresponding ability Will be erased automatically. "

Ruler's meaning is very clear, if you have the luck, you can try to summon it once. If your messenger is allowed by the examination room, it can be summoned naturally and you can do whatever you want. If your behavior is overstepped, you will naturally be banned from the examination room.

"I have a question! Can the players attack each other?" Suddenly, the aggressive Dragon Roar asked suddenly.

"As long as you don't foul, I don't care how you harm each other. Of course, if you cooperate with each other, the points that are eventually exchanged will not be allocated according to the output. Only the person who contributed more is rewarded and deducted in proportion Points. "

Suppose a person kills a monster, you can get 10 points. Two people cooperate to kill monsters, and those who contribute more can only take 5 or 6 points in proportion.

In other words, this round of competition does not encourage the cooperation mode, and also does not punish the killing mode (but there is no reward).

"Can the" concept vehicle "obtained in the second round be used?" Liu Dong Yicheng suddenly asked.

"Similarly, you can explore on your own. This round of testing is a comprehensive ability, and many forces are themselves prohibited. But as long as you have a flexible mind, you can use the" football "as a medium to display them. The concept vehicle The same is true. In theory, all vehicles are prohibited from appearing in the game, but you can use flexible and flexible 'concept vehicles' to exert their power in the form of non-transportation. This is also allowed. "

Ruler shrugged indifferently: "Okay, the smart guy must have understood what to do. And stupid ... If you have 'sufficient sincerity', this ruler can't shut one eye closed. Understand ? "

Ruler gave everyone a "you understand" look, and then blew his whistle to announce the start of the game: "This round of the game is 90 minutes, divided into two halves, 45 minutes each, 15 minutes intermission, no overtime ... … Okay, you can move freely and chase your own prey! You can also sneak out competitors. ”

"Finally ... I look forward to your" sincerity "."

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