Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 789: Space capture

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The sudden change of Bido made the beast soul surprised, but he didn't care. How powerful is this kind of road tire? He also grew up and grew up, and now even ordinary Sanctuary elite can not threaten him, not to mention a weird cat demon?

After the cat lady entered the state of "black sun dance", her physical fitness was more than five times mad, and her body was flexible and lightning-fast. I saw her incarnate as a shadow, running around the soul of the beast, making it travel through the complex jungle arranged by the silk blade quickly, leaving a series of afterimages difficult to capture.

Bido's hands were connected, and the air was suddenly ejected by the tight blade of the line, making a sharp and fierce tearing sound, divided into a number of tangential beast soul messengers, wave after wave, endless. Leave a dead end.


A violent roar of a fierce beast sounded, and the beast soul exploded its qi and blood, and its momentum was like a demon. A huge white tiger appeared in the back, and the ferocious roar exposed the big mouth of the blood basin.

I saw that his right hand was holding a claw, the skin was swollen with fleshy green muscles, and five sharply curved nails were rapidly accelerating. Then he raised his hand and waved at the wire blade that was shot in front of him. Behind the tiger and the beast soul messenger, the huge "white tiger totem" simultaneously waved the beast's claws, and countless blue ganges quickly condensed into five parallel blades.

Stretching Stretching Stretching ...

The beast soul wind blade is destroyed and destroyed all the way, cutting off and destroying a solid and sharp boundary line, and a series of crack-like fracture sounds are heard.

At the same time, behind the beast soul ambassador again came several sounds of breaking the sky, and countless boundaries were disconnected under the control of the cat mother, converging into a bunch of thick whips. Eighteen strands of highly condensed and extremely sharp thread came out.

The beast soul was unmoved. Behind the white tiger seemed to be alive. Suddenly it turned from phantom to energy real state. The body was filled with blue gang wind. The wind force field similar to the twisted force field erupted around the body. The whip has not yet touched. It seems to be hitting the water, disturbed by the resistance of the cyan wind, more like pumping on a slick object, unable to force it to slide away from the side, and missing the target.

At this moment, the huge white tiger totem suddenly faded away, and a pair of huge beasts with thick hair suddenly tore the air and protruded from the space behind him. Five fingers stretched and pressed the whip, and then the claws pulled hard and pulled wildly. The ‘twist whip’, capable of breaking steel, trembles violently and cuts the palm of the hand. However, the beast's claws clenched tightly, without letting go of the hand, making a harsh noise of friction, constantly broken and quickly healed.

The beast soul flushed his face, raised his hands with a fierce light, and violently ripped his hands. A pair of giant claws moved behind him, wrapping dozens of twisted whips around his wrist a few times, and then pulled with all his strength.

The elastic whip was stretched straight, the beast soul pulled the arm again, and roared in his mouth. The fluffy beast arms behind it were raised high, and there was a rumbling sound from the earth, which was violently shaking, like a magnitude 9 earthquake.

The huge beast's hand clenched the whip whip, and the black-red qi and blood demon could extend backwards along the whip whip, dyeing the invisible boundary line with color. I saw that each twisted whip split into ten million roots in mid-air and broke, spreading out, and the other end was connected to the ground, densely and deeply into the earth.

Peter wanted to use the whip composed of the broken line as a chain, temporarily locking the beast soul but his body, so that he could not move. To exert the effect of the chain, it is bound to be impossible to bind out of thin air, and a force point is required. So she buried each end of the broken line deep in the earth.

However, the other party's "Beast Soul Totem" is infinitely powerful. Under the full burst, the rebirth of the overlord, like a hateless ring, directly lifted up the large floorboards hundreds of meters nearby. Suddenly the mountain collapsed, and the world repeated it.

The giant hand dragged the boundary line, and countless silk threads stretched straight to follow the movement of the arm, and began to cut the earth neatly and finely, and plowed innumerable intersecting gullies on the ground. Immediately after the earth broke and collapsed and collapsed, Bido's boundary line was also rooted out.


The martial arts qi and blood are vigorous and vigorous, mixed with the magic energy and heavy like mercury slurry, which is called ‘turbidity’ by the Dharma, and is opposite to the ‘clearness’ produced by the magic energy mixed with the consciousness.

The "turbidity" here is not filthy but life qi and blood. Pangu opened the sky and differentiated it into turbidity. Soul breathing is qi-clearing and floating. It belongs to "Yangshen"; the flesh and body shell is turbidity and sinking, which belongs to "Yin God". '.

The qi and blood power of the warrior is the purest ‘turbid power’, and often has a powerful ability to break the ‘Qing’.

The black and red power flowing from the giant fluffy hand spreads backward along the boundary line, quickly polluting and breaking through the catwoman's thought line, and even suppressing her magic weapon "cross tail". The giant hand twitched, pulling the ten million boundary line, throwing Peter who hid in the dark high into the sky.


The pair of fluffy beast arms disappeared, a sharp cry came from behind the beast soul ambassador, a falcon phantom crashed into the body, the beast soul made the **** eyes burst into a brilliant blue electric awn, and the eyes became white One piece, then the body erupted outwards and produced countless arcs.

The knotted muscles began to compress. He bent down and bent his knees, then kicked his legs, twisted his hips, and punched out. The huge force torn the wind. A three-meter-long thunder gun blasted and instantly slammed into the sky. Catwoman.

Peter dying and struggling, abandoned the magic weapon that was suppressed by the pollution of the blood and blood of the beasts. The two road tires broke out at the same time, and numerous "demonic thought lines" spewed out of the body, forming a wave of giant waves in the air. The shield resists attacks.

Shield white thread-weaving!

The demon thought lines in the sky are woven into layers of giant cloth, and the Thunder spear piercelessly penetrates one layer and two layers ... Finally, the shield white line finally resisted this deadly one after breaking through the nine layers with its exaggerated toughness. hit.

At this moment, the beast soul integrated with the thunder falcon totem suddenly squatted down, then a lightning scream on the ground, countless lightning snakes spread on the ruined ground, and then a circle of dust, the beast soul made It disappeared in an instant and appeared behind Piduo in the sky.

He crossed his hands with five fingers to form a hammer, then raised his head high, his body leaned forward, bent over, and his arms were hammered hard. boom! With a bang, Piduo turned into shells and smashed into the ground. The loose ruins shook and smoke erupted, but the cat-mother fell into the ground several meters deep.

Although Nifibito had a pair of cat ears, he was a genuine ant. His physique was extremely unfavorable. He only sprayed a little blood on his mouth and was not killed, but his hands and feet were broken.

The beast soul messenger whispered and felt incredible for her tenacity. Then it turned into lightning again, chopped down from the sky like thunder, and went straight to Peter, who was seriously injured and vomiting blood, to make a knife.

At this instant, the 'Space Demon Phone Worm' on Bido's shoulder suddenly exploded. Numerous silk threads were erupted again in the cat girl body. A round of bright moon flashed black light. The surrounding space fluctuated and collapsed.


Bido suddenly blocked the road, not because Li Mo didn't love her anymore, and wanted her to die for a new pet. It is because of the ability of cat cats that it is most suitable for the layout of space traps.

Her struggle with the beast soul messenger, using thousands of thought lines, unknowingly lies in the space around the other party, arranging the next hundreds of space coordinate traits of Blanche traits.

At this moment, Piduo stimulated the moon disc in his body, temporarily bursting out the power of the sanctuary level, condensing sixteen sacred fierce bullets to entangle the beast soul, and earning a moment of time. The detonated ‘phone bug’ is the entrance to the space channel where ‘death kills’ at one end. It is also the switch to activate this space warlock.

With the exception of the cat maiden, it is impossible for anyone else to come in a short hand-to-hand process, and there are hundreds of techniques on the side of the beast soul messenger. Only Peter, who controls thousands of thought lines, can complete silently.

This sudden change has caused violent unrest and traps in the heart of the beast soul messenger!

Immediately he twisted his body frantically, bursting out Lei Falcon's escape talent. The terrible thunderbolt bursts and wants to tear the space, then it turns into a thunderbolt and escapes. But one head hit the space fishing net that Cat Cat had sprinkled. He was just about to struggle. The murderous aura in the new moon climbed along the line of thought and covered the soul of the beast to make the body eroded and blurred the talent of Lei Falcon.

At the other end of the broken space channel, a huge suction came and dragged him towards the space channel. The beast soul messenger is about to switch a powerful totem, tearing the devil's thought line wrapped around him. Suddenly, the four-handed nuclear bomb fairy sword could not help but tell him, with an exaggerated and horrifying speed, he thrust into him with a howling sound.

At this moment, the beast soul messenger was in a state of death, and his eyes were splitting and frightened, and a strong crisis of death was born!

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