Magic Robot Aluminare
Chapter 3.4
While heading toward the headquarters, Benoit-san explained to me about the magical car.
If I simplify it, it’s a spec down version of an aluminare.
To begin with, the aluminae uses a specially concentrated Magia Liquid and operates with a special generator, in order to operate such a huge machine a vast amount of energy is supplied. Hence, if it was the size of a magical car, it can even be operated with an ordinary Magia Liquid before it get concentrated.
Because there is no need to use the concentration process, compared to an aluminare it’s by far the cheapest to operate.
Although I say that, the magical car is still a high-class item, which can be used everyday by such people as senior aristocrat and the wealthy merchants.
The servcing costs and maintenance costs, the horse-drawn wagon still seems to be widely used under the influence of the development of infrastructure.
Moreover, because there is only four cities in faytale kingdom that can generate ordinary Magia Liquid , It would not be funny if you ran out of gas on the way.
There are Magical cars that are owned by private individuals also, rather than use them for work, it seems like they mainly use them to drive for leisure[or as a hobby].
This Magical car’s engine, except for the magical car, the cranes of the aluminare’s repair spot, the royal castle, high-class hotel and the like seems to also use something like an elevator.
In the future, if the development costs reduces, I guess it will spread even more in a big city. Oh, if only there was such things as an investment, I’d definitely do it…
While I think that there’s no way to somehow chew a piece[no way to somehow solve the problem], The magcal car arrived in front of the headquarters.
“it’s here. thanks for your help, Benoit”
“Don’t mention it. So,as for me, I’m going to return the magical car”
When the captain and I get off of the Magical car, Benoit-san reverses the car and went back through the road we orginally came through.
“Here’s the aluminare’s Headquarters. If you are entering an alumnare squad, it does not hurt to remember because one way or another the tasks will increase”
“Oh, yes”
There’s building five-storey buildings made of stone near the center of the town. the surroundings are almost in the same appearence, it’s difficult to distinguish simply by appearance.
The only thing here that shows that it is the headquarters, is a large national flag hung down onto the wall and a wooden sign that is horizontally hung next to the entrance.
Regarding the sign, a deformed aluminare’s mark is engraved, above it is written Aluminare Coordnaton Command Unit.
“This way”
Since the captain went inside, I also follow suit.
On the first floor appear a huge floor, like the front of a company.
The captain, first, makes his way to the reception desk, he says something to receptionnist young woman. Even if you look from a distance, you can tell that this person is quite beautiful. As exected of such an influential man[or the boss] in the Headquarter.
I can tell he’s the boss, but I wonder if that smile is a fake one or a true smile coming from his true feelings. As soon as the captain started to talk to me, the smile of the young receptionist seemed to shine even more. Also captain Baudouin, as the captain of an aluminare squad, has a stable future as a member of the elite on top of that he’s a handsome masculine man, perhaps it wouldn’t be surprising if he has a lot of fans.
Come to think of it, I wonder if the captain is married. I want to know a little about the marriage rate of an aluminare squad. Also for Anjou’s sake.
“Hope I didn’t make you wait for too long. We’ll soon be able to have a meeting with the commander”
Apparently the captain alrady enquired about the general commander convenience. Oh, the smile of the young receptionist, went back to original. Apparently that smile is limited to captain Baudouin only.
The captain unaware of it, heads to the stairs, goes up to the top floor. If it was in the modern time, we would almost certainly go up in an elevator in a 5-storey building, but in this world it’s normal to climb up using stairs up to roughly the ninth floor. Or rather, unless it’s a building with more than 10-storey they wouldn’t make an elevator. Above all, it is healthy …
While having it a little rough breathing, we arrive on the fifth floor.
The captain isn’t out of brath, indeed as expected.
Climbing up to the top floor, immediately after scaling up the stairs, there’s only one of the two each on the opposite side of the stairs. The top floor seems to only have two rooms.
Captain approaches the closest door and knocks.
“This is the first 31 Aluminare squad captain Baudouin. I came to report on my mission and would like to consult with you”
“Get in”
“Excuse me”
The captain opens the door and enters inside the room. As I worry whether I may enter or not, a voice comes out of the room.
“The person standing in the back may also come in”
Apparently, he also seems to have noticed my presence. However, doing such things as guessing my presence through the door, to what extent is he a master? Oh well, as long I’m free from doubts and worries.
“Excuse me”
The room, with the size of a small conference room, which is decorated with luxurious furniture and paintings.
A fluffy carpet was also laid on the floor, it’s so fluffy that stepping on it with shoes on is a waste.
Looking from my side, on the right side is a sofa and a table. A large office desk has been placed to the right. On a desk full of files, was a busy-looking man that was moving his hands around. He did not glance our way. So, he, guessed my presence in such a state…I absolutely have no clues about how he did that.
“You’ve done well coming in here. Sit on the sofa and wait a little for me, I just have to tidy up theses documents. Is anybody here?!”
“In here”
When the general commander raises his voice, from a door that has been placed in a corner of the room, a maid came out.
At that moment, the tension jumps up in my mind.
a maid, it’s a maid! I wouldn’t call her such strange names such as Moe Moe or mini skirt, She’s a pure English-style maid-san! But she looks like such a yamatonadeshiko[TN: since I can’t find a good way to convey its meaning I left it as it. it’s meaning is that this maid displays all the feminine virtues of ancient japan in short the ideal japanese woman], It’s too unfair!
“Give them some drinks. And also for me too”
“As you wish, sir”
As Maid-san bows, she disappears while she backs away again toward the door.
She was a great maid, I could feel elegance in her every moves…
I stayed stunned while looking at the door, captain Baudouin secretly whispered to my ears.
“That person is the general commander’s support maid. When you enter the Aluminare squad, one or two support maids are always dispatched in each squad”
“A… always!? And your squad too!?”
“Yes, since this time it was a short-term mission at a place nearby, I made her stand by here in the city. But if I don’t have someone to take of my everyday necessities while in a long-term mission such as border security, my private life would have become a mess.”
I see, the members of an aluminare’s squad are part of the elite few .The captain is a pilot, vice-captain and Ritz-san are mechanician, Benoit-san as a scout has many times where he’s not with the squad, Karine’s also busy with the adjustment of the sense board. And I can’t imagine a scene where Karine-san is doing the housework. So, by receiving a support maid, they can receive healthcare treatment.
“By the way, all the support maid are beautiful”
“The information makes me quite happy, But, is it alright? An aluminare squad is full of men, right?”
If you throw in a beauty into such a situation, I can’t tell what’s going to happen. In particular, I hear that after a battle you feel more in the mood.
Well, surely they’re not entrusted to take care of that…
“It’s all right. A support maid is trained so she can fight in a battlefield. While were learning things about aluminare they were mainly doing hand-to-hand combat training all along. honestly, even if all the members of an aluminare squad surrounded them, it would be impossible to grapple them”
“What a group of elite is that…”
“That’s why Eldo-kun has nothng to worry about”
“Huh …”
“Well, wether or not they accept to receive you, is a different story”
For now,if I enter an aluminare squad, it seems like a mad is gonna take care of my personal life. It’s such a wnderful thing.
And, after the general commander finished organizing his documents, he came toward us. At the same time, as we try to stand up, the general commander interrupts us.
“I don’t mind. Have a seat.”
Likewise, the general commander sits on the opposite side of the sofa, as if it was at her own discretion, she comes back. In front of us, she sets up the tea cups one by one.
A good smell drifted up from the tea cups.
“Hmm, it seems there’s a boy I do not know in here. Baudouin, the aforementioned important matter is related to him?”
“Yes, his name is Eldo. He’s a boy who lives in the village that I visited during this mission.”
“Eldo, 15 years old. Nice to meet you.”
“Aluminare squad general commander Maurice Le Boeuf. you seems to have quite a good understanding of manners”
Says the general commander while smiling and grinning.
that…I guess he’s refering to my hesitating in front of the room over wether or not I should enter.
“However, before I deal with things related to him, I would be easier to understand it through the mission report, would you like for start from the begining?”
“It would be better. Certainly, there was a report that stated that an hostile aluminare had appeared”
“Yes, I’ll explain from start to end.”
Captain Baudouin, conveys to the general commander what I and the village chief told him. At first, the general commander was seriously listening, but in the middle of the report a stern expression appeared on his face.
And, hearing that I repelled the enemy, he looks at me with a surprised look. Well, it’s natural. A rural child without any decent training, when he got on an aluminare for the first time manages to drive away his enemy, in general, it’s an unbelievable story.
However, the machine that will serve as evidence has already been recovered, it has been recovered with a little bit of the damages done by the enemy’s aluminare. The evidences are perfect.
When the captain finishes talking, the general commander, while massaging his brow let out a deep sigh.
“I see, there’s pretty much no doubt that the enemy is from De Liverpool”
“Yes,I think so myself.”
“De Liverpool?”
Hearing an unfamilliar word, I unintentionally put it into words.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It does not matter. De Liverpool is the only country where solder can operate an aluminare without relying on the country. With its various and cumbersome organizations, its history is completely beyond grasp. Also as a country, it has really been quite a nuisance”
“There was such an organization?”
I knew that it was not a regular army, but never knew that such an organization existed. And, the fact that they don’t rely on their country must mean that they possess their own High Magia Liquid generating equipment.
What kind of organization is that…
“So, where is the recovered machine right now?”
“It is stored in the third hangar of the third storehouse”
“I see, I’ll check that later on”
“So, about the main issue…”
“Oh, it’s about this boy”
Their gaze is directed to me. A soldier’s gaze has great sense of intimidation. It make me cringe[not sure about the last sentence here].
“It is also his hope, I would like to recommend him to the Academy”
“Hmm, It’s your judgement. Is there any particular objection?”
“However, because this year’s first term selection period has already ended so I thought if the general commander can do something about it. I honestly feel that it would be quite regrettable to let his skills rot for half a year”
“I see, so your asking if I can arrange a seat for him, huh?”
I already heard about that in advance from the captain.
The Academy’s admission selection is closed from early January to the first ten days of February. After that, a test is carried out during the fisrt ten days of March, until the middle of the month they decide wether or not you can enroll into the Academy. Right now, we’re already in the late March, we’re right at the deadline, the test day has already passed long ago.
The next enrollment, will be the second-half admission after half a year, I’ll have nothing to do inside this city untill half a year later. This close the city, there would be no place to hunt, with my meagre possession I’ll end up adrift in the streets.
So, the captain is willing to ask the general commander to somehow shove me into the first half year enrollment.
By the way, in the case where a student has recommendations from the captain and more than three members of an aluminare’s squad, he’s exempt from taking the exam, as long a seat has been prepared for him but…
Captain Baudouin who’s willing to go so far for me, is too wonderful.
“Is he such a capable person to make you say all that?”
The general commander’s gaze penetrates me. I with a slight tremor hold my head high and stare right back at the general commander.
Here is the moment to show my determination. I lose once I avert my gaze.
“hm, okay. I’ll secure a seat. Have you decided where you’re going to live?”
“No, I haven’t decided.”
“then a dormitory is needed. Let me arrange one today. Sette”
” Take him to the dormitory later. Since I’ll immediately write a letter to pass it to the dorm leader.”
Maid-san takes a bow and goes back to the back of the room.
“And, that’s the matter”
“Thank you for your consideration.”
“Thank you”
“What, It’s because I want a few capable persons as soon as possible. Until now, Baudouin never recommended anybody, now he did. I expect a lot from that”
“There is no problem. I’ll definitely become an aluminare’s pilot”
“Nice caustic words, I’ll expect that. So, wait a moment, I’ll write a letter to pass to the dorm leader. Baudouin will later go with me to the hangar”
The general commander write a letter in a few minutes, passed it to the maid. I leave behind the room as I follow the maid.
“THe dormitory is located in the immediate vicinity of the school. Since there is a little distance, let’s go there in Magical car”
“Is it alright? I was asked to not use too much the military’s magical car but…”
well there’s still time, walking is also good.
“There’s no problem. Because it is my private car.”
“Yes, really.”
Sette-san is laughing prettily and chuckling, we come to a place like a parking lot that is in the back of the building. In there, a few magical car were lined up.
One of them, is a bright red mini cooper-like car which is the private car of Sette-san.
“here you go”
“Oh, excuse me.”
As I vacantly looked at the car, Sette-san opens the door. I downright behavior is going crazy is not likely to vip of treatment.
As I ride, Sette’s also boarded quickly, we bet the engine. This area of operation does not seem to change almost Arumyunare.
If there is a difference, it will about the Mashirube-sha there is a time of gear change. Indeed also AT cars in this world it seems to not exist.
“Then, let’s go.”
“Please do”[I’m starting to think he’s mister polite or he’s japanese? Any suggestion?]
As the car slowly start to move, we headed toward the dormitory.
After Eldo went out of the room, the general commander Maurice and captain Baudouin altogether were walking heading to the third hangar.
“Baudouin, you think that boy has enough worth to justify your recommendation?”
“He destroys a De Liverpool aluminare on his fisrt battle. Certainly it is a great thing, it isn’t impossible, right?”
If it’s people that know how to operate an aluminare, there are so many as they appear here every year[I’m not about this sentence].
They possess such great sense that they can directly compete with their instructor’s machine as they pilot for the first time. Maurice thought that if it were one of them, it isn’t impossible to reproduce what Eldo did.
“Certainly, it would be possible with a talented person. However, that’s due to our national machine. Let’s say that they could do that with a few decades old and moreover tattered machine, doubt come to my mind(or I have my doubt or I doubt it)[Which one is appropriate?].”
“Hmm. Well, he certainly said that he repaired that machine by himself, It might be a severe ordeal with an amateurish repair of an one-armed(loss of the other one), an old-type sense board but–”
Even with all that, there should be a person that is able to fight. The people chosen to ride an aluminare, are selected because they are endowed with such an excellent talent.
However, Baudouin never sent a recommendation letter for these people.
“Yeah, it is indeed possible. Just moved a little, there also exist someone that understand the characteristics of that machine from moving it a little, but the biggest reason I valued him highly is different”
“hoo, what would that be?”
“It is stubbornness”
Without fully understand the meaning, general commander knits his eyebrows.
While talking about such things, they arrived to the third hangar.
Due to the arrival of a new machine, it is pretty lively inside.
“general commander should also understand once you’ve seen the machine. the meaning of what I just said”
“Is that so? then let me see”
As they both enter into the hangar, Maurice understood the meaning of what Baudouin said.
“Well, it’s certainly stubborn”
Missing one arm, broken head.
Each joint already dismantled, the machine’s torso had been suspended by a crane.
Even still, he understands sufficiently.
The way Eldo fight. That’s the fighting style of survivors.
A virtuous soldier has a tendency to accept a graceful/manly death. If he has to survive in misery, furthermore unrefinely crawl on the ground, he would choose to die.
The greater his nobility, the stronger his tendency was. Dishonoring his family name to the extent of dragging it in the mud, resulting in his dying a noble death on the battlefield.
But, such a knight is not needed in an aluminare squad.
An aluminare squad must survive. Even if they smell of dirt, even if they are miserable, such things does not matter. Surviving along with the aluminare, even after suffering a defeat in a battle he has to come back to the city.
Otherwise, the aluminare will be captured by the enemy hence adding to the opponent new war potential as such stab back on your country.
That’s why, the Academy teaches them in order to survive to point of souring their mouths however what you’ve learned from birth what is taught during a short period from the Academy; as expected, what has been imprinted for a long period of time take precedence in a battlefield.
That’s why, regardless of one’s status wether a commoner or a noble, the Academy is assembling all the talented people. But, it is difficult for a commoner to obtain knowledge about aluminare in advance, so he ends up being driven out by the nobles who study using a private tutor before the enrollment.
Because of that, atany rate the proportion of knights with an aristocratic background end up being higher.
That’s why, the presence of a person like Eldo was valuable.
Although he is a commoner, he possesses various knowledge related to aluminare , he has combat experience he fights to stubbornly survive.
“That’s why I recommended him.”
“Indeed, Looks like I can expedct something from this term’s student.”
The two were smiling in front of the aluminare as it is being dismantled.
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