The next morning, I was just visiting the base. The aim is, of course, the rumored new mass production machine.
The Abnomules who fought as enemies were very brittle and inadequate, but I'm very excited to see how our technicians deal with that.
"Eighth is definitely in the corner of the base."
There are hangars from the first to the twelfth at Wang Du's base, all of which serve as first-level maintenance grounds.
I'm sure the hangar in Royal Castle also has first-class items, but they're still constrained by the space, and the mechanics say it's a step down compared to the hangar at the base. Well, he still said it was too much equipment if it was to be serviced normally.
Out of the way, of all those hangars, the eighth hangar should be the hangar installed at the corner of the base.
There are many new experiments at the base, and new models always involve irregular events. Just a little further away from the main equipment to make it easier to deal with it.
He passes a number of examinations as he shows the batch, which is a testament to the knight.
There's only important confidentiality, and security is pretty tight.
And then, after about five minutes of relaxing walking around the base, I could see the eighth hangar I was looking for.
It is about the same size as the other hangars and is more or less the size of three to five aluminales that can be accommodated inside.
But we'll have to think about a new hangar in the future, too. Once the mass-produced production line is in place, an unparalleled number of abnomules should be lined up in the hangar.
Maybe it doesn't require as close maintenance as the Almunale, but it still won't be able to make it rain.
So you're going to build a massive base somewhere else? Let's ask the princess next time.
With that in mind, I step inside the hangar.
What popped into my eyes was an armunale with a giant steel column attached to my left arm.
Yes, it was my fuselage.
"Well, why is my fuselage here?"
My fuselage should still have been in the middle of full maintenance.
"Whoa, isn't that Captain Eldo? What are you doing here?"
When I was surprised at the entrance, Mr. O'Rail noticed me talking to me.
"No, I'm going to look at mass production."
"Oh, that's him. That way, then."
If I saw Mr. O'Rail pointing at him with his jaw, there was certainly an unfamiliar fuselage there.
The overall paint is white and remains the same as Armunale, but the colour of the line is water-colored. I guess that's what you're going to be distinguishing.
The shape is slightly horny, combining planar armor, just like the Empire's. It looks far more robotic than an almunare curved in armor with craftsmanship.
Is the feature where the cannon, which was equipped on the left arm, is removed and equipped with a shield the size of which covers the left arm?
Are you equipped with a combination of three shields, or are you going to be able to move them without interference by bending your arms?
"Is that the new mass production machine? I expected you to remove the cannon, but you put a shield on it."
"Seems so. I don't know any details, so ask the mechanic over there if you want to know more."
"Okay. Then why is my fuselage over here?
I'm also concerned about the mass production type, but I'm also concerned about this one. Why is my fuselage in the eighth hangar?
"That's because this guy is too special. Full-order artifice gorge with Ibleet Army perfilizzi. Duo Connect Physics Operators (Sense Boards) to control it, all of which are substitutes for ordinary mechanics who don't know what they are. I gathered the artisans I ordered and received direct maintenance and instruction."
"I see."
If you think so, my fuselage is an important hunk of confidentiality, too.
So seriously trying to do full maintenance doesn't seem to be enough in the castle hangar. We can't let the civilian craftsmen into the castle.
"So what's the progress?
"It's largely over. This is not the final stage of adjustment with a test run."
"Really? If I touch the Armunale, I can help you adjust."
"Damn, I had a hard time walking the fuselage. Ritz said hihi-hi."
"Well, you have no choice."
If you try to move this aircraft normally, which is turning it into a full-manual control dedicated aircraft, that would make you want to say Hihihi too.
If you normally step in the pedal, you'll fall straight ahead, and if you try to keep your balance, you won't be able to stop this time.
If you can't manipulate everything multiply, this fuselage can't even make you walk satisfactorily.
"In the end, I pulled in a tow truck all the way outside, to the extent that I could just stand up and move my arms and manage to aim. You can move a horse like this a lot."
"Well, that's my machine."
"It's over uhhhhhhhh!!!!
Almost at the same time as I looked up at the fuselage, I heard screams from the fuselage cockpit.
And what Mr. Carine looks like as she pops out.
"I'm done for the day! I'll just keep drinking after that!
Ms. Carine was stretching on the catwalk as she released her sense of liberation from all over her body.
"It's only morning, isn't it?
"Karine has been up all night since yesterday. It's a complicated task, so if you stop along the way, you won't understand."
"Ha, I knew you had quite the expertise in physics operators (sense boards)."
"Oh, not the captain. What's going on here? You still won't touch it, will you?
Mr. Carine, who noticed my presence, stepped himself out of the railing of the catwalk and called out.
I answer as I look up to Mr. Karine.
"I'm here to see the mass production type. I didn't even know my fuselage was over here."
"It was. Oh, yeah. I wanted to tell the captain something."
That's how Mr. Carine came down from the catwalk on a run.
"What is it?
"The physical operator of that airframe (Sense Board). You can never let anyone touch it except me."
"I don't mind, even in an emergency?
It's basically us working in teams, but we don't know what happens during the war. In the event of an emergency, the physical operator (sense board) writer may also be at the request of local personnel.
"More so if it's an emergency. The physical operator (senseboard) of that airframe is too special for me to know what it is anymore."
"So amazing?
"Physical operators (sense boards) are a unified basic language, but you know when you get used to them, you put in your own language, right?
I heard that at the academy.
The language of the physical operator (senseboard) is very complex, but the underlying language is unified. However, languages that allow for more complex operations often use their own language developed by physical operator (senseboard) writers, each of which is stacked by years of experience.
For this reason, they shouldn't let the physical operator (sense board) touch anything other than the obnoxious and dedicated lighter.
"In the case of that fuselage, in addition to a special system called Duo Connect, I also use a lot of my own language to draw it. So if someone else gets their hands on it badly, everything will collapse from there. If you're bad, you won't even start."
"Was it? Okay, I won't let anyone touch the physical operator."
"Please. So, did the captain come to see the new model?
Yeah, so I was just gonna ask you for an explanation.
My voice echoes in the hangar as I try to turn my back on the new plane.
"We're gonna start commissioning! Mechanic, get away from the fuselage!
Is that a microphone from the fuselage? So the knight for commissioning is already on board? Is it a good time or a bad time?
The mechanics are coming this way away from the fuselage.
Someone like a squad leader in there found me and lowered my head.
"Isn't that Captain Erdo? Are you checking your own fuselage?
"No, I heard the mass production type was complete, and I came to see it."
"Ha, was it? We'll start commissioning now, see if you like."
"Then sweeten to your words"
I'm next to the squad leader, waiting for the mass production machine to start.
The steam rises from the various parts of the fuselage, along with the driving sound of the low generator, whether it is in the start-up state first.
"That substitute called the Sephira Generator, that's quite something. I'm researching what I recovered here, but many parts of it I don't understand very well. This time, we're going to pull it out of the captured fuselage and use the same physical operator (sense board)."
"Well, isn't that what happened at first?
"Yes, but as an engineer, I'm a little sorry."
The squad leader, frowning, is staring at the new model as he continues the start-up process.
"Tank valve release, no Magic Liquid injection volume problems. Generator occupancy stable at forty percent. Physical operator (sense board) link no abnormality, normal value of meters in each part. Startup complete. We're going into manoeuvre now."
Don't be most nervous about this first moment of activation.
When I first activated the Armunale, I was excited.
"Abnomule Prodier, activate!
Does the kingdom-based abnomulet say prodier? That's a pretty good name.
The generator makes an international high noise and raises the output all at once. When you only hear the sound, don't feel like you're not going to feel any worse than a generator using concentrated magic liquid (hi-maggia liquid). Is this working with Magic Liquid?
and the eyes of the fuselage glow green. Evidence that the fuselage was activated successfully.
"Confirm startup. No output error. Running in the stable zone - no, wait, this is!
As the hangar boiled to the arousal with the success of the start-up, the Prodier pilot's hasty voice was heard.
"An anomaly occurred in the transmission circuit. Unknown program is running on its own!?
"What!? Stop the startup experiment! Cut the generator now!
"I won't accept the operation from this one! This is no way!
"Rock enhancement for hangers! Don't let the fuselage get out of the hanger!
The squad leader rushes out and gives instructions to the mechanics in a hurry.
In the meantime, Mr. Carine, who came next to me, looked up at Prodier and snapped, giving him a harsh look.
"Mine sense."
"What is it, it"
You just said that physics operators (sense boards) sometimes use their own language.
Nod one.
"Mine sense is an application of that. Because proprietary languages are difficult to parse, they are often copied and tried as is for now. Maybe this time, too, but by incorporating a program that activates if you don't act constantly there, you make it your insurance policy when your enemies take it away, like you do now. This time, I think he probably planted a reply cipher in the nerve circuit on the fuselage side. That way, accidents can be prevented and damage can definitely go into the other person's hangar"
"I see. This might be a little bad"
Raising the locking strength of the hanger is still limited.
Though abnomulet, it is considerable to say the power of a giant human weapon. The hanger is likely to break even now.
"All personnel evacuate. Let's just get out of the hangar."
"Everybody evacuate! Move it!"
When Mr. O'Rail conveys my instructions to the whole body, the mechanics who were around the fuselage evacuate out of the hangar simultaneously.
When we made sure of that and tried to move too, there was a loud sound and the hanger that was holding Prodier was finally destroyed.
"Get away from the Armunale! This guy's moving to attack the Armunale!
He said it wasn't just a rampage! The closest thing to attacking the Armunale is!
Prodier's first goal was still my fuselage.
He approaches my fuselage while destroying the hanger and eagles his face with his arms.
"Oh! My fuselage!
"The Noun's fuselage!
"I fixed it because of you!
Our screams echo in the hangar, but the surroundings are not in a state where we can stand for that.
The mechanics evacuate the hangar simultaneously in the face of a rampant prodigy.
Oh, come on, you can no longer do anything about it in people.
The only thing that can stop Abnomulet is Armunale or Abnomulet.
But the backup is still going to take. My fuselage will be destroyed again as it is.
"We have to do something."
I need to see if there's anything in the hangar. And I found a single aircraft fuselage that stayed in the hanger.
It's a captured abnomule.
"Squad leader!"
"That fuselage, do you move!?
"It moves. Because it remains captive."
Say no, I use an active wing and an air thruster and run under the abnomulet all at once.
Then he jumped up at once and got into the cockpit.
The four-five screen cockpit is kind of a reminder of a game from a previous life.
"Is the method of operation much the same"
Start up quickly and twist the hanger lock to destroy it.
"I'll keep it down. Evacuate in the meantime."
Speak up around me and I'll attack Prodier.
Did Prodier consider this presence a threat, or let go of my fuselage and turn back to this one?
In that gap, I combine into a prodier and turn up the output to push it out of the hangar at once.
But like I thought, the fuselage doesn't unleash its power.
"Oh, my goodness!
We're stuck together. We can't move. Meanwhile, the evacuation of the mechanics seems to be progressing well.
But if you can, you want to throw it out of the hangar. Inside, the building itself could collapse.
I unplug the fuselage and retreat.
Prodier, who suddenly lost his power, naturally relaxed forward, and with that gap I set up a tackle.
Gashan With a much heavier sound, Prodier retreats loudly. I retracted the fuselage further in the meantime and moved out of the hangar.
You judged me a top threat, Prodier follows me out of the hangar.
"All right, all you have to do is suppress it."
But they are quite troublesome. You can't attack the cockpit because there's a commissioning pilot inside.
On top of that, this fuselage won't give you half of its usual power in the abnomulet.
On the contrary, this fuselage reacts too slowly.
The fuselage moves with a lug of about a second from Comma V after my maneuver. I don't feel like I can fight properly on a plane like this.
It's best to wait for reinforcements while you get it right here.
This is the first robotic maneuver in a long time, even though it's an abnomulet. Let's have some fun at best!
Two days later, I was in front of the princess.
After that, I waited for backup as I appropriately repelled the opponent's attack.
Then, a knight who rushed a little on the mechanic's report detained Prodier. The pilot was also rescued and gained nothing.
But no, the problem also remained.
I'm the one who piloted the abnomulet.
It is not a clear violation because the order said no contact with the Armunale, but commonsense has told me what it is.
But even I have objections. Leave me alone, my fuselage would undoubtedly have been destroyed, and so would the injured. That's an urgent procedure that I can't help.
"As a result of the meeting, there was no incident at all."
"When you say there wasn't, is that disillusionment?
To the unexpected answer from the princess, I snap my neck.
"Yeah, even though royalty from another country is coming next week, if we're having an incident like this just before that, our country's technical skills could be underestimated. As a result, we issued a warrant and this case was not originally there. Naturally, there was no incident per se, so there's no punishment or anything for my knight."
"Was that good or bad, you have trouble reacting"
When I said that, the princess grinned nicely and took out a piece of paper.
"Don't worry. Even if it's not in history, it's in people's memories. As a result, a new decree has been issued by His Majesty."
"… I will see"
I'll take the form and check the contents.
It was an order to ban contact with Armunale and Abnomule and new aircraft that would be born in the future for the same period…
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