Chapter 105 A Black Coffin Amidst Chaos

“I don’t know if the demon clan’s anger is counted, and this has caused such a catastrophe.”

“Perhaps, the Yaozu will begin to decline after this time… But what about it?”

In the chaos, I don’t know whose voice is echoing.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng led a group of demons to kill endlessly.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and finally some demon clan began to be unable to withstand the attack of the demon shadow, the most important thing was that they had reached their limit and left.

Just like a Star at the end of its life, at the last moment, when he sends out his own full blow, he falls.

For them, this last blow was the most powerful attack in their lives and the last bloom of their lives.

But here, it is so weak.

After blooming for an instant, it was overwhelmed by the tide of magical shadows.

One, two…ten thousand, twenty thousand…the demon race continues to fall.

The light of Daohua appeared one after another, even with the endlessness of the magic shadow, which could no longer be completely covered.

The four of Dijun felt the breath of the monster races behind them, and they disappeared continuously, their faces were expressionless, but the movements in their hands were much faster.

I don’t know how much time passed, and the endless magic shadow offensive suddenly slowed down.

The four Dijun immediately noticed the change of the magic shadow.

They looked at each other suspiciously, and they all saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

According to their estimates, it shouldn’t.

The demon shadow is generated by chaos, and these invading chaos have not yet been eliminated. Logically speaking, the demon shadow’s offensive shouldn’t just loosen so much.

Di Junhe Tu Luoshu turned around and shattered the surrounding magical shadows, then looked into the depths of the chaos, frowned, and felt something: “A powerful force appears in the chaos.”

He was so focused, he felt it without Di Jun’s words, and, after feeling it carefully, his cheeks twitched.

“No way!”

Di Jun heard Tai Yi’s voice and looked at him unexpectedly: “What can’t you? You know?”

“Perhaps!” Taiyi is not sure, but more is still incredible.

Didn’t it mean that he has been meditating in Kunlun all the time?

According to reliable legends, this one will rarely come out if there is no accident.

Moreover, even if it came out, it was still in the wild, how could it be in the chaos?

Taiyi doesn’t know how he feels now, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time he is surprised: “Maybe it’s not him?”

It seems that this reliable legend may not be really reliable.

“I’ll take a look.” Taiyi said.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Dijun and others to react, he entered the depths of the chaos alone.

Looking at Taiyi’s back, Dijun, Fuxi and Kunpeng looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

“How did he react?”

In the depths of the chaos, countless magical shadows are densely packed, like tides, turning into waves after waves, rushing toward the center.

In the middle of the magic shadow tide, there are no creatures, only a coffin.

Seeing this look, I was taken aback.

He thought that here would be the person he thought, but there is no one, but there is a coffin.

The coffin was completely dark, and it was a black coffin.

On the black coffin, there are countless dense lines carved.

The lines are slender and neatly arranged.

After taking a closer look, he also saw small black spots on the lines, and he didn’t know if the craftsman who engraved these lines made the wrong hand, or it was originally like this.


Too Yi’s heart trembled, staring at the coffin for a long time, and there was a fluffy feeling in his heart.

This is incredible.

He is one of the masters of the Demon Race, and he is so powerful, how could he feel such a hairy feeling?

“Sure enough, it’s something related to that guy, so I can’t use common sense to calculate it.”

Taiyi gave a wry smile.

On this coffin, there was the same aura as Duobao, and he concluded that this coffin must have something to do with Duobao.

Moreover, as far as the feeling of the coffin is concerned, only that guy can make it out of the wild.

“But, how come this guy made things here?”

Tai Yi was still wondering, suddenly his eyes condensed, and he looked at the black spots on the coffin: “These are not sculptures!”

“It’s the sword spirit… is it Magic Treasures?”

Taiichi’s eyes widened suddenly, feeling incredible.

Magic Treasures?

His heart trembled, what was the inexplicable tremor in his heart?

It’s not fear, it’s fear… It’s not fear of being hurt, it’s fear that your own guess will come true.

With inexplicable thoughts, Tai Yi looked at the coffin and carefully examined the lines and patterns in it… A familiar breath came, and Tai Yi was silent.

“Sure enough, it’s Magic Treasures, and…”

Tai Yi took a deep breath, and suddenly, he didn’t know what to say.

The lines and black spots on the coffin in front of me are all Magic Treasures.

Every stripe road, every black dot is Magic Treasures.

He saw the Magic Treasures represented by the black dots for the first time, but he was no stranger to the Magic Treasures represented by the lines.

Paper knife!

He remembered the first battle on the shore of the East China Sea, especially the novel Magic Treasures, which had never appeared in the prehistoric times, so he couldn’t forget it.

After all, pure power can already be comparable to Xiantian Lingbao, how can it be forgotten?

Especially after Dubao took out 3,000 paper knives of this kind at a time, it greatly deepened this impression, and he couldn’t forget it even more.

“Dobo… you deserve it.”

Tai Yi gave a wry smile, and his mood was complicated.

On the coffin in front of me, there are dense lines covering everything, and the number is more than 3,000, and more than 30,000.

He didn’t understand why such monsters appeared in the prehistoric times, and Magic Treasures of this kind of power could all be manufactured with a match.

Isn’t it necessary to make Magic Treasures without materials?

It’s so powerful, and the materials it consumes must not be simple and ordinary.

It’s impossible to have so many materials just for the materials, right?

“How could this coffin appear here?”

Other thoughts fell, another thought rose, Taiichi stared at the coffin and fell into thinking.

The appearance of this coffin attracted part of the firepower of Chaos and attracted the attack of Chaos Demon Shadow, greatly reducing the pressure on his monster race.

Dubao and them themselves are in a hostile relationship. Normally, if Dubao discovers their situation, it is normal for them to fall into trouble. How can they help them?

Therefore, although I still didn’t want to understand why this coffin appeared here, and inadvertently helped them Yaozu a big favor, but, too sure, Duobao is definitely not there.

If he were there, this might not be the case.

“Although you are not here, but…” Taiyi looked at the coffin complicatedly: “I still need to thank you.”


Although it was unintentional, it actually helped his monster race.

He has to get this love.

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