Chapter 168 The First Power Law

“here we go again!”

Gonggong, who was immersing half of his body in the sea in the simulating prehistoric world of the East China Sea, looked up in the direction of Dubao, with complicated eyes.

In the past, he always felt that he was a strong one, but in Dubao’s place, after being severely beaten, he immediately became honest.

Especially after Duobao knocked down his Realm from Quasi-Sage to Jinxian, he understood the huge gap and naturally couldn’t jump.

Understanding the gap, the road ahead appeared, of course he couldn’t just look at it.

The ocean here is beyond imagination. In his opinion, almost all have surpassed the strength of the law.

He is cultivating the law of water. Of course, in this sea water, there is not only the law of water, but also the law of space.

However, what does this matter?

He is a witch race, although it is the law of water cultivation, the most powerful is the body.

The law of cultivation of water is also for the strength of the body.

Such a strong cultivation environment is enough for him to make great progress.

Not long after leaving here, Gonggong came back and found Duobao and told him to ask Duobao to take care of him. Don’t let him be completely suppressed by the sea, and use the pressure here to cultivate.

Facts have proved that his idea is correct. Cultivating here, he is making rapid progress.

How long has it been since then, his strength has already changed a lot.

Moreover, in addition to the pressure of the sea, there is also the mountain-like mental pressure and two-phase squeezing that comes from after Dubao started cultivation. As long as he can bear it, the harvest will be even greater.

Gong Gong looked around.

Here, he is not only alone, but there are other ancestral witches.

Except for the absence of Dijiang, the other ancestral witches are all there.

Such a suitable place for cultivation cannot be found in the wild world.

Dijiang should have been there, but after all, the Wu Clan needs someone to watch. Therefore, they discussed it and chose an ancestral witch to look at the Wu Clan outside, and then take turns to come in for cultivation.

First set a small goal, breakthrough Taiyi Jinxian!


Duobao sank into cultivation, feeling the constant Ascension of the cells in his body, and with it, the strength of his body also increased rapidly.

It’s the twenty-fourth time that the cell folds, which is enough for twenty-four solar terms.

Therefore, the strength of the body has also reached a good level.

With his body alone, he could ignore most of the attacks of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After a long time, after completing this cultivation, Duo Bao slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

After his brain was empty for a long time, Duobao looked towards Honghuang and thought about eyes reveal.

Looking at the quiet room, I suddenly thought of Di Yi, the real body of Chaos that Di Two said.

Duobao looked down at himself: “I have Chaos, too, do I… I am also starting to cultivate Chaos?”

Chaos, his contact time is not too short.

Moreover, the understanding of chaos is not bad.

The cultivation of the so-called chaotic body is actually simple, it is just to let the own body bring chaos attributes to improve the own body quality in disguise, so as to achieve the effect of Wanfa’s non-invasion.

Judging from the aura of the chaotic body that Emperor I and II brought, the opponents they met had cultivated such a chaotic body.

However, Dabao thought, frowning slightly: “Is this…the real Chaos body?”

In his understanding, the real Wanfa does not invade, the real Chaos body, should rely on its own powerful and natural breakthrough quality to have such an effect.

It is not achieved by such external forces alone!

Think about it carefully, this kind of chaotic real body can’t actually be regarded as a real chaotic real body, it can only be said to be a pseudo-chaotic real body.

Simply understand, it is like a sheep in a wolf’s skin. It looks like a wolf and can scare away many small animals, but the essence is still a sheep.

Therefore, it is relatively simple to get rid of it.

And the true Chaos body should be a wolf in itself, and all aspects of defense and strength will be incredibly powerful.

At the beginning, Duobao felt very thoughtful about such a pseudo-chaotic real body, but after a long time, he was a little indifferent.

It’s just looking good, with a glamorous surface, and the silver-like pewter tip is not very useful.

Of course, the pseudo-chaotic real body is not so bad, but the meaning is similar.

“Actually, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the real body of Chaos.”

Duobao squinted his eyes slightly: “Wanfa is not invaded, in fact, it only needs to be up to the quality standard.”

“Chaos is just above the essence of existence, at the initial starting line, it is higher and stronger than other forces.”

“However, other powers, if Ascension rises, they may not be unable to reach the level of chaos or even transcend chaos.”

Thinking about it, a transparent power suddenly appeared in Duobao’s hand.

Not much power, with a breath of space.

It is the power of the laws of space.

Duobao stared at the space power between his fingers: “Speaking of which, if it’s just that level of chaos, it can’t keep up with the space power I have now.”

“Based on my current situation, it is enough to easily build the real body of space based on the power of space.”

“Its essence is not bad. After calculating, the power below this level will no longer be able to hurt me…”

Thinking of this, Duobao paused: “So, Wanfa doesn’t invade, is it really not that mysterious?”

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Chaos is not so mysterious, not so powerful, and not so tall.

Duobao was stunned. He didn’t think about it before, and didn’t find it. Now that after thinking deeply, Chaos immediately retreated from its mysterious veil and became ordinary.

“And…” Duobao poked Own’s body with the power of the space between his fingers.


A series of crisp sounds came.

The power of the powerful space, the power that was enough to shred the world, fell on him, but failed to cause him any harm.

“It seems… with my current physical strength, it’s no worse than a real physical body… it should be stronger.”

Duobao was a little dumbfounded: “In that case, I actually have Wanfa’s non-invasive power now?”

When he thought, all kinds of spells and magical powers appeared out of thin air, falling on him like rain.

Without deliberately blocking, all the spells and magical powers fell on the body faithfully, and then they were annihilated without the slightest pain.

“……” Duobao stayed for a while, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “So…what a thing!”

After discovering the nature of Wanfa’s non-invasiveness that he had been looking forward to, and he had already had Wanfa’s non-invasive effect for a long time, he didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh.

This was a good thing at first, but… you know, he originally had a strong illusion about Wanfa not being invaded!

As a result, now…the illusion was broken by his own hands.

Duobao sighed: “Sure enough, any mysterious thing is afraid of thinking, afraid of thinking. If you think deeply, if you think about it a lot, it will be less mysterious and not so beautiful.”

“Wanfa won’t invade!”

“It turns out that Wanfa’s non-invasion is also relative!”

Although he had already understood this, Duobao couldn’t help but sigh.

There was a little disappointment in the sigh.

“I am considered the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal now, so my Wanfa is not invaded, roughly equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal level… this is the power of the body cultivator!”

“It’s also a gain…”

Duobao shook his head, and then thought with a thought, and suddenly thought of another question: “Although the legend of Wanfa’s inviolability is shattered, even small forces like Emperor One and Emperor Two can meet opponents who have cultivated into Chaos.”

“Although it’s just the real body of the pseudo-prime chaos, it also represents the power of Honghuang.”

“According to this calculation, the prevalence of the predecessor needs to be increased first-level… it should be regarded as the third-level predecessor!”

Duobao looked serious.

After discovering that the prehistoric is so dangerous, he secretly divided the prehistoric into the high-level prehistoric in his heart.

According to the numbers from one to nine, they are divided into ninth-level prehistoric.

The lowest first-level, the highest ninth-level.

Even the lowest first-level predecessor is also the first-level predecessor with high distribution.

The prehistoric world is constantly growing.

In Duobao’s view, the current prehistoric hasn’t grown to its limit yet. When it reaches its limit, it will naturally reach the ninth-level prehistoric he has divided.

At the beginning, Honghuang was only a first-level high-end predecessor. After the subsequent experience and development, the Ascension silently reached the second-level.

After learning about the existence of the true body of Chaos, in Dubao’s heart, the prevalence of danger was ascensioned to the first-level and reached the third-level.

This made him feel a little heavy.

“Taiyi decides the destiny, Daluo’s time and space, the concept of quasi-shengning… all of this is imaginary, and the most important thing is power.”

“One force breaks Wanfa, strength and quality are the fundamentals.”

Duobao understands.

What destiny, what time and space, past, present, future.

With great strength, nothing is absolute.

Break open with one force, let your fancy, I just need a punch.

Amidst this Fang Fang, the true immortal is immortal, but under powerful strength, it is just a punch.

Immortal? You didn’t exist, why didn’t you die?

Destiny, detached from destiny? You have no destiny!

Close the timeline…Where did the past, present, and future come from under a punch?

Whether it is the past, the present or the future, it will be wiped out. One proof is forever proof?

I’ll kill you if I get it!

Duobao thought, and sighed: “After all, this is the prehistoric pioneered by Pangu god-tier!”

“The law of power is the strongest law!”

“Everything, it depends on power!”

He finally wanted to understand, what laws, what fate, what means, and ways are all bells and whistles.

As long as the strength is strong enough, as long as the quality is high enough.

Under the suppression of quality and force, everything is not absolute.

“Mastering a law is enough to be sanctified?”

Suddenly, Duobao remembered his previous cognition, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: “I simulated thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs… I have mastered the complete laws of space… Then am I sanctified now? ?”

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