Chapter 179 Yellow Dragon Earth Body (plus tenth)

“Sure enough… can’t find it.”

After a while, Duobao stopped moving in a loss.

The world that Shi Hao was in was too far away from the prehistoric world.

That is no longer the distance that can be measured by space and time.

If it weren’t for Shi Hao to get his famous post, he wouldn’t be able to find it here.

But that’s it.

Now, the famous post has lost its power, and Shi Hao has returned. It is him who can’t find Shi Hao’s position now.

“Above God… Has Shi Hao turned into the Heavenly Emperor?”

Duobao thought in his heart: “So, he has now broken the eternal age and formed a world covering the sky, and he is about to fight on the heaven.”

“Weird, ominous…” When Dubo who understood everything, looked at the black and red particles in his hand, he felt different.

“Is this the source of all misfortune in the three worlds that penetrate, perfect, cover the sky, and the Holy Ruins?”

Duobao tilted his head: “The drop of blood that polluted the Immortal Emperor of the Perfect World came from the heaven, a weird, ominous source.”

“Is it a creature?” Duobao guessed.

The Perfect World, the World of Zhetian, and the Holy Ruins were the three novels he had seen in his previous life. However, he hadn’t finished reading them except Zhetian, he just knew the vague plot.

Only by combining the findings after seeing Shi Hao can he guess these things.

“I don’t know, right.”

“Shi Hao has now become the Immortal Emperor. From the perspective of his aura, the strength of his deity is equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal… Therefore, the strength of his world is not high, or the strength of the prehistoric world is too high! ”

“Or, the perfect world in which Shi Hao I have seen is not the strongest perfect world?”

In the chaos, there are endless worlds, and every legend and even novel has a corresponding world.

Moreover, there is not only one.

Some are strong and some are weak.

Duobao is not sure how strong the strongest perfect world is. Legend has it that it is comparable to the prehistoric world. The perfect immortal emperor should be comparable to the prehistoric Sage, but now, it is not like that.

“Is it low-end perfection?”

Duobao settled his mind, and raised his vigilance in his heart: “I have met Shi Hao now, and Karma was born. With my current strength, I can’t find the world where Shi Hao is.”

“However, in the world that Shi Hao is in, there is a strange and ominous source… and a more powerful and perfect world.”

“Perhaps, they have discovered my existence now because of my contact with Shi Hao.”

Thinking of this, Duobao’s heart suddenly raised: “No, so they are eyeing our world, right?”

This is not impossible. For such Realm powerhouses, if they didn’t find it, it would be okay.

But as long as it is in contact, it is difficult to avoid their gaze.

It was just like him now, only to meet Shi Hao. Although he could not locate the existence of the perfect world, he was able to vaguely feel a little in the chaos.

This is because he is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal now. After he reaches the Daluo Golden Immortal, he will definitely be able to clearly sense the existence of the perfect world.

At that time, if he really wants to do something to the perfect world, it won’t be a very difficult thing.

The weird and ominous source is not a good thing. If they find out where the prehistoric world is, what will happen, Dubao can’t think of.

But to be sure, that is definitely not a good thing.

“It won’t cause any dark turmoil, alien invasion, right?”

Duobao was a little panicked. If these things really happened, then he would be guilty.


Dubao is not sure, but thinking about it carefully, he is not so flustered.

After all, in the predicament, he was just a little shrimp, just Taiyi Golden Immortal, Da Luo Jinxian, Zhunsheng, Sage, and above Sage, there was also a Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

Although the weird and ominous source above the heavens are very powerful, but compared to the prehistoric world, they are not necessarily opponents.

“The place where I am located should be higher than God’s. The strong over there may not be my opponent of Sage… It’s okay, the sky is falling and I have a tall man to stand it up.”

Duobao settled slightly: “However, he can’t just watch it like this, he still has to make some preparations.”

“Anyway, this is also a possibility. Make some preparations in advance and wait until the future. If it happens, you can be less panicked and be able to deal with it calmly.”

“I think about it, what can I do?”


In the Chaos Shop, Duobao thought for a long time, and slowly got an idea, and began to make arrangements.

Ten thousand years later, the real Yellow Dragon came to the shop: “Big brother.”

“You are here.” Duobao stopped his movements and looked at Yellow Dragon with relief in his eyes.

“Yes, big brother.” The real Yellow Dragon respectfully replied: “big brother, my foundation has been replaced, come to find the big brother for the law.”

“Don’t use the word begging, brothers and sisters, you don’t have to be so polite.”

Duobao greeted Yellow Dragon to come over, put his hand on his shoulder, turned around, disappeared in the shop, and returned to Kunlun Manor.

Looking at the familiar scenery around, Yellow Dragon was really puzzled: “Big brother?”

Don’t you want to teach the Fa? Why are you here?

“No hurry, you come with me.” Duobao walked towards the body inside the manor.

The real Yellow Dragon followed behind him.

Arriving in the body, standing still, Duobao said, “Yellow Dragon.”

“Yes.” Yellow Dragon replied respectfully.

“I think you like the body cultivator, and you are a dragon, with a strong body and Xiantian advantage.”

“Where I am, there is a Yellow Dragon earth body. I think it is the most suitable for you. I wonder if you would like to cultivate?”

Duobao took out a book and handed it to Yellow Dragon.

Books are his habit. He is accustomed to writing all the Taoism he has created on books. This is more textured. He is not accustomed to the way of Jade Slip.

Yellow Dragon took the book, looked through it carefully, and didn’t rush to answer.

Duobao did not rush to ask, waiting for him to finish reading.

“Yellow Dragon Earth True Body…” Yellow Dragon looked at it, feeling startled and horrified.

Yes, it’s just fear.

Although this Taobao was created by Duobao, and Duobao is also his senior brother, and will not harm him, he was also terrified by the power of the body cultivator of this Taobao after practice and cultivation.

In fact, this method is too strong.

Taking the law of the earth as the core, taking weight and defense, the two cores, with fluctuations as the main line, auxiliary cultivation.

According to Taoist cultivation, one must first perceive the earth, transform it into a piece of earth with Magic power, and then move its own true rhyme with waves, continuously condense, compress, strengthen, and produce qualitative changes in the earth, turning it into a yellow dragon.

Then compress the Yellow Dragon to the smallest, replacing its own cells…

“Big brother…what is a cell?” Yellow Dragon suddenly raised his head and asked.

“Oh, it’s very simple, it’s the most basic thing that makes up the body.” Duobao replied.

“The most basic thing?” Yellow Dragon was even more puzzled.

Duobao took a piece of hair on the head of Yellow Dragon, held it in his hand, and the magic power turned out. The hair was divided into countless cells and appeared in front of the two of them.

“Every tiny thing here is a cell.”

“Hiss~” Looking at the hundreds of thousands of cells, the Yellow Dragon couldn’t help taking a breath. It was just a piece of hair.

Thinking of the description in the true body of the Yellow Dragon earth, it is necessary to use Magic power to transform it into a ground, then compress, condense, strengthen the earth, and turn it into the true rhyme of the Yellow Dragon, replacing its own cells.


The Yellow Dragon couldn’t help but swallowed and asked Dubao in disbelief, “Big brother, isn’t every Yellow Dragon only replaces one hair, right?”

There are tens of thousands of hairs on his head. In this way, tens of thousands of Yellow Dragons are exchanged, which is tens of thousands of squares of earth.

What is this concept?

In his opinion, the earth described in [Yellow Dragon Earth Real Body] is much heavier and stronger than Fangshan Mountain. It feels a bit difficult to condense the earth.

If every hair needs a Yellow Dragon, then the hair of his head alone needs a total of 20,000 to 30,000 Yellow Dragons.

Not to mention other parts of the body.

In sum, at least there must be millions of squares of earth, millions of Yellow Dragons, in order to cultivate the [Yellow Dragon Earth Real Body].

What is this concept?

Just thinking about it, Yellow Dragon feels desperate. Is this really a Cultivation Technique that people can cultivate?

“Of course not.” Duobao said flatly.

Yellow Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, not just fine, not just fine.

If this is the case, then the difficulty of cultivation of this Taoism is really too high.

He didn’t even dare to think that every cell needs a Yellow Dragon, the direction of the earth… It’s horrible.

“It’s not a hair, it’s a cell.” Dubao said earnestly: “Any creature is made up of cells. A human body has 40 to 60 trillion cells.”

“You are an immortal god, your own cells are fixed, with sixty trillion cells.”

“In other words, if you want to cultivate into the true body of the Yellow Dragon, you need to condense the sixty trillion squares of land and sixty trillion Yellow Dragons before you can get started.”

The expression on Yellow Dragon’s face suddenly froze, looking at Dubo incredulously.

What he didn’t dare to think about, the possibility that he didn’t dare to think about, turned out to be facts?

The true body of the Yellow Dragon Earth is indeed not a single hair or a yellow dragon, but it is a cell, a Yellow Dragon, or a single earth.


After a long time, Yellow Dragon opened his mouth wide, and asked Dubao: “Big brother… are you serious?”


Duobao slapped Yellow Dragon on the head: “What are you talking about, about cultivation, can you joke with you?”

“…” Yellow Dragon was silent and couldn’t help groaning: “But, big brother, can this really be accomplished?”

“Why can’t it?” Duobao asked back: “It’s also quite simple.”

“When you start the cultivation of the Yellow Dragon earth body, it is estimated that you will have the strength of Xuanxian. The following steps will be done step by step. Da Luo Jinxian dare not say that Taiyi Jinxian is still okay.”

“This is the cultivation method I created specifically for you.”

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