Chapter 196: Ominous Heart


The water splashed, and Duobao jumped into the sea, swimming towards the bottom of the sea like a fish.

He could feel that the general feeling of joy and admiration for him, although it came from this sea of ​​Daohai, was not this sea, but something in the sea.

That thing should be the source of all these abnormal changes.


Duobao pushed the sea, swimming in the sea, and soon he saw the source of the fluctuations, the source of emotions.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the heart beating is stronger and faster.

When Duobao arrived in front of him, it was like a shower of rain, beating rapidly.

Duobao stopped and stared at the red one in front of him in amazement. Because of his arrival, the red light was constantly flashing, like a huge heart of a child acting like a baby to his parents.

Countless Dao Yun sea water continuously flows into the heart.

Then the breath of the red heart continued to increase.


After Duobao stopped, the red heart stopped abruptly, and then a strong stream of red water emerged from the heart and rushed towards Duobao.

Duobao didn’t notice the danger, nor felt anything bad in it, so he let the red water fall on him.

In an instant, when the red water was falling on his body, Duobao immediately felt endless insights.

It is the sentiment contained in the light spots of Taoism before.

Among these insights, there are also the emotional fluctuations of offering treasures, happy, excited, and wronged.

That was the emotion of Red Heart after discovering that Dubao had arrived.

Happy, excited about his arrival, giving him the best thing for himself, wronged why he didn’t come and stand so far.

Although the red heart can’t speak, its emotions are completely expressed through the flow of red water.

“Conscious?” Duobao was stunned and slowly approached the red heart.

As he approached, the red heart that had already stopped beating, like an aggrieved child, suddenly resumed beating again.

Boom boom boom!

“Who are you?” Duobao placed his hand in the red heart, and the emotion he felt immediately became more obvious, he asked softly.

He could see that the red heart was made of ominous power.

It’s just that, unlike the ominous power he had previously recognized and seen, in the red heart at this time, where is there any sense of ominous, dangerous, and uneasy, it seems that it is really just a red It’s just the heart.

Boom boom boom!

The red heart did not answer Duobao’s question, but kept beating, expressing his own excitement, excitement, and happiness.

“It’s just instinct…Isn’t there any clear wisdom yet?”

Duobao understood, placing his palm in the red heart, his spiritual thoughts fell, and he probed carefully.

What divine thoughts fall into and appear in the mind is a red world.

There are countless red dots in the world.

Duobao took a closer look and quickly determined that each of these red dots represented a creature…a creature that was contaminated with ominousness.

The red dot flashed slightly, and every time it flashed, a little bit of Taoism and sentiment appeared.

“I see!”

Seeing this, Duobao was stunned: “Is it through ominousness to write down everyone’s sentiments and then gather them into himself?”

It turns out that ominousness still has such a function, which he really hadn’t noticed before.

This is like a little Heavenly Dao, all the creatures who are contaminated with ominous, their own perceptions and gains will be fed back into the ominous.

“Hi…” Duobao hissed lightly, “If this is used well, it is a powerful plug-in!”

Suddenly he was a little worried. It turned out that Ominous had such power. I didn’t realize it at first, but it was terrifying to think about it.

“No wonder, the ominous world can turn the perfect world, the world of obscured sky, the world of kidney deficiency, into such a terrible…there is no problem in this way!”

Duobao sighed and calmed down slowly: “However, it is not without weakness.”

Although Ominous is strong, there are still weaknesses, and there are many, the biggest weakness lies in the upper limit.

With the limit of the upper limit, the ominous cannot grow infinitely, and the original infinite terror will become limited.

Moreover, after reaching a certain level of strength, one can also vaguely discover its own ominousness, and use various methods to restrict it.

Although it is secret, the ominousness can still be removed under the purposeful search and purposeful restrictions.

This greatly limits the ominous development.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The warmth from the palm of his hand interrupted Duobao’s thoughts.

He looked at the red heart: “It has instinct… treats me as its father… so the ominous power converges to me, so that it doesn’t make me feel hurt.”

“Although it is only a heart now, the existence of Dao Yun will accelerate its growth… If I do not limit it, if it continues, it will develop sooner or later, and it will have complete wisdom and become a true statue. Creatures.”

“Ominous creatures…”

Dobo thought about it, and suddenly thought of something: “Ominousness can turn into a living being… weird should also be…”

“Above the heavens in the perfect world…there are no such ominous, weird creatures!”

Dubao’s heart moved, it was very possible.

“Do I want to limit it…” Staring at the red heart, his thoughts flashed.

There is no doubt that ominous creatures are terrifying existences.

After all, it itself represents ominousness, and ominousness itself is terrifying…to become a creature…it will only be more terrifying.

Dubao’s eyes flashed, looking at the red heart, some want to destroy it.


It seemed that he had guessed Duobao’s thoughts, and the red heart beat, and a ripple appeared, immersed in Duobao’s body.

Then, feelings of grievance, fear, and sadness came.

Dubao can feel its emotions. It is very sad. It doesn’t understand why he, as a parent, wants to hurt it.

Obviously it is very good.

It did nothing!

Duobao was silent: “Yes, it is a terrifying existence, but… can I just destroy it just because of this?”

Moreover, it regards itself as its father and is very dependent on itself.

He could clearly sense this point.

After discovering the action of own, the red heart was wronged, sad, and afraid, but still did not want to hurt own mind at all.

It seems that if you really want to destroy it, it won’t have any resistance.

If the father wants to destroy it, do it!

Among the emotions expressed by the red heart, Dubao could feel such emotions.

Suddenly his heart softened, and Duobao suddenly couldn’t do it: “In the prehistoric world, there are so many terrifying things.”

“Zhuxian’s Four Swords, Taiji Figure, Pangu Flags, Hunyuan Golden Dou, Chaos Clock… which one of these is not scary?”

“But they can all exist, why can’t it exist?”

“It’s terrifying and powerful in its own right… Isn’t that wrong?”

“Power does not distinguish good or bad, but it is different from the person who has it.”

“It still doesn’t know anything, it’s just a child… and even now it’s not even a child.”

“I shouldn’t directly destroy it just because of its horror.”

“It’s…unfair to it.”

Duobao let go of his thoughts, and the killing intent on his body disappeared.

Touching the red heart, he whispered softly: “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, but…in the future, when you grow up, don’t force me.”

After all, it was just an ominous form, and for now, it was still within his control.

It is like a blank sheet of paper now. If he teaches well, cholera will not necessarily occur in the future.

“I hope…no!”

With a sigh, Duobao completely let go of his thoughts.

The red heart was beating, cheering, feeling the change in Dubao’s mood, and jumping into his arms for a moment, rubbing it against it, expressing his own closeness.

“You, you…”

Duobao smiled helplessly and patted the red heart.

Suddenly, there is such a child, and it feels… really amazing.

“But…you look like something…” Duobao held the red heart and shook his head lightly.

Now that it has been decided, all worries have been suppressed.

“I’ll help you transform your shape quickly!”

Duobao said, looking at the entire Dao Yun Sea.

The scale of the Sea of ​​Dao Yun is already sufficient. If it is completely absorbed, it will be enough to allow the ominous creatures to fully grow.

It’s just that the absorption of the ominous heart can’t keep up with digestion.

Normally, ominousness can completely swallow all Taoism, and it will not form this sea of ​​Taoism.

This is a by-product of indigestion.

The perception contained in the sea of ​​Taoism is wrapped in ominous power and cannot be insight by other creatures.

Only after being processed by the ominous creature itself can it be used by other creatures.

It was just like the blood-red stream of water that the ominous heart sprayed against him before.

That is the Taoist aggregate after being processed, it can be used by any creature without restrictions.

There are not a lot of Taoism contained in that red water current, and it is even more ominously sorted out and unpredictable.

If it were replaced by ordinary creatures and got such a stream of water, it would be possible to establish Immortal Ascension.

Duobao could feel that that stream of water had already been transformed by all the Taoism that the ominous heart had absorbed during this period of time.

Because own arrived, it was given to him without reservation.

The existence of this current of water also accounts for a lot of reasons for putting down the idea of ​​doing it.

The ominous heart had only just been born, and its ability was still weak. Compared with the ominous liches, it was still a lot worse.

“Let me help you!”

The Magic power on Duobao ran, and fell into the ominous heart through the palm of his hand.


Following that, a huge roar sounded.

The power of the ominous heart gained a huge Ascension, and the whole body showed a strong red light.

The red light spreads towards the entire sea of ​​Taoism.

The red light was like a black hole, and wherever it went, the sea of ​​Dao Yun was instantly swallowed.

The red light spreads quickly, and because of this, a huge blank area is quickly formed with Dubao and the ominous heart as the center.

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