Chapter 268 Hong Yun’s Guess

“Huh?” After waiting for a while, before the expected attack fell, the young man opened his eyes and screamed in surprise.

Not only did he not die under the red light, but his injuries were already healed.

“Senior, Junior, thank you senior!”

Suddenly, the young man understood, stood up, knelt on his knees, and kowtowed towards Hongyun.

Hongyun nodded, and said flatly: “Get up, I think you are a good person, you and I are predestined, so I will save you… I hope you will not forget your original intention and don’t change your own mind.”

Hong Yun is very touched, the current predicament is endless and chaotic, and in it, few creatures can die from one thing, and never change their original heart.

Good at the beginning may not be good in the future, and evil at the beginning may not be evil in the future.

Under the ups and downs, in the ups and downs, the character will be changed.

If the character can remain unchanged from beginning to end, at least it is also the foundation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

There was no such creature in the former prehistoric, let alone the current prehistoric.

“Dare to ask senior Gao’s name, dare to ask senior…Why did my prehistoric world become like this…When will it be better?”

The young man did not get up, but knocked his head heavily on the ground.

The figure that Hongyun had planned to leave stopped.

Listening to the young man’s words, Hong Yun’s expression suddenly became a little dazed, looking at the majestic world, after a long time, he left a word and disappeared.

“The world has no masters, the magic soldiers are in chaos… this is a catastrophe!”

The youth just got up at this moment and looked at the place where Hongyun had been before, with a look of horror: “Great catastrophe!”

“Heaven and Earth Wuzhu… is it the disappearance of the Lich family?”

“Where are the Liches?”

“Could it be…fallen?”

“No way?”

“That’s the two clan of Lich? Heaven and earth overlord!”

The young man was extremely shocked and horrified. Hongyun’s words expressed a lot of meaning.

“Could it be that there is really no way in this world?” The young man raised his head, his eyes sad.

After this change, he survived for a long time and witnessed countless tragic events.

He doesn’t want to see such a thing anymore!

“I want to find out… Ask those Sages why they watched the Majestic World become like this, but still turn a blind eye to it.”

“The Lich races have disappeared, shouldn’t Sage maintain it?”

The young man was grieved, angry, holding a spear in his hand, with a firm look, no longer as usual, wandering through the wild, looking for magic soldiers, and healing the common people.

He knew that this would not affect the overall situation at all, and he wanted to find out.

Why, the world has become like this, but Sage, who is above and dominates the common people, can watch.

Is it really going to turn the primordial world into a purgatory on earth?

“My Donghua… I must find some understanding!”

“As Sage, but so inaction, they are Sage in vain!”

Among Kunlun, Sanqing suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Donghua.

Yuan Yuan smiled and said, “Big brother, what do you say?”

Tongtian nodded: “It is indeed a kind person, but he is too proud of himself.”

Taiqing looked at Donghua unexpectedly: “Duke Dong… Donghua… unexpectedly, your personality has changed so much.”

They are Sage. When they saw Donghua, they immediately calculated everything about him.

The young man’s name is Donghua, and he is not a small person.

In his previous life, he was also a pivotal figure in the prehistoric life, and it can even be said that he was the master of the prehistoric period.

Because in his previous life, he was the head of the male immortals of the East, and in name, even the Sanqing and the Second Western Saints belonged to him.

It was just because of being too arrogant and lacking knowledge of oneself, which led to a murderous disaster. I don’t know the depth, and fell under the siege of the monster clan, which fulfilled the rise of the monster clan.

After all, the Eastern Prince was the head of the male immortal, and he also gained a lot of merit when he was in power, so he didn’t completely fall, and gained a ray of life.

A true spirit wanders in the wilderness, protected, nourished, and nurtured by the wilderness. It was only not long ago that it was conceived and transformed into a Xiantian divine residence, named Donghua.

This Donghua is not simple. It looks like a young man now, but in later generations, he is also the famous Donghua emperor, the emperor above Heaven Court.

However, that is still a little far away from him now. He became the Emperor Heaven Court ruled by Haotian instead of the Emperor Heaven Court of the demon race.

Now he is just an ordinary Xiantian divine residence.

Of course, what made Sanqing focused on was not his identity in the previous life, nor his current identity, but the identity of his later life.

Speaking of it, this Donghua is really unlucky. In the previous life, the King of Dong returned to the head of the predominant male immortal, and he fell. This life is for Donghua, who has the emperor’s fate, and Samsara has gone.

It was not until the third life, who reincarnated Lu Dongbin and became one of Shangdong Eight Immortals, that he was completely stable and did not fall again.

In these three lives, his status and status have been lower than once, and his strength has been weaker than once…As a god-tier, there is no one who has been mixed to such a degree.

It is Hong Yun, a well-known hapless guy, who feels much better than him.

At least not so much trouble with him!

Donghua III, Eight Immortals Lu Dongbin, was a disciple of the old gentleman, so he could be regarded as a disciple of Taiqing…should be a disciple of Outer Sect.

Because according to rumors, Taiqing only accepted a disciple like Xuandu, and most of the other disciples were Outer Sect disciples.

“Brother…this kid seems to be dissatisfied with us now!” Tongtian smiled and said, “He has a relationship with the elder brother and apprentice…Brother, what do you think should be handled?”

He wasn’t putting eye drops on Donghua, it was Donghua who did his own death.

What is the existence of Sage, can it be vilified at will?

Although it is not a verbal abuse, the dissatisfaction with Sage in his words shows that it has been contaminated with Karma.

Even if Sage doesn’t mind, their own power will lead Karma to Donghua, and cause him a lot of disaster.

The meaning of Tongtian’s words is to ask if they want to help him.

Judging from Sage’s eyes, Donghua is already conceived with disasters at this time, and the road to the future will definitely not be easy.

Taiqing shook his head: “No, although he has a kind heart, he still lacks the meaning of awe… Just use this to sharpen it!”

Primitive, Tongtian nodded: “Goodness.”


In the view of Wuzhuang, Hong Yun took the Blood Demon platform and pushed open the door of Wuzhuang with a careless attitude, and walked in.

Proficiently walked to the place where the ginseng fruit was at the back of the manor.

With a wave, a side of the coffee table appeared under the big tree, and then with a wave, a golden light flew out and fell on the fruit tree, knocking down the swaying ginseng fruit three times.

“You guy… come to steal my fruit again?”

A helpless voice came, and Zhen Yuanzi walked out angrily.


Hong Yun didn’t care. He picked up a ginseng fruit without rubbing it, and opened his mouth to bite it. Then, looking at Jin Yuanzi, who seemed to be very angry, he threw the Blood Demon station over.

“Demon soldier?” Zhen Yuanzi took the Blood Demon stage, the anger on his face disappeared, a frustration flashed, and then a thick doubt.

Sitting opposite Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi took the Blood Demon platform and asked, “Did you go out to save people?”

Hong Yun is a kind heart, has a kind heart, goes out to travel, does not see tragic things, and goes out to save some creatures, he is not surprised.

“There are more and more magic soldiers appearing, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.”

Hong Yun ate the ginseng fruit in a few bites, and said to Zhen Yuanzi worriedly: “Remember that before, the strongest demon soldier was only fifth rank, but now it has reached the 9th rank… if you wait for a while. time…”

The Ninth-Rank Demon Soldier is nothing to them, but it is equivalent to the strength of the Golden Immortal rank, and one thought can be dispelled.

However, neither Hong Yun nor Zhen Yuanzi had forgotten those weird creatures that they saw out of the mountains after the fall of the old man of Hundred Soldiers.

Among them, many of them were heart palpitations, and they felt the existence of deep danger.

Those things are the source of Divine Armament.

It can even be said that those creatures turned into magic soldiers, Divine Armament.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi was also full of worries: “Why is this happening?”

The Divine Armament that appears now, they don’t care about the magic soldiers, but in the future, continue to do so, until the magic soldiers that make them feel the danger, the heart palpitations, the Divine Armament…then the prehistoric is not completely chaotic?

Now, with them, although the prehistoric land is very chaotic, at least it is still under control, but in the future… thinking of those weird creatures, they are not much sure that they will be able to control the predominant land.

It looks chaotic now, but compared to the changes that may occur in the future, the current flood is actually quite calm.

When they can’t suppress it anymore, that’s the real chaos.

“Daozu his old man fits Heavenly Dao, no outsiders… I went to the chaos and bowed down for three thousand years, but I didn’t get an audience with Daozu.”

Hong Yun picked up another ginseng fruit and ate it with a creak, with a calm face: “I went to find Sage again and asked about the solution and the reason for this incident.”

“Brother Sanqing Dao is in Kunlun, and Kunlun closed the mountain, I can’t find it.”

“Brother Nuwa is in the Snail Palace, in the chaos. I went to find it, but I couldn’t find it either.”

“I went to the west again, but found Lingshan, but in the Lingshan, there was no guide, Zhundi two Dao brothers.”

Having said this, Zhundi paused, and after waiting for a moment, he continued: “It seems that Daozu and Sages are hiding specially, specially to indulge the development of Honghuang.”

“They knew the reason for Honghuang’s changes, but they didn’t intervene or stop… even, I suspect that these things were caused by them!”

Zhen Yuanzi was listening and thinking attentively, but when he heard Hongyun say this, he was shocked. Can Dao Zu and Sage say it so easily?

ps: Because there has been something at home recently, a lot of time has been delayed. The outbreak that was originally scheduled for August may not be able to catch up. Laoshan tried his best to catch up. If it doesn’t work, it can only be delayed until September. I’m really sorry. Everyone apologized!

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