Chapter 271 Five-Colored Disc

“After calling for so long, I don’t know how much my luck has been lost?”

Dubao is very distressed, why didn’t he find it before?

It shouldn’t be!

Fortunately, this thing is so important, and it’s a bit of a loss, I should be able to feel it, but now I don’t feel it at all.

As he thought about it, he checked his own fortune. After seeing this, he was stunned: “Hey?”

During the induction, his own luck is like a rainbow, and his luck is steady and powerful, just like the vast starry sky, not powerful.

Just looking at it gives people a sense of stability and strength, just like the ancient mountains, unshakable.

“No less?”

Duobao carefully calculated it, and found that before comparing his own fortune numbers, not only did it not decrease, but it also increased.

Moreover, this state has not disappeared, and the number of luck has been increasing.

The pressure brought by the name of the Taoist priest fell on his own luck, like a breeze and a mountain, bringing only coolness without any damage.

“……” Duobao was stunned: “Can you bear it?”

This result surprised him.

This is Dao Zun… the title!

When he wants to come, if he wants to bear this title, at least he has to be a quasi saint, right?

Quasi-Holy Tianzun…Is that right?

But now he is just a big Luo Jinxian, but he still can withstand it!

And from the looks of it, it seems that you still have extra energy?

“No wonder I didn’t feel it!”

He understood, and he said, why the luck was compromised, he didn’t have the slightest sense of it. Now it seems that it was because the name of Dao Zun did not compromise his luck at all.

On the contrary, it also stabilized the luck and made the luck more stable.

That thick mountain-like feeling is precisely because of this.

“The number of shipments continues to grow?”

Looking at his own luck, Duobao curiously looked for the growth of his luck and went back.

In a short while, the five sources were found.

The first one, Monster Qi Ling Ran, comes from the monster clan;

The second way, qi and blood soaring into the sky, comes from the Wu clan;

The third way, peace and tranquility, comes from the human race;

The fourth way, violent and fierce, comes from the Ashura clan;

The fifth way, weak and complicated, comes from Su Shan.

“So it’s you?”

Duobao understands.

Because these five major forces have obtained his Magic Treasures, and they are all using them. While giving him a steady stream of Magic power, they are also giving him feedback on luck.

“And such an unexpected joy?”

Duobao was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.

No one is too much to count this thing.

The more luck you have, the smoother you are, and the harder you are to encounter danger and catastrophe.

Even if there is a catastrophe, it is blocked by him, and it is dispersed.

“Hey…” Thinking about it, Duobao suddenly laughed.

This is really cool the more I think about it.

This is luck, put it in the predicament, it can almost be regarded as the existence of panacea.

It can prevent disasters or take advantage of opportunities. As long as he is willing, as long as he has enough luck, in the midst of the predicament, even if he is not strong enough, he can walk sideways.

To put it simply, if he is lucky enough, he will be like the protagonist in the novel.

All the existences that don’t think about him will end up miserably, most of them are lucked backlash.

To put it more bluntly, in a world like Honghuang, sometimes, luck is even stronger than strength.

If the luck is strong enough, even the quasi-sage can’t kill a mortal, and in the end, it may be counter-killed by the mortal.

Of course, it is an astronomical figure to achieve that level of transport required.

“Two clans of Liches, human races… Shura tribe…”

The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became, and Dubao had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

It’s not to blame him, who replaced him, in such a situation, can he not laugh, be unhappy, not excited, and not excited?

The Lich races are the protagonists of the world of this calamity, and the Human races are the protagonists of the world of the next calamity and all the future calamities…They are constantly providing him with luck. This means that as long as the time is long enough in the future, He has accumulated enough luck.

It’s really enough to walk sideways!

If the strength is not enough, all can be done.

Rejoiced, and after a moment of excitement, Duobao pressed his mind, and then his face was sad.

Can you walk horizontally in the prehistoric world by yourself? This is already something to be said. The question now is, what happened in the prehistoric world?

What is the source of such a change?

“Oh, right!”

Suddenly, Duobao finally remembered the group of negative emotions he had forgotten for a long time.

Take it out, put it in front of your eyes, and observe carefully.

“This stuff… really feels familiar!”

He had felt a touch of familiarity from this thing before, and now, when he looked at it again, the familiar feeling became clearer.

“what is it then?”

“Wait…” Suddenly, Duobao’s body was shocked and he was inexplicably flustered. Looking at the negative emotions in his hand, there was a trace of shock in his eyes: “So soon?”

“That arrives so fast?”

He thought, that familiar feeling was clearly a feeling of ominous power.

In other words, the source of the current changes in Honghuang is the ominous force.

“They actually got it, and it’s still so fast!”

Duobao understood, no wonder the great changes in the prehistoric world were due to the arrival of the truly weird race.


Duobao took a deep breath, panicked for a while, and suddenly certain: “This matter is caused by me, I can’t just sit idly by.”

If it hadn’t been for the famous post he circulated that attracted Shi Hao, and then curiously took away the strange and ominous power from him, those strange people would not have discovered the prehistoric world.

Naturally, the prehistoric world will not become what it is now.

He just said that in his memory, the Primordial World has no such suffering, and no relevant information can be found.

Now it seems that only ghosts can be found!

All of this was only attracted because of his random operation.

The original Honghuang didn’t have him, so naturally there would be no such thing.

“Master, uncle master, uncle second…” Duobao immediately wanted to find Sanqing, and wanted to ask them about the specific situation.

But as soon as the thought came out, the whereabouts of Sanqing was not found in Kunlun.

“Not here?”

Duobao was puzzled, and then he suddenly said, “Is it because Honghuang has changed at this time, did he preside over the overall situation?”

He was even more worried: “I don’t know what is going on in the prehistoric world now?”

“Go to Master!”

Although curious and worried, he did not go directly to the prehistoric world.

The strength of his own is not enough, and he can’t solve anything if he goes to the prehistoric land.

The best way now is to find someone to ask about the situation at this time, and then see if you can think of a solution with your own brain.

“It’s also possible, it’s all right, after all, Master, Master, they are really strong!”

Duobao rushed towards Chaos, a thought flashed through his mind.

But the mood did not relax, on the contrary, it was even more heavy.

Because if this matter can really be resolved, then Honghuang will not become like this now.

Duobao’s eyes grew firmer, and he was ready to deal with all the consequences.


In the prehistoric demon Heaven Court, there is a red hydrangea, a triple gem Ruyi Scepter, a mysterious yellow pagoda, a blue sword, a tree, and a golden lotus floating.

The Six Saints used their own methods to stimulate the Great Five Elements cycle with all their strength.

Collecting the power of the Six Saints, the Great Circle of Five Elements, which was filthy and exuding all kinds of foul smells, suddenly appeared, transformed into a five-color disc, and appeared in the center of the six.


When the Five Elements disc appeared, Nuwa immediately covered her own mouth and nose, and gathered Magic power to protect herself.

The other Sages also subconsciously protected themselves, the magic light flashed, blocking the stench and the ensuing invasion force.

Taiqing looked at the five-color disc and said solemnly, “It seems that the matter is more serious than we thought.”

The five-color disc represents the Great Five Elements cycle, the self-adjustment of the prehistoric world, and the operating system, which is equivalent to a person’s heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

At this time, the Five Elements cycle, which was supposed to be clear and transparent, was running slowly, but almost stopped.

The power brought by the ominous power turned into a stench and the power of filth, polluting the Five Elements cycle, forming many filthy things, blocking the cycle of the Five Elements cycle, and at the same time, it gradually became dirty and changed. Its essence.

“Hiss~” All the sages were horrified, and their eyes were all shocked, incomparably shocked.

Originally, they didn’t really think that the matter was so serious, they only thought that as long as they were willing to take action, solving such a matter would be a breeze.

But now it seems that it is not that simple.

As far as the situation of the five-color disk is now, the severity of it, even they find it difficult, and it feels a little bit impossible to start.

Zhundi waved the Seven Treasure Tree, the seven-color light fell, and was instantly bounced back.

The crystal clear divine light also became less crystal clear, and even more stinking.

With a sudden wave of Zhundi, the Seven Treasure Tree moved, and a colorful divine light appeared again, but instead of facing the five-color disc, it hit the colorful divine light that bounced back.


The two divine lights collided and annihilated together.

When the saints saw this, they all fell into silence.

The matter is really serious.

No matter how you say Zhundi, they are all Sages. Although they are the weakest among Sages, they are also Sages.

Its strength is far beyond what the existence under Sage can match…except for Dubao!

However, with his strength, he swung the treasure of enlightenment, the Seven Treasure Tree, unexpectedly failed to capture the dirt of the five-color disc, but was stained by the divine light, bounced back, and destroyed the sacrament.

This is enough to illustrate the problem.

The five-color disc, the Five Elements cycle has been tainted to the depths…Basically, it controls the power of the Five Elements cycle. Otherwise, it would not be possible to achieve this level and bring back a Sage’s attack.

“Let’s do it together!”

The sages no longer relaxed, staring solemnly at the five-color disc, and finally they were too clear.

All the saints nodded together, no one had any objections.

They each made their best efforts to mobilize their strongest spirit treasures, turning them into a powerful force, and falling towards the five-color disc.

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