Chapter 303 How Did I Become a Golden Immortal?

He always felt that there was a problem with Hongyun’s grand purple qi.

Although Hongmeng Ziqi was on Hongyun’s body, Hongyun should not be blessed.

No other Sage has become a disciple of the Taoist ancestor, but Hong Yun?

And the other disciples have also become holy one after another, and only Hongyun hasn’t moved a bit until now?

There must be a problem with this grandeur!

This is Zhen Yuanzi’s cognition, but he can’t say anything about it.

The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, Hong Yun is now in the game and can’t listen to anything.

If I really say it, I’m afraid it will hurt the feelings of the two people.

Therefore, although Zhen Yuanzi had guesses and cognitions, he never dared to tell Hongyun.

“I mean it.” Hong Yun was anxious, and Duobao rolled his eyes, feeling that he didn’t seem to be very optimistic about himself.

What Yi Duobao is showing now, in his guess, may be comparable to Sage.

Even he behaves like this…what does this show, Hong Yun actually knows it in his heart.

As a result, while anxious, he was even more panicked.

“My strength is not low, and I also have a red and purple aura, I can be holy.” Hong Yun said anxiously.

Looking at the anxious red cloud, Duobao said in his heart, is sanctification really that important to you?

The words were in my heart, but I didn’t say it in the end.


Dubao answered the own question himself, and sanctification is of course important.

In the prehistoric times, the ultimate goal of almost all living beings is sanctification.

Who doesn’t want to be Sage?

It’s just very difficult. Few people, even after the appearance of the Six Saints, no one can be sanctified.

“Uncle Hongyun…I…” Duobao stopped talking.

Perhaps he is one of the people who knows Hongyun best.

It was impossible for Hongyun to be holy, and the grand purple qi on his body was not for him.

If he hadn’t given up that seat when he was in Zixiao Palace, then he would definitely be holy.

It’s just that time and fate…


Hong Yun was anxious, waiting for a long time expectantly, but waited for such a sigh.

Listening to the sigh, Hong Yun panicked.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that he really has no chance of being sanctified?

He is not convinced, other senior brothers, senior sisters, and those who have the sacred spirit are all sanctified, and he also has it. Why can’t he?

Why is he an exception?

“Yes, when you have the strength, you will have the grandeur and purple energy, and if you have some opportunities, you will naturally become holy.” Duobao thought for a while, and finally did not tell the truth, and said instead: “However, Master, you are right now. It’s a lot worse.”


Hearing this answer, not only Hongyun, but Zhen Yuanzi was stunned.

What does this mean?

“Uncle Shi was originally a quasi-sage, only one step away from Sage, but now…” Duobao said to the two.

“Now? What’s wrong now?”

The two of them were puzzled, and immediately checked their own situation, and immediately discovered something was wrong: “Why did I become a golden fairy?”

“How did I become a golden fairy?”

At almost the same time, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun exclaimed.

In the perception of the two, the Realm of the two men has changed from the former quasi-sage to the golden fairy…a full drop of the Daluo Jinxian, the Taiyi Jinxian, and the three realms of the quasi-sage.

How could this be so?

The two were amazed, but what surprised them even more was that Realm had dropped so much, if there was no warning from Dubao, they would not have even noticed it!

“It seems that Realm has dropped, but the strength…has not changed, even stronger!”

After looking carefully for a while, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun stared at each other in a daze, both of them were shocked and shocked when they saw each other’s eyes.

How can this be?

You know, Realm has Magic power, Taoism, and law perception, all of which are maintained in the ultimate existence of everything.

If Realm drops, it means that magic power, Taoism, law perception, etc. are all at the same time greatly attenuated.

But how is this possible?

Magic power is okay, how can Tao Xing drop? How does the law perception fall?

This is my own perception of Tao, the Insight of the law is like knowledge, once learned, it can only be forgotten, not completely lost.

If its roots are set, it will not change.

There are many in the predicament that can eliminate Tao Xing. The Magic Treasures and spells of Insight are also eliminated through the method of forgetting, and the essence is still there.

Re-cultivation can quickly recover.

Unless it is erased…Magic Treasures, spells that might be able to achieve this level, they have hardly heard of them.

To put it more bluntly, Taoism, perception, once enlightenment, it is equivalent to being engraved in the genes, even if it is forgotten, it is still…recoverable.

This is something that cannot be eliminated at all.

Even if the Realm is dropped due to forgetting, you can still feel a little difference, and can feel the higher Realm…the Realm they originally had.

But now, after the two of them carefully understood it, they suddenly realized that they could no longer imagine the Realm above the Golden Immortal, what kind of concept it should be.

It’s as if they were never just golden immortals, and never reached the Taiyi golden immortal, Daluo golden immortal or even the quasi-sage.

This is incredible!

“The two uncles were seriously injured, and Duobao was unable to fully recover. He could only save the lives of the two uncles. As for the strength, he could only rely on the two uncles to recover.”

“I think, the two uncles were originally quasi-sages. Even if Realm drops now, they can quickly recover. The problem is not too big.” Duobao said with some regret.

After all, he is only the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, and there are many places where Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun suffered from the injuries that cannot be understood and cannot be fully recovered.

At best, it can only be restored to the strength of the Golden Immortal.

This is the limit!

To be honest, he was very surprised: “Strange, why is it just a golden fairy?”

In other words, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun are both quasi-sages, and the power of good fortune has a miraculous effect on the recovery of injuries.

Even the dead can be resurrected, and the resurrection must be in the peak state.

But he tried his best to restore Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun to Jinxian.

When he wanted to recover from the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, he could feel nothing but nothingness, as if it didn’t exist at all.

Cultivation, Realm, is like a big road. The process of cultivation is to continuously cast this road. The road is as long as the Realm is!

It stands to reason that the two have already forged the road to Realm, the quasi-Saint. He is only helping to recover, and the difficulty is not very high.

There is good fortune supernatural powers, not to mention the quasi-sages involved, at least it shouldn’t be difficult before the Daluo Jinxian.

However, in fact, he was able to recover very well before Jin Xian, but after Jin Xian, he was gone.

It was as if the Dao had been cut off… as if it had been cut off by some powerful existence.

Moreover, this knife is extremely fierce and powerful, it is simply unimaginable!

He tried to search, but he didn’t find any clues. If he didn’t know the situation of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, he would almost think that they were just golden immortals!



Upon hearing what Duobao said, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun were even more confused.

Unconsciously, the two checked their own situation again, and Realm did fall, but the strength did not drop but rose instead.

It’s stronger than before!

Restore…Does this need to be restored?

What to restore?

Restored to quasi saint?

Now they can’t even sense the Taiyi Golden Immortal above the Golden Immortal…what are they talking about Quasi-Saint?

“I always feel…what’s wrong?” Zhen Yuanzi was very awkward, and his eyes became weird.

Countless doubts filled his mind, making him almost want to roar.

“Two uncles, I don’t know what happened to you, can you tell me?” Duobao asked curiously.

He was really curious. Originally, he thought about using Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun to recover, and glimpsed the quasi-sage Realm’s power, but he didn’t expect that the two were injured so badly. After Jinxian, there was no clue. .

“Who is it that cut off your Realm?” Duobao asked in surprise.

Such a method, he guessed, at least must be the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, that is, the existence of the twelve ancestor witch, Emperor Jun, Taiyi can do it, and even they can’t do it, it must be Sage!

Could it be that Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun provoke the Lich clan? Or Sage?

“No…” As soon as the words were spoken, Doubao suddenly realized a problem.

Hong Yun has a purple qi on his body. As far as he knows, Emperor Jun, Taiyi and Kunpeng have always coveted the purple qi on him.

According to the injuries of the two now…

“Is it the Yaozu Dijun, Taiyi shot it?”

“Cut off our Realm?”

The puzzling Zhen Yuanzi and the distressed Hongyun heard what Dubao said, the questions they hadn’t understood before suddenly changed.

“What Realm?”

“What to cut off?”

The two looked at Duobao in confusion, as if a child had 100,000 why in his head.

Duobao suddenly had a headache: “Did you forget? The injury was so severe?”

Unexpectedly, the two injuries involved the spirit, but the recovery of good fortune’s supernatural powers should be very comprehensive, and the mental injuries can also be recovered.

“Is the quasi-sage really so strong?”

Duobao was secretly surprised. He now has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, and even he can’t find the slightest sign or clue.

“I underestimated the quasi-sage, and I didn’t reach that Realm. No matter what I thought, I was wrong.”

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun stared at Duo Bao tightly, slowly as if he was trying to understand something, and a deep horror appeared in his eyes.

“Sure enough, Dubao’s idea, cognition… is there a problem?”

Zhen Yuanzi secretly said in his heart that he had such a vague concept at the beginning, but he didn’t know it, and it was too unbelievable to be sure.

Now, his own situation and Dubao’s performance… let him prove his own guess again.

With a bit of bitterness in Hong Yun’s horror, Zhen Yuanzi didn’t tell Duobao about Duobao’s guess, but told him.

Moreover, he himself had this guess.

Zhen Yuanzi’s statement only deepened his guess.

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