Chapter 306

Astonishment, shock, shock, all kinds of complex emotions, the void disappeared, and a strange world slowly formed.

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly moved his heart, felt a familiar breath, and couldn’t help but look towards the center of the world.

A little green light appeared in the center of the world, growing rapidly like a seed.

Rooting, sprouting, growing… Within a few breaths, a huge green tree grew out of it.

The big green trees can only be described by the world.

Small branches, leaves, all over the world in an instant.

The dense branches and leaves cover the sky, and you can only see the tree cover when you look up, but you can’t see the sky.

Seeing this big tree that had grown up to such a point almost instantly, Zhen Yuanzi’s heart throbbed, and suddenly an energy came from the big tree and fell.

Zhenyuanzi was blessed to the soul, and instantly sat in Lotus Position, closing his eyes.

Endless sentiment came, and the green light flashed on his body, turning into countless fragments of the law.

Space, good fortune, life, wood genus, earth… all kinds of laws can be found in it.

Zhen Yuanzi was caught in a deep level of Insight, and his aura was slowly growing.

Hong Yun could see Zhen Yuanzi’s current state, and at the same time he was pleased with him, there was even more envy in his eyes.

Hong Yun looked at Duobao suddenly, with anticipation in his eyes.

Duobao lightly nodded to Hongyun, knowing what he meant, but didn’t say a word.

“The two uncles seem to be very anxious, and they can understand.”

“After all, it was originally a quasi saint, now only Jinxian is left. It is normal to rush to recover.”

Dubao secretly said in his heart to speed up the output of Magic power.

After so many times of condensing and compressing his Magic power, it is no longer just a simple Magic power, but also contains many laws, insights, and mysteries.

A drop of Magic power falls, not to mention a complete rule, at least it is comparable to a one-third rule.

Because of this, he can directly and simply open up thirty Third Stage days with Magic power, because the power of this Movement Technique is enough to offset all other needs.

When the magic power fell, the aura of the big tree became stronger, the branches swayed, and the leaves fluttered, the powerful force waved out.

Hong Yun was shocked and kept backing away, but there was power coming from behind, squeezing him forward.

More than that, there is power on both sides of the body, up and down.

He runs Magic power, casts spells, and wants to protect himself, but he can’t even rush out of his body.

Hong Yun’s face turned red, and she felt that she was going to be flattened and turned into a leaf.

“Many… Bao…”

Hong Yun exhausted his last strength, squeezing out two words from the gap between his teeth, calling for Duobao.

“Ah, I almost forgot, Master Hongyun, you are no longer quasi-sages.”

With Duobao’s exclamation, Hong Yun suddenly felt the oppressive force around him disappear instantly.

“Whirring whirring…”

Hong Yun, whose pressure was greatly reduced, breathed and breathed: “Finally came back to life!”

Duobao looked at Hongyun apologetically: “Sorry, Master Hongyun, I forgot.”

He really forgot that Hongyun is now just a golden immortal, not the quasi-sage with vast magical powers.

He still couldn’t bear the pressure brought by such a great opening.

If it weren’t for Hong Yun to make a sound, it was afraid that Duobao would not be able to find out until he died.

At that time, you can only resurrect.

However, he didn’t know whether he could resurrect Hongyun.

With his current strength, Golden Immortal and even Taiyi Golden Immortal can be resurrected without any problems, simple and easy.

However, Hongyun is different. It was originally a quasi-sage, and its essence was powerful.

Even if his strength has fallen sharply now and he has become a golden fairy… he is not sure whether he can be resurrected.

“Good risk, good risk.”

Duobao was very fortunate, but Hong Yun called him by himself, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

He just gave himself the Harmony Purple Qi, and as a result, he killed him.

Although it was not intentional, in the eyes of outsiders, he was making money and killing himself.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” After Hong Yun took a few breaths, he finally reacted and waved his hand.

Breathing is not an end, but an action.

He has already passed the stage of living by breathing, no, to be precise, there is no stage of breathing by life at all.

Just use this kind of action to ease your emotions.

“Duobao, what are you?” Hong Yun asked Duobao enviously and shockedly.

Duobao explained, “Aren’t the two uncles going to live here? Anyway, I am also opening up 30 Third Stage days, so I will open up the First Stage day as a temporary Immortal Cave for the two uncles.”

“The conditions are simple, please don’t be offended.”

“It’s too grand…” Before the sigh in Hong Yun’s heart was over, he choked on hearing the words behind Duobao.

Simple conditions?

Taking First Stage as the Immortal Cave, can this be called simple?

With Hongyun’s disposition, he almost couldn’t help screaming after hearing such words.

Regarding the sky as the Immortal Cave, looking at the prehistoric, only Duobao has such a handwriting.


Hong Yun looked at Zhen Yuanzi who had enlightened the Tao at Lotus Position, his body flashed with blue light, the fragments of the law continued to grow, and his complexion became more and more ruddy, obviously gaining a lot.

This is not a simple Immortal Cave at all.

It was created completely in line with Zhen Yuanzi’s situation, where cultivation, enlightenment, and effect are all ascension.

Maybe it can’t keep up with Enlightenment, but it’s not too bad to think about it.

“What kind of strength is this?”

“How can this be done?”

It’s nothing more than 30 Third Stage days that are more powerful than the original 30 Third Stage days. According to their respective circumstances, they can also open up places that are so suitable for enlightenment. With such an effect, Hongyun suddenly felt that it was already impossible to see clearly. Dubao, now it is covered with a layer of mist.


The Sixth Stage was completely opened up, the tree growth was completed, and the tree was dragged, Jin Yuanzi turned into a green light and fell into the dense branches of the tree.

Hong Yun looked over in an instant, searching among the dense leaves.


Suddenly, Hong Yun couldn’t help but screamed.

I saw that among the dense leaves, a thumb-sized, green fruit appeared quietly.

The fruit is very strange, just like a baby, but a miniature baby.

“Ginseng fruit?”

The fruit is very strange, but Hong Yun is no stranger. He had eaten countless fruits like this once, but it was much bigger than this.

“Yes.” Duobao looked at Zhen Yuanzi: “I simulated the ginseng fruit tree with the spirit of Zhen Yuanzi, and transformed the world with the ginseng fruit tree. I used my own power to motivate and transform Zhen Yuanzi. For ginseng fruit, re-grow…I want to, can and can slightly help Master Jin Yuanzi recover faster.”


Hong Yun was sluggish, looking at the ginseng fruit that Zhen Yuanzi had transformed, speechless for a long time.

Is this a faster question?

This is clearly a fast Ascension… In such an environment, with the guidance of How Treasure, the strength of the Ascension is so great that it cannot be fully imagined with Hongyun own imagination.

In the end, only one word appeared in his mind: “It’s huge!”

It must be very big, how big is it, it’s not clear!

Hong Yun took a deep breath, and turned his head to look at Duo Bao expectantly: “What about me?”

Zhen Yuanzi’s problem has been resolved, so the next step is his.

Zhen Yuanzi’s current experience made him envious, and he couldn’t wait even more.

“Since the uncle is so eager, then let’s start.”

Looking at the urgent red cloud, Duobao said with a smile, and then walked towards the seventh stage.

Hongyun immediately followed.

When I came to the seventh stage, I knew that Hongyun was in a hurry, and Duobao didn’t talk nonsense. He took out the Hongyun Qi machine that he had put away before, and the Magic power fell into it.

Soon, the Qi machine grew stronger, condensed like a substance, and turned into a crimson cloud.

The clouds shrink, back and forth, back and forth.

After each cycle, the clouds become bigger.

After seeing the cloud appearing, Hong Yun, who had already waited impatiently, immediately released his divine mind and fell into the cloud.

“Hey…” Hong Yun moved too fast, and Duobao had no time to stop it, and Hong Yun had already dispersed his divine mind into it.


Along with a roar, a flame suddenly appeared in the clouds, and it fell on Hongyun like lightning.

Hong Yun was blown into countless pieces in an instant.

Duobao raised his hand and gave birth to a gust of wind. He rolled up the fragments of the red cloud. He smiled bitterly at these fragments and said, “Uncle Master, you are too anxious!”

When he opened up the realm of heaven, he paid all his attention, and he didn’t expect Hong Yun to be so impatient, causing it to be blown to pieces by the flames generated by the clouds made by his Magic power when he was caught off guard.

In terms of Hongyun’s current strength, how could it be possible to withstand it.

Even if he didn’t shoot against it, it was the same.

“Hey, what can I do?”

Duobao shook his head helplessly, Hong Yun has now been blown to pieces, and fortunately, he didn’t try his best, otherwise…


Raising his hand, the fragments of the red cloud immediately flew into the clouds.

Countless fragments revolved around the clouds. Under the traction of the clouds, these fragments slowly turned into countless cotton-like clouds.

Hong Yun’s deity is Yun, and he has been beaten back to his original form at this time.

“Uncle Master, Uncle Master.”

“How do you let me say hello?”

Seeing the changes in the clouds, Duobao increased the magic power instilled in the clouds. Soon, the cloud of fragments transformed by the red cloud was involved in the cloud, and after a cycle, it was no longer found.

“However, this is not all bad.”

Duobao sighed lightly: “In this way, there will be less of a barrier, and more insights will be gained.”

“Just this sin, I won’t suffer less.”

A person who is blown to pieces by life and life without death, what is that not sin?

And it is endless suffering, endless torture.

“Uncle Master, you did it yourself, so you can’t blame me.”

Duobao looked innocent, which really couldn’t be blamed on him.


In the precipice, Baijia discovered that the changes had disappeared, and slowly walked out of the major demon realms.

Only after they came out, looking at the world that they had originally dominated, they fell into contemplation.

“This world seems to be different!”

“Something…something is wrong, something is wrong!”

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