Chapter 354-Opening Up the Sea of ​​Energy

Dijun was grateful, too, the original could have not sent the Taiji Tu and Pangu flags, but they finally sent them out.

Some doubts, more grateful.

If this is the case, they will have a greater grasp of overcoming this difficulty!

In the Tai Chi picture, the Pangu flag fell on the illusory Pangu axe, and the Pangu axe, which was originally only solid in one-third of the place, was all solidified!

A mighty, powerful, and magnificent force is spreading from Pangu Axe.

Pangu axe, at this moment, the entire prehistoric was quiet, and the focus of the world changed to that axe.

This is a heaven-opening artifact to open up the world of prehistoric times, and its significance is naturally extraordinary.

After its appearance, more powerful authority gathered and fell on the Pangu axe, adding power.

Before he started, the Karma channel was already shaking, and it seemed that he couldn’t bear the power of Pangu’s axe.

Too great: “So powerful… It looks like it should be no problem this time!”

Just now, Pangu’s real body made a full blow to make the Karma channel tremble for a while, but now, before he does it, the Karma channel has been trembling endlessly. This shows that the Pangu axe is powerful!

If it is really shot at this time… the Karma channel has a great probability of being broken!

“Pangu axe!”

In the Kunlun Manor, Duobao looked at the Pangu Axe in Pangu Zhen’s hand, showing keen interest.

He already has a lot of Xiantian Supreme Treasures, but the Chaos Supreme Treasure, there is only one incomplete good fortune jade disc, which is not a complete Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Pangu axe… Mingren doesn’t talk secretly, he wants it!

The Xiantian Supreme Treasure is of no use to him, but the Chaos Supreme Treasure, as an existence that also involves rules, is of course interested in him.

The best Xiantian spirit treasures, such as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Killing Spear, carry the law. The Xiantian treasure is the law to the concept, and the chaotic treasure is the rule.

For the rule Sage, of course, only the chaotic treasure that also involves the rule can have an effect on it.

Under everyone’s attention, Pangu’s real body finally started.

The Pangu axe was raised high, and it seemed that the center of the world changed accordingly… After reaching the highest point, the Pangu axe fell suddenly.

The strong axe light, sharp and unparalleled, attached to the Pangu axe.

Chaos turned up the huge waves and seemed to feel the danger and restless.

The wild world trembled, and the world shook, as if to be broken under this axe.

The Karma passage trembled even more, and the Pangu axe fell. Suddenly, it stagnated for a moment. The next moment, the sound of shattering sounded.


The Karma passage shattered, and then the emperor Jun, Taiyi, and the twelve ancestor witches who made up Pangu’s body appeared familiar and pleasantly surprised.

“It’s a sea of ​​energy!”

Too a surprise loudly.

The Karma channel quickly shattered, turning into countless pieces and slowly disappearing.

The surprise on Taiyi’s face froze, looking at the end of the Karma passage, where the energy sea was, only the breath of the energy sea appeared, but no sea water of the energy sea came out.

“No…not broken?”

Tai Yi frowned, looking at the location of the energy sea, and was stunned.

“It’s time to do it!”

Di Jun’s face was solemn, and a message came out. In the starry sky, Fuxi, Kunpeng and a group of monsters who had been preparing for a long time moved suddenly.

In the wild sky, the sun, the moon and the stars appeared together, and the endless star light was shining, containing endless mystery. At this moment, the countless ignorant plants and trees all got good fortune and gave birth to a hint of wisdom.

“Second brother!”

Di Jun looked at Taiyi and shouted.

Tai was awakened and nodded to Dijun, and the two of them stepped out together into the starry sky.

The universe star battle array, once again reappears in the prehistoric state.

The power of the endless Star shines in the starry sky, condenses, and finally turns into a thick pillar of starlight like a mountain.

The starlight fell on Pangu’s true body.

Suddenly, after the original attack, he was already out of strength, the light flashed on his body, and there was a faint Pangu body that had a tendency to separate. After receiving the energy supplement, he instantly recovered to the peak, and the strength was still constant Ascension.

From the west, Zhundi looked at Pangu’s real body, who was not standing upright, but was able to make them feel the pressure.

Different hands, they already know that they are no longer the opponents of the real Pangu.

“The union of the two groups of Lich… actually has such strength?”

Zhundi was extremely shocked, very afraid.

Unexpectedly, the Lich was already so strong.

He has a heavy heart, and the Lich is so powerful, how can the human race rise?

How will Western teaching develop?

Thirty Third Stage days, in the Earth Immortals sky, transformed into a ginseng fruit and re-cultivation, Jin Yuanzi was awakened by the movement.

The green fruit shook, a thought flew out, and soon, a strong feeling of shock lingered in the entire Earth Immortals sky.

“I am silly?”

“Can the Lich and the Monster Race unite?”

“Aren’t they always mortal enemies?”

“Am I blind?”

“Or, is this an illusion?”

Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“The monster clan is actually helping the witch clan Ascension strength… Pangu real body… that is… Pangu axe?”

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi’s meaning was beating violently, like a child who was frightened, and the fruit was shaking constantly on the big tree.

“In the end what happened?”

“Why did the Pangu Axe appear?”

“Isn’t it said that the Primordial Era cannot accommodate things from the Chaos Era?”

“Pangu axe…what are the Lich races doing?”

“Also, that way… Karma, broken Karma… where does that point?”


Zhen Yuanzi looked more and more startled, and the more he looked, the more shocked.

The previously familiar prehistoric world was so unfamiliar at this time.

The behavior of the two groups of Lich, the union, the appearance of the Pangu axe, and the fragment of Karma that has been shattered but can still feel its power, and the place where the fragment of Karma faintly points!

Zhen Yuanzi felt that during the period of his cultivation, Hong Huang must have had something upside-down, otherwise, there would be no such changes!

Under the blessing of the Universe Star Dou formation, the power of Pangu’s true body gradually reached its peak, and its strength made even the saints a little frightened.

Nuwa stood in front of the Snail Palace, and seemed to never go back after coming out.

She stared at the situation of the Lich family closely, and couldn’t help but raise her heart.

Although she was invited by Emperor Jun and Tai Yi to join the monster clan, she is not a real monster clan, but since she has already joined the monster clan, she is naturally also a monster clan.

As Sage, she certainly knows the situation faced by the Yaozu.

But, also because of Sage, she couldn’t make a move. She wanted to find a time to mention Dijun, Taiyi, but they didn’t expect that they would find it by themselves.

Not only found out, but also thought of a solution…While this made her gratified, she was also very worried.

“It must be successful!”

She doesn’t know all the truth about the prehistoric world, the age of the Lich, the age of Xiantian and so on. She just instinctively hopes that the two clans of the Lich can succeed and continue the Xiantian era.

“The Karma passage is broken…the target cannot be found!”

Pangu really held the Pangu axe, powerful force, frightened the land, and a thought came from it.

In the starry sky, in the Universe star formation, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng each looked at each other and looked ugly.

It would be great to stop testing if you knew it a long time ago, and try your best!

Now, the Karma channel is broken. Even if they have enough power, they can’t attack, nor can they open the channel to the energy sea, because…the road is broken!

How to do?

A thought appeared in everyone’s minds at the same time.

After a short while, Fu Xi’s eyes flashed with determination, and said to Dijun: “Your Majesty, please lend me the Hetu Luoshu, and divide the power of the Universe Star Dou formation in half to bless me.”

Di Jiang did not hesitate, handed the Hetu Luoshu over, and then asked, “Do you have a way?”

“I am proficient in the calculation of the heavens and the power of destiny. I can use the power of destiny to hold Karma and continue to break the road!”

Fuxi said, already under the starry sky, the power of Hetu Luoshu in his hand, the power of the Universe Star Dou Great Array, appeared on the fragments of the Karma passage that was constantly dissipating.

“Big Brother!”

Nuwa couldn’t help exclaiming, a bad premonition subconsciously appeared in her heart.

Fuxi drew the power of destiny, based on himself, formed countless threads of fate, like a spider, shooting endless threads of fate toward the surroundings, linking a group of broken Karma fragments.

Soon, Fu Xi’s figure disappeared, completely turned into a thread of fate, and the broken road appeared again, connecting the sea of ​​energy, and the breath of the energy sea became more and more obvious.

“It’s now!”

Dijun’s voice spread to Pangu’s real body.

Pangu’s body, who was still hesitating, suddenly did not hesitate, stepped out and stepped on the new road. Suddenly, the road shook and seemed unbearable, and cracks continued to appear.

Obviously, this channel will not last long.

Pangu really understands, the action is simple and sharp, and quickly Ascension power, Pangu axe rises to the highest peak, locks in the sea of ​​energy, and smashes down forcefully!



A cracking sound was accompanied by the sound of surging water.

Karma’s passage shattered and dissipated in an instant, and Fuxi’s figure reappeared, but it was different from the intact him before. At this time, his body was covered with cracks, like a porcelain doll that was extremely broken and re-adhesive.

The breath of life on his body quickly disappeared.

Although it only carried Pangu’s real body and did not withstand its attack, that was the case, and Fuxi couldn’t bear it… almost fell on the spot.

Even now, it is between falling and not falling.

Pangu’s real body was also exhausted after the last axe, and turned into an exhausted twelve ancestor witch, looking at the energy sea channel that was finally opened, he was extremely surprised.


The endless water of energy flows out from the split channel, and the powerful and rich energy fills the surrounding area, and the energy concentration in this area is also increasing at a geometric speed!

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