Chapter 425

“Brother, I can’t lock him!” Zhundi shouted.

He put his hands together, and suddenly, there were countless Zen singing sounds around him, overlapping and overlapping, solemnly and solemnly, turning Bu Zhoushan into a Buddhist kingdom.

Numerous golden Buddhas appeared in the air, clasping their hands like a lead, chanting scriptures in a low voice.

Then under each Buddha, there is a golden Lotus flower, the flower blooming ten second rank, just like the Lotus flower now standing in front of the co-workers!


The colorful god chain was completely broken away, and the quasi dike flew upside down.

Gonggong smashed his head on top of the ten second-rank merit golden lotus.

Only a fine cracking sound was heard, and then the best Xiantian Lingbao, the ten second-rank merit golden lotus, was hit by Gonggong.


He spit out a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes and chanted the scriptures, and the Buddha’s voice was more serious. The twelve golden lotus under the countless Buddha’s shadow flew out and fell onto the ten second-rank merit golden lotus that was about to be broken.

Suddenly, the golden light masterpiece, the cracks on the ten second rank merit golden lotus quickly recovered.

Gonggong didn’t succeed in one blow, and was not discouraged, turned around, charged up, and slammed into it again.


He lowered his head and chanted, but his voice rang in Gonggong’s ear: “Are you trying to ruin the world?”

“Buzhou Mountain is a Tianzhu, how dare you?”

Gonggong’s voice was sad: “How dare you? If you ruin it, you will ruin it…what does it matter!”


He slammed his head again, and a fine crack suddenly appeared on the golden lotus that had just recovered.

At this moment, Zhundi flew back, his face pale, and as soon as Fang appeared, he immediately appeared with colorful lights, turned into chains, and flew towards Gonggong.


Gonggong was locked up again, turned his head and glanced at Zhundi, then turned his head again.

Charge up, hit!

The cracking sound continued, and the chains that had just condensed on the quasi dike were instantly shattered by the power of Gonggong.

Zhundi’s pale complexion showed a red color, that was anger!

Although Gong Gong didn’t say anything, he just glanced at him, but from that glance, he could feel a strong contempt and disdain.

This made him completely crazy: “How dare? How dare you look at me like that?”

“I am Sage, I am Sage!”

Zhunyi roared, suddenly turned his body, and turned into a big tree that exudes endless wisdom, like a source of wisdom, its branches are clever, extending towards Gonggong!

Seeing Gonggong, he was about to hit the leading Jinlian, suddenly his body sank, and he felt a powerful blockade.

That power was beyond imagination and extremely powerful, even with his current strength, he was firmly locked by it, and he couldn’t move for a while.

That power rushed into the body, with the power of sealing the town, trying to seal all his power.

Gong Gong turned his head and glanced at the deity with a slight difference, gathered all his strengths, and wanted to seal the town. He glanced at Own Zhudi, and shook his head slightly: “It’s a pity, a pity!”

Gonggong breathed in, and suddenly a huge wind appeared, one after another, comparable to the entire mountain.

The wind rolls across the sky and the earth, exuding strong suction, but it does not absorb everything from the sky and the earth, only absorbs the corresponding power!

With the appearance of the wind, countless black energy suddenly appeared in the world.

The black air seems to be everywhere, always present in the wild, but it was hidden before, under the wind, and it was revealed.

As soon as Fang appeared, he was immediately attracted by the wind, and rushed towards him like a swallow returning home.

In the mighty and mighty, soon, a huge black Qi Sea ocean was formed.

“Karma! Karma!”

Although he turned into a deity, Zhundi was shocked, and his amazed voice still sounded!

“Stop him!”

He opened his eyes and glanced embarrassedly at the huge absorption Karma, the wind of karma, shook his head helplessly, and closed his eyes again.

“Can’t stop it!”

Attracting all efforts to strengthen the ten second rank merit Jinlian, stand in front of Gonggong.

Just like this, he has consumed all his strength, and he has no strength to stop Gonggong’s actions.

The wind scroll absorbed the endless black air, and the transparent wind scroll quickly turned black.

Together with a fierce swallow, the endless Karma in the wind roll was swallowed, and all karma was swallowed in.


Following this, Gong Gong’s breath soared, his strength increased, and his aura soaring!

The Bodhi Tree was opened, the branches broke, fluttered in the air, flashed, and the golden light was dazzling, turning into a pale-faced Quasi, trembling, holding the Qibao Miao Tree in his hand, almost unable to hold it.

Gonggong hit Jinlian again!


His eyelids flicked, an extremely powerful, fierce and unusual force, from the merits of the golden lotus, shook him almost unsteadily.

At this moment, Zhun Di placed one hand on the body of the receiver, and the gentle force spread in, stabilizing the figure of the receiver.

It’s just that neither of them look good.

The crack on the golden lotus of merit was getting bigger and bigger, and under the collision of Gonggong, it had already exceeded the speed of recovery.

“Brother, you can’t go on like this!” Zhundi said in a deep voice.

The leader nodded, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes, and finally glanced at Zixiao Palace, Kunlun, and Snail Palace, and said loudly, “Today I changed my name to Buddhism in the West, and I left the Xuanmen, and established another Buddhism!”

Following the sound, a tributary suddenly separated from the magnificent Xuanmen Qi Luck.

At first it was still connected to the Xuanmen, and soon it broke away from the Xuanmen and formed a single qi destiny.

Zhundi was surprised for a moment, The next moment, the voice rang in the ears of countless Buddhist disciples in the West: “Disciples, recite Buddha as I am.”

Western Buddhist disciples, just as they were still watching the great changes between heaven and earth in shock, the next moment heard the sound of Zhundi, froze for a moment, and then bowed their heads, and the sound of religious chanting sounded, forming a strange sound. strength.

This force rushed into the Buddhist air luck and entered the Buddhism. In an instant, the originally weak Buddhism luck grew rapidly.

The sound of chanting spreads throughout the entire wilderness, in the ears of endless immortals.

Numerous immortals stared blankly at the huge black giant in the middle of the world, and then looked at the difficultly blocking lead in front of him. Suddenly, they all bowed their heads and said: “Amitābha!”

All sentient beings recite Amitābha together, this is what a great power, gathered together, one mind, its power enters Buddhism, and instantly becomes the foundation of Buddhism, powerful Buddhism, in an instant, even with Xuanmen Qiyun.

Although this is only a matter of thought, when the air luck settles, these powers will be transformed into Buddhism. It is impossible to support it to the point of being comparable to the Xuanmen, but it is enough to make the Buddhism stronger and completely independent. , Grow up!

Listening to the Buddha’s name of the sentient beings, Zhundi was stunned for an instant.

They did not expect such a change.

“Brother!” Zhundi shouted in surprise, feeling the growth of Buddhism’s luck, his pale face was full of joy.

“My Buddhism is made!”

At this moment, she couldn’t help showing a smile on the face that had been miserable, but soon, the smile disappeared, turned into solemnity, and looked towards Gonggong.

With a movement of mind, the buddhist luck that has just grown up is mobilized, turned into boundless power, and enters the body of Receiving and Zhundi.

“Brother!” Zhun Di cried out in surprise again.

Buddhism’s air luck has just grown, and it’s all temporary. If it settles down, it will naturally eliminate a lot, but it can also be enough to turn into a powerful heritage.

But at this time, the movement of the lead is equivalent to turning these air transports into a one-off force, reducing the Buddhist air transport in a disguised form.

He wondered why he would do this!

“Junior Brother, you can’t break the mountain without Zhou!” Sui Yin said in a deep voice, with a firm attitude and no regrets for his own behavior.

Zhundi: “But, brother…”

“Zhundi!” sternly shouted: “Don’t forget my Buddhist teachings!”

“Transfer to the common people, bliss below!”

“My Buddhism’s appearance is for the purpose of transcending the common people and eliminating calamities, not for strengthening myself!”

“If the mountains are not broken, the lives will be devastated, and the common people will suffer…how can we see it and leave it alone?”

“But…” Zhundi wanted to say something, and then a gaze fell, and he stopped immediately: “Okay, I see.”

He turned his head and looked at Gonggong, thinking in his heart: “Is the trend really irreversible?”

Obviously Honghuang has changed beyond recognition, different from before, but I didn’t expect that in the end, Gonggong would still come and hit Zhoushan!

I don’t know if this is Heavenly Dao’s general trend, or what other existents dominate!

It may be possible!

However, Xiuying didn’t want to control those, he just couldn’t bear to see what happened after the break of Zhoushan, so he wanted to stop it!

The Buddhism air luck burned and turned into a powerful force, poured into the body of the lead and Zhundi, so that the strength of the two was greatly increased.

The broken gold lotus of merit was repaired, the complexion of Zhundi was restored, the injury healed, and the strength became stronger. Above the Seven Treasure Tree, a golden light soared into the sky, and with a wave of his hand, a huge colorful divine light as strong as a mountain appeared, once again Turn into a colorful chain of gods, and go to work together!

Soon, Gonggong was locked up again!

Gonggong roared and struggled, but this time, the colorful chain shook and trembled, but it never broke again.

“Gonggong, give up, we are here, but you won’t be able to touch it without Zhoushan!”

Zhundi persuaded: “Moreover, do you really bear the heart to kill countless creatures because of your strength alone?”

Gong Gong was angry, yelling, struggling, and roaring: “So what?”

“Dage is dead, second brother is dead, Zhu Rong is dead, younger sister is dead…dead, dead, dead!”

“Since Heavenly Dao is unfair and can’t tolerate my witch race, why should I care about the common people, and why should I live alone!”

Gonggong’s body has already taken on a strong sense of death!

“The ancestor witch is dead?” Zhundi was shocked after receiving the introduction: “Who told you?”

“When did they die?” Zhundi was speechless: “They are alive and well, and they are so strong that they are all comparable to Sage. How could they die?”

Crazy Gonggong paused, staring at Zhundi with blood-red eyes: “They’re not dead? Really!”

“Of course!” Seeing Gonggong stopped struggling, and Zhundi let out a sigh of relief.

“Then where are they?” Gong Gong asked anxiously.

“They left with the Yaozu,” Zhundi said.

“Follow the Yaozu? Left?”

“You lied to me!”

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