Magic Trick

Chapter 10 - Possibility


This lady has a very mysterious aura. Based on the way she carried herself, she looked uncompromising. Austere.

"Children, may I inquire the reason of this assemblage, as I recall, you should be in your specific activities for the day," she spoke.

"I just finished writing a chapter," Haru immediately said. Does this mean he's a novelist?

"I just arrived from the greenhouse. The multiflora petunias are growing beautifully," Jia responded. With that being said, I think she's a horticulturist.

"I… I went out to see Trick," Fei confessed as he put his hand across my shoulder.

"Oh, we have a visitor. Does Mistress Akira know about this?" the lady called Madame Corvina asked.

"N-No," Fei tremblingly answered.

I introduced myself. "Good day, Ma'am. I'm Trick Sylvanie, a friend of Fei's."

"Friend," Haru whispered and chuckled lightly, teasing Fei.

"I understand," Madame Corvina uttered. "I believe it is in your best interest to introduce our dear visitor to Mistress Akira, young master Fei, do you concur?"

"I do, Madame Corvina. We were about to tour him in the mansion before you arrive," Fei confidently said. A while ago, he was quivering and I can felt it when he put his hand on me, but as time goes, he began to calm down.

"All right. However, may I suggest that a sumptuous banquet awaits in the luncheon hall prepared by the in-house chefs and kitchen crew. I would rather you proceed there and perhaps have the tour after. Please," Madame Corvina paved the way going to the luncheon hall. We followed her as she walked out of the library.

While walking, Fei talked to me in my mind.

[What do you think of Madame Corvina?]

I replied. [She looks scary. There's a certain frightening energy I felt when I saw her. And I believe that's how you all felt as well? The three of you stood up as if you saw a ghost.]

[She used to be our babysitter. She's very stern. Way stricter than Gramms. Then, she got promoted to become the main steward of the mansion, because of her firm discipline that Gramms and Gramps liked. She kept things very organized. If not, she becomes really furious.]

[I see. Does she spank your butt every time you're naughty?] I replied.

Fei looked at me, with his eyes wide open and giggled. [How about I spank your butt?]

[Hmm… Are you more of a butt person or a dick person?] I wondered.

[My room is on the other wing. Can you hold off that question for now until I show you?]

I kept my composure and did not let him affect me, especially as I try to not express anything with my face. [I didn't really ask, but are you a top?]

[After lunch, we'll go straight to my room and I promise, I won't let any question unanswered.] Fei winked at me after that.

I shook my head. [You're crazy.]

[For you, yeah.] He continued.

I chortled. I can't help it anymore. Come on. How can I resist how charming he is? [Stop it. Madame Corvina might spank your butt.]

[Like this?] Fei moved his hand from my shoulder, going down to my butt and spanked it at that moment. It wasn't really that hard but I was in shock because I was caught off-guard. Jia and Haru's mouths have opened wide after seeing that.

I elbowed him and moved a few steps away from him. [Stop it!]

He just giggled. [I know you're wearing jeans right now, but I can tell how soft and supple your butt is, just like your lips.]

I almost shrieked, but I held my mouth right away. Before I respond to him, Madame Corvina spoke.

"Welcome to the luncheon hall."

The room was decorated with exquisite wall paintings and large glass windows on the other side. I couldn't even tell what kind of art are those. They looked abstract to me.

The long table too was soon filled with several meals brought by the servers. Each plate contained lavish dishes that I have never seen or eaten in my whole life. I don't even know its names.

"Please have a seat, young masters and our dear visitors. Mistress Akira will be joining shortly," Madame Corvina said and left the luncheon hall.

We sat at the far edge of the long table, which can accommodate 15-20 people. At the center, the chair was already pulled, so I would say that is Mrs. Akira Xing's place. Fei sat beside Mrs. Xing's chair and I sat beside Fei. Haru and Jia are on the other side.

"A new face in the household, or is it really a new one?"

I've recognized that voice. I stood up right away.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Xing," I greeted her sprightly. "I'm Trick Sylvanie."

"You don't have to stand, dear boy. Take your seat," Mrs. Xing commanded with a gentle smile. She also sat on her chair and gestured to start the lunch.

"So, Trick, what did my playful grandson already tell you?" Mrs. Xing asked while sipping on the soup.

I was about to have a bite on the steak that I got on my plate. I put the fork and knife down and responded to her. "He… He told me…"

"Go on. I don't hide anything from Gramms," Fei urged me.

"Uhm… He told me that he would pursue me," I honestly told her.

Mrs. Xing nodded. "And I assume you have thought about it, yes?"

To be honest, I didn't. However, what stuck in my mind were a lot of things: the twist of fate that we wanted to see each other but we didn't, yet we did later on, the confession that he liked me for just being me and he's gonna pursue me, the honesty he demonstrated me by showing his powers, and the kiss. Oh, my gosh. The kiss actually revved everything up! Truth be told, something in me blossoms for him.

"Uh… I haven't thought about it, but it's a possibility. For the limited time I've known him, I would say that he's really a great guy."

"Make him work hard for you. Let him earn you," Mrs. Xing assertively stated, as if Fei isn't her grandson. She was more motivating me than him.

I showed a faint smile and let my heart all out. "I… I am totally unsure of everything. Most of all, myself. I'm poor, uneducated. I had a terrible childhood, and even terrible things happen in my life just months ago. I'm beginning to pick up the shattered pieces of myself again, so I… I don't know. Then, a guy appears in front of me and tells me he likes me. That's really the gag of my life as of the moment. Imagine, someone likes a trash like me."

"Dear boy," Mrs. Xing stared at me for a while and smiled. "the mere fact that someone likes you only means that you are deserving of all the chances in life, whether you are challenged or privileged. All of us are equal in the eyes of love. Right now, you may not know this, but you have to always remember this: learn to value yourself because the prize is you. One day, come hell or high water, people will fight tooth and nail just to have you."

Tears are building up in my eyes, but it's embarrassing to sob in front of these luxurious people. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Xing."

"Gramms! Really? You'd rather see me wounded?" Fei grumbled.

Haru laughed. "Do you wanna start fighting now, Fei?"

"And you, young man, do you wanna confess that you like men as well?" Mrs. Xing sternly asked Haru.

Haru winced. "Gramms, I just wanna punch Fei on the face. I mean, no offense meant to the both of you."

Everyone laughed except Fei. After that, I finally ate the food on my plate. And I found out that the steak dish was called stroganoff.

After that wonderful lunch, Jia went back to the greenhouse and checked the plants. Haru said that an idea popped in his mind so he went back to his room to write. Mrs. Xing went to her office as she is scheduled to have a conference call with Fei and Jia's parents who are currently in Seoul and later on with Haru's parents who are in Amsterdam.

Which means…

"I think we're alone now," Fei looked at me with that mischievous smile. His eyebrows even moved up and down twice.

Right now, we're in his room and I guess, even if I shout at the top of my lungs here, no one would hear me. We're at the far end of the left wing of the mansion. I'm not sure if the chambermaids come here every hour.

"And…" I looked around. Spic and span, that's what comes to my mind first to describe his room.

"And…" He started to take off his clothes. Appeared in front of me is his well-sculpted body. Pecs, biceps, triceps, obliques, and those perfect abs… Name it, he has it. They looked so firm and… delectable.

He walked towards me, as I stepped backwards, until my back reached the wall.

"And of all the questions you asked me, what do you want me to answer first?"

I cleared my throat. "It's…"

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