Magic Trick

Chapter 19 - Don't Know What To Say


Fei formed a force field shield, like a dome, protecting us from the attack. Fortunately, it was strong enough to repel the weapon. When I looked at who the attacker was, I was astounded!

[It was Tiberion, but he has legs! And a yummy pair, may I say!] I'm blocking Fei's thoughts, so he won't hear this.

Fei went out of the force field shield and blew me away like a bubble floating on air. He faced Tiberion, who was wearing a gladiator suit and holding the large harpoon, taller than him. I think it's the one that he used to attack me and Fei.

"You!" Fei screamed again, and then grabbed his double-edged sword on his left side and attacked Tiberion. When he swung his sword, a fiery blaze ejected from it and turned into a large phoenix. Then, he swung again and he sliced the phoenix and it divided into hundreds of falcons surrounding Tiberion, attacking him.

[Wow. That's like the five Cs in one go.]

Tiberion opened his arms and welcomed all the falcons as if he didn't care at all. Instantly, Tiberion evaporated. Then… He appeared behind Fei. That was just a water illusion!

[Fei! Behind you!] I talked to Fei in his mind.

Good thing, Fei heard me and he swung his sword to guard himself. The two weapons clanged and both emitted extremely massive power, fire from Fei's, and water from Tiberion. Fei, using his free hand, accumulated a ball of wind and threw it on the waterfall. Then, he clenched his fist and pulled quickly the wind power from the waterfall, which turned into daggers of ice. These ice daggers immediately plunged on Tiberion's back.

Tiberion groaned in pain, but Fei started to yell when I saw two weird jellyfish-looking creatures clinging on both of his feet, stinging him. They both let go of their weapons and sat down on the soil. Fei pulled me down to the land and the force field shield disappeared.

"Really, Princess? You're still using these Portuguese man-o'-wars?" Fei murmured as he removed the creatures and threw them on the water. He healed himself afterwards.

"You never learn, do you?" Tiberion replied, as he harnessed the waterfall to cure the wounds on his back.

Both of them stood up and… excitedly hugged each other.

"Brother!" Fei howled.

"Brother!" Tiberion yelled too.

[What the hell is happening?] I thought.

"It's been two years. Have you been so busy?" Tiberion asked.

"Well, yeah, being the CMO of our textile company, I rarely have the time to fool around," Fei responded, then he looked at me. "By the way, this is Trick. My… Uh, I don't know what to say," Fei scratched his head.

"Friend," I offered my hand to Tiberion. "I'm Trick."

He took my hand and shook it firmly. Wow, he has a strong grip. I like it. "Tiberion, Prince of Merizem. Pleasure to meet you, handsome one."

All of a sudden, the Portuguese man-o'-war arose from the waterfall and hit Tiberion's face. He then wailed in pain. Fei's face turned stern again.

"Why did you do that?" Tiberion yelped at Fei, as he removed the creature.

"I know your moves… Handsome one," Fei repeated.

Tiberion smirked. "What's wrong? You guys are just friends, right? And it's impossible to not notice a fine, young, admirable, good-looking human being here."

That's a lot of adjectives to describe me.

"Thanks, Tiberion," I replied with a chuckle.

Fei's face remained austere. "Heh-heh. Nothing's funny."

[Why? Do you think Tiberion's hitting on me?] I asked Fei in my mind.

[He hits on anyone. Their kingdom does not care about genders, which I totally adore, but a threat to me, especially now.] Fei replied.

I smiled wryly. "So… May I ask, Tiberion, did you see us from the portal?"

"No, but I felt something while I was patrolling the west reef. I guess the energy is coming from you. It's pulling me closer to you. Perhaps, because of your… sexy lips?" Tiberion sensually moved closer to me.


"Fei!" Again, a Portuguese man-o'-war arose from the waterfall and hit Tiberion's face.

"Stop hitting on Trick! He's mine!" Fei growled.

"He's not your boyfriend yet!" Tiberion growled back.

I was on the side watching them, yelling at each other like kids. Unlike Haru, who is a serious-type, all-smiles, very sleek kind of guy. These two, whenever they're together, they're rowdy.

"But kidding aside, Fei, did you notice something?" Tiberion seriously asked.

"On what?" Fei asked.

"The ingelids…" Tiberion pointed his harpoon at the foot of the waterfall. A reflection of an ingelid appeared. It was the same ingelid that Fei defeated.

"You're also invited…" Fei uttered. "But what's wrong? What did you notice?"

"Aside from their sizes, their auras are odd. Did you feel that?" Tiberion queried.

Fei shook his head. "I thought it was just an enlarged ingelid. Probably the Borgs wanted to scare us all."

"The Borgs of Stockholm?" Tiberion looked surprised. "They're behind this? That's impossible. The Borgs are kind people. They've been our allies for centuries."

"That's what we know, but… I believe they're the ones hosting the WOCOSO tournament, which we are invited to fight. Are you sensing any anomalies?"

Tiberion looked pensive. "Plain logic. Think about it. Why would the Borgs invite people to a Pertasurm, let alone host a tournament? If they are kind people, why would they start chaos? And WOCOSO… Really? I believe WOCOSO is just a decoy for something more catastrophic."

"On the contrary, WOCOSO can unify all existing magical beings to protect us by creating a governing body who will make various set of rules, in order to bring peace among us. I would say that the Borgs are the most appropriate hosts since they're diplomatic enough to handle these things, don't you think? I'm sure it will be a clean tournament." Fei expressed his opinion.

Actually both of them have strong points. It's hard to ponder who gives the right answer. I'm impressed.

"And… Trick is invited too," Fei confessed. "He saw the killing of ingelids because of me."

"Whoa…" Tiberion reacted. "Have you seen the Nubris?"

"I did," I quickly replied.

"You stupid fool," Tiberion pointed his harpoon at Fei.

Fei put the harpoon down. "I know, and I'm really sorry. Anyway, it would be okay since I'm taking Trick as a member of my family. I won't let anything happen to him."

"How about you go with me instead, Trick? It's more fun in Merizem," Tiberion whispered.

"Stop brainwashing Trick, Tiberion, or I'm gonna make you eat those jellyfishes," Fei warned.

"They're not jellyfish!" Tiberion disagreed, and they fought again like children.

I've been having those laughs all afternoon. The two of them are really close, I believe. Then, Tiberion returned to Merizem and he told us that he should tell his great grandfather about the Borgs.

A few hours later, it's nighttime and I went back to Queens to talk to Ellis. Fei and I talked while we're on the subway, that if I'm gonna stay with him in the Xing mansion, I would have to talk to Ellis first. I must bid goodbye properly to my dear friend.

When I arrived, he was trying out a dress that he would wear at the Princess Ball next week. I pulled him at a corner and I divulged everything to him. He must know, as I don't want him to be worried.

"What? You? A sorcerer? That's so freaking marvelous, Trick. Can you make me a dress out of rags?"

As expected, he wasn't worried at all. He's more on "What would I get out of it?"

"Ellis, it's not as simple as you think. I mean… I don't know what will happen to me once I had Fei's cum," I sighed.

"What?" Ellis yelped. "What about his cum? Would it turn you into a magical princess?"

I winced. "Well… I'd get his powers."

"Does he have a brother?" he asked.

"A sister," I replied. "but what does it matter?"

"How about an uncle?"

"Technically, his aunt's husband."

Ellis's eyes squinted. "So, he has a cousin?"

Now I know where this is leading. "Stop being a slut, Ellis!"

Ellis stood up and exclaimed. "Come on, Trick! How can you be so simple-minded? This is an opportunity that God knows when will ever land on you again. In times like this, you don't need to doubt yourself. Just grab and grab until your hands are full, then shove it up to your ass and grab again!"

I'm sure he meant a line full of wisdom, but his choice of words are… Well…

"The thing is… I might die if my body can't take his powers."

Ellis slapped me hard. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"If you're gonna die, then make it the best sex of your life!" he yelped.

I just laughed. Well, technically, Ellis is right.

"I never thought of those things," I said.

"Well, it's about time you should. Now, going back, he has a cousin, right?"

"Haru…" I bit my lower lip.

Ellis nodded. "Ah, he's hot, I can tell. You won't bite your lip if he isn't. Do you want me to try it out first with him?"

I slapped him this time. "Again, stop being a slut!"

"You listen to me, you piece of shit. I'm a slut who knows what I want and I go for it, and not some self-doubting, codependent bitch who has a guy going gaga over him and all he does is 'Oh… I can't have sex with you because I have a five-date rule that I promised to my momma.' News flash, you whore. Your momma's dead!" Ellis furiously ranted at me.

I was terrified. "Why are you so angry at me?"

"You slapped me! And if your hand left a mark on my face, I'm gonna kill you! I have a show tonight in Staten Island!" he wailed.

"I'm sorry, Ellis, I mean… I'm gonna be crazy if I lose you too! I lost my drag family, and you're the family I have left. What if something happens to you if you did it first?"

"Then you will know what to do next. Don't do it because I died of it. Simple," Ellis calmly said. "Think of it. If you're really meant to be it, then you'll be it. If it's not… Then, at least you had a good sex."

We both giggled. Aw, I really love this bitch. How will I be without Ellis?

"But… Haru is super straight. He's been with a lot of girls, you know?" I said with reservations.

"That doesn't mean he will never have a queer one, true? A challenge, you say? Don't worry, honey. I can bend a sturdy pole made of hard steel to be as soft as a rainbow-colored gummy worm," Ellis confidently asserted.

I scratched my head. "Are you sure?"

Ellis faced left and showed me his right jaw. "Is it me or I just felt a sting somewhere here?"

Oh, shit. My slap was too hard. "I'm gonna do your makeup tonight, and you will be the most fabulous drag queen in Staten Island."

"No. I'm not gonna go to that cheap-ass gigs. We're going somewhere else instead."

"W-Where?" Trembling, I asked.

"Take me to this goddamn Haru guy and I will coil him up like an old-school Walkman headset."

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