Magic Trick

Chapter 29 - Shine We Are


Fei asked me how I am doing. Like, if there's any sign of power or anything that changes me internally. Sad to say I didn't feel anything yet.

I just shook my head. I don't know what to feel. Especially now that Ellis is also included in the tournament even though he has not witnessed the annihilation of the ingelids. This is truly unfair.

"Maybe there's like a waiting time or something?"

"We can't afford to wait," Fei seriously said.

I sighed. Time is not our friend right now. I mean, even if I use the Valenti to control the time, I don't think it has complex powers to do so.

"How about we follow what Jang-mi said?" Fei suggested.

The entire scene earlier had a flashback in my mind.

["Are you serious? The two of them do not have any powers, so why are they included?" Fei asked, although in my case, he already knew that I'm really included in the fight.

"Patrick Sylvanie witnessed the Nubris, so it is without a doubt that he is a participant. However, Machiavelli Sanz has been chosen as a special participant by the Borgs. As the temporary chair of the WOCOSO and the head of The Krieg, they have the power to select who will be included," Jang-mi explained. "Regarding their powers, I'm sure you can procure something out of your versatile sorcery. Say, a weapon that these humans can wield with their limited power."]

"You're gonna make a weapon for me?" I asked.

"I guess, for now, while you still haven't had your power," Fei said. "We can ask help from Gramms to make you a weapon and a shield."

I winced. "Is it okay? I mean… It would be bothersome to talk to her especially this moment."

"I think it's the time most opportune," Fei disagreed. "She would love to hear our thoughts."

"If you say so," I uttered.

We decided to go to Mrs. Xing's office to seek help. While on our way, we checked on the rest of the people who are preparing for The Krieg. In the first room, we saw Taki, his father who was part of the elder group, and… another Taki!

"Hey, Taka! You're here too," Fei greeted the other Taki. Taka?

"Fei!" the guy named Taka yelled and embraced Fei with a smiling face, just like Taki's. "Nice seeing you in good shape."

"Likewise," Fei said. "Hi, Uncle Bo!"

"Hi, Fei. Thanks for accommodating us," Uncle Bo smiled. Now I know who the twins got their smile.

"Hey, Trick," Taki spoke. "That's my twin brother, Pintakasi Marasigan. You can call him Taka. This is my father, Silakbo Marasigan. He's Uncle Bo to everybody."

Such cute twins! I think Taki is the meek one. Taka looked like he's the playful one.

I asked Fei in my mind. [So… Is Taka also pansexual?]

[No, he's straight, as far as I know. Although, we once talked about these things, and he's open to exploring other options. I'm not sure if he has already tried doing it with other men or transgenders.] Fei said. These two are really interesting.

"It's nice to see you all, guys. I'm Trick Sylvanie, one of the human beings. I believe the three of you are your family's participants?" I surmised.

"That's correct, although my mother would prefer to join the fight. Sadly, there's only three slots per family," Taki responded.

"It would be cool if there are the four of us, right? Marasigans, assemble!" Taki even posed like a superhero. We all laughed as he did other poses too. He even urged his dad, Uncle Bo, to strike a pose. Then, he even imitated his mom if she were to do a pose.

Fei asked when he remembered the twin's mother. "Oh, how's Auntie Kali, by the way? Is she the one in charge of managing the business while you guys are away?"

Uncle Bo grinned. "Kalimbahin hated it. She preferred to join us here, but I wanted the boys to experience this tournament."

"I knew she would react that way," Fei winced. "All the best to the Marasigans!"

"Thanks, Fei," said Uncle Bo. "Trick, if you need anything, just let us know, okay? These two boys looked like school pranksters, but they're reliable. They can help you."

"Dad!" Taka reacted negatively. "I'm like the kindest person in the world."

"Yeah, right. Which world are you talking about? I'm absolutely sure it's not this one," Taki sarcastically uttered.

I chuckled. "Thanks, Uncle Bo. I'll take your word for it."

We went out of the room and proceeded with the next. The Italians are there and they were all stretching in the wide room. Salvatore, the elastic one, stretched from the wall to the far end of the room.

"Hello, Mantovanis," Fei greeted.

A little girl, who is standing upside-down against the wall with only one finger on the floor, greeted him. "Hey, Fei."

"Benedetta! What a surprise to see you out of your room," Fei teased the little girl.

Benedetta scoffed. "I know! Imagine how terrible the outside world is. Like, what do you want me to tell everybody? Let's embrace the morning, see the sun shine, we are so blessed to receive its rays?" Benedetta reacted.

"She doesn't like the sun," the middle-aged woman told me.

I just smiled at her and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Trick, the human."

"Belaflore Mantovani, pleasure meeting you." When she took my hand for a handshake, I groaned in extreme pain! Gosh, it's so excruciating! I felt like some of my bones got broken. She got some super-strong grip!

Fei removed her hand right away and held my hand. Slowly, I can tell that my hand is feeling better. "Ciao, Zia Belaflore."

"Madre mia! Apologies, Trick! I promise I didn't intentionally do it. It's just my power," Auntie Belaflore explained. "I hope we're not bothering you here in the mansion, dear Fei."

Fei shook his head. "You are welcome here anytime. Stay as long as you want."

"And we can eat anything we want?" Salvatore shouted from the far end of the room.

"Of course, Salvatore. Just let me know," Fei replied.

Benedetta groaned. "Mamma, can you ever imagine how gluttonous your nephew is? I'm sure Zia Seleste despises that ugly monkey."

Salvatore stretched back and ran towards Benedetta, but Benedetta just floated in mid-air like a feather and evaded all Salvatore's attacks. "You prick! Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you can bully me!"

"Older?" I reacted.

"Benedetta is already thirty years old. She stopped aging at nine," Belaflore uttered.

"That's incredible," I commented.

"Again, Zia, you're all welcome here. Just let us know if you need anything, okay?" Fei repeated.

"Thank you, Fei. I'm sorry again, Trick."

Auntie Belaflore was about to hold my hand, but I waved my hand instead to say goodbye. "No worries, Zia. It's okay now."

We went out of the room and fortunately, my hand doesn't feel any pain now. Good thing Fei has this power of healing, which he got from his father. We both just laughed about it.

Finally, we arrived at Mrs. Xing's office. We knocked three times and entered the room. She was just about to put down her mobile phone. With the looks of it, it's like she talked with someone over the other line.

"Gramms, we need your help," Fei spoke.

"Did the two of you already do it?" Mrs. Xing asked, without any inhibitions.

I felt my cheeks got warm. "W-We… We did."

Mrs. Xing smiled. "How is my grandson? Is he good?"

Fei hugged me from behind and hid his face. "Gramms! Stop it!"

Mrs. Xing laughed. "Your Gramps would disown you if you're not."

"He is. It has been an amazing experience," I defended Fei right away.

"Thanks, my sweetie," he whispered.

I spoke my piece directly to Fei's grandmother. "Mrs. Xing, we're here because I need your help. A week from now, we're about to fight for our lives in The Krieg, but I don't have my powers yet. I'm afraid I won't survive this tournament."

Mrs. Xing looked surprised. "Why would you think that, my dear?"

I sadly expressed myself. "I don't know. I'm just scared. I've never ever had this kind of experience. What if I die right away in the very first match?"

"I won't let that happen!" Fei contradicted. "I'm gonna do everything to keep you alive, Trick. I told you I will protect you."

Mrs. Xing walked towards us with a calm countenance, that radiated with me. I got calm too when she moved closer to me. "My dear, Trick, I can tell you with a clear conscience. A Xing never breaks a promise, and when my grandson tells you this, believe him. Put your one hundred percent trust in him. He will do it."

Hearing those words from Fei's grandmother somehow ignited the strength in me, that I will be powerful. That I will live. I will survive. It's like her words are the truth.

Fei faced me. "Gramms is right, Trick. Do you believe in me?"

"I do," without a doubt, I replied.

Mrs. Xing nodded. "Perfect. Trust us, Trick… even if I do this."

Mrs. Xing forcefully pierced my chest and took my heart.


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