Magic Trick

Chapter 3 - Energetic


I asked Oakley when I arrived Robbie's. I gazed around the area and I can't seem to see him. No sign of him anywhere.

"He was sitting over there!" Oakley pointed to the table where he was earlier. "But when I went back from the comfort room, he was gone."

All the rushing was for nothing. I didn't even bother to comb my hair. I wasn't able to wear any perfume.

"That's just sad," I whispered.

Oakley tapped my shoulder. "Don't worry. Who knows, he'll be back tomorrow to order another iced matcha latte."

"I guess…" I uttered, feeling down.

"Oh, come on, Trick. We're here to have a great time. Let all your problems fly away. Chill, bro. It's all good."

At least, Oakley tried to uplift me. I shouldn't be that sad, should I? My talk with Ellis actually urged me to feel this way.

I'm just worried that what if I never see Fei again. Besides, as if I am already so emotionally invested with him. If he's really not the one for me, then I guess I have to accept it.

But why am I feeling this way? I just met him this morning, and it seemed that he already had this effect on me. Is this love at first sight? Instant admiration? Just a simple crush?

"Thanks, Oaks. You're really a great friend," said I.

"Anything, bud. At least, I'm sure now that you fancy him," Oakley sort of tricked me again with that. Well, it wasn't intentional, I guess. Fei was really there. It was him, wearing a formal outfit. You know, suit and tie, gray slacks, black shoes. He looked really sleek.

"Oakley," I stared at my friend with a poker face.

"Fine, fine. I won't push it. But I'd be really happy if you find someone who can startle your mornings."

That made me smile. My work is really boring. The only challenge I encounter is having terrible customers.

"Startle my mornings, eh?" I just shook my head.

"Come on, let's go to the party. Let's have some Japanese food, okay?"

Japanese? I thought.

"What? You didn't tell me it's a Japanese party. We're not dressed for it," I told him. Well, he's wearing this oversized shirt and pants.

"It's okay. We won't stay long. Some sushi and salami, and we're done-y," he said.

Instead of pondering much where Fei is, I'd rather focus on what's in front of me. Oakley and I are heading to Upper Manhattan to a place named Sakura Saku. Well, it's the plan. So be it.

Good thing Oakley has a car, so transporting there is not a problem. The only struggle is the traffic. New York has always been so busy, any time of the day.

After thirty minutes, we arrived at a garden restaurant. It was filled with these lovely red and pink flowers and those Chinese or Japanese paper lanterns, which I'm not sure what they really are, are hanging all over the place.

Before we go to the main area, we have to pass a koi pond where these fishes are swimming freely. It's kind of relaxing, actually. The peace of mind I badly needed is here.

"This is a wonderful place, Oakley," I spoke.

"This is way better than Robbie's," he said, which I totally agreed.

From the entrance, Oakley met his classmate. He's also a Black guy who is wearing this pastel-colored kimono.

"Oaks, you made it, brother!" the guy said, as he and Oakley fist-bumped.

"Hey, Jermaine. Thanks for inviting us," Oakley said. "This is my plus one, Trick Sylvanie."

Jermaine's eyebrows crossed. "But you're my plus one."

"Yeah, I'm your plus one and he's my plus one," Oakley reiterated.

"Are we allowed to have our plus ones have their plus ones?" Jermaine vocally thought.

"Oh, shoot. I'm really sorry for coming," I suddenly reacted. Certainly, this is really shameful. I knew I'm too far for the guest list connections.

"Oh, no worries, man. It's all good. They won't notice if a piece of sushi goes missing. Come!" Jermaine spoke as he led us inside the function hall.

It's really great to see a lot of people of various nationalities, wearing colorful dresses and suits. I guess we can blend in.

I looked at the centerstage. There was an old lady sitting on a very luxurious chair. She must be the birthday celebrant.

A guy is approaching us and fist-bumped Jermaine. "Hey, guys! Thanks for coming!"

Jermaine introduced us to the guy. He looked Japanese and I guess, he's the one related to the old woman on the stage. "Here's my best bud, Haru Hoshino. Here's Oakley Stevens, my plus one, and Trick, his plus one."

"Nice! The more, the merrier! Trick, you should have brought your plus one too!" Haru insisted.

I just scratched my head. "Really sorry for dragging myself here. Thank you for letting us join the party." I bowed low to show respect to Haru. That's how the Japanese do it, right?

"No, no," Haru said. "Gramms wanted more people. It's more festive when a lot of people arrive here. Come, and have some of the delicacies. We've hired the best Asian chefs in Manhattan for tonight. So… Itadakimasu!"

That's what we did. No more guilt. Jermaine, Oakley, and I splurged ourselves in the mountains of sushi and salami on the left side of the function hall. We also tried other Japanese dishes such as okonomiyaki, yakitori, and my current favorite, onigiri.

A few moments later, Haru sat at our table. "Hey, guys. How are you doing over here? Are you enjoying the night?"

"Man, you're super loaded! How can you guys afford all of these?" said Oakley.

"True that! I've never had this much Japanese food in my entire life," I spoke.

"Oh, so you only ate Japanese food? The other side is different, actually." Haru pointed to the right side where there were also food booths. "That one is Chinese."

"What?!" Oakley was astounded. "We thought they were the same, so we didn't go there."

"Yeah, the characters looked the same to me, though," Jermaine added.

Haru smiled. "Well, technically, the kanji alphabet is based on Chinese characters, so… You can go there if you want more food. Try the dim sum! They're the best!"

"That's great! I…"

I was about to say, 'Let's go' but the host on the stage spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, kindly lend us your ears as our beloved celebrant would like to give a message of thanks to all who came today. All rise for our 99th birthday celebrant, the supreme matriarch of the Xing clan, Mrs. Akira Watanabe-Xing."

We all stood up. Surprisingly, at 99 years old, the ageing lady can stand up without support from the bodyguards around her, as if it was her 65th year.

With all smiles, she received the microphone from the host. "Kombanwa, minna-san. Wanshang hao. Good evening to all of you."

Everyone applauded her sprightly greeting. She really looks energetic and happy.

"I would like to thank you all for coming to my 99th birthday. I didn't expect that I'd be reaching this age. It was lovely to see so many people. Who knows this is the last time I'd be seeing you all?" She laughed as everybody replied their boos in chorus.

"I would also like to thank my family for doing all of this. To my husband who is with us in spirit, Han Qiu Xing. Thank you for loving me. My son, Wang Lei Xing, together with his wife, Tsubaki Midoriyama-Xing and my daughter, Mei Ling Xing-Hoshino, with her husband, Makoto Hoshino. You've always supported me every step of the way, and I hope I have been very supportive of you from the very start. Why don't you come here on the stage and share this moment with me?"

Everyone clapped their hands as her children and their spouses went straight to the stage and kissed their old mother. It was really a sweet moment, seeing them still together. Oh, how I missed Mama Oleander and my siblings, Rhapsody and Savannah.

"Also, my wonderful grandchildren, who, I am very sure, will dominate the world soon," Mrs. Akira Xing winked, as everyone cheered. "Please join us here, Haruhiko Xing-Hoshino…"

"Oh, that's me! See ya later, guys," Haru ran to the stage and gave her grandmother a kiss on the cheek.

"Jasmine Iris Anemone Midoriyama-Xing, or Jia…"

A stunning lady sprung across the pool of people and waved at the crowd. I would say that this bloodline had great genes. They're all tall, good-looking, and really gorgeous!

Jia went and planted a kiss on her grandmother's forehead. After that, the nonagenarian returned to speaking.

"And lastly, my other grandson. Where are you, boy? I haven't seen you all night. May I call on Foxglove Erigeron Iberis Midoriyama-Xing, or…"

When I stared at the crowd, I saw people are already clamoring as this man approaches the stage. I don't have to be really stupid in spelling this time when the old lady said the name. I totally knew who this guy is. One hundred percent.

Oh, my goodness. It's…

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