Magic Trick

Chapter 32 - Don't Tell Me


All I said when I returned to the current time I was in. I was lying down on the floor, in his arms. We're still in his grandmother's office.

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked.

"Dear, I'm really sorry I did that. How are you now?" Mrs. Xing said. Perhaps, this is now the real world. I'm not in Eneko's test, for sure.

"I, ah… I don't know what to say. Is it really you?" I held Fei's face. It's really soft, so I guess this is real.

"It's me," Fei said, then his expression changed. "Don't tell me you've forgotten me?"

"Who are you again?" I squinted my eyes.

"You just called my name. You can't trick me, Trick," Fei sticked his tongue out and positioned me on the long chair.

Mrs. Xing sat beside me and held my hand. "Dear, how are you feeling?"

"I think I'm okay," I said, while touching my chest. "I guess I'm back in one piece."

Mrs. Xing laughed. "You won't be needing a weapon now, I believe."

"Why did you say so, Gramms?" Fei queried.

"Feel it, Fei," she commanded.

Fei held my hand and closed his eyes. "Oh, my. You now have your powers."

I'm shocked. Is this true? "Really?"

"What I did must have awakened your powers," Mrs. Xing explained. "The moment I took out your heart in your chest, I felt something different. So, I returned it right away. I believe the power runs in your veins unexpectedly fast. However, we need to observe you in the next couple of days, as something might come up. Who knows, this speedy acquisition might consume you. This is still new to all of us, so, Fei, I need you to take good care of Trick. He must not be alone, at least in the next few weeks. Someone must be present with him at all times."

"Count on me, Gramms," Fei promised.

"Take Trick to your room and let him rest [very] well," Mrs. Xing commanded and she returned to her office chair.

"Of course, Gramms," Fei said.

[That means no sex for a while.] I talked to him in my mind.

[Aw, that sucks.] Fei replied.

"Again, Fei, let him rest very well," she reiterated.

I'm shocked. Why does she have to repeat it? Did she hear us talking in our thoughts?

"I will, Mrs. Xing," I said.

In a few moments, I'm lying in his bed. I'm still fatigued but deep inside me, something is really weird. It's not awkward weird. It's more like oddly weird.

"How are you now, sweetie?" Fei asked.

"I'm okay. Just tired. Not just my body, but I feel like my soul is tired too. Is it because of the magic in me?"

Fei giggled. "You'll get the hang of it soon."

"Do you think I'll be okay? I mean, having it this fast? I remembered that when your dad had his old girlfriend pregnant, she knew that she had powers when she had the baby."

"That indicated it, but in your case, it's a special one, I'd say. But please, don't worry, Trick. I will always be here. I'm telling you this over and over. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?" Fei kissed me on my forehead. "Besides, now that you have your powers, we can explore what you can do."

"Oh, I know what I can do. I can sleep in an instant," I said.

"In my arms, please?" Fei opened his arms and I did slide myself. He held me tight and in just seconds, I'm in deep slumber… or maybe not.


I'm familiar with that voice.

"Master? Where are you?"

I opened my eyes and I saw the Valenti shining. I peeked at Fei and he seemed sleeping soundly too.

I closed my eyes and envisioned myself going inside the Valenti, and suddenly I'm here again in this mystical world. Surprisingly, I felt like I was invigorated. The tiredness that I had earlier was gone. I'm rejuvenated.

"Master, finally, you're here," Vigdis greeted me, and finally I get to see her in full outfit. Robes are out!

Vigdis is like a sexy lady warrior of her time. Violet armor with gold plates all over, black bobcat hair with a white headband, has a really large sword, and a serious face but still, not intimidating. Excuse you, Joan of Arc!

"Vigdis. Nice to see you again. You look hot!" I praised her.

"Oh, my, Master, enough," She just blushed. I didn't intend to, though.

I giggled. "So, the others are here with you?"

"Yes, come. They're behind that tree," she pointed towards that direction.

So, we walked towards that wonderful tree with rainbow leaves, which I totally adore. As we moved closer, I was in awe as I saw similar figures. Oh, wow. They all look fabulous! Just like the tree, they're marvelously color-coordinated.

"Arnau! Ciaren! Eneko! Ferelith! Marcene! Taneli! Nice to see you again, guys," I greeted them. Oh, gosh. It's really crazy to see them out of their boring white robes.

"Master, thank you for taking the time to see us here," Arnau greeted me cheerfully, and I really like his look! He has this long hair with a shade of lilac, but in a chignon bun made of braids and being held with four gold sticks, smiling face as always, and a really long red dress, which is similar to what a Chinese emperor would wear. Such a cutie!

"Where are we, Master?" Ciaren asked. This one's really rocking me! Short spiky charcoal gray hair, has a grumpy face, but he still looks super hot. Guns are all out because of his sleeveless orange vest, which shows some of his chest and abs. His loose black pants were held by this black and gold belt. The Kung fu shoes tell me that he's like a fighter.

"We're in Valenti. This is basically what my heart would look like," I answered him.

"Interesting," Eneko uttered, who happens to be another hot guy as well. Pompadour chestnut brown hair, glasses, stubbles, brown skin, and a Middle Eastern look that is oozing with sex appeal. He may be wearing this bright yellow kurta with black and gold linings, but his face is as cold as ice. He never smiles! Plus the curved sword hanging behind him makes him looking more dangerous.

"What again exactly is this?" Ferelith asked with a condescending tone. I'd give her that. She has this resting-bitch face that complements her platinum blonde hair. She wears this dark green leather blazer, and on the inside, a fit moss green latex dress that emphasizes her curves. She also has this whip, that she might hit anyone soon. Totally, a dominatrix of all sorts.

"This is Valenti. It's a world that reflects what my heart is. It's actually a necklace. Fei applied a spell on it and here we are," I explained. "It's a good thing that you're staying here, and not in that boring white room."

"It really looks great in here, Master, but are there monsters here?" Marcene asked. She's the timidest among them, but her looks are just as strong. She's wearing this thick blue dress, like it's made of animal fur. She has these cute accessories all over her ears, wrists, and even a gold feather tied at the side of her head. Braids from her auburn hair are on each side of her head. Behind her is her bow and arrow, hanging on her back. She's like the Apache princess.

I giggled. "No, dear. There aren't monsters here."

"It's your heart. We're not sure of that. Who knows, you have monsters hidden inside of you?" Taneli commented, who apparently has a distinct look. Hot, too, I would say. He's black, shaved head, piercings and tattoos in the entire body, and of course, the face. The guns are out too, but he's wearing this long patterned indigo cloth, with a gold scarf and beads and necklaces wound up all over his body. He's also holding this long spear with a golden tip, which I think is the running theme here. He's like an African hunter.

"I guess you're right, so please deal with them while you're here," I clapped back at Taneli, which I totally like. The banter is really fun!

"Stop being so disrespectful to our Master," Vigdis told Taneli.

"I'm not. I'm just saying there might be a chance," Taneli spoke.

"He's right, Vigdis. There's good and bad in everybody," I said.

"So… We're gonna be staying here until we have you reincarnated for the 1,000th time, Master?" Ciaren asked.

I nodded. "At least I know you're in a safe place."

"We're safe in that boring white room, you know," Ferelith argued.

"You've made your point, Ferelith. It's boring there, unlike here," Arnau expressed. "Look, a dragon on the mountaintop!"

"Plus it's nice to see colors again," Marcene added. "Whoever thought of just keeping us there in that white room with white robes, anyway?"

Eneko turned to me with an expressionless face.

"Oh, really? I did?" I raised my two fingers and made a peace sign. "Sorry, guys."

"At least, here, we can stretch a little bit. Our powers have been unused for a long time. How about we have a little fun, yes? What do you think?" Eneko suggested.

All of them looked at each other and stepped away. They all turned so serious, even Arnau whose smiles are like painted on his face. Why are they like this? What's gonna happen here?

But to top it all, someone spoke behind me.

"You're starting the fun without us?"

I looked behind me and once again… I gagged!

There are seven more people, who looked like the Karlbland, but they're not the Karlbland. They looked like they have powers too, and I must say, they don't look like they wanna have fun.

"Who are you?" I asked.

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