Magic Trick

Chapter 46 - I'll Remember


Of all the people in the building, we are most opportune to see the Brynns again. Such terrible luck, we have. 

"You got the keys, didn't you?" Grayson asked.

"No, that's why we're leaving," I lied. "They're not here."

"Dad," Grayson said. 

Branson threw cards at us, but Ellis and I evaded fast. The cards circled back to Branson like boomerangs. Anderson, on the other hand, moved everywhere to look for the keys. Grayson was watching our moves. He might be touching us any moment. 

I applied the strengthened force field shield to me and Ellis, in case he touches us, so I warned Grayson. "Touch us again and you'll burn."

"I won't do that, but my coins can," Grayson hurled his slot machine coins towards me and Ellis, so I emitted spears from my palm to counterattack the coins. I don't know why but that's the first weapon that came to my mind. Ellis then tossed some bows in the attack, making the spears and coins explode. 

"Finally, the bows became bombs," Branson commented.

"Oh, I thought you'd fall for that again," Ellis uttered.

"Faggot!" Branson then took the face cards out and lined them up on the car park floor. All of a sudden, the humans in the cards went out. The King of Hearts, the Jack of Spades, the Queen of Diamonds, and the rest of them are complete, including the two jokers. 

"Attack!" Branson shouted, and all of them ran to us. Some of them are holding weapons like swords, axes, and these spears with two sharp ends that I don't know what's called that the Jacks have.

"Careful. The jacks have sharp weapons," I said. 

"A halberd?" Ellis said.

"Oh… So that's what it's called," I uttered.

"I once f/ucked a guy in Staten Island and he told me that it's called a halberd," Ellis explained.

"The more you f/uck, the more you know," I spoke. "You take the Spades and Hearts. I'll take the Diamonds and the Clubs."

"How about you take black and I take red? They're not in cards anymore, bitch," Ellis suggested.

"Good idea!" Then we both attacked the face-cards-turned-real-persons.

I pulled one strand of my hair and burned it. After that, I multiplied the amount of ashes into a handful and twirled it on my hand and it created a small tornado. I landed the tornado on the floor and magnify it the moment the black face cards went near. In just one attack, all of them were swept away.

Ellis, on the other hand, brought out a piece of paper. Then, he murmured some incantation and folded the paper, blew it, and all of a sudden, the paper became shapes of human beings. Right before the face cards attack, he brought out a pair of scissors and cut the paper in half. All of a sudden, the red face cards were torn in half too!

"Grrr!" Grayson grunted. "You're not getting away with this! Dad!" 

Branson then put another set of face cards on the floor, then Grayson planted coins on top of the cards. Right then and there, the black and red face cards turned golden when they went out of the cards. It's like they were coated with some gold shield. They looked more powerful now!

"Ellis, do you still have your gummy bear warriors?" I told him.

"Of course," Ellis said and he took out a handful. 

"Throw it to them," I instructed him.

Ellis then threw the gummy bears towards the enemies, but before the gummy bears reached them, I magnified the gummy bears into life-like sizes, then I pointed my bar code tattoo palm and emitted swords that pierced them. The gummy bears took the swords out of their jelly bodies and used them to attack the gold face cards. Army versus army!

"Just one problem, they were too squishy. They can be easily sliced," I reacted, which I never thought earlier.

"Oh, that's better," Ellis said. 

We watched a green gummy bear being cut into half by the King of Hearts. After such, the cut pieces grew their bodies back. Now, they're two half-sized gummy bears. Surprisingly, what they did was they detached some of the swords that were struck in the other gummy bears and fought back the gold face cards.

"Aww, midget gummy bear warriors!" I clapped my hands.

"Aren't they adorable?" Ellis said, then he took some more of the small gummy bears and threw it on the floor.

"What are you doing? Why are you throwing them away?"

"You'll find out later," Ellis winked at me.

"Grr! They must not multiply!" Grayson angrily shouted. "Queen of Spades, now!"

The Queen of Spades moved forward and raised her scepter. All of a sudden, it shone so bright and… it emitted a very extreme heat power. I held Ellis's hand and I covered the both of us in ice shield. 

With the Queen of Spades's power, right before our very eyes, the gummy bears melted like ice cream! 

"My gummy bears!" Ellis shouted. 

Slime was all over the floor, and so were the weapons. The gold face cards were still standing and in their fighting stances, all ready to attack us. 

"Go!" Branson shouted.

But right before the gold face cards started to move, a jolt of blue light zapped the slime, and all of a sudden, the slime covered their feet and it moved up to their bodies, which in just moments, all of them were in one big blob.

"What happened?"

From the stairs of the fire exit emerged the big bulky boys of Auckland, with Manaia pointing his wand to the floor. 

"The Campbells," Ellis bit his lower lip.

"Okay, hoe, not the time for it," I warned Ellis before he even started to flirt.

Manaia then waved his wand and he levitated all the weapons that I created and struck all of them in the gold face card. Then the gold face card characters were like sheets. They were punctured like paper.

"How dare you!" Grayson shouted.

"Don't let him touch you. You won't be able to move," I warned.

"Thanks," Manaia said, as he waved his wand towards Grayson, but in a split-second, it was cut into half by that casino chip that flew from somewhere.

We all stared at the one who was walking towards us. It was Anderson, holding two yellow keys. "Dad, brother, I got the keys."

Ellis and I looked at each other. We tried our best not to laugh so they didn't get suspicious that we had the right ones.

Suddenly, Manaia growled. "You broke my wand!"

"Oh, that's unfortunate," Ellis blew raspberries.

I did a facepalm and whispered to him. "Come on now. Let's try to drive them away."

"Hey! Give us the keys!" Ellis then picked some of those nice things in his pocket and was about to throw those to them, but the Brynns ran to the fire exit stairs. The Campbells tried to catch them, but Ellis then stopped them. 

"Hey, guys, come here!" 

The three big men approached Ellis and he showed them the key. All of them looked really delighted to see their missing treasure. Suddenly, Nikau and Rawiri kneeled and held both hands of Ellis and kissed them. 

"We are grateful to you," they said. 

Manaia was giggling on the side. I did again another facepalm.

"Oh, it's really nothing. I just wanna help you, guys. I mean, we're friends, right?" Ellis winked.

"Of course, we are," Nikau answered.

"Let us know if there's something we can do to repay you," Rawiri seconded.

"Aw, guys," Ellis giggled. "No biggie… Are you? I mean, are you sure? Because I really don't mind."

"We keep our promises really well," Manaia said.

"Okay, then," Ellis nodded. "I'm gonna save that credit for some time, and I'm gonna really… use it well."

The way Ellis said that last line gave me jitters. Is there some sort of magic to conceal a hoe in a hoe?

"I'll remember that," Nikau said.

"Same," Rawiri seconded.

"Come on. Let's go. We roughly had eight minutes left," Manaia said.

We all ran towards the exit of the building and we went directly to the stairs near it to find Oakley. 

"You can go now, guys. We need to look for Oakley first," I said.

"Are you sure? We can wait for you," Rawiri offered.

"Aww, you guys are sweet," Ellis mumbled.

"Yeah, should be fine," Nikau added.

"No, it's really okay. We'll be there in a bit," I insisted.

"Got it. We'll see you outside, okay?" Manaia said, then the Campbells walked out peacefully, as the guards let them pass. We didn't waste a second so we looked for Oakley right away.

"Oaks! Where are you? We got the keys now," I whispered.

"So did we," a voice spoke from our behind. We looked at it and it was Branson.

"But we got the wrong ones," Anderson shyly said.

"Yet… We got the right box," Grayson was flickering a rat on his palm. It's Oakley in rat form, motionless!

And Branson got the goldenrod box!

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