Magic Trick

Chapter 52 - Bedtime Story


Shamil reminded me of the time. Gosh, why do I always forget about the timer?

"That's right, partner! Take a look at Ploy! She's swimming beautifully, but beware, she ain't called a fighting fish for nothing!" Furkan shouted.

With that being said, Ploy chased Fei in the water. It's like a predator is after the prey. They were swimming around really fast, until…

"Here comes Fei with his power balls! But this time, all of them are electric balls. He then catapulted it to… What?" Shamil awkwardly spoke.

I was about to say that too. Why on Orkatta would Fei throw the electric balls somewhere else and not to Ploy? He was not aiming properly! Was this his plan?

"Hahahahaha!" Ploy the fish laughed. "You always miss, Fei Xing!"

"I intend to," Fei said, and tried attacking Ploy with those electric balls, but sadly the electric balls just floated like sea urchins. 

"Grrrr!" Ploy the fish grunted, as she kicked the electric balls with her fins. It jolted towards Fei but Fei evaded it. Well, he had gills, so he can swim just as fast. 

Fei continued to bring out those electric balls, but he wasn't aiming it at Ploy. It just scattered and floated everywhere. Ugh. What is he doing?

I looked at Jia and Haru who were near the platform. Jia had this worried face, but Haru was just reading a book! Come on, Haru! Can't you worry about your cousin too? 

"I don't understand, Shamil. What is Fei doing? Why was he scattering all those electric balls? Was he preparing for something—Oh!" Furkan was cut off when all those electric balls lit up brightly!

Ploy swam above the tank and then swooshed below, but on Fei's signal, all of those electric balls zoomed to Ploy's fish body and electrocuted the poor fish. It groaned terribly and it really showed how hurt it was! 

"Way to go, Fei!" Shamil cheered. "What an attack! All along we were thinking that those electric balls were up for nothing."

"Songsuda, on the other hand, is still groaning because of that attack! It seems that Fei has been increasing the voltage of the electric balls!" Furkan added.

"Are we still playing, Ploy?" Fei said. 

Ploy the fish groaned… and laughed all of a sudden!

All of us in the dome were shocked, as if those electric balls of Fei hit us!

"What? Did those balls tickle that fish, so much that it giggled? I thought it's the other way around in men?" Ellis reacted.

"Oh, come on," I sighed. "You really find a way to have your slutty puns incorporated in every situation?"

"Can't help it, bitch," Ellis replied.

In a spur of the moment, the silver scales of Ploy turned to gold, because of those electric balls. It absorbed them! Weird, but really fascinating. 

"I guess," Fei answered his own question. Then, he went out of the tank and shattered the ice and took the water inside it with his power. The gills on his neck faded too.

The massive fighting fish then dove into the rock platform and when it rose, it catapulted all the electric balls that Fei created to Fei but Fei used the shards of ice to protect himself. Unfortunately, they all melted. Then, some of the electric balls went past the platform.

Surprisingly, the balls didn't go past the platform. There was a transparent laser wall that surrounded the entire platform, which absorbed the electric ball. Gosh, this must be really fatal. 

"On the timer, we have 5 minutes and 57 seconds left, but the fight has been really intense, so far. It's an even game. Who do you think will win, partner?" Furkan asked.

"I'm still torn, Furkan. Songsuda's defense strategy was turned into an offense, but Fei's attacks were just as impressive. I don't know who will win!" Shamil commented.

"Oh, gosh. It's less than six minutes. I don't know what to feel right now. I want Fei to win but I don't want him to get hurt," I whispered.

"He'll get hurt, one way or another. Besides, this is just the first battle. It sucks if he lost this one, right?" Ellis teased. 

I just focused myself on the battle. Right now, Ploy was treading the rock platform, being cautious of Fei's movements. Fei was thinking of his next move until…

"Fei created a spear made of lightning! Look!" Shamil yelled and pointed it. 

"And he threw it to Ploy! But it only reached the other end of the platform and it was absorbed by the transparent laser wall," Furkan said.

That's what Fei did. He created those lightning spears in his hand and threw them to Ploy, but the fish was goddamn fast. All it did was evade Fei's attack. 

Now I'm thinking… Was Ploy aiming to have a draw match? Was she just buying time? She attacked Fei but by just attempting to devour him. She didn't even try to release some power like fire or water or whatever fighting fishes do.

"Damn that fish. Why can't she fight Fei? She's just escaping," Ellis said, which I have to agree with this time.

"I'm thinking that she's aiming to have a draw match," I said.

"Draw? There are still five more minutes. Fei can still do something to defeat that fish," Ellis responded, which I hoped too. 

"Time… is exactly five minutes! Fighters, beware!" Shamil warned.

"About time," Fei said. 

"Aaaaah!" Ploy the fish screamed when it rose from the rock and was about to devour Fei, but…

Fei raised his hand and clenched his fist. In just a blink of an eye, the parts where he threw his lightning spears created chords from one side to another, using the laser wall. It's like tangled laser rods!

Ploy landed on the laser and her fin got burned, so Fei removed the laser connected with his lightning spears. Ploy returned to her human form and her arm was terribly hurt. It's as if it was bitten by a large animal that it left a space, which was still sizzling at the moment.

"Good thinking, Fei Xing! He used the laser wall to create a much larger power by connecting his lightning spears to attack Songsuda," Shamil explained.

"Poor Songsuda, look at her arm," Furkan commented.

Fei went near Ploy and checked her. He even flashed his devilish smile, as if he was going to hurt Ploy once again, in the click of his fingers. "Are we still playing, Ploy? Are you feeling sleepy? Might as well tell you a bedtime story, then?"

Ploy was groaning. "I'll get you next time, Fei."

Jang-mi resurfaced. "Songsuda is down. I will start counting. Five… Four… Three…"

Ploy tried to stand, but the pain of the laser was unbearable, so…

"Two… One… First match winner. Fei Xing of Manhattan team," Jang-mi announced.

The entire dome was filled with cheers and applause. I, on the other hand, can now breathe freely. Fei won the first match! His face even appeared on the screen. Oh, my handsome sweetie!

Fei moved closer to Ploy and healed Ploy's arm. Somehow, the shape returned, but it was still hollow, so he brought out a piece of paper with Chinese characters printed on it. It's like the same paper that he gave Haru when they made the aquarium to seal the ingelids. 

"It will heal in a matter of days. The laser was too powerful," Fei said. 

"I'll take it from here," said Beam who was approaching the platform. 

"I'm sorry, Beam," Fei said.

Beam shook his head. "It's a battle. You don't have to be sorry about it."

Ellis then turned to me. "Look at your boyfriend. One minute he's super scary like a hyena. The next minute, he's as gentle as a lamb. Was he always like this?"

"I don't know. Maybe when he's on fighting mode, he's serious as hell, which is… frightening, though. You know him. Always cheerful, all smiles, like nothing worries him. But this side of him… I just saw it today. I never expected that he can be cruel," I confessed Ellis. 

"Well, you gotta get to know your guy, bitch. Who knows, he'll turn into Hannibal Lecter when you're asleep," Ellis said.

I hit his arm. "How dare you. He won't hurt me. I can feel it."

"Of course, your hole is too wide. No matter how big his cock is, there's still space for three more," Ellis bantered. "Or for four if you're lucky."

"Oh, this is coming from a slut who's never been vacated in a week," I clapped back.

Fei returned to where Jia and Haru were standing. From there, he looked at us and waved at me. I waved at him too and smiled, but deep inside, I was already having these mixed thoughts. I got scared of him, but it was just one thing among all of the great things he showed me. Was that enough to fear him?

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