Magic Trick

Chapter 7 - Love Letter


It's been over an hour since we part ways. I was so embarrassed because he surprisingly knew the color of the underwear I'm wearing. I was so sure that I blocked him in my mind.

However, right now, we tried talking even if we're in different places, as if I'm sending a love letter in my mind. Unexpectedly, it worked. I'm at home now, and so does he. It's as if we don't need mobile phones or Twitter anymore.

[There was a time that you spaced out. I don't know if you remember. Or maybe because you were still drunk. Or stressed out especially when that avalanche almost hit us, so I got the chance to enter your mind.] Fei replied.

[You're always teasing me!] I frowned.

Fei laughed. [You're so cute when you're angry, so maybe I have to tease you a lot then.]

[Don't you even dare. Just because you have superpowers, doesn't mean you're always at advantage.] I threatened, although I don't think that sounds like a threat at all.

[Don't worry. I will always surrender myself to you.] Fei replied with a serious tone.

Is this guy kidding me?

[Fei, I can't still absorb everything yet. Why me? There are a lot of kind-hearted people in this world, you know.] I dared to ask with a pensive look.

[Beats the shit out of me, Trick. Maybe you're cute. Maybe you're kind. Maybe I'm amazed by you, flaws and all. I can't help myself to look at you always, and I apologize if it really sounds so creepy, and I've been okay with that. Just looking at you at least once a day makes my day, actually. However, Gramms and I had a bet.]

[A bet? About what?] I asked.

[Jia has an Egyptian boyfriend. Haru has a lot of girls too of different nationalities. So, Gramms was wondering why I haven't introduced anyone to her. And I confessed to her that I liked guys. Imagine how she reacted.] Fei responded.

[Oh, my. Was she upset?] I gloomily asked.

Fei snickered. [Definitely not! She was super happy that our clan is beginning to be more diverse. You know, she was the very first proof of diversity of our clan. The only downside of it is… If I ever choose a guy to be my beloved for all eternity, I won't bear a child.]

I sighed. [Is she okay with that? How about your parents?]

[Yeah, all of them are okay with that. I'm so blessed that I have a family who accepts me one hundred percent. They're just a little downhearted that they won't see my children. Somehow, it affected me too. It reflected my work as I handle our family business. I've had several lapses, the easy ones. Therefore, Gramms talked to me. She wanna know the guy who I like. She wants me to bring him to her 99th birthday celebration. Now, here's the bet. If I tell her about the guy that I like, she will surprise me with something, like a gift. If not, then I will have to handle our Asian branch, and that would hinder me of seeing you, since I have to go to Asia to do my job. So, somehow, I built up the courage inside me and ordered a drink. You may have noticed but I was sweating a lot, not because of the heat, but because of nervousness.] Fei elucidated.

[What? You were so calm and collected. It's actually our air conditioning system that is so terrible.] I disappointedly reacted.

Fei continued. [No, I was really trembling on the inside. People are pressuring you too with their orders, so I kind of let it slide for a while. When you misspelled my name, I didn't really bother, to be honest. But that was Gramms' birthday, so I sort of see that as an opportunity to ask you out… and I chickened out. I just corrected your misspelling.]

[Really? Wow. That was unexpected.] I replied.

[And since I don't want to be assigned to handling the operations in our Asian branch, I went back to Robbie's and tried my luck to see you there, but I failed. I went straight to Sakura Saku and hid from Gramms, until she summoned me to the stage. I had no choice but to emerge from the crowd. While Dad was delivering his birthday wishes for Gramms, I sadly talked to Gramms, telling her that I can't find you. You know what she told me?]

[What is it?]

Fei responded. [She said, "No Xing has the weakness of giving up. This day ends at twelve midnight. You still have a couple of hours." So, when they asked us to distribute our giveaway gifts, I was about to hand them all at once to the first few persons in front of me. Thankfully, when I was about to step down the stage, I saw your face, somehow looking for someone. So, I ran to the side of the stage and went straight to you.]

[You found me.] Upon hearing that, I smiled. My heart was fluttering!

[I did. And that was the happiest moment of my life. I thought I would never see you again. So, after I gave you the gift and asked me my dick size, I left. I told Gramms right away that I found you. That made her happy too. So, I asked her. "What's your surprise?" She replied, "He already got it."]

My mouth formed an O. [Was that the ten grand?]

Fei confirmed. [It is. And I'm happy that you're the one who received the surprise. It means that she accepts you too. So, after the celebration, we went back to the mansion and talked for a few moments. They asked me if I'm going to show you my powers. I said that I would, because now that I've gathered the courage to talk to you, there's no point in hiding anymore. I told them that I'm gonna pursue you, no matter what, so, I waited here at your doorstep. I can tell that they're okay with that. They're just disheartened that the chances of expanding the clan is gonna be limited to only Jia and Haru. But that's okay now. They'll move on soon. So, don't feel bad, Trick. Again, I'm gonna pursue you. Just you.]

This entire day was terrifically magical. Somehow, I'm beginning to understand him, as he opened himself to me. The more I know about him, the more he becomes involved in me.

[Hmmm… How about you impregnate a surrogate? Or have you considered in vitro fertilization? You can have your sperm either in a dish or in a woman's womb.] I suggested.

[Don't you want to have my sperm instead?] He teased me.

"Your sperm!" I shouted out of surprise.

"Whose sperm?" I heard from the door, which wasn't closed properly. I stood up and approached the door, and I saw Ellis sitting on the floor, munching on his popcorn bowl.

"Ellis! Not again!" I shouted.

"Watching you do those different faces while lying down on your bed is as fascinating as your wanking. Way better than any Netflix movie or series. The best part? It's free! Unlimited subscription," Ellis spoke, as he chewed more popcorn in his mouth.

"I know it's your house, but please let me say this. Go away, Ellis!" I yelled, then I slammed the door.

[So that's how I was a few minutes ago.]

[What were you a few minutes ago?] Fei asked. I guess he still has access in my mind.

[Oh, Ellis was watching me at the door doing those facial expressions. It's because, you know, we were doing telepathy. My face has been expressing those emotions. It's a roller coaster ride, don't you think?]

Fei laughed. [True. This day took us to a lot of places, figuratively and literally.]

[You did that!] I pointed him out.

[Yeah, I did. So, uh… Going back, we were talking about sperm, right? I actually don't like the idea of those procedures. You know, surrogation, in vitro fertilization, and the like. I think I am not yet ready for a child, but if you wanna be my baby, that, I am well-prepared.]

I knew to myself that I was blushing! My cheeks felt warm! [Hey!]

[I'm kidding! No, I'm not kidding, Trick. Be my baby.]

I blew raspberries. [We'll see…]

[Well… Get ready because I've decided, even if it risks my life. I'm not gonna have a child, but I'm gonna do something so I can have an addition to the Xing family.]

"Oh, gosh. What could it be?" I whispered.

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