Magic Trick

Chapter 71 - My Prerogative

[Ellis's PoV]


� � � � � � I asked Haru even though I see it with my two mesmerizing eyes. Maybe the question I was about to ask is… Why the f/uck are they spinning around like a Kylie Minogue hit?

� � � � � � "Beats the shit out of me…" Haru murmured.

� � � � � � Suddenly, the spheres exploded! Haru, with his fast moves, created a force field shield that protected us. After that, the spheres were gone, but seven unconscious guys were floating in mid-air, wearing… nothing.�

� � � � � � "Dress them up," Haru commanded.�

� � � � � � I clicked my hands and I transformed into my quick drag. I'm in Miss Conflagration mode. I raised both of my hands and ejected power blasts towards them. After a while, they were clothed with spandex briefs of various colors and ankle-high brown leather boots.

� � � � � � "Really?" Haru sarcastically uttered.

� � � � � � "Do you want me to add a cape at least?" I suggested while grinning at him.

� � � � � � Haru clicked his fingers and each of them had capes matching the color of their spandex briefs.�

� � � � � � "Nice. They look like sexy Supermans now," I commented.

� � � � � � "Supermen," Haru groaned.�

� � � � � � I turned to him and gave him a piercing stare and said, "Do you wanna put handcuffs in me too and throw me in a dirty cellar, grammar police?"

� � � � � � Haru walked towards me and whispered, "How about I slap your butt every single time you commit a grammatical mistake?"

� � � � � � "Oh, no, no, no, baby, you isn't going to be done that to me, okay? Remembering that," I intentionally spoke.

� � � � � � Haru slapped me on my butt cheek, and good f/ucking lord, I'm turned on!�

� � � � � � "Stopping that, okay? I don't liked—" I'm not perfect when it comes to grammar, but I'm enjoying making simple mistakes, yet the "Supermen" woke up from their slumber which stopped me from my newfound stupidity.�

� � � � � � "Master, thank you for doing this," said the one with the cerise-colored briefs, so it's Cerise. Then, he turned to Haru. "Master… Haru? Is that you?"�

� � � � � � "Cadmian, hey," Haru waved his hand.�

� � � � � � "Master Haru!" All of them greeted Haru. Maybe there's this sort of familiarity with their former master, yeah?

� � � � � � "Dreiden! Pravean! Breon! Munn! Malvynn! Valerion! Hey, you guys," Haru happily waved his hand. "It's nice seeing you all like this… in almost naked form, which I'm not expecting at all."

� � � � � � "Are those their names? They sound like Eevee's evolutions," I said.�

� � � � � � Haru giggled. "Well, it's actually the first time I've seen them like this. I have them in spheres. I didn't know how they looked like."

� � � � � � "But I call them differently here. That's Bittersweet, Cerise, Denim, Maize, Mulberry, Pumpkin, and Viridian," I pointed each of them according to their colors.�

� � � � � � "Oh, you've named them already. That's good. Let me help you," Haru turned to the Supermen and talked to them. "Guys, moving forward, it is not me you should be serving anymore. You are now under the authority of Ellis, so please follow him and help him at all times. Do you understand?"

� � � � � � "Yes, Master Haru," said the Supermen in unison.�

� � � � � � "Thank you, baby," I murmured to Haru.�

� � � � � � "Sure, baby," he replied. God, this guy is beginning to unmask his old self by being sweet to me!�

� � � � � � "Okay, first agendum, you guys are not Pokémon, so I'm gonna call you all Bittersweet, Cerise, Denim, Maize, Mulberry, Pumpkin, and Viridian, or collectively known as… Supermen. Got it?"�

� � � � � � "Yes, Master Ellis," said the Supermen in unison.�

� � � � � � "Perfect," I whispered, and turned to Haru. "Who would imagine that they looked like nightclub strippers? Look at them! They're so ripped! Plus I can tell that they're really packing by the bulge of their spandex briefs."�

� � � � � � "I can kill them with just one click of my hands, so don't even think of having sex with them, okay?" Haru warned.�

� � � � � � "Yes, Master Haru," I obliged. It must be hard, but that's my master's order.�

� � � � � � Then, I turned to the Supermen. "Okay, men, next agendum. Let's talk about your powers. Now, who among you has the power to do quick drag?"

� � � � � � "That's me, Master. I hone the power of transformation," Bittersweet spoke.�

� � � � � � "Then, you'll be a lot of service to me, Bittersweet. Let's plan the Executive Realness look. I wanna have a look that says, 'I'm the baby of and Christian Grey and Miranda Priestly in her twenties' but I got lost because Christian was too sex-starved and Miranda was too workaholic, so I got thrown to a trash bin, and Cruella de Vil adopts me.' Got it?" I said then I winked at Haru.�

� � � � � � He just groaned.


[Trick's PoV]


� � � � � � "So, have you noticed anything suspicious in the last few hours?" I asked him.

� � � � � � Fei sighed. "Not really. Everything's the same. Well, I thought I was hoping to find out if no one dies in the battle between the Brazilians and the Dutch, but… yeah, the Oliveiras were dead. So we wait again for another team to leave. Besides, since the Thai team left, no one asked about them anymore. I guess it's because everyone is pressured on the tournament, especially those who haven't fought yet."

� � � � � � "I don't feel any pressure right now, but I guess I'll have to cross the bridge when I get there," I commented.�

� � � � � � "Yeah, we've prepared a lot for this. I think you'll do well," Fei said, and he planted a kiss on my right cheek.�

� � � � � � As we walked more, it was peaceful until Fei was petrified. I looked at him and I felt his hand was getting cold. "What's the problem, sweetie?"

� � � � � � He cleared his throat before speaking, "Madame Corvina."

� � � � � � "Fei… And the human, it's nice to see you here," Madame Corvina was walking towards our direction, and she's with her two sisters.�

� � � � � � "Likewise. Well, actually more than nice, I'm surprised to see you here," Fei honestly mentioned.

� � � � � � "Here are my younger sisters, Karo and Selene. I once brought them to the mansion when you were young,"

� � � � � � "I remember," Fei said with a smile, yet his expression changed immediately. "But I didn't remember that you want to join The Krieg. Did Gramms know about this?"

� � � � � � "Fei… Tsk, tsk, tsk…" Madame Corvina reacted. "You know little about these things, of course. Your grandmother knew from the very beginning that this is what I want."

� � � � � � "What do you want?" Fei asked.�

� � � � � � "I'm sure you know what we want," said Karo.

� � � � � � "Allow me, sister," Selene uttered then she brought out a long wand and quickly swished it towards Fei. "Loquiverum!"

� � � � � � Nothing happened to Fei, but when Madame Corvina asked him, his mouth twitched… "So, tell us what you know."

� � � � � � "You are Silver Witches… who would like to avenge… your great grandfather," said Fei who tried resisting the spell, but it was too powerful that he just blurted out the truth.�

� � � � � � "Yes, and as much as we despise that coven, we are it," Karo hissed.�

� � � � � � "Our mother is a Silver Witch and she was only used to reproduce us… To take back what's really ours," Selene added.�

� � � � � � "Your grandparents have been really kind to me in the last thirty years I served them, but they kept on delaying me. I did not require any payment for my service, but I only ask one thing… and I never had it," Madame Corvina said.�

� � � � � � "What is it? Before you use the spell on me, I promise I didn't know what that thing is," Fei defensively spoke.�

� � � � � � "The power to break the curse," Selene responded. "My sister asked her help to help us go back to Hertsford in order for us to defeat the current Supreme, yet she told us that we're not powerful yet to do that. We're not ready."

� � � � � � "Which is basically an excuse since she doesn't want us to do that," Karo added.

� � � � � � "Well, you're overthrowing an entire coven. Do you think you would get her support on that?" Fei argued.�

� � � � � � "That is why, as my prerogative, they opened her mansion to me, since my sisters were very young then," Madame Corvina uttered. "and they fed us…"

� � � � � � I felt Fei quivered. His hand was trembling.

� � � � � � "Yes, Fei, what you saw was true when you were young. We feed on the dead. The dead makes us stronger. She did that for thirty years… But I grew tired of waiting. So, when this opportunity knocked, I fled immediately. If we win The Krieg, we can now return to Hertsford as we will be obtaining massive power here," Madame Corvina said.�

� � � � � � Fei inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply and confidently faced the ladies. "Well, we're not sure of that."�

� � � � � � Madame Corvina chuckled. "Don't worry. If in the event we have to face each other, we will not kill you. This is to return the kindness of your grandparents. But… I can't say the same if we're against the human being…" Then she looked at me. Oh, gosh. She's gonna eat me if I lose the battle!

� � � � � � Fei tightened the hold to my hand. "If in the event you kill Trick or Ellis, I can't say the same if I can return the kindness."

� � � � � � "Very well then," Madame Corvina uttered. "Then we hope we don't arrive at that situation. I practically raised the three of you, so I know your movements. Good luck if you have a chance on us."

� � � � � � Fei giggled. "You think very little of us, Madame Corvina. You're right. You practically raised me, Jia, and Haru. You know how we move, which means we definitely have a chance on you."

� � � � � � "Cocky," Madame Corvina said, then the three of them left.�

� � � � � � After that, Fei sighed in relief. "Whew! That was terrifying."

� � � � � � "Really? She even told you you're cocky," I commented.

� � � � � � "I faked it and I made it." It actually showed as he's been sweating a lot. He's still scared of her, though.

� � � � � � And I think I need to be scared of her too if we'll be up for a match.�

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