Magic Trick

Chapter 74 - Womanizer

[Trick's PoV]


As expected, Uncle Bo is the first to fight and he's against Rosamund Jung, the mother of the two German girls of the Berlin team. Beketi then explained the special instructions for the match. They got a thermometer symbol with a snowflake beside it for the dome slot, which means that the ring will be freezing. It's not like an ice skating rink, as Beketi said. It will be lower than the freezing point. Then, for the power slot, they got a 'no' sign and a beast inside it, which means they aren't allowed to summon animals as their attacks. For the time slot, it says 10, so they have only 10 minutes for this battle, which is somehow odd, as the time is getting faster and faster than ever.

"We do have two seasoned fighters here, Furkan, what do you say to that?" Shamil asked.

"I'd say I'm expecting a great battle. Silakbo Marasigan is a famous shaman in the Philippines whose old practices were passed down from generation to generation. Rosamund Jung is a German witch whose family is from a coven that started centuries ago. Both fighters have a rich history, so this will be a very interesting battle," Furkan explained.

"Those are fun facts, partner. Let's see if those experiences of theirs will appear in this match!" Shamil said.

Rosamund was walking normally on that freezing ring. It's as if she was just walking on soft soil. Yet… Uncle Bo removed his shoes and walked barefoot. What on Earth is he doing? Can he tolerate that piercing cold? 

"Look at Uncle Bo's feet," Fei pointed to Uncle Bo.

The ice is… melting for some reason. Plus his feet… It's turning reddish. 

"I think he's harnessing the power of the volcano," Haru uttered. 

"Volcano?" Ellis wondered.

"Oh, yeah. The Marasigans live near a small yet powerful volcano named Taal. Aside from shamanism, they also practiced harnessing their natural elements," Jia added. 

"That's so cool," I said. 

"You mean hot," Ellis said, then Haru squinted his eyes toward Ellis. 

"I meant the lava," Ellis clarified. 

After that, Haru's face looked calm. What's going on with these two? Just a couple of days ago, they were fighting. Now, they're on good terms. 

Rosamund ran and attack Uncle Bo, with a high kick. As offense, Uncle Bo did a kick as well. Their feet were… surprisingly odd. 

Uncle Bo's foot was red, almost burning. Rosamund's was covered in glass-like material… which is ice. 

In just moments, Uncle Bo even had his hands turn reddish. Rosamund's hands were covered in ice too. Both of them fought in combat and it seemed that they had the same speed. One can block the other's attack. 

"Do you know that my lava can melt your ice?" Uncle Bo teased.

"Can it?" Rosamund then held one of Uncle Bo's hand and froze it quickly. "Do you know that lava can freeze too?"

Before Uncle Bo's entire body freezes, he jumped far from where Rosamund was standing. Then, he shook his arm and piles of ash fell from it as it heated once more. His bulky arm was revealed as the sleeve of his shirt was burned. 

"You're so cold," Uncle Bo said.

"I know," Rosamund spoke with a poker face. 

"I hate it," Uncle Bo uttered.

Rosamund scoffed. "Well, you are hot yourself." 

"Thanks. I've heard that often," Uncle Bo winked.

"I… I didn't…" Rosamund grunted and formed enlarged snowflakes with sharp edges. She then threw them at Uncle Bo, yet Uncle Bo just grabbed the snowflakes and melted them quickly. 

"Well, you know where the twins got their swag," Ellis uttered.

"Uncle Bo may be naughty or he looks like a womanizer, but he's been very loyal to his wife, Auntie Kali," Fei said. "He's one of the loving, faithful men I know."

"I hope you are as well," I whispered.

"I am, sweetie. Don't worry. I've got my eyes only on you," Fei winked. 

As a defensive and offensive attack at the same time, Uncle Bo, with the harnessed power of the volcano, filled the entire ring with ash. Now, we can barely see what's happening. 

"Holy smokes. What's that? It's like a dome of ash inside this dome," Furkan commented.

"A dome in a dome. I like it!" Shamil uttered. "But how can we see what's happening?"

In that dome of ash, we can see blue and red sparks occurring in different areas. It's like the battle continues between Rosamund and Uncle Bo, but in a blur. 

"This is a defensive strategy that Silakbo Marasigan thought of. It's brilliant, but I hope to see something," Shamil said, which in moments, was opposed by Furkan.

"Well, there you go! Look!" Furkan shouted. 

The cloud of ash was blown away when Uncle Bo was covered in thick ice. It's like Rosamund used the freezing ring to her advantage as she was able to produce that much ice easily. Uncle Bo can't seem to lift a finger. Only his eyes were moving. 

Rosamund explained something, " With the ring's temperature, I can hold him freezing for an hour. You see, even the hottest lava can freeze."

I turned to Taki and Taka and saw how they're doing. I was surprised! They weren't even looking worried at all!

Jang-mi approached the microphone. "Since the other opponent is currently petrified, I will start counting to five now. One…"

"Dad, stop kidding around," Taki shouted, then yawned. 

"Come on, Dad, you can't fool us," Taka grinned. 

"Two…" Jang-mi continued. 

Rosamund winced. "You're still hoping, huh?"

"Three…" Jang-mi continued. 

But before Jang-mi counted four… The block of ice where Uncle Bo was enclosed exploded in tiny bits. Then, his skin became molten rock and it burned brightly. After that, he ran towards Rosamund and strangled her. Then, his entire body scorched with blazing fire. 

"I can kill you right now, but I won't. Just quit," Uncle Bo said with his fierce voice. 

"No!" Rosamund tried to lift her hand but the ice she's trying to make just melted right before it was created. 

"Then, say goodbye to your daughters," Uncle Bo ruthlessly said. 

"No, please! Don't kill our mother!" Lotte, who was standing on the other side of the ring, shouted. 

"Have mercy!" Mittel, another daughter of Rosamund, yelled too. 

"Your mother knows best," Uncle Bo tightened his grip on Rosamund's neck. Rosamund was choking hard. She couldn't breathe well with the smoke and the strangling. Since she didn't respond, Uncle Bo even made his grip tighter. I think she was too proud to admit her loss. 

After a while, she just passed out. Uncle Bo removed his hand on Rosamund's neck, then she lie down on the ring. Jang-mi started counting and Rosamund didn't stand. 

"The winner of the first match is Silakbo Marasigan of the Manila team!" Jang-mi announced. That's one win and I'm so happy that Uncle Bo succeeded. 

Taki and Taka threw some clothes to their father on the ring, as his clothes burned in his transformation. Uncle Bo wore them effortlessly as the fire in his body starting to fade away, and not burning his new clothes. While doing that, he was showing off his guns like an experienced ramp model. 

"Dad! You always like to show how buff you are," Taki groaned. 

"You mean these muscles?" Uncle Bo even flexed his bulky arms, and…

"I'll make you pay!" Rosamund shouted, then she threw a large snowflake that pierced Uncle Bo's arm that he raised, making it bleed and… Uncle Bo was turning purple every second passing. 

"You… old… hag…" Then Uncle Bo's body dropped on the ring.

"Dad!" Taka rushed towards his father and removed the snowflake. Uncle Bo became unconscious because of that attack. 

The medical team led by Dakarai immediately responded to them. The staff checked right away and confirmed, "He was having a very high fever, and if we can't control his temperature, he might die in the next few hours."

Taki hissed at Rosamund, "What have you done to my father?"

"Something he never should have doubted to do to me…" Rosamund jumped out of the stage and ran towards her daughters.

The medical team brought Uncle Bo to the infirmary. Haru and Ellis attended to him to make sure Uncle Bo is taken good care of. Dakarai is there to support them as well.

Earlier, the twins looked calm and collected. Right now, it seemed that they wouldn't waste a chance to teach the German ladies a lesson they would never forget. 

Jang-mi spoke, "Our next round is between Lotte Jung and Takipsilim Marasigan, which will be held in the next two hours. We would like—"

"How about we do it now?" Lotte stepped on the stage and shouted. 

"Great idea," Taki jumped on the ring as well with his game face on. 

"And a double match, perhaps?" Mittel followed as well. 

"Good, so we can defeat you fast enough," Taka walked on the icy platform too.

Jang-mi approached the council and asked for their decision. After a couple of minutes, Jang-mi stood in front of the microphone and announced, "The council approves this suggestion. For our next battle, we have another two-on-two battle between Lotte and Mittel Jung of Berlin team, versus Takipsilim and Pintakasi Marasigan of Manila team."

Another double match… Interesting…

But what are the German ladies up to? 

They wouldn't suggest it for nothing…

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