Magic Trick

Chapter 78 - Oops!... I Did It Again

[Ellis's PoV]


He's like a Katy Perry track! He's hot, then he's cold. He's yes, then he's no. He's in, then he's out. He's up, then he's down. I can continue with the song, but I'm gonna run out of breath as I tried catching him up. 

"Haru, let's talk!" I shouted.

"What are we going to talk about?" he replied, while still walking. Apparently, we arrived at the meadows with beautiful yellow flowers, like me. (I meant beautiful, not yellow.) It seemed to be our own sweet spot. 

"Why did you behave that way?" I frankly asked.

"You said that this…" he pointed his finger back and forth to me and him. "was nothing."

I sighed in disappointment. "I didn't mean it like that!"

Haru's face showed confusion. "So, what do you mean? When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no?"

I raised my index finger at him and said, "Hold up, Justin Bieber! You're being Katy Perry yourself there! You're hot, then, you're cold!" Finally, I get to say it in front of him, and not just in my mind. 

"What?" he yelled. "I can't understand you!"

"For someone who's been reading books since two, that's a shocker," I may be putting more salt to the wound, but he's been getting in my nerves! Can you imagine that?

"Stop pushing my limits, Ellis, I'm not in a good mood for jokes right now," he seriously uttered. 

Okay, that was a fair warning. I slid my hand in his and held it tight and calmly talked, "Baby, what I meant earlier was not what you're thinking. I said that this is nothing, because of two things. Do you wanna hear them?"

"Okay." Now he turned into a calm puppy with cute little eyes! What a guy! He's PMS-ing more than all the bitches I know in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx altogether! 

"First, I don't want to let them know that we're having this, since you are not yet ready to tell them what this is. I know you've been struggling internally with a lot of things, so I downplayed it a little earlier, and I'm sorry if you felt that way. Second, I couldn't even tell what this is! We're not together, but we do sweet things when no one is looking. I mean, Haru, it's been so long since I've felt this and I don't know if—" 

Yaaaaas, bitch! You know how my mouth was kept shut! He kissed me!

"I am really sorry, Ellis," Haru whispered. "I told you this is all new to me and I don't know how to handle things on a thing like this."

"See, you couldn't even tell what it is. Coin a word, I guess, since you're good at it," I suggested.

"Okay, enlighten me," he said. 

"Hmm…" I cleared my throat before speaking. "We had sex once. We're happy when we're together. We do sweet things. We kiss. We call each other Waffle. Sometimes, Baby. But we're not officially a couple and we can't tell all the people about this. But we wanna keep doing the things I said earlier, especially the very first one if you're listening well."

"Sex," Haru repeated with a smile.

"That, and yeah, I guess, we're both not ready for anything serious," I sighed.

"Aren't you?" 

"Yeah, I mean, I've been with a lot of guys who did not take me seriously, so I guess I would have to reserve myself for someone who would really not take me for granted," I honestly said, and it's not that reverse psychology shit. I really meant it. 

"I see…" Haru shrugged. "Bottom line is… We care for each other truly, but we can't be a couple. But we did sex."

"We have sex. Present tense, you know, when things are done habitually," I winked. 

"Okay, Grammar Nazi, I'm turned on," he kissed me again and bit my lower lip a little harder than usual!

I let go of the kiss and yelled at him, "Hey!"

Haru's eyebrows crossed like a pedestrian crossing. "Why?"

"Why are you doing that gigil thing?" 

"What's a gigil?" Haru asked. 

"The twins told me about it. It's like when you're overwhelmed with too much emotion, that you can't control yourself from doing something. Like when you snarl, you grit your teeth. Or you grapple someone with too much trembling, like this!" I grabbed his arm and did that gigil thing the way Taki and Taka demonstrated it. 

"So is it bad?" 

"Not really. It depends on the context, actually, you can show gigil when you're angry or when you're fond of someone or—"

"I'm fond of you," Haru said then he kissed me on my cheek. That was sweet, bitches! 

"Okay, so going back from the very beginning, this is just 'fondness'?" I clarified.

Haru just sighed. "I'm happily fond of you."

I just rolled my eyes, because I can't think of a word for whatever we have. "Whatever. Just kiss me again and—"

And bitch, it didn't take another minute before our lips were locked once more! I love it, until…

"Hey! Gigil much?" I said, because…

"Oops. I did it again," he uttered. Yes! He bit my lower lip hard once more… but somehow, I'm beginning to like it. It's like his special trademark or something.

"So, we're okay now?" I affirmed. 

He nodded. "I'm really sorry, Ellis. I know these misunderstandings happen because of me. I will try to be more understanding of you next time."

"Don't worry. I'll wink whenever things like this occur. Like, when they seem to notice something about this, between us, I'll just wink at you so you'll know that 'it's nothing'," Bitch, that was as clear as crystal. I'm adjusting to him really well, okay? 

"But it's so frustrating to think that we cannot fully express this…" And we're back to the hole we're in. I was about to say something, but he cut me off right away.

"Can you smell that?" Haru asked. 

I sniffed, but all I can smell are the yellow flowers which I didn't even know the name. Are they golden showers? (Oops. Sorry.)

"Nothing," I uttered.

"No, it smells like something that burned… Like coal… Or ash…" Haru stood up and walked around the area. After a while, he stopped at a certain position and I noticed the change in his facial expression. He was terrified. 

I went close to him and saw what's on the land where he's standing. "Wait a minute… Are those?"

"Human beings… Burned with a monstigna," Haru whispered. 

The shapes of the bodies were specifically outlined in the soil, so I can tell that people were burned there. 

"How did you know it was a monstigna that burned it? Could it be that they were just—"

"Monstignas burn only their preys. They do not burn whatever surrounds them. Look at the grass. They weren't burned. The bodies were only consumed," Haru pointed out, and he was right. That's my observation earlier too, but I didn't notice that the grass wasn't affected.

I looked at Haru and uttered, "So this is…" 

"Murder," Haru confirmed.

Because of that, our flirtatious lip-biting moments were interrupted by this serious situation. We went directly to our room to talk to Fei and Trick about this matter. Yet… We found them under the sheets in spooning position.

"I hope you have clothes," I said, the moment I opened the door. 

Trick stood up immediately and well, he had clothes. He didn't fix himself, so I guess, the coast is clear, but I'd be happy to watch live porn, though. 

"Why are you just barging in?" Trick yelled at me.

"Bitch, this is my room too, and my goodness, Trick Sylvanie, you really have a habit of not locking your door," I commented. "Anyway, Haru and I discovered something."

"What is it?" Fei said, as he stood up from the bed. 

"A murder scene," Haru said. 

Fei and Trick's faces were saying something we can't comprehend. 

"Down at the hills, where there are yellow flowers on the meadow," I added.

Fei and Trick sat on the bed and looked at each other. "We know about it."

"Huh? You knew?" I said, shocked. 

"Yeah, we've been observing this for a while, but now that we know who did it, we must plan something in case it happens again," Fei seriously said. 

"Wait a minute, what do you mean, you've been observing for a while?" Haru clarified. 

Fei asked us. "Remember the Thai team? They left the island, right?"

"Yeah, they went back to Bangkok," Haru confirmed.

"That's what you knew, but actually, they were dead," Trick said. 

Haru and I looked at each other with ghastly faces. "How did you know?"

Fei explained. "Right before they left, Trick and I received some gifts from Ploy. A couple of gold bracelets."

"That f/ucking bitch! She didn't leave anything from me?" I growled. 

Fei just did a faint smile and continued with the story. "After that, the van that took them to the where the plane to Bangkok is arrived, then they rode there and went home, until we heard an explosion nearby. Suddenly, the bracelets that we have were gone…"

"They're dead," Haru confirmed. 

Fei continued his observation. "Therefore, Trick and I had a theory that the losers of the competition should die. If you have observed, most of the losers die on the ring, until…"

"The German ladies…" Haru said. 

"They're gone now, right? The twins sent them away and the mother fled," I commented.

"Yes, and the sisters' bodies in their monster form landed on that hill with meadows of yellow flowers," Trick added.

Haru and I looked at each other again. He looked terrified as shit!

So… The burned bodies in the hill were the German bitches?

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