Magic With You

Chapter 124 - 124: Losing To Kence

As Kence experienced a new thing, he wants to continue doing it. Even though Calter was squeezing his butt, Kence doesn't care. He wants to continue what he is doing!

If only Kence wasn't too drown on the feeling of scratching that itch, he will realize that the 'Little Calter' was being rubbed on his stomach

Kence disobeyed Calter for the nth time and wrapped his arms on the young master's neck as he rubbed his body even harder this time. Doing this was just too pleasurable!

Calter groaned at Kence's actions. He wants to stop Kence but even him was feeling too much pleasure. But Calter knows that he needs to stop this, if not, then he might not be able to stop himself and 'pop the cherry tonight'

As the little bunny disobeyed him again, Calter pinched Kence's red nipples. It caused Kence's arms on him to loosen a bit from the sudden pleasure

Calter took advantage of this and moved Kence's body so that the latter's stomach is laying on the bed. Kence groaned in frustrations as he can't rub his body on Calter again on this position

Every disobedience naturally needs to be punished. Calter lowered his body and whispered directly on Kence's ears. "You are being disobedient again, are you that eager for me to touch you ... here" Calter said and cupped one of Kence's little buns on his hand while savoring the feeling of holding such a soft piece of bun. Although Kence still has his lower clothing, but it didn't prevent Calter to enjoy the piece of soft flesh

Kence's whole being blushed in shame. His face, ears, neck, and even his body turned red from embarrassment and Calter might be a bit right but he will never admit something like that!

For Kence, everything that Calter does to him is a 'dirty stuff'. He won't easily admit that he likes it as he is not a 'pervert'

With Kence not saying anything, it made Calter a bit dissatisfied. He wants Kence to either admit it honestly or adorably defend himself. Calter doesn't like a silent treatment

"Listen closely" Calter whispered to Kence's ears again who was tickled by his warm breath

Another slap resounded inside the room as Calter gave Kence an even harder spanking. Of course, it is still not that strong as he doesn't want to inflict pain to Kence

Kence arched his back as he was really sensitive down there and Calter is 'abusing' it too much. The water falls on Kence's eyes that didn't stop just gush out even harder

"Do you like it?" Calter asked directly on Kence's ears causing the latter to move away his head slightly. Calter is too close on his ears and it 'tickled' him. That just made the itch to become itchier

"N-No! I-I'm n-not a p-pervert like B-Big Brother!" Fortunately, this time, Kence gave an answer. But it just made him sound too in denial and defensive

"Really? Then who was the one that is rubbing his body on mine before?" Kence tightened his grip on the bedsheets. Now that he thinks of it, what he did before was really 'perverted' which just brought another round of shame to Kence

"I-It's b-because ... b-because ..." Kence tried thinking of an excuse but no matter how hard he thinks, he just can't find any suitable excuse

Not wanting to give Kence a chance to think, Calter moved his head and planted wet kisses on the youth's shoulder before sucking the skin on it

The sweet taste of Kence's skin assaulted Calter's tongue and it made him even more eager to mark Kence once more

Calter literally covered Kence's back with his marks. No place was left untouched. It gave Kence's itch some breather although it was still very pleasurable for him

After the back is naturally the front, Calter moved Kence's body again and he is now facing the youth. Just like what he did at the back, Calter showered Kence's front with his love marks

Calter doesn't even know whether to be thankful as these marks will be gone in time and he'll be able to mark Kence again. Or be frustrated that his marks will fade in time when he wants Kence to always have it all over his body

Calter stared at the panting Kence and nodded his head. A mark covered Kence is really just too 'delicious' and Calter can eat him up all day

"Look at these marks, these means that you are only mine, got it?" Calter said in a serious tone. Kence can only be his!

Kence look at the marks on his body. Even without this, Kence knew that he'll always be Calter's. He will never leave Calter ....

"Of course, Big Brother is also yours and I want you to mark me too" After saying this, Calter also removed his upper clothing showing his bare body that just became even more muscular than before

It was not an overly burly body but one that have very prominent muscles. Calter's chest was just perfect while his abs look hard solid. Even his biceps have bulging muscles with them

Calter sat on the bed and pulled Kence's body towards his. He made Kence to sit on his lap but then saw those red orbs that are now too close on him

Not being able to stop himself, Calter licked and sucked on them causing Kence to hold his shoulder. "A-ahh ... B-Big ... Bro - ahh! II ... thought I w-was .... ah ... going t-to mark you?" Kence said in between his gasps as Calter didn't stop playing with his body

Kence naturally wants to mark Calter too as that gave him some sense of ownership. He still doesn't realize it but he's also very possessive when it comes to Calter. He hated the thought of Calter marrying a beautiful woman or a cute guy and seeing the marks he made on his master will slightly lessen the negative feelings that surfaced on his heart

"Is my Kence that eager to mark me?" Calter asked in teasing tone after letting go of Kence's nipple in 'regret' as he still really wants to play with it

For Kence, marking Calter is not too much of a 'dirty stuff' and he have an easier time admitting it, especially when he is just like what Calter said, eager to do it

As an answer, Kence nodded his timidly while blushing

"Haha alright, since my Kence is being honest like this, how can Big Brother say no?" Calter said and guided Kence on his neck

This brightened Kence's mood and he used his red tongue to take a lick on Calter's neck. That simple lick was more than enough to pleasure Calter and he did his best not to moan. He doesn't want to show 'weakness' by moaning from a single lick

After taking a few licks, Kence sucked on Calter's skin while making sure that he'll leave marks on them. This caused Calter to ball his fist

If Calter's marking was aggressive and a bit forceful, Kence's was a slow and careful one. It made Calter to feel everything that Kence is doing to him up to the smallest detail. Like how Kence will sometimes use his tongue to lick his skin that is inside his mouth

Kence's marking was a painfully slow one as if it wants to tease Calter to death

Not wanting to be the only one that is being 'teased', Calter moved his hand and sensually touched Kence's back, savoring the soft flesh on it

It surprised Kence a bit causing the youth to bite a bit hard on Calter's skin. After realizing what he did, Kence immediately moved his head away

However, since Calter knows how Kence's mind works, he pulled the latter back to another area on his shoulder. "Continue" Calter ordered and Kence can only do as what he was told

Calter moved his hands again and reached Kence's bottom. He started massaging them as if they were a bread dough. Thus, Kence wasn't able to focus on what he was doing and rested his head on Calter's shoulder

Every time that Calter touches his butt, it automatically made Kence to lose all of his body strength

"B-Big Brother .... s-stop ... I c-can't focus ..." Kence said in between his gasps

"Why? You like being touch here that much?" Calter asked in teasing tone. "N-No!" Kence said defensively. But the more he becomes defensive, the more Calter will want to tease him to death

"Really? Then should I touch you there directly? I want to see if you'll start to like it when I touch your bare butt" Calter said shamelessly which immediately made Kence to panic

"N-No!" Kence said in horror. Just touching it through his clothes was already enough to make the 'itch' extremely strong, what more if he was touched directly? As Kence still doesn't know how to 'remove' that itch, he doesn't want Calter to touch him there

"If you act like this, it'll just make Big Brother to be tempted in touching them" Calter said and Kence's face paled a bit

Kence absolutely won't let himself be touch there as long as he still doesn't know how to scratch the itch

Thus, Kence did the thing he always does every time he wants to run away or not let Calter do something

Kence kissed his Big Brother on the lips and even used his tongue to 'knock' on Calter's 'door'

But Calter is very set on dominating Kence today. Thus, Calter opened his mouth but didn't let Kence enter. Instead, Calter is the one that attacked Kence wanting to overwhelm the youth so that he's the one that is going to enter Kence

However, this time, Kence doesn't want to lose too! Only when he is the one taking the lead will he succeed!

Thus, the two had a fierce tongue play. No one of them wants the other to enter their mouth. Letting the other do that means that they lose!

The two cannot afford to lose, not today!

They can taste each other's breath and saliva but that just made them to go all out

The two only stopped when they are already out of breath. Kence was gasping hard for breath but he has that the defiant look on his face that Calter wants to conquer!

As his usual scheme today is not working, Kence searched on his mind what other things he can do to make Calter lose

Kence even review all the things that Emily 'taught' to him to see if he can find another 'weapon'

Calter was the same, he's thinking what his next moves should be. Even though he's attacking all of Kence's weak spots which are actually a lot. Like Kence's butt, nipples etc. But Kence is still determined to win

Since the two of them almost won't see each other for quite some time, Calter wants to touch Kence's little buns directly at least once!

However, it seems like Calter is bound to lose as Kence's face brightened. Kence then grabbed Calter's hand on his butt and put it on his face

"Big Brother ... Am I cute?" Kence asked while wetting his red lips with his tongue. After that, he even lick Calter's hand on his face

Emily said that if he wants Calter to do what he wants, the best thing to do that was to 'act' cute in front of his Big Brother

And Kence combined that with the knowledge he has on Calter. Kence always like it when Calter is looking at him while wetting his lips and decided to do the same while trying his best to act cute. Kence also knows that being 'licked' feels good and he used it too

Kence 'doesn't know how' to act cute and just acted this 'intimate' wishing that he looks cute at that moment. He doesn't know that even if he doesn't do anything, Calter already find him very cute!

Calter's throat felt dry even after he gulped his own saliva. He doesn't know that someone can be this adorably seductive!

The youth was acting like a cute bunny yet licked him in a sensual way like that causing Calter to lose his mind

He's dead ... Calter is really dead ... How can Kence learn things like this, this fast? How can he win and dominate Kence when every time that Kence does this, he has an urge to be Kence's slave and do what the youth wants him to do?

An adorable yet seductive Kence is Calter's great weakness! It turns Calter into a man that can't say no to Kence as he wants to pamper and give everything the other man wants.. The young master instantly turned into a man that is at Kence's mercy. Why is the universe so hateful and made Kence this cute?

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