Magic With You

Chapter 174 - 174

January 1 Year 20,346

Kence was guided by Noom in the Escardon Academy's gate for the 2nd time. Guards aren't allowed to stay inside the academy for a variety of reason

One of the biggest reasons was to further prevent any student from using their background to threaten and put pressure on other students

The students in the Academy are all geniuses but in front of a Grand Knight, they are still too weak in comparison

"Young Master, be careful inside!" Noom said with concern in his voice

Kence was nervous at that time but he still showed a reassuring smile to his guard. "I will! See you later!"

Noom and Kence's other guards will continue staying in the Escardon City and they will be on stand by. They would only be needed in the time that Kence will exit the academy

The youth entered the academy gates along with the other students while his hands were trembling in nervousness. This is the day that Kence has been waiting for, he can't believe that this day finally comes

Kence's Magic Phone appeared on top of his shaking hands and he opened a map. The location he needs to go to was still the same place that he and the others were gathered in the exam. However, since Kence is nervous at that time and even now, he wasn't able to memorize the directions

Kence doesn't know it but there is another reason why he is nervous. His heart was looking forward to meeting Calter again

This time, Kence will properly apologize to him. Calter might be a pervert but he helped Kence a lot at the exam. Without Calter, he might not even pass

Besides, although Calter is a 'pervert' the man at most stared at Kence in an .... indecent way but he didn't do anything aside from that

Kence already realized his mistakes after he calmed down from meeting someone that made him feel various complex emotions. Kence is not that rude to other people and he needs to properly apologize!

Arriving at the location, Kence saw that there are already around a hundred students there

Kence surveyed his surroundings for the familiar handsome man while readying to take out his 'peace offering gift' from his spatial ring

After a few seconds, Kence's vision locked on Calter that was already looking at him

In truth, Calter arrived early. He was looking forward to seeing Kence again. The past days that he was not with the youth was practically hell for him. His guards had more days of walking into a thin rope where one wrong move of them will have serious consequences

Kence's heart starts beating faster. The other people around were ignored by him and they vanished from his vision

His lungs seemed as if they were running out of oxygen and his legs started wobbling. Bullets of sweat even rolled from his forehead and Kence lowered his head

Kence chicken out! The way Calter was looking at him as if he's the only person in this world was not something that his little heart can take

"What are you doing self? Y-you're just going to apologize!" Kence scolded himself

Seeing that Kence moved his gaze away from him cause dissatisfaction to bud on Calter's heart. His feet start to itch as he wants to stay on Kence's side but his pride won't allow that.... or so he thought

Too bad for Calter that his heart is too whipped when it comes to Kence causing his body to move on its own again. Calter just gritted his teeth while he walks towards the 'rude youth'

Kence can feel someone approaching him and he can literally hear his heart beating while a wave of blush spread from his cheeks, ears, and neck

"W-waahhh what should I do? Calm down self!" Kence scolded himself for the second time while gripping the side of his clothes tightly

"Are people these days like this now? They will ignore you even though you helped them a lot" Calter 'muttered to himself' after standing next to Kence

That causes Kence's grip on his clothes to tighten. He was about to apologize for real and raised his head to look at Calter but the man's handsome face causes his words to be stuck in his throat

As a result, Kence lowered his head again like a frightened bunny

'Cute' Calter thought in his mind. 'What if I tease him more? I want to see more cute reactions from him '

Calter's slightly sadistic tendencies surfaced again. He bet that it would be fun to tease a small and adorable guy like Kence

"Tch, can't even look at me properly. That's suspicious you know" Calter said and waited for Kence's reaction that shocked him

The little bunny raised his head again while his eyes widened in shock as if Calter caught him in the act of doing a crime. "I-I didn't dream about you!" Kence said defensively even though Calter didn't mean that

Kence's loud voice attracted a lot of attention and several pairs of eyes locked on them

Kence realized what he has said and how he reacts. He now wished that the ground would open up and swallow him alive

It wasn't Kence's fault that he dreamed of k-kissing Calter! Why would he even want to dream something that 'dirty'?

For Kence, even just the dream where he kisses someone especially Calter is already a bad and dirty dream. He always called Calter as a pervert yet he had such a perverted dream, how can Kence accept that?

Contrary to the mountain of shame Kence has, Calter's heart leaped in joy. Kence d-dreamed of him? Calter doesn't know why but that thought made his heart to become overjoyed

"W-what kind of dream you had with me?" Calter asked while gulping a mouthful of saliva and Kence furiously shook his head. "I-I n-never dreamed of you!" Kence shouted defensively but it was bare for everyone to see that he was lying

Calter was about to 'force' Kence into spilling the beans but a Grand Knight's aura stronger than the ones the Nobles' guards have spread around

Kence's face immediately brightened despite the towering pressure. He was saved! "B-be quiet, we need to listen to the orientation!"

Calter frowned before looking at the aura's source with dissatisfaction. He was itching to know what kind of dream Kence have! Too bad that the 'moment' was interrupted

The aura's source was still one of the Tower Managers and he was the one that facilitated the entrance exam of Kence and Calter's batch

The manager started explaining some things to orient the students but Kence can't focus much. Calter's gaze at him was too intense and his mind stops working properly

Even after the orientation ends, Kence almost didn't learn anything and he glared at Calter. "S- stop staring at me!" Kence said in 'irritation' but Calter was unaffected by it

"Tell me what happened in your dreams" With the mention of dreams, Kence's face heated up. Even if Calter annoyed him to death, Kence will never say what happened in his dreams! Never!

Kence used his little feet to walk away from Calter and stared at the number 69 in the card he got from the Tower Manager. It was his room's number and he accessed his map to know the directions towards the dorms

Calter trailed behind him and the youth can feel eyes staring at his back but he just ignored it. No matter what Calter does, Kence is already set on protecting his dirty secrets

After minutes of walking and annoyance, Kence reached a tall building with several rooms in it. From the distance between each door, Kence is sure that the rooms are quite small

Since Kence grew up with a ridiculously large room, he thought that every student has one room each

Too bad for him that he wasn't able to listen in the orientation before

These rooms are for first-year students. It was tiny compared to the bedroom that Nobles and Royals have but the Academy did it on purpose

Most of these pampered young masters would surely want a larger room for themselves but things wouldn't be easy! They need to show excellent performance first if they want to have a larger room

Kence stood in front of the room that has the number 69 before turning his body to look at Calter. However, due to how short he was, it was only Calter's chest that he saw. Kence literally needs to raise his head to look at the annoying fly

"L-leave me alone, students are not allowed to enter other people's room!" Kence said proudly. That is one of the few things he learned from the orientation

With the academy's rules, Kence is sure that Calter will stop annoying him

Unfortunately for Kence, the other man just place a card with the number '69' close to his face. "This is my room and I'm allowed to enter it"

Kence felt as if the world punished him. How can he prevent Calter from annoying him if they are going to stay in the same room?

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