Magic With You

Chapter 189 - 189

March 6 Year 20,346

Kier opened his heavy eyes while his whole body felt tired. The memories of last night flashed inside his head again and he looked at the 'heavy' man that wrapped his arms in his waist

Kier gritted his teeth in anger. He did it again! For the past weeks, after he and Halli had sex for the 'first time' they always did it regularly

Kier of course refused but Halli just knows how to turn him on. He would literally lose all his body strength whenever Halli will touch him in an inappropriate way

Every time that they do it, Kier would show that he doesn't like it but his whole body is just too honest. Kier's own meat will always stand up whenever Halli is inside him

Kier's mouth would say no and stops himself from moaning but his body was showing that it likes whatever Halli was doing

It comes to the point that Halli likes seeing Kier resist as he is actually enjoying it

Halli would say things like "I thought you don't like it, why are you this hard?", "For someone that doesn't like having sex with me, you cum a lot", or "Resist ... resist more, I wanna see you resist while your body is begging for more "

Kier's anger erupted and he was about to punch Halli's body away but the man slowly opened his sleepy eyes to look at him

Halli's morning look stirred Kier's inside and the man forgot what he was about to do

"Good morning, last night was amazing again" Halli said with his manly morning voice and hugs Kier tighter

The mention of 'last night' revived Kier's anger and he tried removing Halli's arm from his body

"Asshole, move! Get away from me!" Kier roared in anger but Halli's body won't budge and the man continued clinging to him

"Why are you calling me an asshole when it was your ass that is always receiving a huge package?" Halli asked 'helplessly' before moving his head to bite Kier's ear

Kier's face is now full of anger. Ever since he had sex with Halli, the Prince had a complete change in attitude. Halli becomes too clingy and acts like they were boyfriends when they are not. Kier will never take Halli as his boyfriend, never!

"Y-you ... s-stop biting me! That's disgusting!" Kier shouted while moving his head away but Halli's playful hands went to his angered manhood

"Then explain this. You know, I like seeing you resist and being hard to get but sometimes, I want you to be honest okay?"

Kier's body immediately loses strength and he can't stop himself from moaning. Halli even started pumping his tool this early in the morning and more moans came out from his mouth

"N-no .... a-ahhh .... s-stop ... b-bastard!"

Kier's face had a mixture of anger and pleasure that became something that Halli likes

"Let's have fun first before going to class" Halli said before kissing Kier's lips and the two really had some 'fun'


After the two finished the unspeakable things they did, they showered together even though Kier 'doesn't' like it before they head to one of the Towers in the Academy

Kier was limping a bit while walking much to Halli's delight. Halli is the cause of that and he took pride in it!

Seeing Halli's joy, Kier glared at him. He can't believe that the same thing always happened. Kier will just get angry and resist but still do it with Halli. If Kier doesn't really like it, he can just use force right?

Even if Kier can't attack Halli with his lightning, he can still use it to boost his physique and moved away from the man. But no, he never does that, instead, he will just say he doesn't want it but still do nothing to prevent Halli from touching him

The two were about to enter the tower as usual but the fierce looking guard stops them

"Magic Knight students needs to go in the Common Tower today"

Common Tower refers to the second largest Magic Tower in the Academy where all the students can meet

If a student is a lightning type mage, they can only enter the Lightning Tower. Entering another tower will need the student to get permission first

Although the students needing to go in the Common Tower today is not announced in advance, Halli, Kier, and the other students do not think too much of it already

In the time they spent in the Academy, they saw that they do not have a 'proper and fixed curriculum'. The Academy looks as if they are deciding things on the spot but the students can still see that all those things are beneficial to them

The two nodded their heads respectfully to the mage far more powerful than them before walking towards the Common Tower

As soon as they are outside the Tower, they saw that there are already a lot of students outside it

The vision of the two locked on two people that they are very familiar with. The lightning inside their souls was agitated again and is urging them to kill the two

Kence and Calter sensed their deadly stare and they stared back at them

Calter's core, Kence's heart, and moon necklace were warning them against the other two. Those things are also urging them to kill Halli and Kier

Tension immediately formed from the four as they stared at each other. The other students can feel it too and they unconsciously moved away creating a strange sight

The four were staring at each other while the other students were staring at them before.....


Without a warning, a little girl stood between the two sides while giving them a face full of smiles

The four stops their staring contest and greeted the little girl

"Greetings, Head Master" the four and the other students said at the same time

"Heh .... these four are at it again. One side cannot die yet though unless they all reached their peak" the Head Master thought before she reappeared in front of all the students

"Everyone, listen to me!" The Head Master said with a normal voice but the weird thing is that everyone can hear her

"The Academy will give special tasks to the Magic Knights today!" The Head Master announced and the Magic Knights that are already in the Academy for some time cheered

These special tasks always give them good things if they succeeded in doing them. Even if they failed, there are not much consequences aside from getting lesser resources. Overall, the risk of failing is high but the rewards are also high while the consequences are low!

"I won't explain the rules that much as most of you already know that there isn't a fixed rule. It all depends on what task you will be given. Fail the task and you will receive lesser resources for a month, while successfully fulfilling it will you high rewards! "

Calter sighed at that. He just got back from the mountain and he thought he would be able to live the life of a 'normal student' but he was mistaken. He hasn't even attended any proper class (not that he really needs it) and now, there is another task he needs to do. Calter's heart wants to be with Kence and he doesn't want to be too 'busy' on other things

"Now, as I call your names, please move forward!" The Head Master called for two students and they walked closer to her

The Head Master easily made a rip in space and two red lights entered the students' forehead before they entered the portal

Calter's eyes lit up at that. Since she called for two students, doesn't that mean he can be with Kence in this mission? Calter's heart was looking forward to that

As for Kence, he was 'wishing' that he won't be with Calter. He was still embarrassed and angry about what happened last night. Kence wants to go far from Calter, how can he even sleep while hugging that pervert?

However, to Kence's dread, his and Calter's name was called at the same time

Calter's heart almost leaped out from his chest while Kence almost cried. Why is he partnered with the person that is turning him into a pervert?

Yes, Kence thinks that he is becoming a pervert now. Before, he dreamed of kissing Calter, and last night, he even slept in the same bed as him! Kence never 'sleepwalks' before, why did it suddenly happen? Is it because he saw Calter's body before sleeping?

Without a choice, Kence walks along with Calter that still has an expressionless face as if being partnered with Kence or not doesn't matter to him

The Head Master shot two red lights on the two's forehead and it contained the information on the task she gave to them

The girl's eyes glowed with a strange glint before the two entered the portal and arrived at another part of the Escardon Realm

After some time, the Head Master did the same thing to Kier and Halli and the four went into two separate missions

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