Magic With You

Chapter 202 - 202

Noom watched his master inside that large glass tube with concern and worry. Although it was the Head Master they are talking about, he still cared a lot about Kence

"Master!" Noom heard Krad's loud voice and when he turned to look at where Krad is looking at, he saw another large tube in the distance that contained another person

The person that is inside the tube feels familiar to Noom but he was sure that he never saw him before. With a Grand Knight's mental capacity, it shouldn't be hard for Noom to remember that man. However, no matter how much he tried to think, he still can't remember ever seeing Calter before

Noom walks towards Krad and patted the man's back. "Is he your master?" Noom asked gently and Krad nodded his head with a dark face

There is no more visible wound on Calter's body but since he was still in that tube, his condition might be the same as Kence. Who knows when these two will wake up? Krad can't help but be worried too

Noom turned to look at the healer inside and walks towards him. "What happened with them to be in this situation?" Noom inquired and although the two are currently unconscious, the healer still looks at the two with adoration in his eyes

"They got injured but it wasn't a senseless injury!" The healer starts that causes Noom to furrow his brows. Injuries are injuries, why is this healer so happy that two people are injured like this and no one knows when they will wake up

"More than a week ago, they were sent to do a mission and that is to investigate a strange happenings in a small town. It should not be that dangerous but who would have thought that a parasite was inside that town"

"The town was completely barren before but it suddenly turned into one that is full of vitality. But of course, since the town is a weak and insignificant one, it doesn't attract much attention"

"The town being weak was exploited by a damned God! He turned one of them into her believer and the townsmen even praised him as he always keeps the town's peace"

"However, little did they know, it was that Paladin that causes the troubles that he solved himself. He will imprison them for months where they will offer their mana to that God and even praised her"

"To not cause any suspicions, the Paladin will let the people he imprisoned be free while wiping their memories. They did not even know that they were forced to worship a disgusting and parasitic God!"

"Fortunately, these two heroes managed to stop them in time as they discovered that paladin. However, that disgusting God was willing to sacrifice a lot just to keep her footing in Escardon Realm and that causes these two heroes to be injured"

"If they didn't discover that God in time, just what would the other realms think of us? I'm not a Rank 4 Mage and I don't have much knowledge about the Universe but one thing is for sure, we might be erased in this world if that God managed to spread her religion! "

The Healer explained. Since religions were immediately destroyed after they were discovered, this was the first time for Noom to think of them and he felt quite strange

Back in Enchanted Star Realm, the religions are free and they weren't eradicated. But here, they are hated and despise to the point that anyone can kill them without fearing any consequences. They would even be regarded as a hero

"So that God is the reason why my master is injured?" Noom asked coldly and the healer nodded his head. "Yes, those Gods are really hateful"

Noom turned his eyes back to his master and clenches his fist. Because of what happened to Kence, he grew to hate Gods too. If possible, he wants to kill Paladins that are hiding in this realm

"W-wait, h-he's waking up!" The Healer exclaimed in surprise and all eyes immediately turned to Kence

The youth was currently slowly opening his heavy eyes and the Healer pushed some buttons

"I pour more nutrients inside the tube, he should be able to open his eyes with that" those liquid and the nutrients are no normal things

Kence was originally having a hard time moving his eyes, but now he's starting to manage to fully open them

After a few minutes of trying, Kence's eyes are fully opened and he looks at his nose and mouth. Some transparent film that is connected to the top of the tube can be seen in there and that is giving him enough oxygen to breath

Kence's confused eyes went to look around him and he saw Noom

"Young Master!" Noom said happily but Kence's mind was still confused and is not in its best state

After a few more minutes, the healer pushed another button, and the liquid inside the tube that Kence were in starts to slowly drain and they helped the youth to exit it

As soon as Noom touches Kence's skin, he can't help but gasped a bit. "T-too cold!"

Kence's skin feels like ice due to how low his temperature is

"N-Noom ... c-cold" Kence said weakly and he didn't think that a time would come wherein he would feel cold again

Kwnce always liked cold places but the cold never bothered him. Even if he doesn't wear any cold-resistant robes in the Cold Blue Kingdom, he can still take the temperature

Kence can even lay in a bed of snow while only feeling some comfort. But now, the temperature inside the tower is at normal but he still feels incredibly cold

As a result, Noom touches Kence's skin and he was about to start emitting heat when a hand stops him

When Noom looks at the hand's source, he saw a small girl smiling at him. Noom was about to frown, the girl is cute and made him feel something weird but his master is still his priority

"Head Master!" Fortunately, even before Noom can make any mistake, the Healer speaks

"H-Head Master?" Although Noom knew that the Head Master is unusual, he still never thought that the strongest expert in the realm would be a little girl

"You can't use fire to make him feel better. It would just make his condition worse" the Head Master said with a smile and Noom had an urge to pat her head

The Head Master as if she can read Noom's mind moved the man's arm to her head. "You can pat my head as many times as you want" the little girl said and it brought a strange sense of happiness to Noom's heart

The happiness is completely different than the ones he had before, it was different even from the happiness he had with Krad. Noom can't quite explain it but he also wants to take care of this little girl in front of him

Noom starts rubbing the Head Master's head as if the girl isn't a legendary figure in the realm. Although this girl is always acting weird, the healer that already knew her for a long time was still a bit taken aback by that

"Hehe ..." the Head Master said before waving his hand and Kence's body starts floating. "He's still not completely well, I need to help him heal. Bye!"

The Head Master made a tear in space and moved Kence's body inside it but before she entered it, she floated back to Noom's position and gave the man a kiss on the forehead

It wasn't a sensual kind of kiss but Noom and the others were still shocked and that made Krad extremely jealous

"What are you smiling for?" Krad asked with a frown and Noom blinked his eyes repeatedly. He was smiling? Noom doesn't realize that

Noom touched his lips and felt that it really formed an arch and he just shakes his head. "She's cute and sweet like a child" Noom said and Krad pursed his lips at that


Kence and the Head Master entered a completely different place than before and that place is simply hell for Kence's current situation

Kence is already feeling extremely cold but now, all around him was full of ice and snow. The temperature was extremely low and Kence's already shivering body shivered even more

The Head Master absent-mindedly controlled Kence'a body and had him land on the soft but extremely cold snow below while she was in a deep thought

She can't believe that she will see Noom there. The only people she knows that entered Escardon Realm was the four - Calter, Kence, Halli, and Kier, the four special seeds

But now .... even Noom was here

"This is too much of a coincidence .... is this .... fate?" The Head Master had millions of thoughts inside her mind before she heard Kence's weak voice

"H-Head Master ..." that returned the girl back into reality and she focuses on the thing in front of her

The Head Master starts explaining what Kence needs to do to recover and the youth listened intently. Fortunately, since this is the first time that Kence overdraft his power, it won't be that hard for him to recove

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