Magic With You

Chapter 213 - 213

Since Calter said 'any time from now' Kence really chose today to be their 'date' that is actually just Kence giving Calter the opportunity to choose the kind of fabric for the clothes that Kence will make for him

For Kence, this is not a date but the same cannot be said for Calter. The Young Master even thinks that it was a pity that Kence chose today where Calter didn't have any plans. If he's going to have a date with Kence, Calter wants to make it special

However, since Kence wants to do it today, then who is Calter to refuse that?

Realizing his thoughts, Calter stops in his tracks. Things are going well between him and Kence for the past time and he starts thinking that he would enter a relationship with the youth but is Calter really ready for that?

A relationship .... if Calter thinks of him simply entering a relationship, he feels that he doesn't want that. But if it's with Kence .... Calter's heart leaped in joy at that and he realized that if he and Kence will enter a relationship, he is more than willing and ready!

To other people, Calter doesn't want to have an intimate relationship with them but if it's Kence, then Calter would be overjoyed! Calter already realizes his feelings long ago but he was just pushing it down since he and Kence are not ... friendly with each other unlike now

"C-Calter?" Kence called out while tilting his head to the side as he notices that Calter stops walking and it made him confuse

Calter woke up from his thoughts because of that and he turned to look at Kence before realizing another thing. Calter stared intensely at Kence and it made the youth conscious causing him to avert his gaze

Knowing Kence .... the youth surely didn't think of entering a relationship with anyone. Even if Calter is ready to love Kence, the same cannot be said to the youth

Calter knows that he is not the relationship type of guy but if it is Kence, he is willing to pursue him. Thinking of that, Calter starts sighing, he is already accepting his feelings for Kence but he still needs to do a lot of work if he wants to be boyfriends with him

"You are giving me a headache" Calter said while shaking his head and his words confused Kence

"I-I'm sorry, are you not feeling well right now? W-we can reschedule it!" Kence immediately said and Calter shook his head

"That's not what I meant" Calter moved closer towards Kence and his hand went to pat the youth's head. Kence doesn't like anyone touching his hair but Calter's hand gave him too much comfort that he can't stop himself from closing his eyes

"You're really too naive" Calter muttered and Kence opened his eyes while a pout formed in his mouth. "M-meanie"

Calter chuckled at that before deciding to 'save himself' "I'm sorry, you're just too naively cute"

Kence doesn't really understand what Calter meant but since he received a compliment then who is he to refuse it, right? Thus, Kence immediately formed a smile on his face because of Calter's words

A smile so blinding it gave Calter an urge to ravage his lips ... ehem kiss! It was kiss!

"Wear this first" Calter said and a mask similar to the one the two uses back in that town appeared in his hand. The reason why the two of them are mostly staying in the Head Master's Tower was because they are a 'celebrity' now

The glory for finding a God's believer will not die down for at least a few months especially since no one has seen them after that meritorious deed

"Let's go" Calter wore a mask on his face too and the two exited the Tower where a guard was already waiting for them to guide them outside the academy


After some time, the two finally reached one of the high-end malls in the City. Kence's neck stretch as long as it can as he tried to see the top of the mall that is extremely tall

Although Kence's appearance was in disguise, Calter was still fully attracted to him. It feels like no matter what appearance Kence will have, he would still like the youth

Also, Kence's skin was still the same as before and it didn't have any change, it was only his facial features that were changed

Calter gulped hard while looking at Kence's milky white neck and more indecent thoughts entered his mind and those thoughts shouldn't even be said

Still, Calter's hands seem to have a mind of their own as it moved to touch Kence's neck earning a loud yelp from the youth

Kence was shocked by the sudden touch and he was also extremely ticklish. He yelps in shock before giggling a bit from the sensation

After he recovered, Kence stared at Calter with some resentment in his eyes. Kence swear that if Calter didn't save him before, he wouldn't be this patient to the man!

"Y-you're bullying me!" Kence accused but Calter just starts patting his head again. "Sorry, sorry, you're too cute, I can't stop myself from teasing you" Calter said truthfully and all of Kence's anger melted

Kence acted like a cat that was being petted and unconsciously rubs his head to Calter's hand. Kence doesn't know why he likes having Calter's hand on his head but it gave him great comfort

Calter also likes this and he continued what he was doing for a few seconds despite the eyes around that were judging them for showing such affection in a public place

After some time, Calter stops and Kence's head gave him some weird sense of emptiness and he starts looking at Calter. "S-stop bullying me okay? I'll really get angry!" Kence warned but how can Calter say yes to that?

Calter knows himself well and he knew that he'll want to continue teasing Kence every day

"I'll try my best" Calter simply answered before starting to walk leaving Kence that was glaring at his back

Without a choice, Kence sighs and he starts walking again to catch up to Calter and he poked the man on the side. "What do you mean you'll try?" Kence asked but Calter didn't answer him, much to his dissatisfaction

Calter scanned the surrounding with his eyes and saw a food stall not far from them

"Do you want to eat?" Calter said while pointing at the hotdog stand not far from them

Hearing the word eat, Kence's interest was piqued and his eyes followed to where Calter's hands were pointing at. "Yup, I want to eat a hotdog!" Kence innocently answered causing Calter to cough

Why does Kence need to be this naive sometimes? How can he just say something like that when Calter is with him? Calter knew to himself that he is turning into a huge pervert whenever he is with Kence

"W-what's wrong?" Kence asked worriedly and Calter shooks his head. "N-Nothing, I-I just think that y-you really likes hotdogs" Calter said with a double meaning and Kence innocently nodded his head at that. "Yes, I like hotdogs"

Calter's eyes almost rolled at that, why does he need to play with fire like this? It was his fault that an image of Kence eating a different kind of hotdog in different positions is entering his mind!

Calter tried regaining his composure as Kence is already looking at him as if he was weird. For Calter, this is a date and he can't ruin it because of his perverted mind

"L-lets go" Calter said and the two starts walking towards the hotdog stand and Calter paid for their food despite Kence insisting that it should be him that will pay

How can Calter let Kence do that? Besides, Calter is not lacking money, he can easily buy something like this for Kence

"Wow ... it's still warm and it's big!" Kence commented on the side and it took all of Calter's self-control not to cough. He doesn't want to look weirder in Kence's eyes!

Calter sneakily moved his eyes to the side and stared at Kence. He knew that his next actions were inappropriate and it would just harm himself but .... Kence eating a hotdog ... Calter wants to watch that!

Kence starts opening his mouth and Calter was once again drawn on those red and moist lips. As soon as Kence's lips touch the edge of the hotdog in the stick, Calter almost moaned from the sight

However, at that time, Kence's eyes coincidentally look at Calter and he saw the man staring at him. Because of that, Kence tilted his head to the side in confusion while there is still a hotdog in his mouth. Why is Calter acting this weird today?

Kence doesn't mean anything to his actions but ... Calter was seeing an entirely different thing!

Hot! It was so hot! Calter wants to watch this scene every day. Calter even had an illusion that he had a nosebleed from the sight before he saw Kence's eyes reflected the youth's shock

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