Magic With You

Chapter 215 - 215

The two played for the second, third, fourth, and so on time but the results were all the same. Calter always won much to Kence's dread

Why? Why can't Kence win even just a single round ?!

"H-how can you be this good at this game?" Kence asked with a sulking face and Calter almost pinches his face at that. "Hahaha, I'm just talented, I guess" Calter answered that irks Kence a lot

"T-this is unfair! I want to win!" Kence said and he almost threw a tantrum on the spot

'Cute' Calter thought in his mind but he still needs to woo Kence for his 'mistake'

"It's fine, you will win someday" Calter said and he can't finally stop himself from pinching Kence's cheeks that just make face as he was still sulking inside him

"Why do you even want to win that badly?" Calter asked while raising his brows and Kence immediately turned his eyes to the side

"I-It's nothing!" Kence answered but Calter won't be fooled by that. Kence can't even lie and it was too obvious that he was lying!

"If you don't speak the truth, I'll tickle you here until you tell me the truth"

Because of that, Kence looked at Calter as if the man is a demon. With how many people are around, Kence is sure that if Calter tickled him, he would laugh loudly and that will disturb other people

"Y-you're cruel ..." Kence stated while glaring cutely at Calter that was not able to stop himself from pinching Kence's cheeks for the second time

"Hahaha sorry, I just really want to know" Calter said before taking back his hand. He was afraid of the things he can do if he continued touching Kence's soft cheeks like that

Kence rubs his cheeks that were pinch and he can still feel the leftover warmth from Calter in it before he was forced to answer

"I-I just ... the g-game is about defeating the monsters. I want to defeat you because if we encountered monsters in real life, I want to help you too since you helped me a lot back in the town. I w- want to give back the favor! " Kence said in one breath before turning his body to the side as he can't look directly at Calter

"Oh no, my heart" Calter said to himself before raising his hand to touch his chest and he can feel the strong vibrations in it. "I'm doomed... I really want this guy to be mine ...."

Calter gulped a mouthful of saliva. Kence's words greatly touched him for an unknown reason. How can someone be as pure as Kence?

Calter took a step forwards followed by another one until he reaches Kence's position and he gave the man a hug from behind

"E-eh? W-why are you h-hugging me?" Kence asked in shock as Calter's warmth was spreading through his whole body

Kence heart starts to race again and this always happened because of Calter

"Well, we are on a date. A little hug wouldn't hurt, right?" Calter said straight to Kence's ears shamelessly and he watched as the youth's whole body blushed

"W-what are y-you talking a-about! T-this is definitely n-not a date!" Kence said while his voice was raising a bit as his mind starts malfunctioning with the thought of him having a date with Calter

Calter wasn't fazed by Kence's reactions though as he already anticipated this. "Look around you" Calter said and Kence did what he was told to do

As soon as Kence focused on the people around him, his whole being was instantly filled with shock

Some people were holding hands, some are hugging, some are even kissing. Everywhere Kence looks at, two people would surely stand side by side and they will do things that mostly only couple does

"W-what is t-this place ..." Kence asked in shock. He was focus in his own world and ignored the other things and people around him, if Calter didn't ask him to look around, he wouldn't realize what the other people around him were doing

"This is an arcade, a famous place for couples to date. What did you expect?" Calter asked with a small laugh. He wants to fully see Kence's reactions but he wants to continue giving him a hug

"B-But ... I-I thought ... p-people ... play ... w-what ...." Kence's head becomes dizzy and a sense of weakness spread to his whole body. Fortunately, Calter is there to support him

"Do you see it now? We are on a date" Calter whispered to Kence's ears that gained goosebumps all over his body

"B-but ...." Kence wants to refute but he didn't know what to say. Kence just asked Calter to accompany him so that the man can choose the fabric he wants .... how did things turn out like this?

Kence's imagination runs wild and all sorts of things entered his mind. Tons of scenarios where he and Calter are a couple played inside his head

Kence should have felt 'disgust' as Calter is a pervert but .... Kence's heart only feels happiness in all those scenarios! Kence doesn't felt any resistance from his heart at all and it wholeheartedly accepts being in love with Calter

"Let's continue our date, shall we?" Calter said after some time that Kence didn't say anything

Kence bit his lips at that ... is he really okay to be in a relationship with Calter? That thought wasn't that bad as aside from being a pervert, Calter isn't that 'bad' at all

However, Kence is still not ready for that. At least not now that things seemed to be going too fast

"C-can we s-slow things down ..? I-I n-need more time" Kence said after some time and Calter knew that he can't push Kence too much in fear that the youth will run away from him

"Alright, we will take it slow but this is a date, alright?" Calter said and starts holding Kence's hand that finally gained some breather

"Y-you tricked me ... I-I thought this is just something c-casual" Kence accused after he regained some calm and Calter chuckled at that

"How is it my fault? You are the one that asked me today" Calter answered much to Kence's dissatisfaction

In annoyance, Kence pinches Calter's side while glaring at him. "Bad Calter"

Calter shook his head at that and although he likes hearing his name from Kence's mouth .... there is something better than that

"Call me Big Brother" Calter said and Kence looked at him weirdly. "D-do you have a brother's complex?" Kence asked with eyes full of judgment

Calter didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that. Kence is being cute as usual but he was being judged by the youth!

"What are you saying" Calter flicked Kence's forehead gently and the latter immediately pouts because of that. "I don't have a brother's complex, it was you that called me Big Brother first and I kind of like it"

"Hmph! Lies!" Kence denied even though deep inside him, he knew that Calter was telling the truth. The words 'Big Brother' just unconsciously came out of his mouth before

"I'll only call you that if you became good to me!"

"When did I become bad towards you?" Calter asked in a wronged tone. Isn't it Kence that was always giving him an attitude? Although he can't blame Kence that much for it as the youth is always angry at him for being a pervert

"Just be good, okay ?!" Kence said in a dissatisfied tone and Calter can only tuck his tail between his legs. Kence is the boss! Calter can only do what this cute but a bit fierce bunny wants

The two exited the arcade and entered different shops in the mall and they had a nice day. The plan was only to buy fabric but it became the last thing they did at the mall

As usual, Calter picked a black one of high quality fabric and bought it so that Kence can make clothes for him. Just the thought of wearing something that Kence personally made was more than enough to satisfy Calter and they exited the mall

Outside, they saw that the clouds were dark and a strong rain was pouring down

"I-It's raining" Kence muttered as they didn't notice it when they are inside the mall

Calter raised his head and looked at the sky where flashes of lightning and thunderous sounds can be seen and heard. He suddenly had a bad feeling about it

"Let's go back to the Academy as soon as possible" Calter said before a special umbrella appeared in his hand. This umbrella can cause the water to move far away from the two and they start walking under it

However, the bad feeling that Calter has immediately came true. A single flash of red lightning descended down from the skies and it hits the building close to the two causing wreckage in it

Pieces of the building start to fall and Calter's eyes trembled at that

Calter immediately uses his magic ring to amplify his magic power and he puts his palms together

"[Dark Magic: Shadow Hands!]"

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