Magic With You

Chapter 235 - 235

Calter coughed out fresh blood because of his injuries and anger. The blood dyed the ground in red and Calter suddenly imagined that it was Kence's blood that was spilled

Calter's vision reddened because of that and he will never let Kence get harmed here even if he needs to sacrifice his life! He was about to use magic when a group of lightning rained down on his body

The scent of charred flesh in the air became more prominent and Calter's body almost fell to the ground as the injury he has just turned even more severe

Calter's pitiful appearance while on the brink of death entered Kence's vision and he felt as if the world slowly fell apart. The only thing he can see was the man he loves bathed with his own blood

Pain ... it was painful. Kence's heart literally aches as he looks at Calter's appearance

While the mages around were happy by this outcome, they suddenly sensed Kence's aura rising to the point that it made them a bit fearful

A layer of frost coated the ground and the surrounding temperature continuous drop. It felt as if the world will freeze with Kence as the source

After a year, the frozen part of Kence's heart grew. The unfrozen part was a bit more than 1/4ths of his heart but now, due to the immense anger he is experiencing, it is expanding again

The more of Kence's heart turned frozen, the colder the temperature becomes. On top of the hill, they were in, a sudden ice storm appears that shocks all the people that attacks Kence and Calter

Kence eyes turned colder yet the love for Calter in it was still very visible. All of his other emotions seemed as if they were frozen yet his love for the man bathed in his own blood was unyielding

Due to the ice storm, the surrounding turned blue in color but none of the people present were moving until Kier waved his hand

The aura that Kence's body was emitting gave Kier a sense of crisis as it looks like it won't stop any moment from now. Thus, instead of waiting for Kence to wield strong power, Kier made his move and attacks Kence with his powerful lightning

Kier's interruption was effective as it disrupted the rate at which Kence's heart is freezing

Kence might be gaining strength more powerful than he normally wields but it also left him vulnerable. The cold energies filling his body made him unable to move and he was even attacked

At normal times, the power of the four is equal to each other. Now that Kence is attacked with Kier's full power, it gave him severe injuries too

"N-no!" Calter despaired. Didn't he promise to not let Kence get hurt? What is he doing now?

A black aura exploded from Calter's body as several hands of darkness appeared around him that seems as if they can crush his enemies into pieces

"What are you doing? Move!" Kier roared. Excluding Calter, he was the most intelligent mage present and he knew that they can't give these two the chance to 'power up'

The five mages with Kier encircled Kence and Calter and covered their surroundings with lightning. If that wasn't enough, Kier and Halli even hold each other's hands and flashes of thick lightning rained down on the two

Kence and Calter became even more injured. No matter how hard they tried to gather power, it would be disrupted by their enemies

The lightning coming from the five mages isn't that much of a problem. The problems came from Kier and Halli, the heavens seem to even help them as flashes of lightning swum in the sky that gave them more power

"The heavens!" Calter thought while gritting his teeth. The heavens cannot do anything directly to Calter and Kence but if it is empowering its blessed people, it wouldn't be much of a problem

Now, Calter knew that even if he does his best, there might be nothing that will reverse this situation with just his own power. Weak, he was too weak!

Still, Calter still knows that there is a small hope for them

Calter wants to cling to that hope and his body exploded with all his mana. It was making his injuries worst but he doesn't care. The most important thing is to save Kence!

With the explosion of his mana, Calter managed to get close to Kence and shielded him from the lightning continuously bombarding them. This defense uses up too much mana though and he can't use it for a long time

"U-use the c-core from cough ... the Head Master!" Calter forced out these words from his mouth

The core he was referring to is the Dungeon Core they got a year ago that was imbued by the Head Master with some sort of power. They didn't exactly know its abilities but the Head Master said that it will be able to help save their lives. It was the only thing that they can pin their hopes on

Hearing his beloved's words, Kence forced himself to access his spatial ring and the Dungeon Core appeared in his hand

Seeing that, Kier felt that they can't let them use whatever that thing is and he decided to strengthen the power behind their attacks

However, the process of using the core isn't that hard. Kence just infused the core with his mana and crushed it before a familiar portal appeared in front of him

The portal was not affected by the lightning in its surrounding at all and it issued a strong pulling force. The portal sucked Kence and Calter inside amidst Kier and the other's shocked eyes

For someone to make a portal, Kier and Halli saw only the Head Master do that!

This made them extremely mad and with the distance between them and the portal, they knew that they can't cover that distance. They stand a bit far from Kence and Calter in guard for their desperate attacks but it also became the reason why they can't catch up to the two

On the other side of the portal, Kence and Calter appeared but the safe place they were expecting didn't appear in their eyes

A huge amount of mana assaulted the body of the two. The mana in their surrounding was so abundant and pure to the point that they felt Escardon Realm's mana is a complete garbage

"Who dared trespass in the sacred grounds of the Deep Freeze Sect?!" A loud yet cold voice entered the ears of the two and they were suddenly engulfed with an aura so powerful they had never felt a stronger aura than this one before

Just the aura alone was already enough for both Kence and Calter to know that the aura's owner is far more powerful than the enemies they have ever faced in their entire life. No doubt, that is an aura from a Rank 4 Mage or even above

Just those words alone were enough for Kence to realize that they trespass in a place they shouldn't have. The level of mana in the surrounding is something that Kence knows the Escardon doesn't have. It doesn't just win in terms of quantity, even its quality was much higher

All the rooms in the Head Master's tower that have more mana than the outside world far paled in comparison to the natural mana in this place

Kence doesn't know why but he unconsciously knows that this place .... is not the Escardon Realm

Thus, Kence can only do one thing. His eyes that are cold yet holds love in them stares at Calter and he uses all of the power he can gather to push the other man back to the now closing portal

The chances of Calter surviving when Kier and Halli are still outside the portal is slim but the chances are higher than if he just stayed here in an unfamiliar place with people far stronger than Hali, Kier, and the mages with them combined

Calter's shocked eyes stared at Kence that gave him a smile before the portal closes and they can't see each other anymore

As soon as Calter vanishes, all the remaining unfrozen parts of Kence's heart turned completely frozen. His whole demeanor and aura receive a drastic change yet his love for Calter is pushing it back

Kence felt that not just his physical heart should be frozen yet his feelings from Calter is preventing him to have a change in attitude

No! Kence will never change. No matter how low the chance of meeting Calter again, he will still cling to it. Kence doesn't want to make Calter feel that he is not the same Kence as before when they meet again

However, Kence can stop himself from changing for now but for the future ... only time can tell

The change in mentality was temporarily stopped but the physical transformation didn't end as his eyes turned into two icy moons that made the people around that saw it feel shock down to their bones

Those eyes .... with the status of the people present, how can they not know what those eyes are?

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