Magic With You

Chapter 25 - 25

"Master, I'll just eat at the Clan. I'm not yet hungry" Kence answered without even looking at the City Lord. He was just reading the manual while occasionally testing the theory personally

"Hays. I hope any of my disciple will surpass me" Otto said to himself before sensing someone entering his Magic Tower. It was naturally, Calter. As he already learned from his mistake, Otto didn't forcibly move Calter's body like before

It doesn't matter though, the staffs inside the tower were informed about Calter and Kence's special status. They were there to guide him

After some time, Calter knocked on the door as a respect for the City Lord. This made Otto to become really satisfied at the two. Calter has an unyielding attitude but still give respect to people as long as you don't anger him. Kence on the other hand has high comprehension level and very hardworking

"Come in"

Calter heard the City Lord's voice and he entered the room. He was prepared for Kence running to him and giving him a hug but he was bound to be disappointed. Kence didn't even noticed his return and was just reading the manual. This immediately displeased Calter as he can also see the fatigue on his lover

"Kence" Calter called but the youth didn't hear him. Calter frowned and called Kence again. This time the youth heard him and Kence looked at his master

"Oh master, you're here"

Black lines appeared on Calter's face. Oh master? Oh master? That's all you've got to say? You don't seem happy at all. Calter felt like he was being treated as unimportant. Kence should be running to him and giving him a hug while saying how much he miss him!

What's with this hateful situation? Calter felt that this was too unfair. He was out there inside the forest fighting magic beasts while missing Kence. But who would have thought that the person he misses doesn't miss him even a bit?

"We're leaving"

Kence looked with a complicated expression on the manual as he doesn't want to leave yet. "You can take the manual back to your clan" the City Lord said which made Kence to broke into smiles which further irritates Calter

The door of the room was opened and Caizha entered. Caizha was the person that's closest to the City Lord and the City Lord was someone that hated formalities and such. If Caizha knocks every time that he wants to see her master, it would just make her master dissatisfied. But of course, for other people they should at least knock, it's not formalities but respect

Caizha took a step back when she saw Calter. An unknown feeling bubbled inside her and the desire to impress Calter was born inside her. Caizha moved her hair behind her ears while sneaking a look at Calter who didn't even spared her a glance

"Master, Senior Sister, we're leaving now" Kence said before bowing to the two and putting the manual inside his spatial ring

"Take care!"

"Hmm okay"

The City Lord and Caizha replied before the two started walking away leaving Caizha with complex emotion and sighing Otto. Women are strange creatures, if you showed that you are attracted on her they won't feel anything about you. But once you ignored them and their beauty, they will start thinking about you. Calter and Caizha's situation was exactly like that

When she has her masked, it was natural that Calter won't feel anything towards her. But when she took it off, she was expecting to see a stun, shock, or dazed reaction on Calter. However, Calter just ignored her as if she just looks normal. Then, Calter appeared mysterious and knew of a way how to heal her master

A man that ignored you and seems mysterious and capable. Any women will be slowly drawn until they start to have feelings

Along the way, Calter was very quiet and didn't say anything. Kence immediately felt that something was wrong. Normally, his master would put his arm around his shoulder or talk to him

"Big Brother, is there something wrong?" Kence asked worriedly. He doesn't like this version of Calter. For him Calter was always sweet and kind. This is too unusual

"Nothing" Calter replied, he was really sulking at how Kence didn't miss him even just a bit

Kence knew something was wrong and he wants to help his Master. He walked faster and stand in front of his master with a worried and concern expression on his face

"Big Brother, if there's something troubling you say it to me. If I made you angry please forgive me. Just.... don't be like this.... I-I'm not used to it" Calter was ready to give Kence the cold shoulder but seeing him like this, how can he do that?

"I-I'm sorry for being needy master, I-I'm just really not use to you being like this"

Calter sighed and went to hug Kence. The universe is unfair, he can't stay angry or sulky at Kence

Kence hugged back his master, smiling a bit as it looks like Calter was back to normal. Calter broke free from their hug and asked the question that he really wants to know the answer

"Did you miss me?" Calter's heart started beating crazily as he was afraid of the answer that he will hear

Kence tilted his head in confusion. "Big Brother, I just saw you this morning. Wouldn't it be too weird if I miss you immediately? Besides, I was studying the whole day"

Calter clenched his teeth angrily and started walking faster. He wants to punch himself as he was feeling some jealousy towards magic!

He was starting to think that it was a mistake to let Kence study magic. Maybe, if nothing occupied Kence's mind the kid would miss him to death

"Ah! Big Brother, why are you walking so fast? Did I say something wrong?" Kence run towards his master, worried that he said something wrong. Too bad, he's too dense to realize his own mistakes

Kence hold his master's hand to stop him from walking too fast. It sent electric shocks on Calter's whole body. Kence didn't initiate much physical contact, it was mostly Calter that's doing that. This petrified Calter's body as Kence was touching him

"Big Brother, I'm sorry. Please tell me what I did wrong" Kence pleaded and he felt that Calter's hand was rising in temperature

"Master?" Calter took a deep breath. He realized that Kence was still not in love with him. He can't be angry to anything that he expects Kence to do but didn't do

Calter turned his back and gave Kence a smile before patting the latter's head, "It's nothing, don't mind me"

"Then.... what can I do to make it up with you? I'll do anything!"

Anything.... anything.... anything

That word continuously resounded inside Calter's mind. Things that cannot be said to Kence appeared inside his head causing him to gulp hard. Kence didn't realized it but everything he do was enough to set Calter on fire. His voice didn't sound erotic but the words 'I'll do anything' almost made Calter crazy. He cleared his mind from these bad thoughts and started thinking what he should make Kence to do

An idea popped on his mind. "I want you to kiss me...."

"K-kiss?" Kence's face immediately turned red from embarrassment. Kiss.... that is something he never thought he would do.... much less do it with his master. How can he do that...

"B-But Big Brother.... isn't kiss something that you should only do to the people you love?" Kence's voice cracked as he was feeling very shy

Calter narrowed his eyes "Why? Don't you love me?"

"Of course, I love you!" Kence immediately answered. Although his love was different from Calter's love. Ever since he was kid, he was always with Calter. Even when his master was still called trash, he didn't do anything to harm a servant like Kence. In fact, his treatment on Kence was better than comparing to other servants

"You love me?" Calter smiled at hearing that. Even if he knew that Kence meant a love different from his. But to hear someone you love say I love you to you, how can you not be happy with that?

"Of course!" There was no hesitation on Kence's voice as Calter was the most important person to him. He cared for his master and wants him to have a good life, that is love

"Hmm, then kiss me on the cheeks" a kiss on the lips was too much for Kence for now. He originally meant a kiss on the cheeks and was just teasing Kence before but who would have thought that his plan would backfire on him?

In the outside he just has a warm smile on his face but inside him he was screaming. He feels too happy as if he was on the cloud nine. He even regretted not recording it when Kence said I love you to him. He always wants to hear Kence say those words to him!

Kence shyly looked at his master before tip toeing to reached Calter's face and kiss him on the cheeks. The feeling of Kence's soft lips on his cheeks made millions of butterflies to fly inside Calter's stomach

The feeling was too magical and hard to explain. It was just a simple kiss on the cheeks but for Calter it meant a lot. The kissing scene amidst the vast snow and ice around them painted a masterpiece

After the kiss, Kence's face turned redder and he can't look at his master. This was his first time doing something this too intimate. He was already used at hugging and cuddling with Calter but a kiss was different. Kence can feel the same foreign feeling every time he did something special with Calter

"Close your eyes" Calter said and with Kence's trust on him the kid obeyed him without asking any question. Kence can feel a warm hand putting something cold around his neck. "Open your eyes" Calter gently said

When Kence opened his eyes, he looked down and saw a beautiful blue moon necklace hanging around his neck. He was mesmerized at the necklace's appearance

Kence hold the moon on his hand and the coldness on it was transmitted on his hand. Maybe it was because of the robes he was wearing shielding him from the extreme temperature below the City Lord's manor but the coldness of the necklace made him very comfortable

He saw the necklace for the first time but he already fell in love with it. Seeing his Kence looking at the necklace with amazement, Calter felt that the 10,000 Magic Crystals he spent on it was worth it

As he still needs money for cultivation, Calter can only buy an accessory worth ten thousand. But in the future, he would make sure that Kence will have the most beautiful and expensive things in the world. This necklace was just the start

"Do you like it? When I saw the necklace, it reminded me of you and I bought it for you" Calter asked even though he already knew the answer from Kence's reaction

Kence looked up to his master, he was touched at Calter's words. "I love it but.... it looks too expensive. I-I can't take it" Kence really wanted the necklace but he doesn't want his master spending too much money on him

Calter chuckled, knowing Kence he already anticipated this reaction. But Kence cannot do anything about it, he will shower him with love and all the expensive things in the world

"Take it, I can't sell it back to the merchant. Do you want me to suffer some losses?" Kence pouted, his master was blackmailing him

"Okay, but I'll pay it back in the future when I become strong enough! I'll pay you back for everything master!" Kence said sincerely as he felt that he owed too much to Calter

Calter shook his head "Just you always being with me is enough for me. It's me who need to pay you back for always taking care of me"

Kence being killed before was his fault, no amount of treasure or money can pay for that. It's him who owed Kence too much.. It's him who made Calter to pursue magic, although the price of that wasn't something he like as it was Kence's life. If not for Kence, he would still be that trash Young Master Calte

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