Magic With You

Chapter 5 - 5

Before the sun rise Calter decided to head back to his room. Kence might become angry at him if he learned that he didn't slept and just trained all night. After a night's work he already made two more Level 1 Magic Mark that is suitable for him. The first is a defensive barrier and the last one is something that can raise his speed for a bit

As his body was still weak even with the darkness being his friend the whole night's work made him extremely tired. His face was already pale from all the training and even his head was aching because of soul exhaustion

When he opened the door to his room, he saw Kence sitting at his bed with arms crossed on his chest. A very dissatisfied look hung on his face, Calter immediately gulped hard while some bullets of sweat formed on his body

Calter weakly entered his room and inched closer to Kence cautiously as if he entered a tiger's den. Kence made a 'hmph' sound before standing up and walked pass Calter

"K-Kence I-I'm uhh" Calter scratched the back of his head, he didn't know what to say to make Kence not angry at him. "Young Master Calter, I'll prepare your breakfast now" Kence bowed like an obedient servant. Calter gritted his teeth and decided to make a 'show'

He acts as if his head suddenly became dizzy and he was about to fall. Kence immediately panicked and supported the body of his master. "Y-Young Master, are you okay?" Kence asked in concern

"I'm sorry, Kence don't be angry. I'll feel sicker if you are mad at me" the tone he used on his words were as if he was having a hard time talking due to exhaustion. This easily fooled Kence and aroused his pity. "I'm not angry Big Brother, just don't train so hard next time. Look what happened at you" Kence said while shaking his head and supported Calter to sit on his bed. What he didn't know though was that there's a mischievous smile on Calter's face when he heard him started calling him again as Big Brother

"I'll cook you breakfast now, just rest here okay?" Kence said and Calter obediently nodded. Kence then exited the room to prepare the food. Calter laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, even if Kence didn't asked him to rest he would still rest. The fatigue from all that training came knocking at him now and he feels extremely uncomfortable and tired

In not even a second Calter already entered the dream land. As for Kence, he was walking to the kitchen amidst the strange looks that the other servants were giving to him. None of them was hostile though and in fact gave him fluttering smiles. This was unlike before where they ignored him as he is the servant of a trash

When he entered the Clan's kitchen all the chefs and assistants inside stopped what they were doing as if they were afraid to make any mistakes on his presence. Kence's face was riddled with confusion and the way people are acting today made him extremely uncomfortable. He's not used to it

"K-Kence, may we know what you need here?" The head chef asked in nervousness. "I'm just going to cook for the Young Master?" Kence said in an almost questioning tone, most of the time he was the one cooking food for Calter. What he is doing now is no different than before that's why he doesn't know why the head chef was even asking him that question

"H-how can we let you that! Don't worry we will cook delicious food for the Young Master!" The head chef immediately said which made Kence even more confused. Before, as they are all looking down at Calter they always let Kence make his food but now they are acting this weird

"It's okay, I can make it" the head chef furiously shook his head. "No need to bother yourself with this kind of chore. Please sit first while we make the food"

One of the chefs then gave a chair to Kence. Without a choice he can only sit on the chair. Without him knowing why, he was extremely uncomfortable that these people are the ones making food for his master

In just 15 minutes the chef made different kinds of food filling a whole tray of it. Kence took the food in daze and head back to Calter's room. He knocked first before entering it. Few moments passed without someone answering and Kence decided to slowly open the door and entered the room

He saw Calter peacefully sleeping on his bed and he smiled bitterly. He walked to his master and put the tray of food on his bed before sitting on the edge of the bed. He wants Calter to eat yet he also wants him to rest and get some sleep. Kence ended up staring at Calter's sleeping face while he was in a huge dilemma

"Hmm, young master is really handsome. Many girls would want to make him their husband" Kence said softly and unconsciously inched closer to look at Calter's sleeping face

His skin is a bit white but not as white as a woman's. Calter has a pair of a sword shape eyebrows and has bit long eyelashes. His nose was not that pointy only fit to his face. While his lips were red in color but not too red. Overall, he has a very manly look with him but when he's asleep like this, he actually looked a bit cute

"When can I be as handsome as Young Master?" Kence said on a quiet voice and chuckled at himself. Suddenly, Calter opened his eyes and he looked straightly at Kence's icy blue ones. "Eekk!" A strange sound escape from Kence's mouth in shock and he immediately moved away his face

His heart was beating loudly due to the shock he got. "B-big Brother don't scare me like that!" Kence said while gasping for breath. His hand was on his chest and he can feel the vibrations coming from his heart. "Hahaha, okay sorry" Calter said before touching Kence's blue hair and gently rubbing his head

Kence's heart rate immediately turned back to normal. "Since you're awake, eat now please" Calter nodded his head and excitedly took the spoon and fork to take a bite. However, he only ate a single piece when a frown appeared on his face

"You didn't make this right?" Calter turned to the other man and asked. Kence scratched the back of his head "The chefs said I shouldn't bother with this kind of chore and they are the ones who cook your food"

Calter put back the spoon and fork before placing the tray of food in the table near his bed. "I only want to eat the food you prepared" Calter said with a sulking tone. Just how many times he wished before to have another taste of the food Kence cooked? How can those chefs make him be excited for nothing like this?

"E-eh? T-then I'll prepare your food now. Sorry Big Brother!" Calter shook his head and pulled Kence on his bed. "No, it's okay. For now, I just want to sleep with you" Kence didn't sensed any double meaning from Calter's words and just let him do what he wants

Calter put his head on Kence's neck while closing his eyes. He let out a comfortable sigh at smelling the man's intoxicating smell. Kence fought hard to stop the giggle from escaping on his lips as he felt ticklish at Calter's breath. Kence then played with his master's hair while humming, in case that it will help his master have a better sleep

Calter hugged Kence tighter before once again entering the dream land


It was already 1 in the afternoon when Calter woke up. He slowly removed his body from Kence as to not wake the man up. He went out his room with the food he didn't ate before

As of now, his body was full of energy again from resting. He heads towards the clan's kitchen and the chefs were startled to see him there. He glanced coldly at the chefs before putting the tray of food in a table. "If Kence wants to cook let him, do you understand?" Calter's dark eyes stared at the chefs and their bodies immediately trembled from fear

"Understood!" The chefs said in unison. Who would have thought that they didn't let Kence cook as not make the young master angry but he instead became angry when they didn't let Kence cook. "Now, I want you all to leave for now!"

The chefs blinked their eyes not exactly understanding the meaning behind his words. "Leave!" Calter shouted and the chefs walked out in panic only leaving Calter in the kitchen

At this time, Kence slowly opened his eyes and saw that Calter was not in bed. He came out from the room and asked the other servants if they saw the young master. The servants said that Calter went to the kitchen and he head there too

Arriving at the place, Kence saw all the chefs are outside in the kitchen with confused look. "Chef, where is the young master?" Kence asked and the chefs pointed at the kitchen

Kence knitted his eyebrows, just why are the chefs outside the kitchen while the young master was inside? Suddenly, a small explosion appeared inside the kitchen along with the smell of something burnt. In panic, Kence immediately opened the kitchen's door to see the condition of the young master

Kence coughed at the thick smokes inside the kitchen while the chefs were trailing behind him. He saw Calter using a water magic to extinguish the fire on the magic stove. "B-Big Brother what happened? Are you hurt?" Kence went to check Calter's condition. Luckily, aside from some dirt on his face he didn't received any kind of injury. "It's nothing, I'm fine"

Kence looked at the stove and saw some black like thing on the pan and he looked incredulously at Calter. "A-are you cooking?" Calter smiled with an ashamed face and nodded his head. "B-but why? If you're hungry you should have wake me or ask the clan's chef" Kence didn't know why the master has to go in much trouble if he is hungry. Just one order of him is enough to make the chefs make him any food that he wants

"Because I want to cook for you" Calter said while sighing

"Too flirty!" All the chefs thought at the same time while waiting for Kence's answer as if they were watching some kind of drama

"Eh? Why? I should be the one cooking for you" Kence tilted his head innocently which made the chefs around to have the urge to smack his head. How can he be this naive, oblivious, and stupid? His stupidity should be considered a sin!

Calter smiled bitterly, Kence's innocence is cute but sometimes it is a pain in the ass. Just imagine how hard is it to make someone this dense to fall for you. It's like every sweet gestures you do to him would only make him think of you as a kind person. "Nothing" Calter said shaking his head in defeat

Calter then vent his annoyance to the bystander chefs and he glared at them "What are you doing standing there? Clean this mess!" The chefs bumped to each other in nervousness and went to clean the kitchen

Kence was pulled by Calter outside the kitchen but Kence suddenly remembered something. "Wait Big Brother, you still didn't eat anything today. I'll cook for you!" Saying this, Kence immediately reentered the kitchen leaving Calter behind

Calter smiled before heading to his training grounds. Since he already recuperated it was now time to make himself stronger... and well, vent

Black colored spells flew everywhere in the open area as Calter vent his annoyance from how dense Kence is. The kid didn't even realize his sweet gestures so that he will fall in love with him!

That's why the empty air took the brunt of his anger with new spells flying everywhere before it was replaced by another magic in no more than one second

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