Magic With You

Chapter 50 - 50

Calter groaned loudly and feels as if his whole body was on fire. He wants to do things with Kence but he's not someone who will take advantage of the person he loves. If they will do it, their first time should be special!

It must be the time when Kence also fell in love with him. Call him cheesy but for Calter he won't just have sex with Kence, it would be making love!

"D-do you like it?" Although Calter doesn't want to play with fire but he can't stop himself from asking a question like that. He can't help it, Kence's reactions were just too much for him to take

Kence bit his lower lip and wondered what's with the scenario he currently is. This action of his just made Calter's already hot body to turn even hotter. All Calter wants now was to be the one biting those red and moist lips of Kence

Kence didn't know how to answer but when he saw Calter looking at him with an expectant look on his face, he realize that he should give an answer

But does he like it?

Sure, it felt weird touching his master's chest like this. He felt that this is not an appropriate thing to do. But the sensation of the hard flesh on his hand feels.... amazing

He can even feel Calter's heartbeats on his hand. He felt like his own heartbeat was resonating with his master. With a red face because of shyness, Kence finally nodded his head as an answer

Kence has the desire to continue looking at his master's body but he was too shy and can only look at Calter's side. He was too embarrass to look at any part of his master

Calter took a deep breath when he finally got the answer he wants. It was just a silent nod but that response is typical for someone like Kence. "Then.... do you want to keep touching it?"

The loud sound of Kence's throat swallowing his saliva entered Calter's ear making the man to almost went crazy. He wants to stop and not make things hard for himself but every action of Kence gave him the desire to continue

He swears that Kence will be the death of him. His lust was the same as those people who intake some aphrodisiac. If not for his strong willpower, he would already do something he knew he will regret

No, he won't regret doing it with Kence. But he would regret it as doing it now was akin to taking advantage of Kence's innocence and that is not something he can do

Kence was taken aback and once again didn't know how to react. He already knew the answer to that question but.... how can he say it?

Moments passed with Kence's brain working hard to know what to say. But to no avail, he really doesn't know what he should do in this situation

Calter looked intently at Kence and decided to help the latter. "If your answer is no, take your hand back. If your answer is yes, keep touching me" after saying it, Calter took back his own hand that was grasping Kence's wrist

"What to do?" Kence asked to himself. Even he, can realize that there is something wrong in this scene. Normal master and servants don't do something like this. Even friends don't act like this. That is something that Kence at least know

"If you won't let go, I'll take that your answer as a yes" Calter's husky voice rang in the whole room. His voice become unnatural from putting all of his effort on stopping himself from attacking Kence and ravaging his whole body

Kence close his eyes and slightly nod his head. This made Calter's heart to beat even more crazily as if it will jump out of his chest any time from now. Kence felt this and his hand once again uncontrollably twitch and the hard flesh under his hand was felt more clearly by him

"K-Kence" Calter called out. He needs to stop now but how can he after Kence become this honest to him? What is courting death? This is courting his own death!

"B-Big Brother?" Kence softly replied and was not able to stop himself from turning his head on his master's direction.

"Call me by my name please?"

Even until now, Calter never heard his own name from Kence's mouth. At most, Kence called him as 'Young Master Calter' from before. But he doesn't like that, Kence is not his servant. If there is a servant between the two, Calter will gladly take that position

He wants to devote his life in protecting Kence. Even in his past life, the only reason why he crazily pursued the path of magic was for the sake of avenging Kence

Even when he killed Brony, he still continued his training. It was the only thing he can do as he clings to a hope that maybe... just maybe, there is a magic out there that can revive Kence. That's the only thing he wants on his past life

Now, Kence is with him. He also decided to pursue magic so that he will become so powerful and have the ability to always protect the youth from this cruel world. This is his pure and innocent ambition

Kence hesitated a bit. In normal situation, he won't dare call his master by his name but maybe their situation now affected his mind and judgement. He decided to do Calter's request

"C-Calter" the young master literally forgot how to breath. A smile appeared on his face. It was just Kence simply calling his name and Calter doesn't know why it made him this happy. He really is to whipped. However, he doesn't hate it. In fact, he loves how Kence can make him like this


The room of the two was once again opened without any prior warning. It also happened at such an inappropriate time when the two were acting this intimate

From the open door, Emily's figure can be seen. She was holding a black wand on her hand. Its appearance was quite plain and looks like a thin black stick just like those in the market

The wand on Emily's hand fell on the ground and the sound it made echoed in the whole room. Her eyes went wide while her lips parted in shock from the scene playing in front of her

Calter became panicky and pulled the sheets on his body while his face turned redder from his mother seeing such a situation. Kence on the other hand looks puzzled at why his master was acting like this

Although the youth know that their earlier actions were not normal but he only labeled it as 'strange'

Yes, strange. Because of that, being seen by other people didn't made him embarrass at all

"Mother!" Calter said while glaring at the shock woman before he also turned to glare at the kid on his side. Kence was acting like nothing happened again and Calter hated that.

Here he is, getting embarrassed by letting his parents see something like this but the usually shy kid wasn't even bothered even just a little bit!

Calter's loud voice made Emily to recover from her earlier shock and looked awkwardly at the two. She hurriedly tossed the wand on her hand on Calter's direction before speaking hastily "U-use that, it's yours now!" As soon as she finished those words, Emily walked out and slammed the door loudly while muttering something under her breath

Although her voice was not loud, it was still heard by Calter clearly and black lines appeared on his forehead

"My son is a bottom" that is the exact thing that Calter heard. He cursed both of his parents inside his mind for their audacity to think like that

Which part of him looks like a bottom? Can't they see Kence's features? Isn't one look on them enough to know who is the top and who is the bottom? What's with this kind of situation. It happened not just once but twice today. Calter won't believe that there would be a day where he would be topped by the innocent little bunny on his side

Nan who was outside their room flinched at seeing Emily storming out like that

"Madame?" Nan asked with a confuse voice. Although he can't feel any mana fluctuations on Emily's body but she is still the only wife of the Sternix Patriarch. Nan should at least give her some respect

Emily turned to look at Nan with a constipated expression on her face. "If you ever need to enter their room. Please knock first, those two doesn't know how to lock their door" after saying it, Emily's head dropped down and started walking dejectedly while muttering the same words over and over again

"My son is the bottom.... my son is the bottom.... my son is the bottom" Nan naturally heard it and had goosebumps all over his body

"Calter is the bottom?" Nan knew the special relationship between Kence and Calter but hearing Emily saying that her son is the bottom filled him with so much shock

"T-that cold and serious youth a.... bottom?" Some indecent scenes of Calter being pushed down by the cute looking Kence flashed on Nan's mind. It made his whole body to shudder from that thought. It was hard to believe and imagine

Just think of the usual arrogant, confident, bad boy, cold, and serious youth like Calter taking it from the back. It was too unbelievable!

Nan stared at the door with a complicated look on his face. He vowed to himself that whenever someone wants to see the two, he would take the initiative to knock

Emily continued on her way while in daze. It was like she turned into a horrifying zombie with the way she walks and creeped the hell out of the servants who saw her

She didn't stop muttering words while walking as if she learned of the most unbelievable thing in the world

"My son is the bottom... my son is the bottom... my son is the bottom" because of how many times she said those words, the servants around heard her

Just like Narry, Emily, and Nan, those servants were all shock. They won't believe it if other people say it but who is Emily? She is Calter's mother

From the way she acts, it seems like she just saw or learned that her son is the bottom. Thus, the news of their Young Master Calter being the bottom of Kence spread around the servants and guards. This made a huge uproar and made many people unable to sleep that night

Some were even too shock that they woke other people to share the news. Even without a tool of communication, this piece of news spread too fast that it was unbelievable

Back in the room, Calter was still fuming with anger while white smokes were coming out from his nose

Kence, doesn't like seeing his master like this but didn't know what made him so angry

"Big Brother... are you okay?" Kence asked in concern and Calter turned to look at him. The master threw the matter at the back of his mind. No matter how angry he is, he can never take it out on Kence

Calter shook his head and picked the magic wand that his mother gave to him. It made him confused at why Emily gave him a wand. It looks like the common wand from the market and nothing special

But when Calter touched the wand, he realized that maybe it is not a normal wand. The feeling it gave off was different than the dull and boring wands in the market

Calter then turned to pick the purified Magic Crystals and handed it to Kence "use these in your cultivation"

Kence immediately shook his head. He doesn't know much about cultivation resources but these crystals were given by the Patriarch to help his master in the upcoming fight, how can he take it?

"Big Brother, these are yours. I can't take it" Calter rolled his eyes at Kence's usual stubbornness

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