Magic With You

Chapter 52 - 52

After some time, Kence finished the simple rice porridge. It was steaming hot and he put some in a bowl before covering it. He didn't know when his master will rest and stop cultivating. Although he can reheat it after it got cold but Calter might be extremely hungry to wait. As much as possible, he wants to retain the porridge's warmth

Kence put the bowl of porridge in a food tray that the chefs already readied for him and decided to head back in their room. The chefs happily send him off outside the kitchen

As soon as the naive and innocent youth exited the kitchen, all the chefs in the kitchen squealed with each other. They started a heated discussion on the things that 'happened' last night

"Oh my god, I wonder what position they used!" one of the chefs said with a dreamy voice before the head chef heavily smacked her on the head

"What are you taking about! Can't you see that the young master is not present today? They must have used all positions for the young master to get that tired and be unable to get up from their bed!" The head chef said and lifted his head and imagined all sorts of love making position being done by the two

All the chefs were the same but when they started imagining it, all sorts of complex emotions bubbled inside them. They are not looking down on Kence but thinking how a person like Calter was the one receiving it was too unbelievable and didn't seem quite true

Everyone who knows Kence and Calter will think that the former is the one on the receiving end!

"Aiya, but isn't it too hot? Could it be Young Master Kence is a wolf on sheep's clothing? Acting so innocent yet a beast in bed" the vice had chef said with that feminine voice of hers while placing her hands on her heated face

"Oh my! If that is the case then everyone was fooled!"

The chefs has a lot of free time and become idle. They spent hours just talking about their young masters' relationship

If Calter knew of this, he would surely cough a mouthful of blood and skinned these chefs alive. How can they think like that towards him!

Kence was oblivious of what these chefs are thinking and walked with a sleepy face. This act of him just made the rumors to seem true

Although he looked tired but he's not having any difficulty on walking. It doesn't look like he was the one that received it, thus the rumors started being crazier

Kence nodded at Nan who was outside their door. Fortunately, for Magic Knights a few days without sleep is not that too much of a burden. But even Nan also looked tired now. Since he became the two youth's guard he doesn't get much sleep. Especially since he is needed the most at night time

Nan returned Kence's nod and the latter entered the room to see that his master was still in a meditative position. He placed the tray in a place close enough for Calter to notice

Kence then hopped on their bed and pulled the sheets up to his neck and tried sleeping

Seconds and minutes passed before Kence opened his eyes with a frown on his face. His body is extremely tired now and was begging for a good sleep but no matter what he do he just can't sleep

Kence glanced at his master before closing his eyes again

"One sheep.... two sheep... three sheep.... one hundred sheep"

Kence tried counting sheep on his head but it was a futile effort and sleep continued to elude him

"Master, why did you made me get used at cuddling with you to sleep?" Kence thought to himself while feeling aggrieved

Kence can only sulkily pull the blanket and covered his whole body with it while closing his eyes

However, even when Kence tried all he can do to sleep, he just wasn't able to. He thought of eating first and he might be able to sleep but he doesn't have the appetite. Until he felt some movements on the bed when it was almost lunch time

Calter's moved out from the bed and started stretching his body. Sitting on that position for more than a whole night is tiring

Calter sensed Kence moving from the bed and saw the youth peeking with the blanket all over his body. As their distance is not that far, Calter saw dark circles around Kence's eyes and he immediately frowned

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Calter asked in worry. Last night, he was too immersed on his cultivation and was not able to check Kence's condition. He thought that Kence stayed up all night and only slept when the sun rose. He didn't know that the youth didn't get even an ounce of sleep

Kence weakly shake his head. For him, he is not lying. His master didn't woke him up because he wasn't even asleep. But of course, he won't say that. Although he won't lie to Calter but he doesn't want to get scolded when his master knew he didn't slept all.

Calter nodded his head and blamed himself. Kence only pushed himself too hard this time because of him. Kence didn't want to see him putting so much effort alone and decided to work hard with him

"Have you eaten yet?" Calter asked and saw a constipated look on Kence

The youth is currently in a dilemma, he doesn't want to lie yet he also don't want to tell the truth. He would be scolded for sure and his master might even punish him. Well, punish means not being able to eat meat and can only eat disgusting vegetables

Kence still didn't know how to answer when his stomach betrayed him and made a grumbling sound

Calter's frown resurfaced and he looked at the clock on their room's wall. He saw the time is already 11:30, Kence should be eating at this time already

"I-I'm sorry, Big Brother" Kence knew he was wrong and he quickly apologized with a scared tone. The 'dream' of his master being angry at him played inside his mind and scared him

Sensing Kence's discomfort and fear made Calter to decide on not making things hard for his lover. "Come here" Calter gently said and tapped an area on the bed. Kence unwrapped his body on the blanket and obediently obeyed

Calter opened the bowl of food in the tray and fortunately, it was still a bit warm. Although it's not the best temperature to eat it, but for now it will do

Calter sat on the bed's side while Kence followed suit and sat close to him. Calter picked the spoon and scooped the rice porridge. "Open your mouth"

Kence knitted his eyebrows but still obediently obeyed. It's like Calter was feeding a kid and put the spoonful of rice porridge into Kence's open mouth. Kence was shocked but nonetheless swallow the food on him. His hunger was sated a bit from that small serving and he doesn't know why but his appetite grew

The master scooped a porridge again using the same spoon and put it inside his mouth. Kence didn't made a fuss as if it was just natural but his face reddened a bit with the thought of it being an 'indirect kiss'

What Kence didn't noticed was that his master's lips rose up a bit forming a small sweet smile

This time, the atmosphere between them didn't have even an inch of sexual tension. It was full of pure care. This is something that people can only sought but is very hard to find

After the two ate, Kence was still feeling hungry as the serving is not enough. He immediately regretted not taking too much serving with him

"Big Brother, are you still hungry?" Kence asked in both concern and hunger. Hoping that his master will want a second serving so that he can get more. He doesn't want to looked like glutton if he's the only one who wants to eat more

Unfortunately for him, Calter shake his head. "It's fine, I'm not hungry anymore. I need to continue my cultivation" Kence pouted inside his mind but didn't pursue the matter of food but his master wanting to cultivate again made him worried

"Big Brother, don't you want to sleep first, I'm sure you are tired"

Calter inched closer to Kence's body and gave him a warm hug before slowly pulling himself away and gave the youth a warm smile. "Hugging you made me recharged. I'm not tired"

Kence pouted at his master's 'illogical' words. But since he agreed on letting Calter to not have much sleep, he can only let him. Besides, for him Calter is his master. If his master didn't want to sleep, as a servant he wouldn't aggressively oppose

"Okay, but please take care of your health okay?" Calter nodded his head before heading back on his original position and continue his cultivation

Kence stared at Calter while still feeling the leftover body warmth of his master. Somehow, that warmth made him even sleepier than before and it acts like a magic

Kence immediately went on his side of the bed and tucked himself inside the blanket again while savoring the warmth from his master and drifted into the dream land

The youth before falling asleep thought that there must be something wrong with him. As an ice type mage, isn't he supposed to like cold things and dislike something hot?

However, his master's body heat brought great comfort to him. To the point that he cannot fall asleep without feeling that warmth


On the slums area of the City, the place was as something that you would expect from it. It was dirty with all sorts of garbage and human waste on it. The horrible smell on the air will make any person to puke out everything they ate that day

Although with the City Lord's leadership and uncorrupted ways, the normal people has a better life than those in the other cities. But he can't possibly give all of his people a relaxed life

The taxes set by the City Lord is set on a very low price but that was not enough. Not all people have the capability to make a living and besides, there are still the corrupt Nobles. The City Lord can't possibly kill all of them. He can give a warning but that will only work for some time

These Nobles will just lay low for some time and deal with their corrupted business carefully to not leave evidences on themselves

Amidst the dirt and poverty in the slums' area, a man fully clothed in an all black robes that concealed his body was strolling around. Even his face was covered with a plain black mask as if he didn't want other people to see and recognize him

The poor people laying around in the street hastily move themselves as to not offend this mysterious person. A person like him walking in this part of the streets was not a strange sight. In fact, from time to time similar scenes happened

These kinds of people were mostly powerful or came from a huge family. This kind of person was not something these poor and weak people can antagonize

In a secluded area, the man stopped on a certain wall before knocking three times with three seconds interval each

"Password" a cold yet neutral voice came out from inside the wall as an answer to the man's actions

"Killing and money" the black clothed man said with a neutral voice too. No doubt that it was not his true and normal voice. There's almost a hundred percent chance that he altered it

A few moments passed that nothing happened before the walls itself parted and made an entrance. From inside the wall, one can see a man also fully clothed in black with a magic wand on his hand

This was the guard of this place and one cannot underestimate him.. His body exuded an aura of a Magic Knight. Him being a guard of that place showed how much powerful this place is

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