Magic With You

Chapter 7 - 7

After an hour, Calter finally regained his consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and controlled his body to move. He stood up and did some stretching again. The feeling of comfort that his body was feeling now was incomparable too all the break through he had before

Calter looked around him and his eyes widen in shock. He sensed the mana in the air much clearer now and they were dancing around him energetically. Some mana even entered his body without him controlling them increasing the amount of mana inside his body. Even without meditating his cultivation speed was still increasing! Not even him at his peak can do something like this. It was like the mana love him

He even felt like he was blessed by the mana itself. He entered his mind to his spirit sea and his face paled when he didn't saw his Elemental Seed

Elemental Seed is the crystallization of one's magical achievement! Destroying it was the same as crippling a magician!

"No, something's wrong" if he was crippled then he shouldn't have this huge mana reserves. It was ten times than normal magician at his level. After every level of Magic Apprentice a Magician's mana will double. His mana reserves now was halfway to a normal level 6 Magician!

With this kind of mana reserves how can magicians at his level dare to fight him? He can just spam them with powerful spells. Not only was his mana reserves ten times higher than normal as even though his Elemental Seed was destroyed he still has the Magic Marks he made before

Not only he retained it but it looks like they received an upgrade! The marks became more profound and mysterious, exuding a great amount of power

He immediately tried activating a magic spell. Even when he was strengthened this much he didn't fear that he would break the special room. Even Magic Warriors can't damage the walls on this room much less him

"[Dark Magic: Darkness Ball!]" Large amount of mana was used and formed an extremely condensed acidic ball. Not only the mana and power behind it was that great but with a casual spell casting Calter made five of it!

Five! Just this number alone can already overwhelm a level 3 Magician. He shot it on the wall causing sizzling sounds but not even a scratch was made

"Judging by the amount of mana and my control its might can be comparable to a level 3 Spell but since there's five of them it's not a normal level 3 Spell!"

In theory even the simplest spell can become the strongest magic. As the power behind the spell relied on the amount of mana and the magician's control. This feat itself was not that shocking but if you look at how easy the spell was made then that is the shocking thing!

The difficulty of spell casting was the same as casting a level 1 spell but it has the power of five level 3 spells!

"Hahaha! Worth it! Extremely worth it!" Calter's mood was elevated at this shocking discovery. With him being a Core Magician (the name he decided to give to this path of Magic) he at least has a huge chance of saving the Enchanted Star Realm from the hands of that Rank 4 Magician!

This greatly alleviated the pressure on his shoulder. Calter spent the entire night making higher level Magic Marks and getting use to the new strength of his body. With him having the same mana as halfway to a level 6 Magician he can make level 5 spell Magic Marks. With how fast his mana was being replenished he managed to make quite a few of them along with some lower level spells

He decided to stopped for a while before the sun even rise. This time he was earlier than the time that Kence learned he was out training for the whole night. He won't risk making his beloved angry again. He would have no one to cry to if he made Kence be dissatisfied with him!

He exited the special room and walked back to his bedroom. However, along the way he saw Kence practicing magic at the same open area that the both of them are always training

Kence's face was full of seriousness with his eyes closed. His mind was currently in an extreme focus while controlling his mana. Icy cold mana appeared on his hand as he activated his spell "[Ice Magic: Ice Shot!]" A small ball of ice was shot from his palm and flew for a few meters

After the ice reached its range limit the ice made a small explosion causing tens of few centimeters ice to scatter again. "Success!" Kence said with an extremely pale face but with a huge smile plastered on his face. He was currently very happy as he finally managed to activate this spell

Ice Shot, a level 2 Spell. Primary damage when the small ball hit you with some more damage from the small explosion when it touched your body. Kence actually managed to cast a level 2 spell, means he's now a level 2 magician!

A level 2 magician in just a little bit more than a week! A top grade talent indeed!

Calter should be happy for Kence's magical achievement but a frown appeared on his face when he saw how exhausted Kence is. "What are you doing this early?" A voice startled Kence and his body flinched in shock

He turned to look at the source of that voice and saw Calter looking darkly at him which made him to gulp a mouthful of saliva. "B-Big Brother....I...uh..."

Calter went to Kence's side and inspected the young man. He felt that Kence's mana was almost used up, it seems like he was training for quite a lot of time already. "Why are you training this early? What if you got sick?" Calter said in concern and was annoyed that Kence was pushing himself too hard

"I-I just want to become stronger" Kence said softly and looked down. Calter lifted Kence's chin and the gaze of the two met. Kence immediately looked away while his face blush. He didn't know why but his heart started beating wildly when the two of them were this close. "Kence, I'm not forbidding you to train. In fact I want you to be stronger but I don't want to see your exhausting yourself like this" Calter said while cupping Kence's face on his hand and caressing his cheeks gently

"B-but I need to train hard to protect Big Brother" Kence said and pouted as if he was wronged. Calter laughed lightly and pinched his cheeks. "What protect me? Like hell I would let you do that! I'm the one doing the protection here okay? Do you understand that?" How can this man be this adorable? As a former Rank 3 Magician akin to a God in the Enchanted Star Realm it's a joke if he was to be protected by a 14 year old youth

"But you said before that I need to be stronger if I want to help you!" Calter remembered saying that to Kence back at the Magic Academy that he didn't bother to attend most of the time. The knowledge there are two low level for him and the only benefit is the environment that has denser mana

Calter smiled bitterly, it looks like he was actually the cause of it. He only said those words as to make Kence let him do the watering of the Magic Plants and letting the kid to study magic for awhile. He didn't thought that it would have this effect. If he knew this will happen he would never say those words

"Your Big Brother is strong okay? I can protect you from everything, you just need to love Big Brother and everything would be fine" Calter said shamelessly. He wants Kence to fell in love with him as soon as possible. He wants to show the world that the one he love is Kence but how can he do that if the man he love is too oblivious of his feelings

Innocence is cute but sometimes it's extremely annoying. "Of course I love Big Brother, you are my Master!" Kence said while grinning. Calter's veins popped on his forehead

'Master? Who is your Master?! Damn it I'm your future lover!' Calter thought angrily while gritting his teeth. "Eh? Big Brother what's wrong?" Seeing the sudden change on Calter's demeanor Kence asked worriedly

"Nothing! You need to be punished!" Calter said in frustration and carried Kence princess style. With the strength provided by him being a Core Magician carrying a youth like Kence was too easy

"B-Big Brother what did I do?" Kence asked terrified, completely oblivious that he made Calter angry for being treated as a mere master but of course Calter can't say that and can only lie.

Kence grabbed Calter's clothes as he was afraid he would fall. This slightly made Calter better and satisfied by this kind of intimacy. "I'm punishing you for being too cute you can't say to no to it!"

Kence was so dumbfounded at hearing his 'mistake' that he blinked his eyes a few times as if he can't comprehend at how should be punish for it. "Big Brother, I'm not cute. It's you who is handsome!" Kence said honestly which made a huge smile to blossom on Calter's face

"Really? You think Big Brother is handsome?' Calter asked and Kence nodded which made him extremely satisfied but Kence's next words made him angry again. "Big Brother is handsome, I'm sure there would be a lot of women that will like you!"

Calter's face immediately darkened


"A-ah!" Kence moaned in shock at Calter suddenly smacking his buttocks and even wonder how can the young master carry him with one hand while using the other to slap his butt. Calter both regretted and was delighted at his action

Regretted because Kence's sweet moan ignited his lust that he now needs to control. But the small soft flesh down there gave him pleasure. He even wants to touch it again but he's afraid that he might not be able to stop himself if he do so

"Don't talk about me having a woman okay? I'll be extremely angry if you do!" Although he was puzzled but Kence can only nod his head in fear that the master will smack his butt again. It gave him a weird feeling that he can't describe in words

The two reached Calter's bedroom while the servants along the way was looking at them suspiciously. Some even blushed at the thought of what these two did to make Kence unable to walk on his own

Calter gently laid Kence on his bed while looking at him seriously. "I punish you by sleeping here and after you woke up you will need to eat lots of food! You are two skinny, look at how I easily carried you here. You neglected your health because of your training. I don't want that to happen again!" Kence can only nod his head pitifully while wondering how this is considered as a punishment

Just eat and sleep, just who didn't do that? Everyone do that, how is this punishment! He was afraid for nothing. But seeing that it was his master who punish him he figured out that this was normal. For Kence his master is extremely kind hearted and will never hurt him! He was always treated good by his master that's why he wants to become strong and help his master

"And your last punishment is you need to be with me forever. That's the most important punishment and requirement that you need to comply. Even if you run away from me, I would use all means available in this world to find and force you to be with me" Calter said with a bit of threat. He was just too paranoid that someone will take his Kence away from him again. He can never let that happen!

Instead of being angry Kence actually laughed. "Why would I run away from Big Brother? Ever since I was a kid I only had Big Brother, how can I even think of leaving you?"

"T-this kid!" A swarm of emotion overwhelmed Calter as he didn't thought Kence would say something like this. It filled his heart with warmth and happiness that he didn't know what to do or say

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