Magic With You

Chapter 99 - 99

"Thank you, Big Brother!" Kence innocently thanked Calter who's buddy down there twitched. It was begging him not to accept as it would be the one that will get 'hurt'

However, how can Calter do that? It is not every day that his bunny asked him for something. Besides, what Kence will do is something that he will also enjoy... albeit, it would also be painful for him as he still can't 'pop the cherry'

Calter took a deep breath and also removed his upper clothing. The body that he worked so hard for Kence's sake was revealed to the youth who looked at it with pure amazement on his eyes

"Wow! I really envy Big Brother for having such a nice body!" Kence sweetly said like a child looking at his favorite toy

His hand went to touch the lines between Calter's abs which made the man to hiss. Kence's fingers are like balls of fire and it spread heat all over Calter's body

It was just a simple touch yet Calter's mind is already filled with lust. If he wasn't being a gentleman and only wants to do it after Kence confessed his love for him then get married, Calter would surely do all unspeakable things now

Kence continuously poked Calter's abs and his amazement rose at how hard it was. He then touched his own stomach and only felt the soft flesh on it. This made Kence to pout a bit at how 'unfair' the world is

Calter tried calming himself by regulating his breath but it only has minimal effects. Everything about Kence is an aphrodisiac for him!

The youth forgot to spread cake on Calter's body to 'eat' his master. Kence just used his hand to touch all over Calter's body which was a torture for the latter

Calter of course likes what Kence is doing but the more the youth stimulate him, the harder it would be for him to stop his lust from controlling him

After some time, to Calter's relief, Kence finally spread the cake all over his body. Kence's eyes glowed at seeing his 'artwork'

Somehow, he likes the view of his master's body covered with cake. Kence unconsciously licked his lips while gulping hard. It was like he saw a fine food in front of him

His innocent actions made Calter to grit his teeth. "I-I'll eat you now, Big Brother" Kence announced and Calter can only nod his head

Just like what Calter did to him, Kence decided to eat the lower part first before eating his master's nipples. It wasn't as red as Kence's own but it also has a reddish color

As he wants to do this properly, Kence decided to kneel so that it would be easier for him to 'eat' the young master. However, he creased his forehead in confusion. As soon as he kneeled, the first thing he saw was a big bulge in the middle of Calter's crotch

In curiosity, Kence poked it a bit and was surprise at how hard it was. Kence heard a sharp gasp causing him to raise his head to look at his master that has a red face and a constipated look

"Big Brother, what's wrong?" Kence asked and since his mouth is so close to 'little Calter' the young master can feel his hot breath

Calter didn't know what to answer. He's already thinking that there must be something wrong with him. Calter knew that sex feels good but he was wondering why a simple poke of Kence on his clothed buddy feels that damn good!

Deciding that if this goes on, he might lose his mind, Calter bit his tongue a bit and the pain helped subside some of his lust. "I want you to eat your Big Brother, now" Calter said impatiently and pulled Kence's head on his abs

If Kence continued angering what is already angry, he might really lose his mind. While Kence on the other hand although curious at that hard thing still complied

He started licking Calter's abs causing the young master to utter a few moans. Calter was trying his best not to make any sound as that will make him feel that he is 'dominated' but few still managed to escape

Calter stared at Kence that is gently licking him all over with a red face. He pushed Kence's hair to the back and savored the view

Kence's is currently kneeling in front of him while his innocent face is on his stomach. That sinful red tongue on the other hand was pleasuring Calter on every lick that the youth made

Kence's current position made the little Calter to want to charge inside that sinfully delicious mouth

If not for Calter wanting to be manly in front of Kence, his legs would surely give out now due to how powerless the youth is making him

As if Kence wants to make the situation harder for him, Calter saw the youth raising his head a bit to watch him. The eyes of the two locked in such a situation and made everything even more sensual

"You like eating your Big Brother?" Calter 'dirty talked'

He knew that he shouldn't say such things as he was the one that would be in a more difficult situation but he can't help it. Kence expression is of pure innocence but his 'corruption' on the youth worked

The contrast between Kence's innocent expression and what he is doing is something that every man will want to see

Kence didn't understand the second meaning behind those words and nodded his head as his honest answer. Kence moved his head and it was now below Calter's chest but he still didn't avert his gaze

Somehow, he wants to watch Calter's expression as he eats the man. It was Calter who broke the staring contest first as he can't take Kence's intense gaze

Calter closed his eyes while biting his lips hard to stop himself from moaning. He can only blame himself for his current predicament

Kence might be innocent but the youth is a very fast learner! As long as Calter did something to Kence, the youth would immediately learn it and will want to do it to Calter too

Finally, it was now time to eat Calter's red nips. Instead of just licking Calter's nipples, Kence did the same that Calter does and enveloped it on his whole mouth

This action of his finally forced another moan from Calter and the man opened his eyes. Calter can't stop his hand from gripping Kence's hair and pulled the latter closer to him

However, it immediately made him a bit panicked and checked if Kence was hurt. Fortunately, Kence doesn't seem hurt and was still busy licking the nipples inside his mouth

Bullets of sweats formed on Calter's forehead at how Kence is 'going all out' on the nipple sucking. It even made a dirty sound that entered Calter's ears

After pleasuring the right nips, Kence turned his focus on the left one that was neglected. Kence now know why Calter put emphasis on the nipple part, overall, it was the 'best' part to eat

After licking all the cake, Kence stood up and looked at his master's body who was panting hard. "A-are y-you d-done?" Calter asked while being out of breath

His flustered face looked at Kence who was enjoying the view. Calter cursed as he saw Kence shake his head

Why is his bunny torturing him like this? Calter is sure that he can already be voted as the world's most pitiful man! He can only taste a bit but cannot order the 'full course'

"I forgot this part" Kence said before spreading cake on his master's neck. "G-Go on" Calter wants this to finish as soon as possible. It is really hurting his health!

Kence nodded his head and went to lick Calter on the neck. The smell of Calter's manly scent and the cake intoxicated Kence as he licked his master's neck like there is no tomorrow

After cleaning the neck, Kence moved away and remembered another thing that Emily said. "Hmm, Big Brother, mother said that if you eat me it means you can't eat other people too or she'll be angry"

The thought of his master 'eating' other people too made Kence to have a sour feeling. Fortunately, he remembered Emily's words and it was to his favor

He doesn't know why but he wants to be the only one that Calter will eat. Just the mere thought of it made him angry

'That damn woman!' Calter cursed on his mind but also can't help but thank his mother. Although the little Calter is aching but no doubt that this year's birthday is the best!

Not only he had the chance to eat Kence, the youth also ate him! This is the best gift ever!

Calter hold Kence's face and rubbed it gently. "Of course, I'll only do this to my Kence. I will never do it to other people, okay?" Kence nodded his head and smiled

"Hmm, mother also said that if you agreed I should mark you" Calter almost rolled his eyes at all the things his mother is teaching to Kence

"What do you mean mark me?" Calter asked in confusion but even if he, didn't understand it, what more for Kence?

Sure enough, the youth just shake his shoulders. "I don't know what mother meant too but she said that I should do this"

Calter watch in curiosity as Kence lowered his head and attacked the young master's neck again. This time, Calter's neck doesn't have any cake but Kence is still sucking on his skin

Calter can't help but moan again and put his hand at the back of Kence's head and started rubbing it. He now knows what his mother 'meant' by marking him

His earlier annoyance on Emily vanished as he likes this marking thing. Kence leaving him a hickey is like showing to the world that he is exclusive to Kence only

Kence moved his hand and was surprised that just like Emily said, a mark really formed on Calter's neck

"Mother said that with this, other people won't ask you to eat them. Hmm, Big Brother can I make more marks on you?"

Just like before, Calter questioned why Kence can make naughty things sounds so innocent whenever Kence is the one saying it

"Mark your Big Brother as much as you want" Calter replied as he wants to have Kence's 'mark' all over his body. It made him feel that Kence is being possessive on him and he is enjoying it!

Calter wants Kence to monopolize him too and happily let the youth do what he wants

Kence broke into smiles again and really made marks on Calter's body 'as much as he wants'

Looking at the marks that he made, Kence nodded his head in satisfaction.

Seeing Kence's smile, Calter can only shake his head. Kence is always being happy on unexpected things like this

"Then I should mark you too, it is unfair if I'm the only one that have marks" Calter jokingly complained but to his surprise, Kence shake his head

"You can't, mother said that if you ask to mark me too, I should say this 'You need to work harder first' although I don't know that it means"

Calter take back his gratitude for Emily. That damn woman is really irritating! He knew that Emily meant that although he can do this kind of things, it doesn't mean that Kence already loves him or maybe the youth still didn't realize his own feelings and Calter needs to work harder on changing that

Looking at his neck and chest that is full of Kence's marks then to Kence's own that is devoid of any marks made Calter to pout at how unfair it was

Seeing this, Kence can't help but take a pity on his master. "B-Big Brother.... m-mark me too but do it on the chest and don't tell mother about it okay?" Kence said in a serious tone

Kence don't want to anger Emily by going against her will but the most important person on his life will always be Calter! No one can change that no matter how much they treated him nicely

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