11 CHP#11. The Priestess of the Moon

Christian: "I want to tell you something...and I actually want to say this to you for a long time...." Eliza smiled, when she said "What is it?" he hugged her...

Eliza: "What is it?...ah(Shocked)"

Christian: " you.... that's what I really feel about you" Eliza was shocked.....

Christian: "I can't help myself when I see you, I know that you truly love Aaron, but I've loved you too and I can't just change my feelings for you that easily...I just hoped that you could love me too, but I know you can't because you already love someone else....." he shed tears in his eyes with great sorrow...

Eliza: ".....Christian I..... can't love you, I can only treat you as a friend and you know it...but I appreciate your honesty to me so stop crying already" Christian is staring at her with an unawareness in his face

Christian: "Eliza...."

Eliza: "I know it hurts you to know that the one you love, doesn't love you too, I just hope that you can accept it...but it takes time for you to accept it" Christian smiled and hugged her again leaving less tears in his eyes

Christian: "Thank you...." Eliza smiled

Eliza: "Your welcome" after that scene Precious was thinking about her dream

Precious: "The dream it came true, we fought a girl who was Aaron's first love and she became a powerful magician a member of the elite squad of The 10 Flames of Zanderon.....I can't believe we have to face 7 more of them...(sigh) it looks like I can't figure out what their motive is... I'll just sleep (yawn)..." she slept with an exhaustive yawn.... Precious saw a vision of her...

Precious: (What's this!?.... me? with Jai Cloyd!?....."You are the priestess of the moon" what!?) "Huh!?"

Precious: "What's with that dream now!?...." after that a day passed

Precious: "Hmmm I think I'll call Jabez....(sigh) here goes" she pressed the call button of her CP

–Meanwhile in the National Magic Alliance Council

Agent: "Mr Gryder here's the information about the members of The 10 Flames Zanderon we encountered so far...." the files was given to Jabez

Jabez: (So far we have only encountered 3 members of The 10 Flames of Zanderon. Amaya a female magician who uses a rare type of magic, she can control crystals and some information about her is still unknown. Rey Blue a wanted criminal in the land of Margerious, a magician who uses ice magic he was also known as "The Ice Assasin". and the third member Elaine Louise Marvel a female student who disappeared in an accident one year ago, she joined the Zanderon Empire and became a member of the Emperor's elite squad the 10 Flames of Zanderon, not to mention she had a relationship with Aaron one year ago.....) he was shocked when his phone vibrated

Jabez: "What now?...hmmm!? (Precious!) hello? Precious?"

Precious: "Jabez can we talk privately?"

Jabez: "Alright" he flicked his fingers and Precious was transported to the NMAC, not knowing that she haven't change her clothes yet...

Precious: "Ahhhhhhh I only wear pajamas you know!"

Jabez: "My bad

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