31 CHP#31. Our Future

After defeating Jasmine one of the members of the Ten Flames her Spell the Continental Evolution has been undone, and now our heroes have defeated 7 members of the Ten Flames the question now is will River succeed on saving Joelle from the past and will Gwyneth successfully defeated Marceleon and reduce their members once more?.....

Jai Cloyd: "Were back!"

Precious: "So her spell has finally worn out...."

Melvin: "Let's go to the council... I bet his majesty is about to use the power of the Sky Era to end this war...."

Jabez: "Your right let's go"

Jean: "Wait!..."

Melvin: "What is it?"

Jean: "Can we carry her?" everyone got their saddest expression in their faces

Jabez: "Will carry her for you...."

Melvin: "I'm sure we can find a place where we can set her a proper burial place for her"

Jean: "Thank you...." she stopped crying and raised her head "Let's finish what we started...."

All: "YEAH!"


Marceleon: (So the spell has been undone.... how interesting...) "So were back.... what a beautiful town.... so this is the town of Angel Louise..."

Gwy: "Hey! don't loose sight of your enemy!" he grabbed her hand and he threw her away

Marceleon: "SHADOW GLOBE" he fired 20 shadow spheres to her

Gwy: "Heh.... (golp)" she ate all the shadow spheres "Mmmm delicious... I hope you have more?"

Marceleon: "Is that even possible!?"

Gwy: "With the power of my Black Witch Form I am able to eat dark negative energies... mmmm"

Marceleon: "Heh let's dance"

Gwy: "With pleasure..." the two charges at each other...

Meanwhile in the basement of the NMAC May successfully opened the gate

May: "Go now!.... you two must save her from death.... you need to find the sphere that contains the time when you met her.... and you must bring her to this time so her existence shall not be affected in the past"

Rixelle: "Yes ma'am!"

River: "Let's go!" they rushed towards the gate, in the time where Precious opened the gate....

Precious: "The gate its fully open"

Jabez: "Huh!? everyone be alert someone's coming...." they spotted Rixelle and River

Joelle: "Who are they?"

Rixelle: "Sorry for the wait... my name is Rixelle and this is my brother River.... we came to the future..."

All: "What!?"

River: "We are here to save Joelle from her death...."

Joelle: "My death?"

River: "Joelle I'm fully aware that you haven't know me yet... but....." he grabbed her hand "I'll show you...."

Joelle: "What!?.... (This guy I have a feeling I know him but I can't remember.... him?)" River he grabbed her and went to the gate

Jabez: "Joelle!"

Joelle: "It's alright!.... I'll see you all soon" she smiled and Jabez blushed

Jai Cloyd: "Hey man! your blushing"

Jabez: "No I am not!" he turned away and smiled

May: "Hmmmm..... (shock!!) there here!"

Rixelle: "Sorry we took so long..."

Joelle: "So this is the future!?...."

River: "We have to hurry and get to the others quickly"

Joelle: "Alright!"

River: "Before that!...." he rushed to Joelle's side and hold her face and kissed her

Two: "What!?"

Joelle: (Wait what's this something's rushing in my thoughts...) a tear drop fellin her eye (are these.... my memories of him?) the two stopped

Joelle: "I remember you now... River" she smiled with tears

River: "Oh Joelle....."

Rixelle: "She remembers" River hugged her and about to make their second kiss when.....


Two: "Sorry ma'am...."

River: "Let's go then"

All: "Right!"

River: (This time I'll protect her and her future..... no our future"

Meanwhile under a secret passage in the council Leif is about to go get the Sky Era.....

Leif: "So this is the Sky Era....."

Aria: "My Lord...."

Leif: "Oh Aria!? your back"

Aria: "Yes my Lord"

Leif: "What do we have here? Guests?"

Aria: "Yes..... I brought the ice girl as well"

Leif: "Ohhh I bet Eliza would be thrilled to see Aaron's transformation.... tie her and these two with a Sea Rock Cuffs"

Aria:"Yes my Lord"

Leif: "Now our plan is set!"

Meanwhile in the battle front

Angelo: "TYRANO HEAD CHARGE" he slammed his head to Scarlet

Scarlet: "Urrggghhhh why you! RAPTOR'S CRUSHING CLAWS" she slashed him

Angelo: "TYRANO CRUNCH" he grab her hands using his feets

Scarlet: "What!?" he threw her in the air

Angelo: "TYRANO TAIL WHIP" he kicked her into the ground

Scarlet: "Arrghhh"


Sean: "Heh useless" he turned his right hand bone into a bone saber and he deflected his attack "Is that.... (Huh!? his gone?)" Christian appeared in the ground


Sean: "What!?.... you!"


Sean: "Aghhh"

Christian: "DESERT GOD: CHAOS ARROW" he shot him with full power and he was toppled over

Sean: "Urrggghhhh"

Christian: "These guys are tough..... specially now that they are reanimated"

Angelo: "Your right..... we must find a way to restraint them for good"

Scarlet: "Errgghhh your gonna pay for what you have done" her body heals her wounds

Sean: "What a powerful blast of arrow shot!..." the hole in his body is regenerating

Elaine: "Enough!" the papers scattered and restraint their whole body

Scarlet: "What!?"

Sean: "No!" and the two was shocked

Elaine: "It's been a long time Christian and Angelo"

Two: "Elaine!?"

Elaine: "There's no time to explain, I'm here to help... where's Joelle?"

Christian: "We don't have a clue?"

Elaine: "Ok then..... I shall take my leave now" she transform into papers and flew away


Gwy: "PHANTOM HYDRA" the Black Hydra attacked Marceleon

Marceleon: "SHADOW VOID" he imprisoned the Hydra and he compress the void into nothing

Gwy: "Hmmp nice!"

Marceleon: "Thanks for the praise.... tell me what are you fighting for?"

Gwy: "I'm fighting for my friends and for our future"

Marceleon: "What a stupid human adversary"

Gwy: "Say what you want because in the end good always wins" she charges and punched him

Marceleon: "SHADOW DANCE" he became a shadow and he created many shadows surrounding her

Gwy: "There you are!" he grabbed his shadow and slammed him from the ground

Marceleon: "Ergghh that hurts.... but.... this time I will go easy on you" his body was engulfed by his Demonic Aura

Gwy: "What's this!? so ominous"

Marceleon: "Behold the true power and true form of the Demons from the Curse of Zerphious....." Gwyneth was shocked of what he transformed "Behold my Etherious form.... I am Marceleon the Demon of the Dead"

Gwy: "He transform into a black skeleton with black flame wings"

Marceleon: "Do you really think you have the power to defeat a Demon like me"

Gwy: "Demon?.... your not a true Demon you were just created artificially by a human being who wasn't able to die.... so don't call your self a Demon cause you are not really a true Demon"

Marceleon: "SOUL VOID" he released a powerful attack a black sphere that turned into a black beam

Gwy: "SOUL SPECTRE" she threw a black ball to the attack, they collide and exploded, the dead suddenly appeared and restrain Gwyneth

Gwy: "Arghhhh I can't overpowered them"

Marceleon: "DEATH RAY" he released a powerful ray of darkness and it hit her

Gwy: "Aghhhhh!"

Marceleon: "ARISE MY SERVANTS....." the dead came out from the ground "DEAD ASH SPIRAL" the corpses turned to ash and surround her with a gale gust whirlwind

Gwy: "Argghhh!..... ENOUGH!" she breakthrough the ash wind

Marceleon: "What!?"

Gwy: "I had enough playing around!..." a magic circle appeared "Prepare to face your nightmare it's me... WITCH SOUL: WHITE SOUL"

Marceleon: "A white Mage Witch!?..... PHANTOM SLAUGHTERS" Gwyneth raised her hands

GWY: "WHITE PURGE" she purged the Phantoms

Marceleon: "What!? Holy Magic!?"

Gwy: "Take this WHITE GLEAM" she created a beam of light that hit him

Marceleon: "Argghhhhh! your a monster!"

Gwy: "Hey! it's not nice to say that to a lady you know!" she punched him "Cause its not suitable for a girl to be called a monster... cause the only monster here...." she kicked him off " you!"

Marceleon: "Grrrr ahhhhhh"

Gwy: "Your finnish! ANCIENT MAGIC OF WHITES..."

Marceleon: "UNDERWORLD HO..."

GWY: "MYSTIC WHITE SEAL" she cast a sealing spell and after Marceleon attacks he was caught in the magic circle

Marceleon: "NO!!!! Lord Lei...." he was swallowed into the underworld and sealed by her spell

Gwy: "Huff huff huff farewell Marceleon" she changed back to normal

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