Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won't Hang Her Head Down Anymore
35. Fairy Crystals and Eyeglasses
My father ordered it early last year and takes out silver framed working glasses that were never used.
Ask Wolf to match that, but the size was just right.
"Darya, I have glasses, but they don't really work..."
"Wolf, have you ever tried colored glass glasses?
"No, there isn't."
What I wanted to make was colored lens glasses. I don't really see it in the King's Capital, but it's not zero.
I chose a rather thin blue-grey thin plate because there are many glass plates that I stock.
"Replace the lens with colored. Because when the color enters the eye area, the feeling changes. And one more thing."
Darya removed a silver demon sealed box five centimetres from the shelf.
Inside, it contains the Fairy Crystal, which my father had failed to use for the window of Darya's room and was powdered.
"I'll try this fairy crystal"
"Fairy crystal?
Wolf is leaning his neck in front of a silver little magic box.
"It's the same lamp I saw in The Silver Branch today. Fairy crystals are said to have solidified their magic powers to hide, and they have the power to inhibit perception. I don't know if it works, but I'm going to use this to give the lens a magic grant. Unfortunately, you have a better chance of failing, so if you do, you will normally make glasses with a little darker color glass."
"It kind of seems to put Dahlia through a lot of work..."
"Um, think of it as an experiment. I'm sorry if I let you hang out with me."
You actually use powder after my father fails. The area of magic grant is much smaller than the windows, and theoretically, you should be able to do it, but whether it succeeds or not may be five fifths, no, maybe six minutes of failure for a successful quarter.
"May I see your work on this side?
"Yeah, go ahead. Drink without worrying. I think it's about a few minutes on one side of the lens, but I can't talk to you during work. If the magic grant seems to take a while, I'm sorry, but you can leave me alone."
Darya sat in a chair, wearing a gray jacket for work on her clothes.
Wolfe scissors the work desk and sits in a chair across the diagonal.
First, the diluted blue-grey glass is refered to the lens that has already been removed and demonized to change its shape. When the glass was shaped, it was placed on a work dish.
When I gently opened the silver magic box, the powder of the rainbow fairy crystal was glittering. It's like every grain of powder is alive.
Slowly pour in the blue medicine solution and mix it together with a glass stick on your left hand while magic is applied from your right index finger.
On a single lens, add only half of the mixed liquid, plus magic from your fingertips.
Then, even though the liquid had not touched it, it slowly began to wave.
Dahlia points her index finger at the liquid, and with its magic, tries to turn the direction of radiance in the myriad of fairy crystals. If it is not used only on one side, recognition inhibition will be applied on both sides, making it unusable as an eyeglass.
Fairy crystals are just as unpredictable as free fairies, and a number of lights glimmer disorderly. I can't control it as if it's being played by a child. Still, just desperately keep the magic flowing.
After a while, the liquid began to gather in the center of the lens, twitching, as it had lost its roots.
The movement is like a shimmering rainbow slime.
There are several patterns in the magic granting of magic guides.
The most common way is to grant objects at once with strong magic.
In a short amount of time, we can send strong magic across. It is also often used when a person with strong attribute magic puts magic into a demonic stone.
However, it cannot be used for objects that require delicacy, as magic threatens to destroy the magic guide.
Next, there is a way to predetermine the quantification of magic and grant it.
Grasp that this amount of magic is required in this magic guide, make sure several times how much it will be with your magic, and put in its quantification. Because it is suitable for mass production and is less wasteful, it is a method used in many magic guides.
A little regrettable, Tobias was much better than himself on this.
And there is another way to keep pace with changes in magic tools and materials while giving magic to give purpose.
This one will continue with less magic, but with guts, I have eyes to keep observing the material.
This is what Dalya specializes in and is doing right now.
"Do the magic grant while talking to the material," it was my father who told me so.
Change the location and angle to give even a certain weak magic to where the material might wish.
If you add a little magic at your fingertips to the sparkler, the other side will shine out just asking me to give it to you too. I'm going to get drunk because of all that blinking businessmanship.
If you noticed, Darya could only see the outline of the translucent fairy in the rainbow light.
That's never happened before, it was the first time.
Unexpectedly, my father's words rise.
"When you are building a magic guide, rarely can you tell with the magic guide itself or the material"
I didn't know what that meant then, but maybe now is the time.
"What wish, Uno?
I can't see my face, but my voice, like a fairy bell, sounds straight into my head. Darya answered hastily.
"I want you to make his eyes less visible for him"
"Why, Anataga, may Uno? Beautiful nanoni, hidden sno?
Asked in a terribly strange voice, Darya thinks.
I feel sorry for you, I want to make you less conspicuous, that could be my arrogance.
So what's your wish, then?
I want to protect him from the gaze of desire, from the gaze of malice, from the gaze that he would hurt.
I want Wolf to smile.
I don't want him to hurt me.
'Protect Wolf from people's eyes so he can smile. I don't want him to get hurt.
When I told him that, with a fun laugh, the fairy feathers trembled.
"Shouté Agel! Anataga Rainbow H, Shipping Tte Cllnara '
"Rainbow? What am I supposed to do?
There was no answer to my question, and the image that came into my head was the fairy's 'death'.
A small body that, although almost caught by a canine demon, escapes, falls to the ground with all its might.
I desperately try to cross to the other side of the rainbow in front of me, but neither my wings nor my body can fly in a meltdown.
Darya reached out unexpectedly, even though she knew it was an image.
Instinct showed that he had passed through his stretched right hand and was taken by magic from his body all at once.
Hold back the puffing nausea and discomfort, Darya bites her back teeth tight and endures it.
Sweat flowed all at once from his temples, clumped together in his jaw (chin) and fell flabby.
"Darya! You should rest once..."
Return the short words to Wolfe and keep the magic flowing through the lens again.
Soon, the fairy had disappeared from sight.
Slime-like viscosity swallowed the rainbow powder shivered as it sifted in the middle of the lens, becoming a complete sphere.
If, failing and bursting - when I panicked so much, for some reason, I felt the sign of my father behind me. I know you can't be there, but I want to look you in the eye.
I waved that stray and only looked at the lens.
On the lens, I remembered my father's face, which was full of wrinkles when I laughed.
The viscosity stretched out the light as it drifted from the center to open many petals.
Flowers like rainbow dahlia bloomed beautifully over the lens.
The moment the flowers are full, they glow badly and blindly, inadvertently closing their eyes.
When I finally opened my eyes, only the lens remained in my hand.
When he put his magic on the lens and made sure it didn't go in anymore, Darya instantly got another lens.
I couldn't even see Wolfe making the table look terribly worried.
While concentration continues, we may never be able to do the same thing again unless we try what we can do now. I definitely don't want to get this far and end up in a bad way.
In the second task, no fairy came out as much as just now.
This isn't going to be easy either. Slightly less viscous liquid moves when it drifts than the earlier viscosity.
When I was desperately passing through magic hoping for the same thing, there was that feeling of being forced to drag out magic again. but because I was prepared, it is a lot more than before.
The viscosity eventually gathered in the center and disappeared with a second beautiful rainbow flower.
Now I finally have the two lenses.
Darya incorporates both lenses into her glasses and screws them in.
When I sprayed the water with fog and carefully stuffed it with cloth, I finally handed it to Wolfe.
"Wolf, try it on"
The youth wears the glasses provided and looks around. It's only a little blue, but it shouldn't bother you.
"Oh, I can see clearly, and I'm not blind."
"Now look in the mirror next to you. We've granted recognition inhibition with fairy crystals, so it should be 'weird'"
"... what is this...?
Beyond the mirror, there is a young man with green eyes, wearing lenses with slight blue-grey.
I also feel like it's Wolfe's eye, but the image is different.
Softer, softer, more soothing eyes.
It was such an eye, like it wasn't weird anywhere in the city.
And tilt your face to the side, even more surprised.
Even from the side, the eyes are green, not gold. Besides, it's the same eyes you see in the mirror that feel gentle and calm.
The face itself is a wolf, but there was a strangely discreet face there, like another person as well.
"I'm sorry, but it has a little image of our father's eyes in it"
It was unexpected that you would remember my father during the magic grant.
But Carlo's slightly lowered image of his soft eyes came in handy in unexpected places.
I have used it for these things, and I don't know if they will please me or grieve me, but next time, I will bring alcohol to the grave, so please forgive me.
"Keep it up, put all your forehead down"
"Oh, oh."
The young man in front of me is still stunned. Apparently the understanding hasn't caught up. Still, he honestly lowers his forehead and stares into the mirror.
"It will be considerably less noticeable, and I think you'll find that anyone who knows it is Wolfe, but it shouldn't have a strong eye impression. Um, so, can't you walk through the city without a hood?
The aesthetic appearance was hidden about two steps, but the beauty of the dark hair, the contour of the face, and the long lean body cannot be hidden. But I dare to keep that quiet.
"... oh, I think I can walk"
I have Wolfe holding my mouth with one hand and holding us with the other.
I don't think the shoulder tremor is laughing or crying because there are no tears in his eyes, but is it confusing - a little worried, Dahlia waited as she was.
"... thanks"
Eventually, a deeply lowered head will never be lifted. Only words went on.
"I want you to sell this to me for a fair price. Whatever it takes."
"No, it's a prototype, so buy it next time. And keep your head up!
"Even a prototype is a magic guide for me, please, I want you to pay for it"
"No, I also used it, because it's the rest of the powder I've failed before!
"If you make a new one, how much does it cost?
Dalya hastily tells Wolfe, who has finally raised her head.
"Uh, original glasses and glass, about three large silver coins for the processing fee? However, you have a fairy crystal...... sorry, about 3 gold coins for a spoonful of stuff. So, I think it'll be for two glasses. However, the fairy crystal itself, it's not much to get, so you have to look..."
"Okay. Pay 3 gold coins and 3 large silver coins for what you are spending now"
"No, I repeat, it's a prototype. But should I have another pair of glasses because they can break?
"I'd be happy to have one. But it's so hard, I don't want you to have to do it anymore."
The green eyes that look worried about me are kind of strange.
I'm a Wolf, but my father also remembers me, and I feel subtle.
That is why, towards his friend in front of him, Darya proclaims clearly.
"You're wrong, Wolf. The Magic Gear Master is the job to make the Magic Gear. I can do it better and easier the second time than the second time."
Honestly, this magic grant has always been the spiciness that goes within the top three.
But that's what it is. As a magician, I would be superior if I could make something that would protect my friends. Let's make two or three.
"Wolfe, isn't it even the crusade of demons? Even if the first crusade doesn't work out quite well, if it's the same demon, don't you know the weakness the second time?
I don't know what to put out for comparison, so in the meantime, I put out a job to attract.
"It does, but it seems so spicy..."
"I just faint even if I fail. It's not as life-threatening as a demon crusade. Really don't worry."
I gained momentum so that the magic might was probably close to Kara and her knees were pretty rough, but she wouldn't notice it.
"I succeeded, let's toast!
Wolfe poured red red wine into two glasses, toasting it several times today.
On the dry throat, the sweet red wine was very tasty. With it, I empty the glass in one go.
"Ah! I was accidental...... can I bring this to the royal castle or barracks?
Darya has raised her voice. Now I realize, I don't think this bringing in is a good idea. If you make a mistake, you can disguise yourself all you want in the royal castle.
"Fine. I need an appraisal and registration when entering the royal castle, but I think I can bring this in. In the royal castle, I think it's in the form of removing it. When entering or exiting the gate, you will always be identified. Because high-ranking aristocrats often need disguises to walk. And there are quite a few people who are under the curse of demons and hiding them with bracelets that inhibit recognition."
"Um, is that something I'm glad to hear?
I asked myself back worried, and that face that paired Wolfe with my father asks me strangely.
"Sometimes monster curses are not only royal castles, but adventurers as well. Never heard of it?
"Yeah, I've never heard that before. May I ask what it actually is?
"I don't know if there's a urchin on my arm that slashed the demon, or if it leaves a magic mark like a burn mark on a part of my body. There are things that can and cannot be cured in the temple, and the curse is so expensive that you can do accessories that inhibit recognition until you save money."
"I had no idea..."
Then you would still want an accessory for recognition inhibition.
I'm also a little curious as to whether the curse is due to some sort of conditioning of demonic life's revenge.
"With those bracelets, you couldn't inhibit the recognition of Wolfe's face?
"I've never heard of eye recognition inhibition on a bracelet. There may be a perception inhibition in the glasses, but it hasn't been sold as a magic guide yet. Intelligence, maybe."
"... can you keep it to yourself that I made it?
"Oh, I promise absolutely. I'll tell you what I got from the house connection."
Darya stares at the man nodding in front of her.
When I look at that face, I can't help but feel the noose coming up from the back of my chest.
"Excuse me...... I'm sorry, can you just take it off when you drink in the tower?
"After all, it feels unfamiliar?
"That... reminds me of my father, and now I'm in a terrible mood to stop drinking too much."
"Okay. I'll take it off at the tower."
Take off your glasses and make a toast that you don't know how many more times it will be.
The golden eye with nothing to block kept finding Dahlia in terrible fun.
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