Queen of the Forest

The head of an unknown duke-level demon fell, and Leon recalled the antimatter he had left on his palm.

I left behind a bunch of luggage that was difficult to handle.

Leon expanded the magical realm by activating the power of Phylostis, a relic that forms the dragon’s horn, to the limit, isolating antimatter to the end, and sending it to outer space.

Leon, who had dealt with the antimatter like this, watched the wizards of Veritas who dealt with the remnants of the demons, and approached the injured Reeves.

They were very wary of Leon.

Leon’s appearance was still maintained by magic, so he had the appearance of a Celestial Dragon, but basically, there was no race familiar to Reeves.

All enemies are enemies.

For Reeves, humans and other sub-races were not much different from the demons.

However, the opponent is a strong person who has easily subdued the demons who have burned the forest of peace.

It is also natural that Reeves are wary of Leon.

However, Leon didn’t bother trying to talk to Reeves who were afraid of him.Read at readwn.com

Just reach out your hand without saying a word.

Reeves’ injuries were serious.

In order to enjoy the unique flesh of the Reeves, the demons chewed on their limbs and swallowed them, and as a result, most of the injured Reeves lost at least one arm or leg.

Thanks to the awakening of the Auror, the metabolism was maximized with the blessing of the sun god, and the recovery speed was accelerated.

heal the wound.

It utilizes the cells of the new race inhabiting Leon’s body.

It was the power of pluripotent stem cells.

The power in Leon’s body while eating the Elixir, the divine spirit of Primiti, the goddess of sea and life.

He interpreted it magically and transferred it to others.

Then new arms and new legs began to sprout from the wounds that had already healed.

It was an added bonus that not only did the skin that had been distorted by the forest fire regain its white jade color, but the body that had already lost its function as it had become a charcoal mass grew new flesh from within, and the scars that had grown one by one on their bodies over the course of hundreds of years disappeared.


Reeves felt like they were dreaming.

To restore the wounds that even the power of the sun god who blesses them could not heal, as if they did not exist in the first place.

This was a miracle.

A miracle that is truly impossible without God.

Even seeing the flames that still burn the forest open their own path and emit no heat, as if honoring Leon, is nothing but a dream.

However, their vigilance was not broken.

It was just that the wounds they had received were too great to open the door to their hearts just because they saved them from the demons and healed their wounds.

“…who the hell are you? What is your purpose?”

One Reeves stepped forward and intercepted Leon’s question, but Leon did not answer.

I just watched them silently with apathetic eyes.

When Reeves felt the burden of Leon’s eyes like that, other Reeves began to gather one after another.

They were Reeves wizards belonging to Veritas.

And among the Reeves in the forest, people who recognized those Reeves wizards began to appear one by one.

“…are you not Pana?”

“Aunt Quopin?”

“How the hell are you…?”

Already more than 100 years ago, he was a kid who had been kidnapped by slave traders who had attacked the Peace Forest.

It’s sad, but I only knew that Reeves, who once got out of the forest, would never see him again because of the forest rule that dismisses him as an outsider…

“I was kidnapped when I was too young to know the location of my native tribe. It was here. The location of the Needley tribe. Am I back home again? If Aunt Quopin is here, are your mother and father also here?”

Pana Needley smiled broadly and glanced at the Reeves around her.

To find the familiar face that the soul still remembers even after 100 years have passed.

But at Pana’s reaction, Reeves, who was called Quopin, shook his head.

“Your mother and father were already there at the time of the first raid.”

Pana Needley’s face turns cold.

100 years.

She returned to her hometown after 100 years, but her parents, whom she had missed for many years, passed away just a few days ago.

Her face hardened at the ups and downs of those intense emotions, hiding all her emotions.

It wasn’t that she was unaware of Pana’s feelings, but it was the situation.

Quopin looked at Leon with a bewildered expression and asked.

“More than that, how did you come back from being kidnapped by a slave trader? Who is the author?”

At Quoppin’s question, Pana took a deep breath and exhaled, regaining her composure.

Now she’s not just a Reeves.

One of the wizards belonging to Veritas.

And there was only one command given to her.

Save Reeves.

If you do, the world will be saved as a bonus.

“I became a wizard. This is the tower of the tower to which I belong. At the command of the Lord Matthew, we came here to help Reeves.”

Pana Needley said, pointing to the Reeves wizards who had gathered around her.

However, it was difficult for the Reeves of the forest to understand the situation even while watching their dignified appearance.

The Reeves in the forest did not interact with other races and led a closed life, but that didn’t mean they didn’t understand other races.

“Reeves doing magic? Wasn’t magic only taught by high-status people? But you would have been taken away by a slave trader and become a slave…”

“The world has changed.”

Pana said proudly and proudly.

“And the world will change in the future. By our Demon Kingdom Veritas.”

“The Demon Kingdom Veritas?”

“It is a tower and a city-state at the same time. Supported by the Millennium Empire and the Holy Empire, it is a place where everyone has an equal opportunity to learn magic regardless of status. And we were able to learn magic there and become wizards.”

It saw them too.

A sword imbued with the power of the great sun.

The appearance of the Reeves wizards wielding the sword seemed so great and natural that it felt as if Reeves had regained his original form in mythology.

“Come to our country. There, racial differences don’t matter. A nation where everyone is equal under the power of great magic. There, Reeves can gain power and enjoy true peace and freedom.”

Pana said so and held out her hand, but Quopin couldn’t help but hesitate as she looked at it.

No matter how good the conditions, I am afraid of the unfamiliar.

Even more so for Reeves.

It is a race that only seeks peace and lives in the forest for hundreds of years, avoiding quarrels and troubles.

Once out of the forest, even the family who lived with them would regard them as outsiders.

For them, change meant the destruction of peace.

Of course, their peace had long since collapsed.

“Guide to your queen.”

Leon, who was watching the scene from behind, opened his mouth, and Quopin and other Reeves in the forest were embarrassed and backed away.

‘No, it hurts my heart to be on the border to that extent.’

He only uttered a single word, but he trembles in fear as if his life were threatened.

“From what I’ve heard, even discussing with each other is considered a quarrel, so you entrust all races to the queen, don’t you? Then it would be meaningless to have a conversation like this here. I will talk to you myself, so guide the queen.”

“You to the Queen……?”

“How do we believe in you……!”

Reeves, who felt the fear of death or more at those words, provoked a violent rejection.

It was a strange appearance, as if he prioritized the safety of the queen, who represents all of Reeves’ doctors, over the safety of his individual in the instinctive realm.

It looks like the stingers of the male bees and the worker bees that fight the intruders to protect the queen bee.

He prioritizes the safety of the queen and the beehive over his own personal safety, even though he knows that if he shoots the stinger, his organs will be dragged away by the stinger and die.

While Leon was interested in seeing them like that, Pana stepped forward and spoke softly.

“Aunt Quopin…”


“Please give us a chance to help Reeves. Now Reeves is in danger. If we hadn’t come, Reeves could have been wiped out along with the forest. We can protect Reeves. You too can learn magic and enjoy true freedom just like us!”

But Quopin just closed his eyes.

It seems you don’t have a choice.

Through it, Pana Needley had no choice but to feel deeply that she was an inevitable foreigner.

Reeves is reluctant to argue, and if there is a difference of opinion, he stops the conversation.

Fana was one of those Reeves, but she grew up among humans.

Any differences of opinion should be resolved through dialogue.

Because humans, who are not particularly reluctant to fight, have no choice but to solve a situation that cannot be resolved through dialogue.

When Leon raised his hand, the light of the sun began to dwell there.

Because Reeves was a race that was granted the blessing of the sun god, he could feel the immense power of the light more clearly than anyone else.

“It must have been a race without answers to this extent.”

The forest was destroyed by the demons, and the existence of the race itself was in crisis.

In that situation, you drove out demons and saved them, but just because there was a difference of opinion, you stopped talking to each other?

If that’s the case, then turning the tide of the conversation is probably the first condition for having a conversation with Reeves.

“Guide to the queen. Otherwise, I will kill you all.”

At those words, Reeves’ white jade-like skin began to get whiter even more.

Then an elderly man crept out from among the Reeves.

Reeves had a lifespan of a thousand years, and their young age was a long-lived race.

In terms of human beings, at the age of 60, which is equivalent to 6 years old, the body has already developed to the level of an adult, and that youth is maintained until the age of 900.

Reeves who look tiredly old are talking about Reeves who have lived for at least 900 years.

“I am the chieftain of the Needley tribe, Solei. We cannot guide you to the Queen, who can be a threat to the race by our personal judgment. So if it’s okay with you, could you please wait here for a moment? I will go directly to the queen and ask her opinion.”


Leon said while dispelling the fusion magic that he had in his hand.

“To be able to do that.”

In the first place, Leon also had no intention of harming the real Reeves.

If they refused to talk to the end, I was going to use the power of nightmares to show them a terrible sight and threaten them.

But even if they didn’t, the Reeves found the answer on their own.

Of course, if you ask the queen if it’s okay to visit the queen and ask if it’s the answer they’ve found themselves to come back, it’s a bit of a twist, but it must have been a big decision for Reeves who refused to change.

And Leon buried traces of magical power in Chief Needley’s Solei, who was leaving with the escort.

It was a kind of tracking magic that resonates when Leon sends a signal as a secret trace that emits a very minute magic wave and reflects the location information.

I think that’s unlikely, but if he doesn’t come back from this place with the intention of sacrificing the tribe members for the sake of the queen’s safety, Leon needed to track him down.

But the worries ended in vain.

Solei had returned to the place where Leon and Veritas’ wizards were waiting less than a day later.

“The Queen of the Forest has made a decision. The Queen has granted you, the Demon King’s audience.”

“Magic King?”

Only then did Leon realize that they did not know his name.

Since they are so famous these days, they were thinking that they would know them even if they didn’t introduce themselves.

However, there is one thing Reeves know about Leon.

The fact that he is the ruler of the magic tower named Veritas, and at the same time the king of the magic kingdom.

That is why he is the mage king.

“Then guide me.”

It was time for the mage king to meet the queen of the forest.

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