The road ahead was long, but the view was very bright.

Originally, if you just walk along this path, you can get back to the main road, and then walk back to your room slowly. The rare green area can be regarded as a place to relax.

Unfortunately, some people just don't want to!

Qianyu Yeyou didn't go back to the main road, but started to go deeper along a forked road. As Qianyu Yeyou walked further, the people around him became sparser, and gradually the lights disappeared. After feeling it for a while, he found that those people were still hanging behind him, looking completely fearless, as if they had set their eyes on their prey, and they didn't even hide their whereabouts.

"Boss, it seems that this guy has discovered us a long time ago, it's not a coincidence!"

"This kid is extraordinary!"

A slightly surprised voice sounded in the quiet grove.


"So what if he is extraordinary?"

"He is just a student after all!"

The man called the boss was quite unimpressed. After all, he is a high school student, even if he is a vertical high school affiliated with the Magic University.

What kind of waves can a high school student make?

"Then do you think he can cooperate with us?"

The voice seemed a little worried.


"It's not up to him!"

The boss still didn't care.


"If this thing can't be completed, those big guys will be in big trouble!"

A few scattered moonlights passed through the shaking leaves and shone on the face of a man wearing a suit, a gentleman's hat, and a cigarette in his mouth.

"This is not a big problem!"

"If this thing goes wrong, they will be finished!"

"The shareholders behind them will kill them!"

"And this matter can't be a case of black-on-black. The identities of those guys are not simple. None of them can afford to offend them!"

The boss's face became solemn when he heard his subordinates' words.

There are many people involved in this matter, and the forces behind them are even more complicated. They can't afford to offend either side.

"Our mission is very heavy!"

The boss also sighed.

To be honest, he is also a big leader in the organization. If he really has a choice, he really doesn't want to take care of this matter. If he doesn't pay attention, he will be crushed to pieces.

You know, this is a military control area!

If there is a little movement and attracts the attention of the military, hehe...

In any case, he doesn't want the military to notice him. After all, he is not one of those enhanced soldiers who absolutely execute orders.

Who wants to die when they can live?


"I don't know where this freak came from!"

"We were all prepared to control the score, but now the goal is still good. The little girl named Watanabe Mari not only did not withdraw from the competition, but won various championships. The total score gap between the first and third high schools is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Now it's good, there is no need for alternative plans. I think the third high school is in trouble!"

"Okay, stop complaining. As long as we can deal with this guy, we can still do something from the inside of the first high school."

"What's wrong?"

The boss suddenly saw his subordinates looking at the forest path in front of them with horror, as if they were frightened by something, their mouths opened wide, and their fingers trembled as they pointed forward.


"What disappeared..."

The boss looked up and looked forward. It was only the time he turned his head, and Qianyu Yeyou, who was still walking in front of him, suddenly disappeared!

"How is this possible?"

"Are we following a ghost?"

The subordinate murmured in a trembling voice with some fear.


"What era is this!"

"This is magic!"

The boss was very sure that Qianyu Yeyou used some magic to disappear in front of their eyes in an instant.

"Pa pa pa!"

A sound of clapping came from above, making the two people's heartbeats skip a beat.

The two people jumped forward instantly and turned to look at the top of their heads at the same time.

The boy who disappeared just now was leaning on a thicker branch, looking at the two people who were cautious and alert with a playful look.

"Very knowledgeable!"

Qianyu Yeyou commented with a smile on his face.

However, the two people's faces were a little gloomy. Qianyu Yeyou's words were definitely not a compliment, but a complete irony!

In this era of magic, any unreasonable appetite will be reasonable because of magic,

Any ordinary person with a little knowledge knows that supernatural phenomena are basically caused by magicians, let alone people like them?

"I guess this is classmate Qianyu Yeyou, right?"

After a brief panic and vigilance, seeing that Qianyu Yeyou did not take any further extreme actions, the boss was relieved and spoke boldly.

"Well, that's right. I wonder what the meaning of the two of you following me, a good boy, late at night is?"

Qianyu Yeyou supported his head with one hand and looked at the two people. He felt surprised and expected about their appearance.

These guys are running a game behind the scenes, making such a big game. They are greedy and want to get a sum of money from their partners. How could they let No. 1 High School win again?

After all, as long as the total score of No. 1 High School is no longer the first among the nine schools, they can get huge benefits.

It is inevitable to make trouble, and it is only a matter of time before they find me.


"We are... For some reasons, we hope that the No. 1 High School will no longer be the No. 1 in the total score in this Nine Schools Battle. I wonder if Qianyu Yeyou can help?"

"Don't worry, we will pay a very considerable reward."

"It will definitely satisfy you!"

The boss persuaded very gentlemanly.

"You did the previous thing too?"

"Excuse me!"

Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's question, the boss apologized first.

"We are also forced to do it. If the No. 1 High School wins the first place again this time, we will be in big trouble."

Looking at the humble and polite appearance of the boss in front of him, if he didn't know that the person next to him was releasing magic and exerting influence on himself, he really thought that these two people were kind people!

"Oh, so, then I will definitely help..."

Qianyu Yeyou looked a little confused and obeyed the other party very much.

"Boss, it worked!"


The boss didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and nodded happily.

"But why doesn't this guy come down?"

The subordinate looked at Qianyu Yeyou on the tree with some confusion.


On the tree?

Not coming down?


"Damn it!"

"How dare you play tricks on us!"

The boss looked at Qianyu Yeyou on the branch angrily.

Sure enough, what greeted him was Qianyu Yeyou's hateful smile.

"Catch him!"

"Control him by force!"

The boss raised his arm and immediately activated magic.

"Thank you for bringing me joy when I was bored."

"Okay, the fun is over, let's die!"

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