The battle was over, and the battle was over.

October 23, 2095

F.L.T Development Center.

"Don't dawdle!"

"Hurry up and cut off all the lines!"

"Unit 10 has been cut off!"


"The invasion route has been determined!"

"The counterattack program has started!"

"Confirming whether there are other invasion routes!"

"Do you need to connect again?"

"Not yet!"

"Wait until the invasion detection results come out!"

This is Clover Technology, a technology company under the Yotsuba family, and also the location of the direct research team under Tatsuya Shiba.

Unlike the usual busyness and discussion, today there is a chaotic atmosphere everywhere. Obviously, something unexpected has happened.


As the door opened, Tatsuya Shiba and his sister walked in.

"Young Master!"

The leader saw Tatsuya Shiba with a look of surprise on his face.

"Don't stop!"

"Keep monitoring!"


"Is it a hacker attack?"

Tatsuya Shiba seemed to have expected it, and he was not panicked at all.

"Well, I guess so."

"But it's a bit strange."

The chief engineer is Niushan, who is the developer that Tatsuya Shiba trusts the most.

But now Niushan has a weird look on his face.

"There are many people attacking, but I don't understand what their goal is."

"It's like a headless fly, running around everywhere, but there is no clear goal."

Niushan looked at the operators in the counterattack with confusion, and he didn't understand what the opponent wanted to do.

"Is this the reminder you said to be careful, I'm being watched?"

Shiba Tatsuya remembered Qianyu Yeyou suddenly said this inexplicable sentence to him, now think about it, so this is what happened.


Ushiyama didn't hear Shiba Tatsuya's muttering clearly, and thought Shiba Tatsuya had issued some instructions.

"The thing they want to find is in my hand!"

Shiba Tatsuya raised the suitcase in his hand, and inside it was the poor magatama-type holy relic.


"The illegal link is terminated!"

After hearing the report, Niushan didn't care about what to say, and turned around and gave instructions.

"Don't be careless, today is a set of maintenance of the current monitoring system!"

"Everyone, be serious!"

"Oh, by the way, I don't know what you are doing here today?"

Niushan suddenly remembered that Shiba Tatsuya is now in school, and he will definitely not come here if there is nothing.

"There is something I want to keep in the lab."


Shibata Tatsuya noticed the crow that had been following him when it landed nearby.

Then he looked at the crow and immediately cast a spell.

The crow disappeared in an instant.

"The tracker has been eliminated!"

At the same time, a screen on the other side immediately turned into a snowflake state, and nothing could be seen.

"It doesn't matter. Just know that Shibata Tatsuya has taken the holy relic to the FTL lab."

This is where the leader and those people are hiding.

"FLT has started to fight back!"

An operator suddenly reported.

"Just disconnect according to the original plan."

"There is no need to get entangled with them."


"In this case, Shibata Tatsuya must have doubted the safety of the lab, right?"

The leader looked at Captain Lu who was standing like an iron tower beside him.


Captain Lu also agreed with the leader's idea, which was also a plan to alert the enemy.

"I don't think he would put the holy relic magatama in a research institute where the safety cannot be guaranteed."

The leader expressed his thoughts.

"It is true according to common sense."

"I know what you want to say."

The leader naturally thought of another possibility.

"If Shiba Tatsuya really put the holy relic in the laboratory, we are studying how to obtain data from the laboratory."


Captain Lu nodded.

"Speaking of which, Xiao Zhou seemed to go to see that little girl today."

The leader suddenly remembered something and asked.

Calling teacher when meeting is considered respect, but they never die together. The leader was not very confident about Teacher Zhou from the beginning.

"Before that, get rid of her!"

Only dead people are safest!


In the distance of this abandoned building, Qianyu Yeyou was sitting on the top floor of a building, looking at the darkness in the distance.

"The information that Sister Tiffana gave me is really accurate!"

Qianyu Yeyou just sighed, without doing any extra movements, glanced lightly, and turned away.

For Qianyu Yeyou, knowing the other party's details and the location of the headquarters, there is no threat at all.

He is more concerned about another force!

A force that he doesn't know much about suddenly broke into this incident!

It's just right, these guys can be used to lure out the venomous snake deeper in the darkness!

Shiba Tatsu also returned home, and just talked to Senior Sister Qianqiu on the phone.

"Brother, it seems that you knew before that someone was eyeing the holy relic magatama."

Shiba Miyuki had endured for so long, and finally couldn't help the curiosity in her heart and asked.


Shiba Tatsu did not deny it either.

"In fact, someone had already reminded me before that."


"Qianyu Yeyou."

"How could it be him?"

Shiba Miyuki said in disbelief.

"Hasn't he always been with us?"

"Miyuki, what you see is not necessarily true. We don't know much about Qianyu Yeyou."

Shiba Tatsuya shook his head.

In fact, even the military didn't find out much. With Tiffana's power, they need greater authority to find out more about Qianyu Yeyou. Unfortunately, Fengjian Xuanxin doesn't have that power.

But the Ten Masters shouldn't be able to hold back, right?

It has to be said that Qianyu Yeyou's energy after the separation is really deep.

This also aroused Shiba Tatsuya's curiosity.

But Shiba Tatsuya would not really investigate Qianyu Yeyou. That's something that only people with bad brains would do. As long as it doesn't threaten Miyuki, it's fine.

He's just a guardian.

Shibata came to the Robotics Research Institute to do research, and Miyuki didn't follow him either. However, as time passed, Shibata suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

And he felt dizzy.

Fortunately, Shibata had been trained in this area, and his resistance was different from that of ordinary people.

So he just played along and pretended to faint.

But before he fainted, he notified others.

Sure enough, a sneaky figure came over soon, constantly trying to wake Shibata up, testing whether he had fallen asleep.

Seeing that Shibata didn't react, he took out the hacking equipment with confidence, ready to invade and seize the experimental data.

"What are you doing?"

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