The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

With Chiba Shuji's loud shout, the dagger swung towards Lu Ganghu, and an invisible slash chopped on Lu Ganghu's body. Lu Ganghu hurriedly used hardening magic to defend.

Lu Ganghu's defensive ability is very strong. With Chiba Shuji's several attacks, Lu Ganghu also used this to block Chiba Shuji's slashes again and again. However, Chiba Shuji's attack is obviously very fierce, and Lu Ganghu also has some difficulty in resisting. Chiba Shuji's title of Phantom Blade is not in vain, not to mention that he is also respected as a master of swordsmanship, and his attack ability cannot be underestimated.

Lu Ganghu also knew that he couldn't let Chiba Shuji continue to attack. He couldn't create an opportunity to escape by just defending. If the time was delayed for too long, the driver would definitely not be able to leave.


As Chiba Shuji attacked again, Lu Ganghu bent down and blocked with his arms, and immediately turned from defense to offense.


Lu Ganghu's physical strength and the army's fighting skills forced Chiba Shuji back to the corner of the wall for a while, and there was no way to retreat.

Seeing this, Lu Ganghu immediately activated magic, and the wind blade gathered on his right fist and blasted towards Chiba Shuji.

"There's no other way, I can only bear it hard and let him show his flaws."

Chiba Shuji made a quick decision and cut Lu Ganghu's left arm and lower abdomen at the cost of injuring his right hand.

For a while, both of them felt uncomfortable. Lu Ganghu had already begun to observe the surroundings and prepared to run away.


When Lu Ganghu saw Watanabe Mari blocking his retreat, his expression instantly became ugly.

Unfortunately, Lu Ganghu was also a tough guy. He took a hit from Watanabe Mari and fled along the hall lights.

Qianyu Yeyou soon found out about the hospital.

"This poem is getting more and more confusing."

"Which side does this hidden unknown force belong to?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the information on the mobile terminal and couldn't figure out which side it belonged to for a while.

"Forget it, don't think about it, we'll know when the time comes!"

"Anyway, no matter how bad it gets, it's just like that."

Qianyu Yeyou thought of the Yokohama invasion and smiled bitterly.

"It's impossible to use ballistic missiles..."




Abandoned building.

"The situation has changed."

Chris Chen, who was sitting in front of the computer, was not unhappy because things were not going well.

In front of him stood Lu Ganghu, with his upper body naked and his abdomen wrapped in bandages.

"Xun Guanben failed in his mission and has been captured by the authorities. He is now being held in the Hachioji Special Identification Center."

"Forget about Heiwa Chiaki for now, and prioritize dealing with Xun Guanben."

Chris Chen's calm tone was filled with cold murderous intent.


Lv Guanghu's answer was very straightforward.

October 24, 2095.

First High School, Discipline Committee Headquarters.

"So, is there something you want me to do?"

After Qianyu Yeyou finished speaking, he looked at Chiyoda Kanon and Shiba Tatsuya.

"Did these two have a fight?"


"There have been a lot of things happening recently!"

"The voice was not intentional."

"Besides, Tatsuya can't be blamed for the accident."

Watanabe Mari defended the two.

"So, is this why you called me?"

"Yes, we need you to go with us."

"No problem here."

Qianyu Yeyou nodded.

Hachioji Special Identification Institute.

"Mayumi, I thought it would be Jumonji who came this time."

Qianyu Yeyou saw Nanakusa Mayumi and walked to her side.

Not long after the two of them confirmed their relationship, Qianyu Yeyou changed the name, but Nanakusa Mayumi still liked to call Qianyu Yeyou junior.

"I'm a little worried if I don't come to understand the situation."

"This way, the two of us go into this room."

Nanakusa Mayumi opened the room next to Guan Guanbenxun's room, just in time to see Guan Benxun in the room through the one-way glass.

Guan Benxun sat on the bed, looking at his expression, he looked very nervous.



"What are you doing here?"

Seeing Watanabe Mari, Guan Ben immediately panicked and subconsciously wanted to operate CAD.

"Is Guan Benxun so afraid of Watanabe Mari?"

Seeing Guan Benxun so afraid of Watanabe Mari, Qian Yu Yeyou was a little surprised.

"There's nothing strange about it. Watanabe Mari is still

Very intimidating, especially for those students who made mistakes. "

"It's not as simple as just making a mistake!"

Qianyu Yeyou said.


Nanagusa Mayumi also sighed. She didn't understand why the students in the school always participated in these things.


"I'm here to understand the situation."

"Even you can't use magic here!"


"Woo woo woo..."

Guan Ben looked at Watanabe Mari in front of him in horror, and then put down his hand and calmed down.

"This kind of magic that controls consciousness through smell is quite practical."

"Unfortunately, that's all."

Qianyu Yeyou took a look at the magic and then curled her lips.

She still likes large-scale and covering magic.

"This is very useful! "

Mayumi Nanakusa rolled her eyes at Yeyou Chiba.

"After extracting the data from the demo machine, we plan to investigate Tatsuya Shiba's personal belongings."

"What are you looking for?"

"Holy relics."

"Does Tatsuya-kun Shizuan have that kind of thing?"

Mayumi Nanakusa was a little surprised.

"He does have it, but it's not in his hands now."

"He actually..."

"Ring, ring, ring..."


"I'm afraid there's a guest!"

Yyou Chiba pushed the door open and walked out.

"There's an intruder!"

Mari Watanabe reacted immediately.

"He's already here."

Yyou Chiba pointed to the end of the corridor.

"Lü Ganghu!"

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