After a long time, the two of them were busy.


"Finally done!"

Qianyu Yeyou stood up and stretched to relieve the discomfort caused by sitting in a fixed position for a long time.

"Is it already dark?"

Qianyu Yeyou walked to the window and looked at the dark night outside, feeling a little sad about the speed of time passing.

Walking to the window and looking at the lonely little bed in his room, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

"Why are there always three-person rooms, but it's a single room here."

Qianyu Yeyou murmured and complained. He wanted to find someone to talk to, but there was no one.

Helpless, Qianyu Yeyou could only sit by the window and admire the night outside.

Not to mention, although this is a military-managed area, the scenery is really good. It is less noisy and more peaceful than before.


Qianyu Yeyou was sitting by the window when he suddenly found Yoshida Kanbiko. It seemed that he was practicing elf magic. Through "situational awareness", he saw a group of "wisp fire" floating around him irregularly.

At the same time, Yoshida Kanbiko, who was standing alone in the grove practicing elf magic, suddenly realized something. He waved his hand to gather all the elves around him in his palm and threw them in one direction. Only a blue-purple light flashed.

"Is this, malicious intent?"

Yoshida Kanbiko looked in one direction with a serious face.

"It doesn't look like an ordinary thief!"

Yoshida Kanbiko frowned and thought for a while, and quickly ran in the direction where he felt malicious intent.

Qianyu Yeyou could clearly see from the upstairs that Shibata also chased in that direction.

However, after Yoshida Kanbiko ran for a while, he stopped and walked back a few steps, as if he was struggling with something, then turned around and ran back in that direction, never looking back.

"What a big blow this guy has suffered!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but sigh, then picked up a bag of snacks, ate while watching the scene where several men in black were about to meet the two, and had no intention of helping at all. He even moved his body to get a better viewing angle.



Qianyu Yeyou stuffed the snacks in his hand into his mouth, chewing while looking at several figures running not far away.

"Three unknown persons?"

After Yoshida Kanbiko threw out three pieces of talisman paper, the three criminals who were separated from him by a fence obviously also noticed this guy's actions, and immediately pointed their guns at Yoshida Kanbiko and prepared to fire.

At this critical moment, a white light flashed on the weapons in the hands of those criminals, and then the guns turned into a pile of parts and scattered on the ground, which made the three masked men in black stunned and confused.

Qianyu Yeyou looked behind Yoshida Kanbiko, and it was indeed Shiba Tatsuya who took action.

"What a powerful "decomposition"!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Shiba Tatsuya, but did not look at the three lightning bolts. He was a little curious about the appearance of "reorganization" when it was activated, and had a strong sense of anticipation for watching the "reorganization" magic with his own eyes.

"It's over!"

Qianyu Yeyou retracted his gaze.

At the same time that Qianyu Yeyou retracted his gaze, Shiba Tatsuya seemed to have noticed something and also looked in the direction of Qianyu Yeyou.


Yoshida Kanbiko did not expect that Shiba Tatsuya supported him.

"What's wrong?"


Shiba Tatsuya shook his head.

Shiba Tatsuya walked to a criminal who was knocked down, took off his mask, stretched out his fingers to measure his pulse, and felt relieved when he felt that the person was still alive.

"It's not fatal. Your method is very clever."

Shiba Tatsuya praised.


"Attacking from the blind spot, but not causing fatal injuries, and making the opponent lose combat effectiveness with one strike, this is the best result!"

Shiba Tatsuya observed that the three people were almost in the same situation, and couldn't help but praise again.

However, Yoshida Kanbiko clenched his fists. Although it was in the dark, the black muzzle of the gun was so clear that it still made him feel a little palpitating. If it weren't for Shiba Tatsuya's support, he might have been hit first!

Thinking of this, he felt ashamed of his lack of strength.

"But if it weren't for Tatsuya's support, I would have been hit long ago."

"Are you stupid?"


Yoshida Kanbiko was shocked by this word "idiot"


"That's just a hypothesis at most. The reality is that the criminals were successfully subdued because of your magic. This is the only fact."

Shiba Tatsuya found that Yoshida Kanbiko seemed to lack self-confidence, so he told him about his outstanding performance, hoping to make him have more confidence in himself.


Besides, even if I didn't take action, that guy wouldn't stand idly by.

Shiba Tatsuya stood up and looked in the direction of Qianyu Yeyou, but the words after "besides" were not said.

"Kanbiko, how do you think of your true strength?"


"No matter how many opponents you face, no matter how experienced your opponents are, as long as you are alone and don't need anyone's help, you can solve it cleanly and beautifully. Don't you regard this as a standard?"

Shiba Tatsuya looked at Yoshida Kanbiko in front of him, looking at this guy with some speculation.

Seeing Yoshida Kanbiko's expression, Shiba Tatsuya immediately knew that this guy really thought so!

Good guy!

He thought that he was a good strategic magician, but he had never thought of this.

You know, there is a group of people behind the strategic magician, Tatsuya Shiba, and he has to rely on many people. How dare this guy think of this?


"You are really a headache."

"Let me say it again, you are a fool."

"Why do you deny yourself so much?"

"Even if I tell you, you won't understand. It's irreversible."

Hearing Yoshida Kanbiko's words, Tatsuya Shiba didn't think so.

"That's not necessarily true!"

"Kanbiko, you care about the speed of magic activation, right?"

"Yes, you want to say that my magic activation formula is too messy, too useless, too fancy, not very practical, and it's used in the wrong direction?"

Yoshida Kanbiko seemed to know what Tatsuya Shiba wanted to say, and directly said the problem that Tatsuya Shiba wanted to say.


Knowing it but not changing it?

"Who told you this?"

Shiba Tatsuya saw Yoshida Kanbiko's expression and knew that this was not a problem he discovered himself.

"It was Chiba Yeyou who I met that time. He saw me practicing spirit magic once. He probably watched me for a long time and then told me about this problem."

"Don't tell me you can read my magic information too!"

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