The food was very delicious, but the food was very delicious.

This sudden loud question made the dining area silent for a moment.

"Miyuki, I've finished eating, so I'll leave first."

Shiba Tatsuya stood up, holding the plate and the drink and was about to leave.

From Qianyu Yeyou's perspective, it can be clearly seen that there is still about half of the food on Shiba Tatsuya's plate, and the paper drink cup can clearly see the shadow part of more than half.

[Shiba Tatsuya is not easy to be a guardian! ]

[The younger sister is too clingy. ]

[As a brother, I'm afraid that it will delay the younger sister from making friends and become alone except for himself. ]

[Forget it, since we know each other, I'll help him. 】

Qianyu Yeyou thought of this and stood up.

"Shiba! Bring Miyuki here, Ichihara Suzune-senpai wants to see you two!"

Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki were stunned for a moment, but Miyuki came over happily with a plate.

Shiba Tatsuya hesitated for a moment and also came over.


Ichihara Suzune was confused.

When did she call these two people?

What did she want?

How could she not know?


Ichihara Suzune looked at Qianyu Yeyou's apologetic eyes and didn't understand that she was being used as a gun.

[Good fellow! ]

[I just asked you to help me with something, and you just requisitioned me, right! ]

[Hey! ]

[Forget it, I have a good temper, just think of it as my care for my junior. 】

Just when Ichihara Suzune was sighing that she was blessed to suffer a loss, Shiba Tatsuya came over and sat opposite Shiba Miyuki, next to Chiba Yeyou.

"Thank you!"

Shiba Tatsuya said softly.

"No problem!"

Chiba Yeyou looked at the group of people without caring.

"Then let's go too..."

Before Xicheng Leohart finished speaking, Chiba Erica grabbed the hand holding the plate.

"What for?"

Xicheng Leohart looked at Chiba Erica in confusion.

Chiba Erica rolled her eyes unhappily and glanced at Shiba Miyuki.

[I'll give you a look and experience it yourself! ]

[Idiot! ]

Then Chiba Kelika took the plate and walked away first.

Although Xicheng Leohart was a little confused, he also followed Chiba Erica.


"What do you want?"

Qianyu Yeyou frowned and looked at the group of people and asked.


"Senior Ichihara Suzune has something to do with the three of us, you guys go over there and eat!"

Qianyu Yeyou waved his hand to interrupt the guy's words, and then pointed to an empty table.

Then he ignored the group of people and ate his own food.

The leading man glanced at Qianyu Yeyou's shoulder, oh, there was a badge, and then took the people away.


"A bunch of idiots, self-righteous stuff!"

"They will only stand at the highest point of their self-righteous status and point fingers at others."

"They won't even stand on the moral high ground to point fingers, it's ridiculous."

Qianyu Yeyou looked at their receding backs with disdain and shook his head.

"Thank you, Qianyu Yeyou!"

Shiba Miyuki also understood that it was this guy who helped them out of the predicament.

【This guy finally did something good! 】

Shiba Miyuki's impression of Chiyu Yeyou has changed a little.

【But why did he use the name of senior sister Ichihara Suzune? 】

Shiba Miyuki looked at Ichihara Suzune with some doubts.

As soon as Ichihara Suzune saw Shiba Miyuki's eyes, she knew that she also understood.

"Junior brother, remember that you owe a favor to senior sister!"

Ichihara Suzune stretched out an index finger, waved it in front of Chiyu Yeyou, picked up the finished plate and left.

She still had to get a few more meals, and there were still a few guys who were crying for food.

"If you want to eat together, just say it. Are you afraid of Shiba Tatsuya?"

Chiyu Yeyou looked at Shiba Miyuki and asked.

"Where...where is it?"

Shiba Miyuki's face suddenly turned red.

With a look of trying to cover up and accusing others, Chiyu Yeyou felt that this kid was hopeless.

"You too, what's wrong with the second-year student?"

"Did you eat their rice?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's as if your sister is isolated from the world when you are with her!"

Qianyu Yeyou turned his head and looked at Shiba Tatsuya.

Shiba Tatsuya didn't know what to say for a moment.

The feeling of being cared for suddenly...

Not bad...

"Okay, no more talking, you two take your time to eat!"

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at the food on Shiba Tatsuya's plate, which still had at least half of the food left, and then picked up the empty plate and left.

"Sorry, brother!"

Shiba Miyuki then noticed the untouched food on Shiba Tatsuya's plate, and realized that she had caused trouble for her brother.

"You don't need to apologize!"

Shiba Tatsuya patted the dog's head.

Then Shiba Miyuki's face turned rosy, and she became much gentler, and her cold temperament faded away.

[Sorry for what I thought of you before the handshake meeting. ]

[Qianyu Yeyou, you are a good person! ]


Qianyu Yeyou was walking on the way back to the teaching building, and was in a good mood while returning to his classroom.

He felt happy when he thought of doing a good deed today.

[Do one good deed a day. ]

[GET! 】

Then he thought of a favor from Ichihara Suzune, and his mood became not so good again.

[Damn it! ]

[I lost a lot today! ]

[Does this count as lighting myself up and illuminating others? ]

[Hey! ]

[I moved myself. How can I be so kind! ]

[I should give myself an award for moving China...]

[It seems that there is no China in this world, and the original Dragon Country has ascended to heaven! ]

[Anyway, it disappeared strangely. ]

[It seems that I can't even get this award. ]

Just when Qianyu Yeyou felt that he had lost out and was in a bad mood, and was a little distracted, a person came towards him.

Seeing that this person did not seem to avoid him at all, Qianyu Yeyou had to hide himself.

[Hey! ]

[Young people nowadays! ]

[Arrogant and impetuous! ]

[Why don't you learn from me! ]

[Can't you see such a good example? ]

[What a pity! ]

[He went blind at such a young age! ]

Although Qianyu Yeyou gave way, the man seemed to be pushing the issue and continued to walk towards him.

Qianyu Yeyou was walking with his head down, feeling sad and upset about his own greatness, and didn't care who the man was. Now he suddenly looked up and found that it was the Junior Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzang.

"What's the matter?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked with a strange look on his face.

Are you here to cause trouble?

[This is really true that those who are not kind will not come, and those who come have to be kind! ]

[Just when I was in a bad mood, you came to save me. ]

[Brother, you are so kind! 】

"I came to you to tell you not to have those unrealistic fantasies. Senior Nanakusa Mayumi is not someone you can get your hands on!"

"If you're counting on those rumors to win the heart of the senior, I advise you to give up on that idea!"

"If you have this idea, it's better to use all your energy on learning magic."

Hatsube Keibu Shaocheng Yuzang advised seriously.

【? ? ? 】

【What's wrong with you? 】

【Why does this expression seem a bit weird to me? 】

【Shouldn't you be very angry, and then I show you my care as a senior, and finally you give up and work hard to study magic, and it's good for you, me, and everyone else? 】

【Why do I feel that there is a faint smile? 】

Hatsube Keibu Shaocheng Yuzang felt a little numb when he was looked at by Qianyu Yeyou.

【Fuck! 】

【I'm the one in the most danger, right! 】

Thinking of this, Hattori Criminal Department Junior Secretary Huzang couldn't help but squeeze his legs together a little, feeling that this would give him a sense of security, and at the same time looked at Qianyu Yeyou with a wary look.

【? ? ? 】

【What's the matter with your wary look? 】

【And what does it mean when you squeeze your legs together? 】

【Hiss! 】

【Is that coming? ! 】

Qianyu Yeyou subconsciously moved away from Hattori Criminal Department Junior Secretary Huzang a little.

"Haha, what if I say no?"

Qianyu Yeyou sneered.

"Then show me your strength that I recognize!"

Hearing this, Hattori Criminal Department Junior Secretary Huzang instantly regained his momentum.


"What do you mean?"

【No way! 】

【You still want to have a mock battle with me? 】

【Has Shiba Tatsuya's tool business started to expand? 】

"Let's have a mock battle!"

Sure enough, just when Qianyu Yeyou was questioning it frantically, it came.

"Don't worry, only the two of us know about this matter, and it won't damage your reputation."

Looking at Qianyu Yeyou's incredible and unbelievable face, Fubu Xingbu Shaocheng Yuzang guessed that this junior was afraid that he would lose face, so he said with care.


"Then let's do it now, there's still half an hour left

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at the time.

First High School No. 1 Simulation Field

“You didn’t bring your CAD. Here are the school’s CADs. Choose one!”

The Junior Minister of Justice, Yuzo, saw that Qianyu Yeyou was carrying an ordinary communication device, not a CAD, so he found the school’s CAD and asked him to choose it.

It’s normal to think about it. After all, the school has strict management of CADs. Even if you bring them, you are not allowed to use them. So under normal circumstances, except for the members of the student union, few people will carry this thing every day.

“No, I can do it this way.”

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at this standard ‘garbage’ and said disdainfully.

[Do I need a CAD to fight you?]

[Do you think I’m Tatsuya Shiba?]

Qianyu Yeyou felt a little amused.

[As a student of the first department, it’s understandable that you can use magic without relying on CAD.]

“Well, the moment this coin falls to the ground, the battle begins! "

Hatsube Keibu Shaocheng Yuzang took out a coin, and after seeing Qianyu Yeyou nod, he threw it into the sky.

[First use vibration magic to make his body unstable, then use a backward drag magic to catch him off guard, and finally throw him against the wall to make him unconscious, and I win!]

[This way the damage is minimized, and then wake him up later!]


As Hattori Keibu Shaocheng Yuzang thought, the coin fell to the ground.

"The quantum field unfolds!"

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